
11. (2023·山西省晋中市·历年真题)Joe got a bar of chocolate from his father for his cleaning work at home.(1) ______ he was ready to eat it,his elder brother Jack returned home from school.He (2) ______ the chocolate from Joe and put it in his mouth and ran away.Joe rushed to his room (3) ______ and locked the room from the inside and fell on his bed,with tears on his face,worrying about his lost chocolate.
Learning about it,his father carried a larger bar of chocolate to Joe's (4) ______ .He knocked at the door and asked Joe to open it.He even told that he had a larger bar of chocolate for him.But Joe (5) ______ to listen to his father.He lay on the bed,paying no attention to his father's knock and talk.He continued to cry,thinking about his small loss(损失).His (6) ______ stopped him from getting a much greater joy.
We may(7) ______ a lot of time,energy and chances worrying about the small losses that have happened in our lives,and blaming(责怪) the persons who we think are responsible for our losses.By doing this,we are actually refusing to receive (8) ______ gifts from life.It's really foolish action.
1.A. If B. When C. Though
2.A. ate up. B. took away C. gave out
3.A. carefully B. bravely C. angrily
4.A. room B. school C. yard
5.A. refused B. needed C. tried
6.A. hope B. secret C. worry
7.A. imagine B. waste C. notice
8.A. greater B. cheaper C. smaller
(2)考查动词短语。句意:他从乔手里拿过巧克力,放进嘴里,然后跑开了。ate up吃光;took away拿走;gave out分发。根据句意可知,杰克拿走巧克力就吃了。故选B。
(4)考查名词。句意:父亲知道后,拿了一块更大的巧克力到乔的房间。room房间;school学校;yard院子。根据"He knocked at the door and asked Joe to open it.(他敲了敲门,让乔把门打开。)"可知,父亲来到乔的房门前,故选A。
(5)考查动词。句意:但乔拒绝听父亲的话。refused拒绝;needed需要;tried尝试。根据"paying no attention to his father's knock and talk.(根本不理会他父亲的敲门和说话。)"可知,乔拒绝听父亲的话。故选A。
(6)考查名词。句意:他的忧虑使他无法得到更大的快乐。hope希望;secret秘密;worry忧虑。根据"worrying about his lost chocolate(担心他丢失的巧克力)"可知,乔的忧虑让他无法得到更大的快乐。故选C。
12. (2023·北京市市辖区·历年真题)Be What's Missing
Where was that cashier (收银员) Impatient, I quickly looked at my watch. I hardly had enough time to eat a sandwich and rush back to work.
I looked around the nearly empty 1 , but the cashier was nowhere in sight. A woman stood wiping (擦) the far end of the counter. She looked at me coldly with sad, dark eyes.
I 2 , getting angry. I'd been standing there for at least three minutes!
Controlling my anger, I remembered Mom's words. "Whenever you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, just think about what is missing. If someone is unkind, then kindness is missing. If someone is hateful, then 3 is missing. If we will be what's missing, then we'll provide whatever the situation needs."
And here I was in an unpleasant situation. How should I "be what's missing" What was missing was 4 . Maybe I should just jump behind the counter and take my own order.
Just then the woman walked slowly towards me. "May I help you " she asked, still 5 . She looked so tired. No doubt, she was overworked.
I took a deep breath. With Mom's words ringing in my head, I gave the woman my order...and smiled. "How are you today "
My question seemed to 6 her. She eyed me for a second before answering. "Not too good."
"I'm sorry." I said. "I hope it gets better starting right now."
She almost smiled as she looked at me. "Thanks. I hope you're right."
I thought to myself as I ate my sandwich. We're all the same, really. We have problems and angers, we get tired and we hurt. We need to be 7 to each other.
After eating, I wiped the table cleaner than usual, and put the tray (托盘) back nicely on the stand. The woman was watching me, a big smile on her face.
"Be what's missing." It 8 .
1.A. restaurant B. street C. school D. office
2.A. agreed B. finished C. waited D. left
3.A. trust B. love C. patience D. confidence
4.A. hope B. advice C. money D. service
5.A. nervously B. carefully C. coldly D. kindly
6.A. disappoint B. hurt C. trouble D. surprise
7.A. nicer B. cooler C. closer D. fairer
8.A. said B. worked C. read D. ended
1. 句意:我环顾了几乎空荡的餐厅,但收银员不在视线内。restaurant餐厅;street街道;school学校;office办公室。根据上文I hardly had enough time to eat a sandwich and rush back to work.并结合空后but the cashier was nowhere in sight可推断,出作者需要出来吃点东西,然后回去工作,应是环顾餐厅。故选A。
2. 句意:我在等待中变得生气。agreed同意;finished完成;waited等待;left留下。根据后文I'd been standing there for at least three minutes! 可知,此处指的是在等待中变得生气。故选C。
3. 句意:如果一个人是讨厌的,那么爱不见了。trust相信;love爱;patience耐心;confidence自信心。根据前文If some one is unkind, then kindness is missing.可知,unkind和kindness为对应关系,结合空前If someone is hateful与hateful对应的词为love。故选B。
4. 句意:不见的是服务。hope希望;advice建议;money钱;service 服务。根据空后Maybe I should just jump behind the counter and take my own order. 可推知,此处指的是服务。故选D。
5. 句意:“我可以帮你吗 ”她仍然冷漠地问。nervously紧张地;carefully仔细地;coldly冷漠地;kindly友善地。根据第二段最后一句She looked at me coldly with sad, dark eyes.可知,此处是coldly的同词复现,对应空格前的“still”,意思是她仍然冷漠地问。故选C。
6. 句意:我的问题似乎使她惊讶。disappoint使失望;hurt使受伤;trouble使烦恼;surprise使惊讶。根据后文She eyed me for a second before answering.可推知,作者的问题似乎使她惊讶。故选D。
7. 句意:我们需要对彼此更友善。nicer更友善的;closer更近的;cooler更冷漠的;fairer更公正的。根据前文We're all the same, really. We have problems and angers, we get tired and we hurt.可推知,需要对彼此更友善。故选A。
8. 句意:“成为缺失的东西。”它凑效了。said说;worked工作,奏效;read阅读;ended结束。根据The woman was watching me, a big smile on her face.可推知,作者以善良应对冷漠,最终奏效了。故选B。
13. (2023·辽宁省大连市·历年真题)How long is sanshe in the idiom tuibi sanshe(退避三舍)?
In ancient times,she was a unit of distance(距离).One she is as (1) ______ as 30 li.One li is 500 meters and 30 li is 15,000 meters.So sanshe is 45 kilometers.
There is a story behind this idiom.During the Spring and Autumn Period(770 BC——476 BC),Prince Chong'er of the Jin State ran away from his home state.He (2) ______ to travel to other states.
Once,he went to the state of Chu.King,Chengwang of Chu saw him as an important guest and (3) ______ him a feast(盛宴).He asked Chong'er,"If you rule state of Jin one day,how would you thank me?""It seems your state has everything you want.I have nothing that you like,"Chong'er said.However,the king (4) ______ asked for something.Finally,Chong'er said,"I would ask my soldiers to retreat(撤退) sanshe if we ever fight."
Later,Chong'er (5) ______ to his home state of Jin and became its ruler called Wengong.Both of the two (6) ______ wanted to become stronger and get more land.They went to war with each other.
Jin Wengong didn't (7) ______ his promise.He asked his soldiers to retreat sanshe in Chengpu.The Chu soldiers thought that the Jin soldiers were afraid to fight,so they followed them.To their surprise,the Jin soldiers surrounded(包围) them. (8) ______ ,Jin won the war.This was the famous Battle of Chengpu.After this war,people used tuibi sanshe to mean retreating to avoid a conflict(冲突).
1.A. much B. large C. far D. fast
2.A. offered B. wanted C. failed D. promised
3.A. served B. passed C. showed D. paid
4.A. always B. already C. just D. still
5.A. moved B. returned C. walked D. got
6.A. persons B. countries C. friends D. states
7.A. break B. make C. keep D. accept
8.A. In fact B. At first C. In the end D. Above all
【解析】(1)考查形容词。句意:一舍远至三十里。A.多的;B.巨大的;C.远的;D.快的。as far as远至;结合上文In ancient times,she was a unit of distance.(在古代,一舍是距离单位。)可知,此处是一舍远至三十里。,故选:C。
(2)考查动词。句意:他想去其他国家旅行。A.主动提出;B.想要;C.失败;D.许诺。结合上文Prince Chong'er of the Jin State ran away from his home state.(金国的太子重耳离家出走。)可知,此处是他想去其他国家旅行,故选:B。
(3)考查动词。句意:有一次,他去了楚国,楚王成王把他当作重要的客人,宴请他。A.提供;B.通过;C.显示;D.付费。结合上文King,Chengwang of Chu saw him as an important guest (楚王成王把他当作一个重要的客人)可知,此处是为他提供盛宴,故选:A。
(4)考查副词。句意:然而,国王还是问了一些事情。A.一直;B.已经;C.只是;D.还在。结合上文?"It seems your state has everything you want.I have nothing that you like,"Chong'er said.However,("看来你的国家有你想要的一切。我没有你喜欢的。"重耳说。但是,)可知,此处是国王还是问了一些事情,故选:D。
(5)考查动词。句意:后来,重耳回到了自己的家乡晋国,成为了晋国的统治者文公。A.移动;B.返回;C.步行;D.得到。结合下文became its ruler called Wengong.(成为了晋国的统治者文公)可知,此处是重耳回到了自己的家乡晋国,故选:B。
(6)考查名词。句意:两个国家都想变得更强大,获得更多的土地。A.个人;B.国家;C.朋友;D.国家(尤用于讨论政治事务时)。结合下文They went to war with each other.(它们互相开战。)可知,此处是两个国家,故选:D。
(7)考查动词。句意:晋文公并没有食言。A.打破;B.使;C.保持;D.接受。结合下文He asked his soldiers to retreat sanshe in Chengpu.(他让自己的士兵撤退到城濮的三舍,)可知,此处是没有食言,break his promise违背他的诺言,故选:A。
(8)考查固定短语。句意:最后,晋赢得了这场战争。A.事实上;B.起初;C.最后;D.最重要的是。结合下文Jin won the war(晋赢得了这场战争)可知,此处是最后,故选:C。
14. (2023·北京市·历年真题)
Be What's Missing
Where was that cashier(收银员)?Impatient,I quickly looked at my watch.I hardly had enough time to eat a sandwich and rush back to work.
I looked around the nearly empty(1) ______ ,but the cashier was nowhere in sight.A woman stood wiping(擦) the far end of the counter.She looked at me coldly with sad,dark eyes.
I(2) ______ ,getting angry.I'd been standing there for at least three minutes!
Controlling my anger,I remembered Mon's words. "Whenever you find yourself in an unpleasant situation,just think about what is missing.If someone is unkind,then kindness is missing.If someone is hateful,then(3) ______ is missing.If we will be what's missing,then we'll provide whatever the situation needs."
And here I was in an unpleasant situation.How should I "be what's missing"?What was missing was(4) ______ .Maybe I should just jump behind the counter and take my own order.
Just then the woman walked slowly towards me. "May I help you?" she asked,still(5) ______ .She looked so tired.No doubt,she was overworked.
I look a deep breath.With Mon's words ringing in my head,I gave the woman my order…and smiled.
"How are you today?"
My question seemed to(6) ______ her.She eyed me for a second before answering. "Not too good."
"I'm sorry," I said. "I hope it gets better starting right now."
She almost smiled as she looked at me. "Thanks.I hope you're right. "
I thought to myself as I ate my sandwich.We're all the same,really.We have problems and angers,we get tired and we hurt.We need to be(7) ______ to each other.
After eating,I wiped the table cleaner than usual,and put the tray(托盘) back nicely on the stand.The woman was watching me,a big smile on her face.
"Be what's missing." It(8) ______ .
1.A. restaurant B. street C. school D. office
2.A. agreed B. finished C. waited D. left
3.A. trust B. love C. patience D. confidence
4.A. hope B. advice C. money D. service
5.A. nervously B. carefully C. coldly D. kindly
6.A. disappoint B. hurt C. trouble D. surprise
7.A. nicer B. closer C. cooler D. fairer
8.A. said B. worked C. read D. ended
【解析】(1)考查名词。句意:我环视了一下几乎空无一人的餐厅,却看不到收银员。A饭店,B街道,C学校,D办公室,根据I hardly had enough time to eat a sandwich and rush back to work.(我几乎没有足够的时间吃三明治然后赶回工作岗位。)可知我环视了一下几乎空无一人的餐厅,故选A。
(2)考查动词。句意:我等着,很生气。A同意,B完成,C等待,D离开,根据I looked around the nearly empty restaurant,but the cashier was nowhere in sight.(我环视了一下几乎空无一人的餐厅,却看不到收银员。)可知我等着,故选C。
(3)考查名词。句意:如果一个人可恨,那么爱就缺失了。A信任,B爱,C耐心,D自信,根据If someone is unkind,then kindness is missing.(如果有人不友善,那么善良就缺失了。)可知如果一个人可恨,那么爱就缺失了,故选B。
(4)考查名词。句意:缺少的是服务。A希望,B建议,C钱,D服务,根据I looked around the nearly empty restaurant,but the cashier was nowhere in sight.(我环视了一下几乎空无一人的餐厅,却看不到收银员。)可知缺少的是服务,故选D。
(5)考查副词。句意:就在这时,女人慢慢地向我走来。"我能帮你吗?"她问道,仍然很冷淡。A紧张地,B小心地,C冷冷地,D善良地,根据Just then the woman walked slowly towards me.(就在这时,女人慢慢地向我走来。)可知仍然很冷淡,故选C。
(6)考查动词。句意:我的问题似乎让她大吃一惊。A失望,B伤害,C麻烦,D惊讶,根据She eyed me for a second before answering. "Not too good."(她看了我一会儿才回答。"不太好。")可知我的问题似乎让她大吃一惊,故选D。
(8)考查动词。句意:它起作用了。A说,B工作,C读,D结束,根据上文的故事作者想起了朋友的话:Whenever you find yourself in an unpleasant situation,just think about what is missing.If someone is unkind,then kindness is missing.(每当你发现自己处于不愉快的境地时,想想缺少了什么。如果有人不友善,那么善良就缺失了。)可知它起作用了,故选B。
15. (2023·全国·历年真题)I had a close call the other day.A man called last week and said he was a(1) ______ .He told me there was a problem with my bank account (账户),and he would like to fix it(2) ______ me.
I didn't do what he told me to do and went to my bank (3) ______ .I asked the clerk whether there was a problem with my bank account.The clerk told me there was (4) ______ wrong with it.She asked why I was worried about it,so I told (5) ______ about the phone call.She said that the police don't call people about their bank accounts.Luckily,I was so careful that I didn't (6) ______ any information.In the future,if anyone calls you about your bank account,don't (7) ______ what the caller says.
Don't take any action (8) ______ you have checked your account with the bank.You can never be too careful.
1.A. driver B. doctor C. teacher D. policeman
2.A. for B. on C. at D. to
3.A. on time B. at once C. in turn D. by mistake
4.A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything
5.A. it B. him C. her D. them
6.A. find out B. give out C. hand out D. check out
7.A. know B. think C. guess D. believe
8.A. when B. while C. until D. after
【解析】(1)考查名词。句意:上星期有个人打电话来说他是警察。driver司机;doctor医生;teacher老师;policeman警察。根据下文"She said that the police don't call people about their bank accounts. "(她说警察不会打电话询问人们的银行账户。)可知,是指警察,故选D。
(2)考查介词。句意:他告诉我我的银行账户出了问题,他愿意帮我解决。for为了;on在……上;at在;to到。根据"he would like to fix it...me."(他愿意帮我解决)可知,是指电话那头的人说可以为作者解决这个问题,故选A。
(3)考查短语。句意:我没有照他说的做,立刻去了银行。on time准时;at once立刻;in turn轮流;by mistake错误地。根据"I didn't do what he told me to do and went to my bank"(我没有照他说的做,去了银行。)可知,作者不太相信,所以立刻去了银行。故选B。
(4)考查代词。句意:职员告诉我没有什么问题。nothing没有什么;anything任何事;something某事;everything一切。根据"She asked why I was worried about it,"(她问我为什么担心)可知,作者的银行账户没有什么问题,故选A。
(5)考查代词。句意:她问我为什么担心,我就告诉了她那通电话的事。it它;him他;her她;them他们。此空是指银行职员,结合前句"She asked why I was worried about it,"(她问我为什么担心)可知,是女性,应用her,故选C。
(6)考查短语。句意:幸运的是,我很小心,没有透露任何信息。find out弄清;give out透露,公开;hand out分发;check out查看。根据"I was so careful that I didn't...any information."(我很小心,没有......任何信息)可知,作者没有向电话那头的人透露任何信息,故选B。
(7)考查动词。句意:以后,如果有人打电话问你的银行账户,不要相信打电话的人说的话。know知道;think认为;guess猜测;believe相信。根据"if anyone calls you about your bank account."(如果有人打电话问你的银行账户)以及文章所介绍的内容可知,如果有人打电话问你的银行账户,不要相信打电话的人说的话。故选D。
11.Joe got a bar of chocolate from his father for his cleaning work at home.(1) ______ he was ready to eat it,his elder brother Jack returned home from school.He (2) ______ the chocolate from Joe and put it in his mouth and ran away.Joe rushed to his room (3) ______ and locked the room from the inside and fell on his bed,with tears on his face,worrying about his lost chocolate.
Learning about it,his father carried a larger bar of chocolate to Joe's (4) ______ .He knocked at the door and asked Joe to open it.He even told that he had a larger bar of chocolate for him.But Joe (5) ______ to listen to his father.He lay on the bed,paying no attention to his father's knock and talk.He continued to cry,thinking about his small loss(损失).His (6) ______ stopped him from getting a much greater joy.
We may(7) ______ a lot of time,energy and chances worrying about the small losses that have happened in our lives,and blaming(责怪) the persons who we think are responsible for our losses.By doing this,we are actually refusing to receive (8) ______ gifts from life.It's really foolish action.
1.A. If B. When C. Though
2.A. ate up. B. took away C. gave out
3.A. carefully B. bravely C. angrily
4.A. room B. school C. yard
5.A. refused B. needed C. tried
6.A. hope B. secret C. worry
7.A. imagine B. waste C. notice
8.A. greater B. cheaper C. smaller
12.Be What's Missing
Where was that cashier Impatient, I quickly looked at my watch. I hardly had enough time to eat a sandwich and rush back to work.
I looked around the nearly empty 1 , but the cashier was nowhere in sight. A woman stood wiping the far end of the counter. She looked at me coldly with sad, dark eyes.
I 2 , getting angry. I'd been standing there for at least three minutes!
Controlling my anger, I remembered Mom's words. "Whenever you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, just think about what is missing. If someone is unkind, then kindness is missing. If someone is hateful, then 3 is missing. If we will be what's missing, then we'll provide whatever the situation needs."
And here I was in an unpleasant situation. How should I "be what's missing" What was missing was 4 . Maybe I should just jump behind the counter and take my own order.
Just then the woman walked slowly towards me. "May I help you " she asked, still 5 . She looked so tired. No doubt, she was overworked.
I took a deep breath. With Mom's words ringing in my head, I gave the woman my order...and smiled. "How are you today "
My question seemed to 6 her. She eyed me for a second before answering. "Not too good."
"I'm sorry." I said. "I hope it gets better starting right now."
She almost smiled as she looked at me. "Thanks. I hope you're right."
I thought to myself as I ate my sandwich. We're all the same, really. We have problems and angers, we get tired and we hurt. We need to be 7 to each other.
After eating, I wiped the table cleaner than usual, and put the tray (托盘) back nicely on the stand. The woman was watching me, a big smile on her face.
"Be what's missing." It 8 .
1.A. restaurant B. street C. school D. office
2.A. agreed B. finished C. waited D. left
3.A. trust B. love C. patience D. confidence
4.A. hope B. advice C. money D. service
5.A. nervously B. carefully C. coldly D. kindly
6.A. disappoint B. hurt C. trouble D. surprise
7.A. nicer B. cooler C. closer D. fairer
8.A. said B. worked C. read D. ended
13.How long is sanshe in the idiom tuibi sanshe(退避三舍)?
In ancient times,she was a unit of distance(距离).One she is as (1) ______ as 30 li.One li is 500 meters and 30 li is 15,000 meters.So sanshe is 45 kilometers.
There is a story behind this idiom.During the Spring and Autumn Period(770 BC——476 BC),Prince Chong'er of the Jin State ran away from his home state.He (2) ______ to travel to other states.
Once,he went to the state of Chu.King,Chengwang of Chu saw him as an important guest and (3) ______ him a feast(盛宴).He asked Chong'er,"If you rule state of Jin one day,how would you thank me?""It seems your state has everything you want.I have nothing that you like,"Chong'er said.However,the king (4) ______ asked for something.Finally,Chong'er said,"I would ask my soldiers to retreat(撤退) sanshe if we ever fight."
Later,Chong'er (5) ______ to his home state of Jin and became its ruler called Wengong.Both of the two (6) ______ wanted to become stronger and get more land.They went to war with each other.
Jin Wengong didn't (7) ______ his promise.He asked his soldiers to retreat sanshe in Chengpu.The Chu soldiers thought that the Jin soldiers were afraid to fight,so they followed them.To their surprise,the Jin soldiers surrounded(包围) them. (8) ______ ,Jin won the war.This was the famous Battle of Chengpu.After this war,people used tuibi sanshe to mean retreating to avoid a conflict(冲突).
1.A. much B. large C. far D. fast
2.A. offered B. wanted C. failed D. promised
3.A. served B. passed C. showed D. paid
4.A. always B. already C. just D. still
5.A. moved B. returned C. walked D. got
6.A. persons B. countries C. friends D. states
7.A. break B. make C. keep D. accept
8.A. In fact B. At first C. In the end D. Above all
Be What's Missing
Where was that cashier(收银员)?Impatient,I quickly looked at my watch.I hardly had enough time to eat a sandwich and rush back to work.
I looked around the nearly empty(1) ______ ,but the cashier was nowhere in sight.A woman stood wiping(擦) the far end of the counter.She looked at me coldly with sad,dark eyes.
I(2) ______ ,getting angry.I'd been standing there for at least three minutes!
Controlling my anger,I remembered Mon's words. "Whenever you find yourself in an unpleasant situation,just think about what is missing.If someone is unkind,then kindness is missing.If someone is hateful,then(3) ______ is missing.If we will be what's missing,then we'll provide whatever the situation needs."
And here I was in an unpleasant situation.How should I "be what's missing"?What was missing was(4) ______ .Maybe I should just jump behind the counter and take my own order.
Just then the woman walked slowly towards me. "May I help you?" she asked,still(5) ______ .She looked so tired.No doubt,she was overworked.
I look a deep breath.With Mon's words ringing in my head,I gave the woman my order…and smiled.
"How are you today?"
My question seemed to(6) ______ her.She eyed me for a second before answering. "Not too good."
"I'm sorry," I said. "I hope it gets better starting right now."
She almost smiled as she looked at me. "Thanks.I hope you're right. "
I thought to myself as I ate my sandwich.We're all the same,really.We have problems and angers,we get tired and we hurt.We need to be(7) ______ to each other.
After eating,I wiped the table cleaner than usual,and put the tray(托盘) back nicely on the stand.The woman was watching me,a big smile on her face.
"Be what's missing." It(8) ______ .
1.A. restaurant B. street C. school D. office
2.A. agreed B. finished C. waited D. left
3.A. trust B. love C. patience D. confidence
4.A. hope B. advice C. money D. service
5.A. nervously B. carefully C. coldly D. kindly
6.A. disappoint B. hurt C. trouble D. surprise
7.A. nicer B. closer C. cooler D. fairer
8.A. said B. worked C. read D. ended
15.I had a close call the other day.A man called last week and said he was a(1) ______ .He told me there was a problem with my bank account (账户),and he would like to fix it(2) ______ me.
I didn't do what he told me to do and went to my bank (3) ______ .I asked the clerk whether there was a problem with my bank account.The clerk told me there was (4) ______ wrong with it.She asked why I was worried about it,so I told (5) ______ about the phone call.She said that the police don't call people about their bank accounts.Luckily,I was so careful that I didn't (6) ______ any information.In the future,if anyone calls you about your bank account,don't (7) ______ what the caller says.
Don't take any action (8) ______ you have checked your account with the bank.You can never be too careful.
1.A. driver B. doctor C. teacher D. policeman
2.A. for B. on C. at D. to
3.A. on time B. at once C. in turn D. by mistake
4.A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything
5.A. it B. him C. her D. them
6.A. find out B. give out C. hand out D. check out
7.A. know B. think C. guess D. believe
8.A. when B. while C. until D. after



