
1.—Tommy, you can never let others know what I have told you today.
—Don't worry. I will keep the s________.
2.Jane is an a________girl. She often takes part in all kinds of activities in our school.
3.—What else should we pay a________to to finish building the bridge
—The change of the weather, I think.
4.First, don't be afraid of making m________.
5.The cooking time needed d________on the size of the potato.
6.Lucy thinks that m________English words by making word cards is a good way.
7.The MP5 p________ is getting smaller and smaller so that it can be carried very easily.
8.In order to get good grades in math test, I r__________ my notes last night.
9.If you give me three more days, I will d________the secret of it.
10.Please p__________the word in a right way.
11.I will also learn more g________to have a better understanding of English movies.
12.C________is her favorite subject at school.
13.As students, we must learn how to spend the money and time w________.
14.There are a number of books in the library and the number of them is still i__________.
15.—I missed the school bus again this morning.
—It s__________you right.I told you to get up 10 minutes earlier.
16.I don't want to r________what you said. Instead, I hope to have my own idea.
17.The thief s__________ five hundred dollars from the old woman while she was shopping.
18.The old man has been d__________ for three days. I felt very sorry for his death.
19.After a 3-week winter vacation, students usually put on some p________when they return to school.
20.My mother always warns me not to talk to s________.
21.I don't know w________he will come this afternoon or not.
22.Bad news s__________quickly among the people, and everyone began to keep away from him.
23.I have w________him not to play with fire many times.
24.Scrooge promised to t__________others nicely after the three ghosts visited him.
25.There's a feeling of w________and trust here. I will come here again.
26.W________is the last to leave should close the windows.
27.I usually visit my r________ and friends during the Spring Festival.
28.Jack, who has a large company, went to Shanghai on b________yesterday.
29.For d________, you can have ice cream or apple pies.
30.As we all know, C__________ is on December 25th.
1.secret 2.active 3.attention 4.mistakes
5.depends 6.memorizing 7.player 8.reviewed
9.discover 10.pronounce 11.grammar
12.Chemistry/Chinese 13.wisely 14.increasing
15.serves 16.repeat 17.stole 18.dead 19.pounds
20.strangers 21.whether 22.spread 23.warned
24.treat 25.warmth 26.Whoever 27.relatives
28.business 29.dessert 30.Christmas
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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1.A man r________into a burning flat to save a boy.
2.I'm sorry, Mrs. Smith. I didn't hand in my homework on time. I hope you will p________me.
3.Our teacher often s__________us that we should have good learning habits.
4.He m________more than 30 letters to his son who learned in another country last year.
5.The skirt is only ¥20. It's i__________. Do you want to buy one
6.You should know how to make r__________politely especially when you ask for help in a new place.
7.What kinds of c__________did you take in your first year in high school
8.If you give me a d________answer to the question, I can understand it better.
9.People used letters with s__________to communicate with people far away from them,but now people can communicate in a more convenient way.
10.He had a poor sense of d________and soon got lost.
11.I live next to the supermarket. It's very c__________for me to buy things.
12.It is important for us to know how to ask for help p________.
13.I hit my knee on the c________of the table. It still hurts now.
14.There is a lake called E________Lake in Shaoxing while a lake called West Lake is in Hangzhou.
15.John was very sad because he f__________the history exam.
16.I think the light bulb is the most h__________invention in our daily life.
17.Teachers' behavior has a strong i__________on the students.
18.Her parents take p________in everything good that she does.
19.Would you mind giving us a general i__________about the changes in your life
20.You shouldn't smoke in some p________places because it's against the law.
21.Could you tell me how I can d________with the problems
22.There are many differences between American English and B________English.
23.He won the first place in the singing competition and his parents were p________of him.
24.In that situation, I overcame my s__________, went up to him and asked the way.
25.We all know lazy people s________succeed, so we should work hard to be successful.
26.David has a strong heart and d__________to face the failure when he grows up.
27.The reporter has i________ more than 20,000 famous people so far.
28.We r__________details of your name and address so that we can keep in touch with you.
29.The actor is h________. The film makes me laugh. I expect to watch it again.
30.Thank you very much. Your help is e________what I need.
1.rushed 2.pardon 3.suggests 4.mailed
5.inexpensive 6.requests 7.courses 8.direct
9.stamps 10.direction 11.convenient 12.politely
13.corner 14.East 15.failed 16.helpful
17.influence 18.pride 19.introduction 20.public
21.deal 22.British 23.proud 24.shyness
25.seldom 26.dares 27.interviewed 28.require
29.humorous 30.exactly
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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1.It is said that two G________and three Japanese are going to visit our school next week.
2.I need a pair of g________in winter to keep my hands warm.
3.In those days, bikes were not w________used because few people could have enough money to buy one.
4.—Mr. Zhang has been made the most popular teacher in our school this year.
—He always has a way to make his class l__________and interesting.
5.China is getting better and better at making high-technology p________.
6.People around the world can hardly a________buying goods made in China.
7.Look! Mr. Green is watering the g________and flowers in the garden.
8.Chinese knots are a f________of Chinese traditional art. 
9.The factory p________more than 1,000 cars every year.
10.He c__________the work on time though he met lots of difficulties.
11.We are going to Iceland and I am p__________more warm clothes.
12.It's rude to point at anyone with your c________when you are eating at the table.
13.A pair of s________is used for cutting things.
14.WTO is an important i__________group.
15.Our team will win without d________. It's the best team.
16.If you want to get more information about English learning, please surf the Internet and visit our w________.
17.—What he said did have a p________.
—That's because he's really knowledgeable and experienced.
18.The traffic accident happened all of a s________, but luckily the boy was brought to a safe place.
19.This book will be t________into three languages next year.
20.Our class was d__________into five groups to play the game yesterday.
21.The company promises to offer good service to all the c________.
22.Whenever you are b__________ something in the kitchen, you must be careful.
23.The tea leaves r________in the water for some time. It smells wonderful.
24. Students are working in pairs on the p__________. They need to work together.
25.The cup is n__________empty. We need to make it full.
26.The young men saved the child who was in danger in time. People think they are h________.
27.The price of this coat is much l________than that one. I can afford it.
28.At the party we have b________, chocolate and lemonade.
29.Computers are becoming more and more important in our d__________ life.
30.This kind of drink produces a pleasant s________. Many children like to drink it.
1.Germans 2.gloves 3.widely 4.lively 5.products
6.avoid 7.grass 8.form 9.produces 10.completed
11.packing 12.chopsticks 13.scissors
14.international 15.doubt 16.website 17.point
18.sudden 19.translated 20.divided 21.customers 22.boiling 23.remain 24.project  25.nearly 26.heroes 27.lower 28.biscuits 29.daily 30.smell
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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1.—I drank some wine just now. Could you drive me home, Tom
—Oh, sorry. I don't have a driver's l________.
2.It is a s________ disease and does great harm to human beings.
3.Her mother doesn't allow her to wear e________.
4.—I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.
—I d________. They always talk instead of doing homework.
5.Tina didn't agree with her mother and t________back loudly.
6.—In some mountain villages, children can't get enough food and even have no c__________to go to school.
—I'm sorry to hear that. We should give s________to them.
7.—Would you like to go to the space museum
—I'd love to, but I haven't made a d________. I'll think about it.
8.Ben was helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily a________the windows.
9.—Mr. Li, I'm tired of doing too many exercises every day.
—Oh, Jack, without hard work, you can't a________your dream.
10.It's a wise c__________to wear the gray tie. It matches your shirt well.
11.I r________not choosing the blue one. The red one was really ugly.
12.The public should be e________to care about the wild animals.
13.—Why does the mother look worried
—Because her baby is c__________all the time.
14.Parents and schools worry about the s________of the school buses.
15.I had never seen a more a__________movie than this one. I had a scary dream last night.
16.Everyone should play an important part in our c________.Neighbors are more important than relatives in some ways.
17.Food is so important that laws are made to p__________crimes on food safety.
18.That hair b__________might be Lucy's or Lily's.They both have long hair.
19.I think this toy t________must belong to Tony, because he was the only little kid in the room.
20.—W________skirt is it —It's Sally's.
21.Excuse me, is there a________ sitting here
22.Jane went to London to a__________a business meeting.
23.If you describe something as h________, you mean that they are usually strange or difficult to explain.
24.In most Western s________, it is common for children to move out when they are old enough.
25.The villagers know there are some w________in that forest. They always come to kill their sheep.
26.Some mysteries in our neighborhood made me feel u________.
27.The students who are often s________during lessons may learn less than they can.
28.My mother likes to practice yoga o________ while my father likes to watch TV indoors.
29.Is there anything v________ in your missing bag, sir
30.If they e________ the building without permission, they would be breaking the law.
1.license 2.serious 3.earrings 4.disagree 5.talked
6.chance; support 7.decision 8.against 9.achieve
10.choice 11.regretted 12.educated 13.crying
14.safety 15.awful 16.community 17.prevent
18.band 19.truck/train 20.Whose 21.anybody
22.attend 23.happenings 24.societies 25.wolves 26.uneasy 27.sleepy 28.outdoors 29.valuable
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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1.I p__________light music to pop music when I was young.
2.You're s________to clean your room up before you go out.
3.We raised 12,000 dollars in t________, and in this way we can help the children in the poor areas.
4.Nobody feels like watching d________although they provide plenty of information for us.
5.His father was dead, and nothing could stop him away from s________.
6.If you s________to the truth, you will fear nothing.
7.—How happy the grandparents are!
—Yes, they have been m________for seventy years.
8.—I missed the beginning of the movie Zootopia last night.
—What a p________! But you can get some information on the Internet.
9.He s________someone moving around behind him just now.
10.What you said r________your thoughts.
11.The A__________seasons are opposite to seasons in China.
12.I hope there is no w______happening in the world. Everybody loves peace.
13.Abing's Erquan Yingyue is still played and p________by erhu masters today.
14.The TV show doesn't interest me very much. It's boring, I s________.
15.The book is well w________reading. I plan to buy one.
16.Listening to the relaxing music always makes me r________.
17.—All the workers went home yesterday e__________Mr.White. Why
—Because he was on duty.
18.The man cleaned dirt o__________his shoes before entering the living room.
19.If you don't v__________your health, you will lose it sooner or later.
20.Tommy k________his mother, said “goodbye” and left for school.
21.—Do you mind if I sit next to you, young man
—Of course not. The seat is e________.
22.—Could you tell me something about Paris
—Of course. Paris is the c________of France.
23.You must take your p________when you go abroad.
24.I hope you can give me as many s________as possible, Tony. I really need your help.
25.I make an e________to be on time when I meet my friends.
26.Linda d________by her friend's house when she came back from work.
27.In the n__________part of Russia, it is very cold all year round.
28.It is a c________to give presents to each other at Christmas in Western countries.
29.—Don't be so rude. You should b________as a gentleman.
—Sorry. I will try to do it better.
30.Traditional teachers are more used to writing important points with the c________on the blackboard.
1.preferred 2.supposed 3.total 4.documentaries
5.sadness 6.stick 7.married 8.pity 9.sensed
10.reflected 11.Australian 12.war 13.praised
14.suppose 15.worth 16.relaxed 17.except 18.off
19.value 20.kissed 21.empty 22.capital
23.passport 24.suggestions 25.effort 26.dropped 27.northern 28.custom 29.behave 30.chalk
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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1.We haven't got a letter from her l________. We don't have any information about her.
2.You must have c__________if you want to do something difficult or challenging.
3.Don't p________the door! You should push it.
4.The little girl is too frightened, and her face turns p________.
5.Neither Li Hua n__________I am good at writing.
6.Smile passes love and f________and helps shorten the distance between you and other people.
7.B__________running , he also likes swimming and playing basketball. He is a sports fan.
8.I don't want to d________my parents. I make up my mind to work hard.
9.She depends on her father r________than her mother.
10.The man is very rich. He has much w________.
11.Sam carried the child on his s________.
12.Carl doesn't eat too much meat to lose w________.
13.A b________is someone who works in a bank at a senior level.
14.The boy k________the ball to me, but I didn't catch it.
15.His father offered a great idea. He n________in agreement right away.
16.You aren't supposed to walk w________, sir. The TV station is in the east of this road.
17.My brother is an ordinary w________. He works in a factory near our home.
18.Michael is an honest boy. What he said is b________, so we should trust him.
19.Would you please give me a l________ I will go to the post office.
20.—I like the weather in Kunming. It's warm all year round.
—Yes. And the temperature stays a________ zero all the time.
21.It's impolite to laugh at, s__________at or play tricks on disabled people.
22.Jane was late for the important meeting because she o________this morning.
23.Look! A house is b________over there. We must call 119 to stop it at once.
24.Seeing the broken building, I felt lucky to be a________.
25.Though my alarm clock r__________again and again this morning, I didn't hear it and got up late.
26.His apartment is two b________away from the school.
27.Mr. Green paid me an u________visit. We were really excited to see each other.
28.By the end of last April Fool's Day, Jim had been f________at least seven times.
29.Jack didn't turn up t________10 o'clock at night.
30.When he put the noodles into a bowl, he realized he had forgotten to add the green b________.
1.lately 2.courage 3.pull 4.pale 5.nor
6.friendship 7.Besides 8.disappoint 9.rather
10.wealth 11.shoulders 12.weight 13.banker
14.kicked 15.nodded 16.west 17.worker
18.believable 19.lift 20.above 21.stare
22.overslept 23.burning 24.alive 25.rang
26.blocks 27.unexpected 28.fooled 29.till
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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L__________ is rubbish that is left lying around outside.
The f__________ cast their nets into the sea.
Even the u__________ foot is going to be okay with a shoe that I do.
Nowadays, we the young people have so many a______________.
The bird folded its w___________.
What is the l_________ of this course
He looks t_________. Maybe he needs some water.
I was t___________ to see they'd all arrived safely.
I can’t really tell the difference between your house and o_______.
They have o____________ so many difficulties since their parents left them.
Sometimes being a mother and a housewife felt like a thankless t_________.
The US p____________ is making a return visit to Moscow.
Is that a single or a d__________ you want
There were two empty beer b___________ on the table.
He is a thoughtful and c__________ man.
I can't a_________ it ─ that's the whole point.
Fruit juices can be h____________ to children's teeth.
Go through this g__________, you will see a big beautiful house in front of you.
Speech is the fastest m___________ of communication between people.
A group of boys sat in a r________ at the back of the room yesterday.
This way, please, ladies and g______________.
The t___________ of a book is the main part of it.
I don’t like p___________ flowers.
Put your fingers on the k___________.
This kind of machine is made of m___________.
The main purpose of i_____________ is to create wealth.
In China, people often use w_________ chopsticks.
Many people feel that the l____________ should be changed.
It's not a s_______________ way to test their opinions.
Some products can be r___________ at the end of their useful life.
1.litter 2. fishermen 3. ugliest 4. advantages 5. wings
6. level 7.thirsty 8.thankful 9.ours 10. overcome
11. task 12. president 13. double 14. bottles 15. caring
16. afford 17. harmful 18.gate 19. method 20. row
21.gentlemen 22. text 23. plastic 24.keyboard 25. metal
26. industry 27. wooden 28. law 29. scientific 30. recycled
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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