
A.sing B.fast C. swim D.can't E. strong F. star
1.He can run .
2.Lingling can songs. She is our .
3.Daming jump high.
4.—Can Sam play football —Yes. He’s .
5.—Can you —Yes. I like swimming very much.
1、 —What are you going to do on sports day
—I’m going to .
2、 My sister can d (画) pictures.
3、 Please (给) me some bread.
4、 What (do) you do in summer I swim.
5、 A: What are they doing
B: They are (doing taijiquan / rowing a boat).
6、 May I have (some) apple juice
Yes, here (you/your) are.
7、 What is your sister doing now
She is s (唱歌) and d (跳舞).
8、 These c are playing with a toy train.
9、 She is (reading / read) a letter.
10、Amy likes (China / Chinese) fast food.
11、PE is my favourite s .
12、I (能,会) a tree.
13、His sister can (swimming / swim) in the sea.
14、Tom, what are you doing I’m (have) dumplings.
15、Tom and Mary (be) (swim).
1、 What is Tom doing ( )
He _________ TV.
A.watching B.watches C.is watching
2、 —Can Sam play football ( )
—Yes, he can. He’s __________.
A.lost B.interesting C.strong
3、 You ______ running and I ______ dancing.( )
A.is; am B.are; is C.are; am
4、 It’s twelve now. I’m hungry. ______ too. Let’s go.( )
A.Me B.I C.My
5、 —Here’s your present.( )
A.Here you are. B.OK. C.Thank you.
6、 We ______ a big family dinner.( )
A.have B.has C.having
7、 Do you want ________ rice ________( )
A.a; Yes, I can. B.many; No, please. C.some; Yes, please.
8、 You can see lots _________ people in the park.( )
A.of B.with C.on
9、 We have _____ and sweets.( )
A.an peanut B.peanuts C.a egg
10、—What _______ you going to do today ( )
—I _______ going to swim.
A.is; are B.am; are C.are; am D.is; am
11、Look! The horse is ______.( )
A.running B.runing C.run
12、—______ do you do at Christmas ( )
—We sing songs.
A.Where B.What C.How
13、I like noodles ______ meat and potato.( )
A.have B.with C.on
14、The Mid-Autumn Festival is ________.( )
A.come B.comes C.coming
15、Can I help you _______( )
A.We want some pens. B.Yes, you can. C.Thank you!
16、What’s he doing ( )
He’s ______ a toy car.
A.play B.play with C.playing with
17、You ______ ride fast. I'm the winner.( )
A.can B.are C.can't
18、Today is Monday, _________ is Tuesday.( )
A.when B.tomorrow C.day
19、—______ you going to draw a picture ( )
—Yes, I ______.
A.Are; am B.Is; am C.Are; are D.Is; are
20、What are you doing, Amy I’m making __________.( )
A.dumpling B.dumplings C.dumplinges
21、We are going to _____.( )
A.swims B.swim C.swimming
22、Christmas ________ coming!( )
A.is B.are C.am
23、I’m __________ for sports day.( )
A.training B.train C.trainings
24、What are you going to do ________ sports day ( )
A.in B.on C.to
25、I like swimming.______( )
A.I like it, also. B.Me too. C.I like it.
26、Tom is ______ pictures.( )
A.take B.takes C.taking
27、________ you want some rice ( )
A.Do B.Are C.Does
28、Can I have some sweets ( )
A.Sorry, you can’t. B.No, you are. C.Yes, we are.
29、Let’s ride bikes in the park._______( )
A.OK. B.Yes, we are.
30、—_____( )
—No, I can’t. You’re the winner.
A.Can you jump far B.Can Sam play football C.Can Lingling play basketball
31、—We ________ a Christmas tree.( )
—That’s great!
A.have B.can C.has
32、__________ Tom sing songs at Christmas ( )
A.Do B.Does C.does
33、I am going to ______ every day.( )
A.running B.runs C.run
34、What do you usually do _______ the Dragon Boat Festival ( )
A.at B.over C.in D.by
35、—What are you going to do tomorrow ( )
—I’m going ______ with my friends.
A.dancing B.to dance C.dance
36、______ do you you do on Sunday ( )
I listen to music.
A.Who B.What C.Where
37、My brother is ______.( )
A.runs B.running C.to run
38、I like ______ football.( )
A.playing B.play C.plays
39、You __________ jump far. I’m the winner.( )
A.can B.can’t C.isn’t
40、__________ Daming __________ peanuts at the Spring Festival ( )
A.Do; eat B.Is; eats C.Does; eat
B;A F; D; E; C
1、 do the high jump
2、 draw
3、 give
4、 do
5、 doing taijiquan
6、 some you
7、 singing dancing
8、 children/hildren
9、 reading
12、can draw
15、are swimming
题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
答案 C C C A C A C A B C
题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
答案 A B B C A C C B A B
题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
答案 B A A B B C A A A A
题号 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
答案 A B C A B B B A B C



