
Do you know that many different ____1____ of birds can imitate (模仿) people’s words African grey parrots (非洲灰鹦鹉) are a good ____2____. Now let’s have a look at the following (下面的) two birds.
Every December in London, a Bird Show tries to ____1____ the best “talking” bird in the world. One bird named Prudle stood out. She ____4____ the prize for 1 years from 1965 to 1976.
Prudle came ____5____ Uganda (乌干达). She was very ____6____. She knew almost 800 English words. She was also the ____41____ bird in the world that lived in a cage (笼子). Her owner (主人) took care of her until (直到) she ____8____ in 1994 at the age of 15.
A different kind of bird named Puck joined the ____9____ in 1993 Puck was ____10____.
It knew more English words ____11____ Prudle did. Puck knew ____12____ 1,700 words.
Many students think that learning a new ____13____ is pretty difficult. They can’t ____14____ the words. ____15____ if a bird can do it, anybody can do it. So come on! Everybody can do it more easily.
1.A. colors B. names C. kinds D. places
2.A. example B. report C. idea D. program
3A. see B. choose C. visit D. act
4.A. gave B. made C. sold D. won
5.A. to B. through C. from D. with
6.A. shy B. angry C. talented D. poor
43A. oldest B. most C. worst D. biggest
8.A. felt B. came C. died D. looked
9.A. subject B. show C. club D. movie
10.A. excellent B. interesting C. worries D. serious
11.A. so B. as C. than D. like
12.A. too much B. more than C. lots of D. in fact
13.A. language B. word C. class D. bird
14.A. know B. remember C. speak D. write
15.A. Although B. Because C. So D. But
二、 语篇填空(共 15 小题,计 15 分)
much, danger , water, health, if ,do, like, glass, cold, food
Why do we need to drink water We all know that our bodies need water. Water cleans body, controls(控制) our temperature and helps to keep us ____1____. About 70% of our body is water.
How much water do we need to drink a day We often read that we need to drink eight ____2____ of water a day—about two liters(升) . In fact, how much water we need depends on the weather and on what we’re ____3____. When we are hot, or ____4____ we do sports or exercise, we need to drink more. Some experts(专家) say that normally we need only about one liter a day.
It also can be ____5____ to drink a lot of water.
Do people need less water when the weather’s ____6____ No. When temperatures are very low we also need to drink ____7____ than on a normal day. This is because we wear a lot of clothes so we sweat(出汗) a lot and lose ____8____.
Can we get the water we need from ____9____ or other drinks Yes. We get water from fruit and vegetables. We can also get water from other drinks ____10____ fruit juice and coffee.
Forests that get a lot of rain are called rainforests. Rainforests have more plants and animals than any other place on Earth. Most ____1____ the world’s fresh water is in rainforests. They also make about twenty percent of the earth’s oxygen(氧气). The Amazon rainforest is ____2____ largest rainforest on Earth. It once covered almost half of South America.
Rainforests are important, but people ____3____ cutting them down. ____4____will happen to the animals that live there Animals won’t have a place ____5____ live. We need to take care of the rain forests today, so that the earth stays healthy in the future.
三、补全对话(小题, 每小题2分, 共10分)
(The phone is ringing in John’s room. )
John: Hello! This is John speaking.
Tom: Hi, John! This is Tom. ________1________
John: Just so-so. Well, what are you calling for
Tom: ________2________
John: I’m sorry. I can’t go with you.
Tom: Why You like going to the movies very much, don’t you
John: Yes. But I’m a little tired.
Tom: What’s wrong with you
John: ________3________.
Tom: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. ________4________.
John: Thanks for saying that. I feel better now. OK, let’s go to the movies this afternoon.
Tom: Great! ________5________
John: How about 3:00 at Wanda Plaza
Tom: No problem. See you then.
John: See you.
A little knowledge can make a difference at a time of life or death. ____1____
What to do when you are inside the building
Keep calm ____2____ do not run outside. Crawl (爬) under heavy furniture or stand against a wall near the center of the building. Stay away from glass windows.
____3____ If you are outside, stay outside. Stay away until the shaking stops. Stay in the open area away from buildings and power lines. If you are driving or in a bus, don’t stop suddenly if you are driving. Keep streets clear ____4____
What to do after an earthquake ____5____ Use first aid at least on the cuts.
do not use your telephone except for a medical or fire emergency (紧急情况). Telephone lines are required for emergency use. Turn off the fridge, TV or computer. Turn off the gas. Wear shoes to protect your feet from debris (碎片).
A. What to do when you are outside the building.
B. If you are indoors, stay inside.
C. Check if you are hurt.
d. If you are in a bus, hold on tight to a strap (带子).
E. do you know what to do if you find yourself in an earthquake 河南省八年级英语寒假自我提升-基础题专练
Do you know that many different ____1____ of birds can imitate (模仿) people’s words African grey parrots (非洲灰鹦鹉) are a good ____2____. Now let’s have a look at the following (下面的) two birds.
Every December in London, a Bird Show tries to ____1____ the best “talking” bird in the world. One bird named Prudle stood out. She ____4____ the prize for 1 years from 1965 to 1976.
Prudle came ____5____ Uganda (乌干达). She was very ____6____. She knew almost 800 English words. She was also the ____41____ bird in the world that lived in a cage (笼子). Her owner (主人) took care of her until (直到) she ____8____ in 1994 at the age of 15.
A different kind of bird named Puck joined the ____9____ in 1993 Puck was ____10____.
It knew more English words ____11____ Prudle did. Puck knew ____12____ 1,700 words.
Many students think that learning a new ____13____ is pretty difficult. They can’t ____14____ the words. ____15____ if a bird can do it, anybody can do it. So come on! Everybody can do it more easily.
1.A. colors B. names C. kinds D. places
2.A. example B. report C. idea D. program
3A. see B. choose C. visit D. act
4.A. gave B. made C. sold D. won
5.A. to B. through C. from D. with
6.A. shy B. angry C. talented D. poor
43A. oldest B. most C. worst D. biggest
8.A. felt B. came C. died D. looked
9.A. subject B. show C. club D. movie
10.A. excellent B. interesting C. worries D. serious
11.A. so B. as C. than D. like
12.A. too much B. more than C. lots of D. in fact
13.A. language B. word C. class D. bird
14.A. know B. remember C. speak D. write
15.A. Although B. Because C. So D. But
【答案】1. C 2. A 3 B 4. D 5. C 6. C 43 A 8. C 9. B 10. A 47. C 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. D
colors颜色;names名字;kinds种类;places地点。结合选项和“Do you know that many different...of birds can imitate (模仿) people’s words ”可知,空格处应填入kinds,构成短语different kinds of“不同种类的……”,故选C。
example例子;report报道;idea主意;program节目。根据上文“Do you know that many different...of birds can imitate (模仿) people’s words ”可推测,此处表示非洲灰鹦鹉是一个能够模仿人类语言的鸟类的例子,example符合语境,故选A。
see看见;choose选择;visit参观;act表演。根据选项和“the best ‘talking’ bird in the world”可推测,此处表示选择出最好的“说话”的鸟,choose符合语境,故选B。
gave给;made制作;sold卖;won赢得。根据“She...the prize”和选项可知,空格处填入won,构成短语won the prize“获奖”,故选D。
to到达;through通过;from来自;with和。根据“Prudle came...Uganda (乌干达)”和选项可知,空格处填入from,构成短语came from,表示“来自”,故选C。
shy害羞的;angry生气的;talented有天赋的;poor贫穷的。根据下文“She knew almost 800 English words.”可知,她知道800多个英语单词,因此此处表示她很有天赋,talented符合语境,故选C。
oldest最老的;most最多;worst最糟糕的;biggest最大的。根据下文“Her owner (主人) took care of her until (直到) she...in 1994 , at the age of 15.”可知,Prudle活了15年,由此可推测,此处表示她是世界上住在笼子里年龄最大的鸟,oldest符合语境,故选A。
felt感觉;came来;died死亡;looked看。根据“Her owner (主人) took care of her until (直到) she...in 1994 , at the age of 15.”和选项可知,此处表示她死于1994年,died符合语境,故选C。
subject科目;show表演;club俱乐部;movie电影。根据上文“Every December in London, a Bird Show tries...”可知,此处指Puck加入了这场表演,故选B。
excellent优秀的;interesting有趣的;worries担忧;serious严肃的。根据下文“It knew more English words...”可知,此处表示Puck很优秀,excellent符合语境,故选A。
so因此;as按照;than比;like喜欢。根据“It knew more English words...Prudle did.”可知,此处more是比较级,因此空格处填than,表示“比”,故选C。
too much太多;more than超过;lots of大量的;in fact事实上。结合选项和“Puck knew...1,700 words.”可知,空格处填入more than,表示“超过1700个单词”,故选B。
language语言;word单词;class班级;bird鸟。结合选项和“Many students think that learning a new...is pretty difficult.”可知,此处表示学习一门新语言很难,language符合语境,故选A。
know知道;remember记得;speak说;write写。根据选项和“They can’t...the words. ”可知,此处表示他们记不住单词,remember符合语境,故选B。
Although虽然;Because因为;So因此;But但是。根据“They can’t...the words...if a bird can do it, anybody can do it.”可知,这两句话是转折关系,but符合语境,故选D。
二、 语篇填空(共 15 小题,计 15 分)
much, danger , water, health, if ,do, like, glass, cold, food
Why do we need to drink water We all know that our bodies need water. Water cleans body, controls(控制) our temperature and helps to keep us ____1____. About 70% of our body is water.
How much water do we need to drink a day We often read that we need to drink eight ____2____ of water a day—about two liters(升) . In fact, how much water we need depends on the weather and on what we’re ____3____. When we are hot, or ____4____ we do sports or exercise, we need to drink more. Some experts(专家) say that normally we need only about one liter a day.
It also can be ____5____ to drink a lot of water.
Do people need less water when the weather’s ____6____ No. When temperatures are very low we also need to drink ____7____ than on a normal day. This is because we wear a lot of clothes so we sweat(出汗) a lot and lose ____8____.
Can we get the water we need from ____9____ or other drinks Yes. We get water from fruit and vegetables. We can also get water from other drinks ____10____ fruit juice and coffee.
【答案】1. healthy
2. glasses
3. doing 4. if
5. dangerous
6. cold 7. more
8. water 9. food
10. like
句意:水能够清洁身体、控制我们的温度,帮助我们保持健康。keep sb adj表示“保持某人……”,备选词汇中health符合,形容词为healthy,表示“健康的”。故填healthy。
句意:我们经常读到我们需要一天喝八杯水,大约两升。根据“eight ...of water a day”可知此处是计量单位,glass表示“杯”,eight后接复数。故填glasses。
句意:当我们很热,或者如果我们做运动或者锻炼时,我们需要喝更多。根据“we do sports or exercise, we need to drink more.”可知此处指条件,用if引导。故填if。
句意:当天气冷的时候,人们需要更少的水吗?根据“When we are hot, or...we do sport or exercise, we need to drink more.”可知此处指天气冷的时候,需要的水量。cold表示“冷的”。故填cold。
句意:当温度很低的时候,我们也需要比平时喝更多的水。more than表示“多于”。故填more。
句意:这是因为我们穿很多衣服,所以我们出很多汗,丢失水分。根据“This is because we wear a lot of clothes so we sweat(出汗) a lot”可知出汗会丢失水分。water表示“水”,不可数名词。故填water。
句意:我们能够从食物或者其他饮料中获得所需的水吗?根据“or other drinks”可知and连接并列的饮食,food表示“食物”。故填food。
句意:我们也可以从其他饮料,像果汁和咖啡中获得水分。根据“other drinks...fruit juice and coffee.”可知此处是举例,like表示“像”。故填like。
Forests that get a lot of rain are called rainforests. Rainforests have more plants and animals than any other place on Earth. Most ____1____ the world’s fresh water is in rainforests. They also make about twenty percent of the earth’s oxygen(氧气). The Amazon rainforest is ____2____ largest rainforest on Earth. It once covered almost half of South America.
Rainforests are important, but people ____3____ cutting them down. ____4____will happen to the animals that live there Animals won’t have a place ____5____ live. We need to take care of the rain forests today, so that the earth stays healthy in the future.
【答案】1. of 2. the
3. are 4. What
5. to
句意:世界上大部分的淡水都在热带雨林里。根据most,可知是短语most of表示“大部分……”。故填of。
句意:生活在那里的动物会发生什么?根据“…will happen to the animals”可知表示……将会发生在动物身上,因此是指生活在那里的动物会发生什么,应用what来提问,句首字母需大写。故填What。
三、补全对话(小题, 每小题2分, 共10分)
(The phone is ringing in John’s room. )
John: Hello! This is John speaking.
Tom: Hi, John! This is Tom. ________1________
John: Just so-so. Well, what are you calling for
Tom: ________2________
John: I’m sorry. I can’t go with you.
Tom: Why You like going to the movies very much, don’t you
John: Yes. But I’m a little tired.
Tom: What’s wrong with you
John: ________3________.
Tom: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. ________4________.
John: Thanks for saying that. I feel better now. OK, let’s go to the movies this afternoon.
Tom: Great! ________5________
John: How about 3:00 at Wanda Plaza
Tom: No problem. See you then.
John: See you.
【答案】1. How’s everything going##How is it going
2. Would you like to go to the movies with me
3. I am not feeling well
4. I hope you will be better soon
5. When and where shall we meet
根据“Just so-so”可知此处询问对方过得怎么样。故填How’s everything going/How is it going。
根据“Why You like going to the movies very much, don’t you”可知此处邀请对方一起去看电影。故填Would you like to go to the movies with me。
根据“What’s wrong with you”可知此处介绍自己感觉不太好,有点累。故填I am not feeling well。
根据“Thanks for saying that”可知此处表示希望对方快点好起来。故填I hope you will be better soon。
根据“How about 3:00 at Wanda Plaza ”可知此处询问什么时候在哪里见面。故填When and where shall we meet。
A little knowledge can make a difference at a time of life or death. ____1____
What to do when you are inside the building
Keep calm ____2____ do not run outside. Crawl (爬) under heavy furniture or stand against a wall near the center of the building. Stay away from glass windows.
____3____ If you are outside, stay outside. Stay away until the shaking stops. Stay in the open area away from buildings and power lines. If you are driving or in a bus, don’t stop suddenly if you are driving. Keep streets clear ____4____
What to do after an earthquake ____5____ Use first aid at least on the cuts.
do not use your telephone except for a medical or fire emergency (紧急情况). Telephone lines are required for emergency use. Turn off the fridge, TV or computer. Turn off the gas. Wear shoes to protect your feet from debris (碎片).
A. What to do when you are outside the building.
B. If you are indoors, stay inside.
C. Check if you are hurt.
d. If you are in a bus, hold on tight to a strap (带子).
E. do you know what to do if you find yourself in an earthquake
【答案】1. E 2. B 3. A 4. d 5. C
根据上文“A little knowledge can make a difference at a time of life or death”可知,说的是在生死关头,知道怎么做很重要,再结合下文内容可知,选项E”如果你发现自己在地震中,你知道该怎么做吗?”符合语境。故选E。
根据下文“do not run outside. Crawl (爬) under heavy furniture or stand against a wall near the center of the building. Stay away from glass windows.”可知,说的是在室内的做法,选项B”如果你在室内,就待在室内。”符合语境。故选B。
根据下文“If you are outside, stay outside. Stay away until the shaking stops.”可知,说的是在外面的做法,选项A”当你在大楼外面的时候该做什么。”符合语境。故选A。
根据上文“If you are driving or in a bus, don’t stop suddenly if you are driving.”可知,说的是在车上,选项d”如果你在公共汽车上,紧紧抓住带子。”符合语境。故选d。
根据下文“Use first aid at least on the cuts.”可知,说的是受伤后应该怎么办,选项C”检查一下你是否受伤了。”符合语境。故选C



