人教版PEP五年级英语第一学期期末模拟冲刺卷一(含答案 无听力原文及听力音频)

人教PEP 版五年级英语(上)
时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分
题 号 — 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 总 分
得 分
一、听单词,排序。 (10分)
1. cartoon cook clever
( ) ( ) ( )
2. fresh front Friday
( ) ( ) ( )
3. old often our
( ) ( ) ( )
4. hot house high
( ) ( ) ( )
5. sandwich Saturday salad
( ) ( ) ( )
二、判断下列图片与所听句子是否相符,相符的打“ ”,不符的打“×”。 (10分)
( )1. There are some photos in the living room.
( )2. There is a village in front of the mountain.
( )3. I'd like some tea to drink.
( )4. My Chinese teacher is old and kind.
( )5. I often play football on the weekend.
( )1. A. lunch B. chicken C. dinner D. breakfast
( )2. A. Sunday B. Saturday C. today D. Tuesday
( )3. A. long B. thin C. big D. teacher
( )4. A. wash B. play C. watch D. cake
( )5. A. bed B. picture C. see D. desk
1. In our school garden, there is a small p (公园).
2. The colourful f (鲜花) in the garden are so beautiful.
3. The air in the village is so f (新鲜) and the water is so clean.
4. On Saturday my mother washes my c (衣服).
5. I like f (水果) and vegetables.
6. There are many trees in the f (森林).
7. In front of my school building there is a beautiful l (湖).
8. She is young and (腼腆的).
9. These girls like eating fast. T (他们) are so heavy now.
10. I like vegetables. They're h (健康的).
六、单项选择。 (10 分)
( )1. What can she
—She can wash her clothes.
A. do;does B. does;do C. do;/ D. does;does
( )2. What does she in the morning
—She sports.
A. does;do B. do;does C. does;does D. do;do
( )3. What can you in the room A picture.
A. do B. see C. play D. sing
( )4. Can I have water Sure.
A. any B. many C. a D. some
( )5. My father often TV at home.
A. watches B. watch C. watchs D. watching
七、从 B栏中找到 A 栏的正确答语。(5分)
( )1. Your bedroom is so beautiful! A. Good idea!
( )2. Where are the pandas from B. Yes, They're sweet and tasty.
( )3. What's your favourite sport C. Thank you.
( )4. Do you like orange D. Swimming, of course.
( )5. Let's play football! E. They are from China.
八、按要求改写句子,每空一词。(10 分)
1. They can walk with their hands.(改为否定句)
They with their hands.
2. There are twenty boys in the class.(就划线部分提问)
are there in the class
3. My brother does his homework in the evening.(改为一般疑问句)
your his homework in the evening
4. Do the boys have beef for lunch today (作否定回答)
, .
5. Our principal is kind and smart.(就划线部分提问)
your principal
九、选词填空。 (11 分)
Look at the children. They are not in the . They go to the nature .
Look! The is blue, the is green, the are beautiful.And the is clean! The children are sitting under a big . Some are singing in the tree. There is a near the tree. You can see many in it. They have a time there.
十、用括号内词的适当形式填空。 (10 分)
1. Does your mother (do) housework at home
2. There (be) some women in the park.
3. My friends and I (have) classes on Monday.
4. His sister (go) to school at six in the morning.
5. Would you (like) some cakes
6. He’d (like) some coffee.
7. What can she (do)
8. We (have) English and Chinese on Monday.
9. Sara (study) in a good school.
10. Do you have (some) (tomato)
十一、阅读理解。 (14 分)
My name is Mike. I'm American. I live with my uncle Sam now. And my parents live in a small village in the mountain.
Uncle S am likes the city. In the city. There are many tall buildings and many cars. Sam can eat all kinds of(各种各样) food and he likes shopping. In our apartment there are two air-conditioners and two bathrooms too.
But I don't like the city life. The village is so beautiful. The sky is so blue and the air is so fresh. The trees and the grass are green. And the flowers are colourful.There is a river near the village. The water in it is so clean. There are so many fish in the river and there are also many ducks on it. I often swim in the river in summer.
( )1. Mike lives in a small village.
( )2. Sam is Mike's big brother.
( )3. Sam likes city life.
( )4. The air is fresh in the village.
( )5. There are't many fish in the river.
( )6. There are many tall buildings and cars in the city.
( )7. Mike often swims in the river in summer.



