译林版(三起)六年级上册期末 完形填空练习(无答案)

It was 1 last Sunday. We 2 the beach. We went for a swim in the sea. We felt 3 in the water. But the beach was quiet 4 , there were plastic bags, cans, lunch boxes, leaves and seaweed(海藻) and a lot of broken 5 . I 6 people must 7 rubbish in the bin. We should do our best 8 the environment around the beach. Do you think so
1.A.suny B.sun C.sunny
2.A.visiting B.visited C.visits
3.A.cool B.cold C.warm
4.A.clean B.tidy C.dirty
5.A.bottle B.bottles C.Bottled
6.A.thought B.thinking C.think
7.A.putting B.putted C.put
8.A.protects B.to protect C.protect
When you are in England, you often see people go out with a (an) 9 or a raincoat on a sunny day. 10 Because the weather in England often changes 11 . The same (相同的) weather doesn’t stay 12 . People can have four seasons in one day. In the morning, the weather is warm like in 13 . After an hour, black clouds come then it 14 , and the weather gets 15 . In the afternoon, it will be 16 , the sun will begin to shine and it will be like summer. The weather is always changing. How 17 it is!
9.A.hat B.sunglasses C.umbrella
10.A.Why B.What C.How
11.A.big B.slowly (慢) C.quickly (快)
12.A.often B.long C.short
13.A.spring B.summer C.winter
14.A.rains B.rainy C.raining
15.A.cold B.hot C.warm
16.A.cloudy B.sunny C.windy
17.A.exciting B.interested C.interesting
I’m sure you know the Ugly Ducking. There is a 18 about the Ugly Ducking. But it isn’t the same as Anderson’s 19 The Ugly Ducking. The 20 of the film is The Ugly Ducking and Me.
“Me” here is Ratso. He is mouse. He 21 a big egg. Soon an ugly 22 comes out of it. Ratso 23 him “Ugly”. The duck 24 Ratso is his father. But Ratso just wants to 25 money by letting Ugly put on shows. They 26 a trip. Many things 27 during their trip. Both Ratso and Ugly learn a lot about life and love.
18.A.film B.radio C.book
19.A.note B.story C.cartoon
20.A.name B.topic C.time
21.A.gets B.eats C.cooks
22.A.mouse B.chicken C.duck
23.A.shouts B.calls C.cries
24.A.wants B.thinks C.finds
25.A.take B.use C.make
26.A.start B.turn C.watch
27.A.meet B.lose C.happen
Lucy and Lily are twin sisters. This National Holiday, they 28 to Chinese Dinosaur Park 29 their cousin. The Park is far away from their home, so they went there 30 .
The park is very big. And there are 31 dinosaurs (恐龙) in the park. They are very 32 and interesting. Lucy was very 33 . About one hour (小时) later, they went to visit the monkey show. The
34 are very funny. They can 35 and jump and they all like bananas. Lily likes 36 very much. They stayed in the Park for about three hours then went back 37 . They were all tired but they had a wonderful time.
28.A.can go B.are going C.went
29.A.with B.for C.and
30.A.by bus B.by plane C.on foot
31.A.any B.a lot of C.a lot
32.A.small B.short C.big
33.A.afraid B.sad C.angry
34.A.dogs B.dinosaurs C.monkeys
35.A.run B.fly C.sleep
36.A.it B.them C.him
37.A.cinema B.hospital C.home
Cloze. 完形填空。
When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets 38 the traffic drives 39 the left. 40 you cross a street, you must look to the 41 first and then left.
In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the streets are very 42 . Traffic is most dangerous then. When you go by bus in England, you have to be 43 , too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first, 44 you will go the wrong way.
In many English cities, there are big buses 45 two floors. You can sit on the second floor. 46 there you can see the city very 47 . It’s very interesting.
38.A.so B.but C.however D.because
39.A.in B.on C.to D.by
40.A.After B.While C.Before D.But
41.A.left B.right C.buses D.front
42.A.busy B.long C.many D.dirty
43.A.safe B.busy C.dangerous D.careful
44.A.and B.or C.because D.when
45.A.with B.in C.on D.for
46.A.On B.From C.Off D.To
47.A.well B.good C.fine D.nice
These days Mike is 48 something 49 the signs. He wants 50 everything about the signs. 51 Sunday he goes to the park 52 his friends. They see many public signs in the park. Mike 53 know about what they 54 . Ben tells him what they mean. Now Mike knows 55 about public signs. After he 56 home, he tells his mother. His mother is very happy. She tells Mike 57 more from his teachers and his friends.
48.A.learn B.learning C.learns D.will learn
49.A.of B.at C.in D.about
50.A.know B.knows C.knowing D.to know
51.A.In B.Of C.On D.With
52.A.with B.and C.at D.for
53.A.do B.don’t C.doesn’t D.does
54.A.meaning B.mean C.means D.to mean
55.A.a lot of B.a lot C.many D.lots of
56.A.goes B.go C.going D.went
57.A.learn B.learns C.learning D.to learn
William's grandparents live 58 a farm in the countryside. Last summer they helped William 59 a house in the tree. They put a chair 60 it and William played in his tree house every day.
Last weekend he went to the farm again. He ran to the tree to see his house. It was full of leaves so he had to clean the floor. When he looked around, he saw five small eggs.
He 61 the tree and ran to his grandpa. “Come and see,” he shouted. Grandpa went to see the 62 . “Can I take them back to your house ” asked William. “No,” Grandpa said. “Let's 63 the mother bird.”
William 64 to go home the next day, but three days later his grandma called him, “Come back to the farm quickly!” she said.
William's mum took him to the farm in the car after school. They climbed the tree very quietly and they looked into the tree house very carefully. “Yeah! There 65 five baby birds on the chair.”
58.A.in B.on C.for D.far
59.A.make B.clean C.draw D.take
60.A.on B.under C.in D.behind
61.A.climbed up B.climbed down C.looked at D.cut down
62.A.birds B.trees C.eggs D.houses
63.A.wait for B.look after C.play with D.take away
64.A.liked B.tried C.wanted D.had
65.A.is B.are C.was D.were
We have only one 66 . We get land (土地), air and water from the Earth. We should 67 these things. We should keep 68 clean.
Farmers grow 69 on land. Food from 70 land is bad for us. We should keep the land clean. We cannot build too many houses. There is not much land 71 Earth for farming. We should save land.
We all need water. We cannot live 72 water. We drink it and use it 73 many things. But there is not much water in many places. In some places, dirty water from factories pollutes (污染) the rivers. Some people waste water.
We should take care of the 74 too. We need it to 75 .
66.A.city B.Earth C.school
67.A.take care of B.look for C.look out
68.A.it B.them C.they
69.A.food B.flowers C.trees
70.A.good B.clean C.dirty
71.A.on B.in C.at
72.A.in B.with C.without
73.A.do B.to do C.doing
74.A.water B.air C.land
75.A.live B.smell C.use



