期末 单项选择(试题)译林版(三起)英语五年级上册(无答案)

1.What _______ your brother like _______ ( )
A.does; doing B.do; doing C.does; do
2.—What would you like to — I’d like some tea.
A.eat B.do C.drink
3.—_______ Billy good at _______ ( )
A.Is; drawing B.Does; drawing C.Is; draw
4.My e-friend is an ________ boy. (  )
A.Australia B.America C.American
5.—______ the mangoes ( )
—They’re in the bag.
A.What are B.Where is C.Where are
6.We ________ see any mangoes in the fridge. ( )
A.aren’t B.can’t C.can D.are
7.—________ your music room ( )
—It’s on the first floor.
A.Who’s B.Where’s C.What’s
8.Liu Tao would like ________ the park. ( )
A.going B.to go to C.go
9.---What animal do you like ( )
---I like________.
A.a rabbit B.fish C.a bird
10.—What can you do, Susan ( )
—I can play ______ table tennis and play ______ piano.
A.the; the B./ ; the C./; /
11.Miss Li’s office is on _______ floor. ( )
A.one B.the first C.first
12.This milk is _________. I can drink it. ( )
A.just right B.too hot C.too cold
13.—What does your e-friend ______ ( )
—She often ______ basketball.
A.do; plays B.doing; playing C.do; watching
14.—What ________ do they have on Monday ( )
—They have Maths and English.
A.subject B.lesson C.subjects
15.—What’s your hobby, Sam ( )
—I like skating. Billy likes skating ______.
A.too B.also C.either
16.It is Saturday today. We are free. Let's ______ and ______ the hill. ( )
A.go; climbing B.go; climb C.going; climbing
17.—Can you see ______ swings ( )
—Yes, I can see ______.
A.some; some B.some; any C.any; some
18.These bags ___________ big. ( )
A.are B.is C.am
19.________a dog on the farm. It________big eyes. ( )
A.There is; have B.Have; has C.There is; has
20.—Let’s go and ___________. ( )
A.play the table tennis B.play a table tennis C.play table tennis
21.There _____ three glasses of water on the table. ( )
A.is B.isn’t C.are
22.Mr Green usually chats with his friends _______ the Internet on Sundays. ( )
A.in B.are C.on
23.—What does your friend do ( )
—He ______.
A.likes films B.is a worker C.is very tall D.lives near here
24.He ______ like sunny weather. ( )
A.don’t B.isn’t C.doesn’t
25.My father is a doctor. He usually ______ at night ( )
A.cooks B.works C.working
26.There isn’t any _______ on a big table. ( )
A.cakes B.soups C.water



上一篇:2023-2024广东省广州市南沙区六年级上学期英语期末真题( 无答案无听力原文及听力音频)
