人教PEP英语三年级下册期末综合素质达标(含解析及听力原文 无听力音频)

时间:40分钟 满分:100分
听力 (40分) 笔试 (60分) 总分
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二
第一部分 听力 (40分)
一 听句子,选出与你所听内容相符的图片。(5 分)
( ) 1. A. B. C.
( ) 2. A. B. C.
( ) 3. A. B. C.
( ) 4. A. B. C.
( ) 5. A. B. C.
二 听句子,给下列图片排序。(5 分)
三 听句子,选择正确的选项补全句子。(10 分)
( ) 1. I’m from ________. (A. the USA B. the UK C. Canada)
( ) 2. That monkey is ________. (A. thin B. tall C. fat)
( ) 3. She’s my ________. (A. teacher B. mother C. friend)
( ) 4. It’s ________ my desk. (A. in B. on C. under)
( ) 5. I have ________ apples. (A. thirteen B. fourteen C. sixteen)
四 听问句,选择正确的答语。(10 分)
( ) 1. A. It’s 11 . B. I have 11 . C. I see 11 .
( ) 2. A. Me, neither. B. I like pears. C. No, I don’t.
( ) 3. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, it is.
( ) 4. A. It’s on the desk. B. I’m from Canada. C. I have three.
( ) 5. A. She’s my sister. B. He’s my father. C. He’s my brother.
五 听短文,圈出正确的单词或词组完成人物信息卡。(10 分)
Name: Mike/Jack From: the USA/the UK Age: 13/16 Appearance: tall and thin/short and thin Fruit: apples and grapes/grapes and watermelons
第二部分 笔试(60分)
六 根据所给单词画线字母的读音给下列画线宝宝找家。(只写序号) (5 分)
1. desk 2. mother 3. big 4. under 5. cap 6. orange 7. dad8. in 9. pig 10. bed 11. much 12. box 13. on 14. red 15. bag
七 走迷宫,按找到单词的先后顺序给相应图片排序,并写在四线三格内补全句子。(每词限用一次) (5 分)
1. I have books. 2. This is my English .
3. Have some . 4. That man is very .
5. I have a new .
八 单项选择。(10 分)
( ) 1. —__________ —I’m from the USA.
A. Who are you
B. Where are you from
C. What’s your name
( ) 2. —How many _________ do you have —Twelve.
A. pen B. a pen C. pens
( ) 3. —Do you like apples —_________
A. Yes, I am. B. No, I am not. C. Yes, I do.
( ) 4. —Have some fruit. —_________
A. Thank you. B. Goodbye. C. Put it there.
( ) 5. —_________ is my new pen —It’s under the book.
A. What B. Where C. Who
九 (浙江省嘉兴市) 选词填空。(8 分)
A. Do B. have C. has D. He
1. —________ you like bananas —Yes, I do.
2. It ________ a big mouth and a short tail.
3. Can I ________ some apples
4. —Who’s that man —________ is my teacher.
十 (陕西省西安市) 根据图片,选择句子组成对话,将序号填在方框里。(10 分)
A. He is my father. B. Do you like oranges C. It’s on the desk. D. Yes, I do. E. How many toy boats do you see F. I’m from China. G. Where are you from H. Where is the toy boat I. I see eleven. J. Who’s that man
十一 选择合适的句子完成对话。(10 分)
A. Lisa, where’s your schoolbag B. Do you like strawberries C. How many crayons do you have D. Boys and girls, we have a new student, Lisa. E. Hello, I’m Lisa. I’m from Beijing.
Miss Lin: 1. ________
Lisa: 2. ________
Students: Welcome!
Lisa: Thank you!
Mary: 3. ________
Lisa: Look, it’s on my back(后背) .
Mary: Wow, it’s so beautiful!
Lisa: Thanks!
Kate: 4. ________
Lisa: Yes, I do.
Lily: 5. ________
Lisa: About(大约) twenty.
Students: Let’s be good friends!
Lisa: OK!
十二 (山东省青岛市) 下面是流浪狗救助站发出的领养广告。阅读广告信息, 完成任务。(12 分)
He is from the UK. He has a big head and a fat body. He likes meat(肉) and apples. Mico
She is from the USA. She’s black and white. She has small eyes. She is small and short. She likes milk very much. Tina
He is from Canada. He is big and tall. He likes pears. And he likes to play with children. Bobby
任务一: 根据流浪狗信息选择正确的国家,将字母标号写在圆圈内。(3 分)
任务二: 根据流浪狗信息,将名字序号写在其喜欢的食物下面。(3 分)
A. Mico B. Tina C. Bobby
任务三: 根据流浪狗信息,判断句子正(T) 误(F) 。(6 分)
( ) 1. Mico has a big head and a fat body.
( ) 2. Tina is big and tall.
( ) 3. Bobby likes to play with children.
一、1. My mother is a teacher.
2. My toy boat is on the desk.
3. Can I have an apple
4. I see twelve.
5. This is my sister.
二、1. The ruler is under the chair.
2. My grandmother is old.
3. I’d like a strawberry.
4. I have seventeen pens.
5. Joe is a student.
三、1. I’m from the UK.
2. That monkey is fat.
3. She’s my mother.
4. It’s in my desk.
5. I have fourteen apples.
四、1. How many balls do you have
2. Do you like apples
3. Is it in the desk
4. Where are you from
5. Who’s that girl
五、M: My name is Mike. I’m from the UK. I’m sixteen years old. I’m tall and thin. I like grapes and watermelons. What about you
一、1. C 点拨: 听力原文为“My mother is a teacher.”, 关键词是mother(妈妈)和teacher(教师)。故选C。
2. A 点拨: 听力原文为“My toy boat is on the desk.”, 关键词是toy boat(玩具船)。故选A。
3. B 点拨: 听力原文为“Can I have an apple ”, 关键词是apple(苹果)。故选B。
4. C 点拨: 听力原文为“I see twelve.”, 关键词是twelve(十二)。故选C。
5. B 点拨: 听力原文为“This is my sister.”, 关键词是sister(姐;妹)。故选B。
二、3 5 2 4 1
点拨: 听力原文意为: 1 . 尺子在椅子下面。2 . 我的奶奶很老。3 . 我想要一个草莓。4 . 我有十七支钢笔。5 . 乔是一个学生。然后, 仔细观察图片, 给图片排序。
三、1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B
四、1. B 点拨: 听力原文意为“你有多少个球 ”, 询问数量, 答语用“I have 11 .”, 故选B。
2. C 点拨: 听力原文意为“你喜欢苹果吗 ”, 答语用“No, I don’t.”, 故选C。
3. C 点拨: 听力原文意为“它在书桌里吗 ”, 答语用“Yes, it is.”, 故选C。
4. B 点拨: 听力原文询问国籍, 答语用“I’m from Canada.”, 故选B。
5. A 点拨: 听力原文意为“那个女孩是谁 ”, 答语用“She’s my sister.”, 故选A。
五、圈 Mike, the UK, 16, tall and thin, grapes and watermelons
六、fun: 2, 4, 11;
cat: 5, 7, 15;
pen: 1, 10, 14;
it: 3, 8, 9;
dog / /: 6, 12,13;
点拨: 做该题时, 要仔细读房子中单词画线部分的发音, 然后再根据发音给其他单词分类。fun中的字母u发/ /的音。cat中的字母a发/ /的音。pen中的字母e发/e/的音。it中的字母i发/ /的音。dog中的字母o发/ /的音。
七、从上到下: 2 4 3 5 1
1. eleven
2. teacher
3. grapes
4. fat
5. cap
八、1. B 点拨: 由答语可知, 问句问对方来自哪里, 用“Where are you from ”。故选B。
2. C 点拨: How many后面跟可数名词的复数形式, 故选C。
3. C 点拨: Do开头的一般疑问句, you作主语, 肯定回答是“Yes, I do.”, 否定回答是“No, I don’t.”。故选C。
4. A 点拨: 当他人让你吃/喝些什么东西时, 你要说“Thank you.”。故选A。
5. B 点拨: 由答语可知, 问句问自己的新钢笔在哪里。where问位置。故选B。
九、1. A 点拨: 由答语可知, 问句问对方是否喜欢香蕉, 填Do。故选A。
2. C 点拨: it作主语, 动词用第三人称单数形式。填has。故选C。
3. B 点拨: can后动词用原形。填have。故选B。
4. D 点拨: man是男性, 人称代词用he。故选D。
十、1. JA 2. GF 3. HC 4. BD 5. EI
十一、1. D 点拨: Miss Lin给班上同学介绍新同学Lisa, 故选D。
2. E 点拨: Lisa主动跟同学们做自我介绍“Hello, I’m Lisa. I’m from Beijing.”。故选E。
3. A 点拨: 由下一句“Look, it’s on my back(后背).”可知, 问句问书包在哪里。故选A。
4. B 点拨 : 由答语可知, 问句是“Do you… ”型问句。故选B。
5. C 点拨: 由答语可知, 问句询问数量, 用“How many crayons do you have ”。故选C。
十二、任务一: 1. B 2. A 3. C
点拨: 图1是Bobby, 图2是Mico, 图3是Tina。由第三栏中“He is from Canada.”可知, Bobby来自加拿大, B项是加拿大国旗。由第一栏中“He is from the UK.”可知, Mico来自英国, A项是英国国旗。由第二栏中“She is from the USA.”可知, Tina来自美国, C项是美国国旗。
任务二: 1. A 2. B 3. C
点拨: 由第一栏中“He likes meat (肉)and apples.”、第二栏中“She likes milk very much.”和第三栏中“He likes pears.”可知, Mico喜欢吃肉和苹果。Tina喜欢喝牛奶。Bobby喜欢吃梨。
任务三: 1. T 点拨: 由第一栏中“He has a big head and a fat body.”可知, Mico有一个大大的脑袋和肥胖的身体。该句与原文相符。
2. F 点拨: 由第二栏中“She is small and short.”可知, Tina又小又矮, 而不是又高又大。该句与原文不相符。
3. T 点拨: 由第三栏中“And he likes to play with children.”可知, Bobby喜欢和孩子们一起玩。该句与原文相符。
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上一篇:Unit 4 Where is my car 综合素质达标(含解析及听力原文 无听力音频)

下一篇:Unit 2 My family 综合素质达标(含解析及听力原文 无听力音频)