Unit 4 Where is my car 综合素质达标(含解析及听力原文 无听力音频)

Unit 4 Where is my car 综合素质达标
时间:40分钟 满分:100分
听力 (40分) 笔试 (60分) 总分
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二
第一部分 听力 (40分)
一 听句子,给你所听到的单词排序。(5 分)
1. A. cat B. car C. cap _________
2. A. ball B. boat C. bag _________
3. A. in B. on C. under _________
4. A. foot B. hands C. arms _________
5. A. desk B. table C. chair _________
二 听句子,判断下列图片与所听内容是(Y) 否(N) 相符。(5 分)
三 听句子,选择合适的答语。(10 分)
( ) 1. A. It’s on the chair. B. It’s red and black. C. It’s my car.
( ) 2. A. OK. B. Welcome. C. Come here.
( ) 3. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, it is. C. It’s on the desk.
( ) 4. A. Goodbye. B. Great. C. Thank you.
( ) 5. A. Silly me. B. You’re welcome. C. Yes, I am.
四 听句子或对话,将图片与短语连线。(10 分)
A. under the chair B. under the desk C. in the toy box
D. on the desk E. in the bag
五 听短文,判断句子正(T) 误(F) 。(10 分)
( ) 1. The toy car is in the desk.
( ) 2. The toy boat is under the book.
( ) 3. My ball is under the desk.
( ) 4. My cap is on the chair.
( ) 5. I have some maps.
第二部分 笔试(60分)
六 判断下列句子中单词画线部分发音是(Y) 否(N) 相同。(5 分)
( ) 1. Look! The dog is so cute.
( ) 2. My baby brother has a nice doll.
( ) 3. That woman is my mother.
( ) 4. An orange is on the desk.
( ) 5. I buy a box today.
七 看图填空。(5 分)
1. The book is the bag.
2. The bag is the .
3. The cat is the chair.
4. The eraser is the desk.
5. The crayon is the .
八 单项选择。(10 分)
( ) 1. Where ________ my toys
A. am B. is C. are
( ) 2. —Let’s go to the park! —________
A. Great! B. Excuse me! C. Bye!
( ) 3. ________a map.
A. Row B. Read C. Drive
( ) 4. —________ is my book —It’s on the desk.
A. What B. How C. Where
( ) 5. —Can you find my book
—Look! It’s in your hand.
—Silly me! ________
A. OK! B. Thank you. C. Is it in my desk
九 看图片,判断下列句子与图片内容是(Y) 否(N) 相符。(10 分)
( ) 1. The ball is under the chair.
( ) 2. The book is under the desk.
( ) 3. The car is on the ruler.
( ) 4. The cap is in the box.
( ) 5. The box is on the chair.
十 将下列句子重新排序,组成一段完整的对话。(10 分)
1. No, it isn’t. It’s not in my bag.
2. Is it under your desk
3. Mum, where’s my pencil
4. Yes, it is. It’s under my desk.
5. Thanks, Mum.
6. Is it in your bag
正确顺序: ( 3 ) →( ) →( ) →( ) →( ) →( )
十一 (新题型) 根据图片选词填空,补全短文。(10 分)
cap ball car boat map
This is Lucy’s room. The 1. is in the box. The toy 2. is under the chair. The toy 3. is on the desk. The 4. is on the bed (床) . The 5. is in the basket(篮子) . What a mess(好乱) !
十二 (新素材) 阅读歌谣,完成下列任务。(10 分)
Mum, where’s my ball Is it under the desk It’s under the yellow chair. You put it there. Mum, I can’t find my toy bear. It’s not on my bed. Look at your brown bag. Your toy bear is under the bag.
Mum, where’s my toy car It’s not under the chair. Look at the cap on the bed. The toy car is in it. Please be a good boy. And put your toys away. You have a big white toy box. It’s the home for your toys.
任务一: 阅读歌谣,判断下列句子正(T) 误(F) 。(4 分)
( ) 1. The ball is under a green chair.
( ) 2. The boy has a big toy box. It’s white.
任务二: 阅读歌谣,选择正确的答案。(6 分)
( ) 3. The toy bear is ________ the bag.
A. in B. under C. on
( ) 4. The cap is ________.
A. in the box B. under the chair C. on the bed
( ) 5. The toy car is in the ________.
A. B. C.
Unit 4综合素质达标
一、1. I have a cap. This is a car. Look, a cat!
2. This is my toy boat. My bag is yellow. Where’s my ball
3. It’s under the desk. It’s on the book. It’s in the bag.
4. This is my foot. My arms are long. Clap your hands.
5. This is a desk. It’s under the chair. Do you have a table
二、1. Row a boat.
2. The cat is under the chair.
3. The dog is in the bag.
4. Drive a car.
5. The toy car is under the desk.
三、1. Where is the toy car
2. Let’s go home.
3. Is it on the desk
4. Have a good time!
5. Oh, it’s in your hand.
四、1. The toy car is under the desk.
2. —Is the cat under the chair —Yes, it is.
3. —Where is the toy boat —It’s in the bag.
4. The map is on the desk.
5. —Is the ball on the desk —No, it isn’t. It’s in the toy box.
五、 I like toys and I have some toys. Look! My toy car is on the desk. My toy boat is in the desk. Where is my ball It’s under the desk. Look at my new cap. It’s on the chair. It’s red and black.
一、1. CBA 2. BCA 3. CBA
4. ACB 5. ACB
二、1. N 点拨: 听力原文为“划船”。图片中男人在开车。图片与听力原文不相符。
2. N 点拨: 听力原文为“猫在椅子下面”。图片中猫在椅子上。图片与听力原文不相符。
3. Y 点拨: 听力原文为“狗在包里”。图片与听力原文相符。
4. N 点拨: 听力原文为“开车”。图片中一家人正在划船。图片与听力原文不相符。
5. Y 点拨: 听力原文为“玩具汽车在书桌下面”。图片与听力原文相符。
三、1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A
四、1—B 2—A 3—E 4—D 5—C
五、1. F 点拨: 由“My toy car is on the desk.”可知, 玩具汽车在书桌上, 而不是在书桌里。
2. F 点拨: 由“My toy boat is in the desk.” 可知, 玩具船在书桌里, 而不是在书下面。
3. T 点拨: 由“Where is my ball It’s under the desk.”可知, 球在书桌下面。
4. T 点拨: 由“Look at my new cap. It’s on the chair.”可知, 帽子在椅子上面。
5. F 点拨: 听力原文中没有提及地图。
六、1. N 点拨: dog中的画线字母o发/ /的音;so中的画线字母o发/ /的音。
2. N 点拨: brother中的画线字母o发/ /的音;doll中的画线字母o发/ /的音。
3. N 点拨: mother中的画线字母o发/ /的音;woman中的画线字母o发/ /的音。
4. Y 点拨: on中的画线字母o发/ /的音;orange中的画线字母o也发/ /的音。
5. N 点拨: box中的画线字母o发/ /的音;today中的画线字母o发/ /的音。
七、1. in 2. on; desk 3. under 4. under 5. on; chair
点拨: 做该题时, 要仔细观察物品之间的位置关系。书在书包里。书包在书桌上面。猫在椅子下面。橡皮在书桌下面。蜡笔在椅子上面。
八、1. C 点拨: toys是复数形式, 系动词用are。故选C。
2. A 点拨: 当同意他人的提议时, 用“Great!”作答。故选A。
3. B 点拨: read a map意为“看地图”。故选B。
4. C 点拨: 由答语可知, 问句问书在哪里。where询问位置。故选C。
5. B 点拨: 当他人告诉你你的物品在哪里时, 你要对对方说“Thank you.”。故选B。
九、1. N 2. Y 3. Y 4. Y 5. N
十、3 6 1 2 4 5
十一、1. cap 2. boat 3. car 4. ball 5. map
点拨: 做该题时, 要仔细观察物品之间的位置关系以及图片提示。根据图片提示, 帽子在盒子里。地图在篮子里。玩具船在椅子下面。玩具汽车在书桌上面。球在床上。
十二、任务一: 1. F 点拨: 由“Mum, where’s my ball … It’s under the yellow chair.”可知, 球在黄色的椅子下面, 而不是绿色的椅子下面。
2. T 点拨: 由“You have a big white toy box.”可知, 男孩有一个白色的大玩具箱。
任务二: 3. B 点拨: 由“Your toy bear is under the bag.”可知, 玩具熊在包下面。
4. C 点拨: 由“Look at the cap on the bed.”可知, 帽子在床上。
5. C 点拨: 由“Look at the cap on the bed. The toy car is in it.”可知, 玩具汽车在帽子里。
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上一篇:外研版(三起)英语四年级上册期末综合提升检测卷(试题)(含答案及听力原文 无听力音频)

下一篇:人教PEP英语三年级下册期末综合素质达标(含解析及听力原文 无听力音频)