
A. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。
( ) 1. What day is it today A. No, he didn't.
( ) 2. What's your email address B. Sure, I can.
( ) 3. What is she going to do C. I’m sorry to hear that.
( ) 4. Billy is ill and he's going to the hospital. D. Wednesday
( ) 5. Where are you going E. She’s going to make some paper clothes.
( ) 6. Plant more trees to keep the air clean. F. It's peter@.
( ) 7. What did you do yesterday G. Your idea is great.
( ) 8. Can you make a sentence with "show" H. We're going to the cinema.
( ) 9. Did Mr Brown watch firecrackers last night I. We ate lots of fruit.
( ) 10. How do we get to London J. By plane.
B. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。
( ) 1. Where does Sam come from A. They should not shout.
( ) 2. What should they not do B. OK.
( ) 3. Can you help me clean the classroom C. He comes from England.
( ) 4. You shouldn’t litter here, Mike. D. We can put rubbish in the bin.
( ) 5. What can you do to keep your room clean E. I’m sorry.
C. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。
( ) 1. What did you do at home yesterday A. No, I wasn’t.
( ) 2. Where did you go last Sunday B. Yes, I did.
( ) 3. Were you at home that day C. I was fine.
( ) 4. Did you play football yesterday D. I washed my clothes.
( ) 5. How were you yesterday E. I went to the park.
( ) 6. What’s the matter with Billy F. Our mothers.
( ) 7. What does “No littering” mean G. It means you can’t litter.
( ) 8. Who makes our clothes clean and tidy H. He slips and falls on the floor.
D. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。
( ) 1. What does that sign mean A. Yes, please.
( ) 2. Do you want an apple B. Yes, you can.
( ) 3. You can’t litter here. C. It means “Danger”.
( ) 4. Can I go in D. Yes, there is.
( ) 5. Is there a sign on the door. E. I’m sorry.
E. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。
( ) 1. What did you do yesterday A. They’re on the desk.
( ) 2. Don’t look out of the window, Bobby. B. All right.
( ) 3. What could you do three years ago C. I was five years old.
( ) 4. What day is it today D. I went to the park.
( ) 5. Where are your books E. He couldn’t sing.
( ) 6. What couldn’t he do five years ago F. I could read and write.
( ) 7. Could the boy write when he was three years old G. They’re talking.
( ) 8. What are they doing H. It’s Tuesday.
( ) 9. How old were you in this photo I. Yes, he could.
( ) 10. Did you pick apples on the farm J. No, I didn’t.
F. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。
( ) 1. Look at my new skirt. A. I lost my key.
( ) 2. Do you want to visit Summer Palace tomorrow B. Yes, we did.
( ) 3. What happened C. I was ill.
( ) 4. Did you catch fishes two days ago D. It fits you.
( ) 5. Why were you absent E. No, I don’t.
G. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。
( ) 1. Could you swim last year A. How nice.
( ) 2. How is the weather in winter? B. My father was in ill in hospital.
( ) 3. What did your father do last weekend C. No, I couldn’t.
( ) 4. Was it interesting to go on a trip yesterday D. Here is some water for you.
( ) 5. Would you like some cakes E. Yes, please.
( ) 6. I am thirsty. F. Yes, it was.
( ) 7. Look at my new skirt. G. He went to see my grandparents.
( ) 8. What happened H. It is very cold.
H. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。
(   ) 1. Why are the children laughing A. Yes, they’re just right.
(   ) 2. Can you read the sentences B. Because the story is fun.
(   ) 3. What are you doing C. I can.
(   ) 4. Do they fit D. Yes, I can.
(   ) 5. Who can make new clothes for me E. We are making a big cake.
情景交际 答案
A. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。
Key: 1-5 DFECH 6-10 GIBAJ
B. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。
C. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。
Key: 1-4 DEAB 5-8 CHGF
D. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。
E. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。
Key: 1-5 DBFHA 6-10 EIGCJ
F. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。
G. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。
Key: 1-5 CHGFE 6-8 DAB
H. 从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答句。



