Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 第2课时 (Section A 3a-3c)分层作业 (含解析)

Unit 2 I think that moon cakes are delicious!
1.The Spring Festival is the most important (tradition) festival in China.
2.When did people start the tradition of (share) mooncakes with their
3.He (shoot) down an apple on the tree with a stone just now.
4.The story of White Snake is the most (touch) .
5.This festival has been popular for several (century) in the USA.
6. 中国人庆祝中秋节有上千年的历史了。
Chinese people the Mid-Autumn Festival for thousands of years. 7. 那位猎人举起枪,射下了那只鸟。
The hunter lifted the gun and the bird.
8. 为了挑选一件好一点的连衣裙去参加聚会,刚才蒂娜把她的连衣裙都摆在床上。
In order to choose a better dress for the party, Tina all her dresses on the bed
just now.
9. 我多么希望我爸爸能快点回来啊!
that my father could come back soon!
10. 我不知道他是否已经收到了我的信。
I don’t know received my letter.
11 .—China has set the 6G speed world record. It’s 10 to 20 times faster than 5G.
—How great our country is! I’m proud of being Chinese.
A ./;an B ./;/ C .a ;an D .a ;/ 12 .—What do you think of the new movie Wandering Earth(《流浪地球》)
—It’s wonderful I really like it.
A .so; that B .such; that C .too; to D .enough; to
13 .Mrs. Green refuses sweet food. She doesn’t want to get fat.
A.eat B .eating C .to eat D.eats
14 .Before the guests arrived, my mother quickly some fruits and sweets on the
A .lays out B .laid out C .lied out D .lain out
15 . you talk to, you should try polite to them.
A .Whenever; to be B .Whenever; being
C .Whoever; being D .Whoever; to be
16 .His parents are very friendly. They the delicious food to treat me yesterday.
A .lay out B .lie out C .laid out D .laid down
17 .My uncle was very successful in his business and all his friends him.
A .admired B .hated C .punished D .warned
18 .He studies hard. ,he passed the English exam.
A .Such as B .As well as C .As a result D .As long as
19 .We usually eat mooncakes and enjoy the full moon Mid-Autumn night.
A .for B .in C .on D .at
20 .—Are you interested in this story
—Sure. It is story I have ever heard.
A.very touching B.more touching C.most touching D.the most touching
21 .He another bird.
A .shoot down B .shot down C .shooted down D .lay down
22 .—The Dragon Boat races are so exciting, but our boat is still behind.
—Don’t worry. I am sure our team will win!
A .that B .if C .whether D .Why
23 .—How was your camping in Sifeng Mountain last weekend
—It was great. We our tents on the top of the mountain and enjoyed ourselves.
A .put up B .put off C .put on D .put away
24 .—Could you tell me more about Chinese , Mr. Li
—Sure. For example, you’d better not have your hair cut during the Spring Festival month.
A .services B .traditions C .symbols D .holidays
25 .—What did Betty say to you a moment ago, Jim
—She wanted to know .
A .what will my family do this weekend B .who did I play the piano with just now
C.why I am late for the class meeting D.if I could go shopping with her this evening
Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for 26 (century). There are many traditional folk stories about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Chang’e is the most 27 (touch). It tells after Hou Yi shot down the 28 (nine )suns, a goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him. Hou Yi planned 29 (drink)it with his wife, Chang’e. But a bad man, Pang Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was out. Chang’e 30 (is)ready to give it to him and then drank it all. She became very light and 31 (fly)up to the moon. Hou Yi
was so sad and missed her very much. One night, he found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there. He 32 (quick )laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. 33 (how)he wished that she could come back!
After this, people started the 34 (traditional)of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes that carry 35 (they)wishes to the families they love and miss.
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
"Look at the moon," my son shouts excitedly. Our son's best friend joins in the celebration, and soon the whole room is looking out of the window, enjoying this simple
It's not the first time we've 36 our love of the moon as a family. Last time we celebrated as we sat in a taxi after a meaningful day trip. Both our son and little daughter were jumping around with 37 in the back of the cab at the sight of the big golden
October harvest moon. The driver couldn't help but join in the simple joy.
In order not to 38 the moon whenever it appears, we even 39 our bedroom to the back of the house. So our son has a 40 from Bath in the East to the Forest in the West. It has paid off as he often now shouts down to us about sunrises, sunsets, rainbows or a
I'm not sure if he knows just 41 this pleases me. At seven, it feels like he is starting to understand more about the rhythm of life, the passing of time, and how it 42 us humans. He knows that the sun doesn't 43 rise in one place, that it travels 44 the sky. He knows that clouds will gather near hills or mountains and a rainbow often 45 rain. It feels like he is developing a 46 connection with the earth through the 47
he spends sitting on his windowsill.
He then understands what he is enjoying is temporary (短暂的). The 48 doesn't stay full for long and rainbows disappear quickly. 49 , he's catching those moments with both 50 and holding them in his arms. And what I love about this the most is
that his first thoughts are always to share this joy with those whom he loves.
36 .A .shared B .developed C .wanted D .accepted
37 .A .hope B.joy C .courage D .peace
38 .A .see B .welcome C .lose D .miss
39 .A .decorated B .changed C .prepared D .bought 40 .A .view B .trip C .dream D .memory
41 .A .how long B .how often C .how much D .how
42 .A .influences B .tells C .worries D .warns
43 .A .really B .even C.just D .ever
44 .A .through B .above C .across D .under
45 .A .appears B .follows C .invites D .brings
46 .A .softer B .harder C .lighter D .deeper
47 .A .thoughts B .moments C .efforts D .money
48 .A .clouds B .rainbows C .sun D .moon
49 .A .Moreover B .Otherwise C .Suddenly D .However
50 .A .hands B .eyes C .ears D .feet
Around the world, people have different traditional foods to celebrate different festivals.
Traditional foods also show a new year of good luck and good health.
An English Christmas dinner has a meal of turkey, and it also includes pies and plum puddings ( 李子布丁). In Germany, Christmas is celebrated with bread, cookies and cakes,
which are made like Christmas trees. In France, Christmas dessert is a cake filled with butter
In southern parts of India, there is a three-day festival in mid-January called Pongal. It
includes rice and a dish of rice cooked with sugar that is shared with families and friends.
Japan celebrates New Year with a seven-day festival. It begins from January (1)st. Food is prepared before the festival so people don’t need to cook during the festival. On New Year's Day, various dishes called Osechi Ryori (御节料理) are served—each dish is a wish
for the New Year.
In most Asian countries, the New Year begins with the first full moon of the first Chinese Lunar (阴历的) month. Each place has its special food to welcome the coming year. People in China prepare their food ahead of time to avoid the possibility that using a knife during New Year's time might "cut luck". Foods with lucky names are popular, such as fish, which sounds like "surplus(剩余)".
51 .What do you learn from the passage
A .People have different traditional foods to celebrate different festivals.
B .New Year begins from January 10th in Japan.
C .In France, Christmas dessert is a cake filled with butter.
D .Traditional foods only show a new of good luck.
52 .What did a three-day festival in mid-January in southern parts of India
A.Christmas B.Pongal C.New Year D.Lantern Festival
53 .In Japan, people all like eating on New Year's Day.
A .turkey B .dessert C .Osechi Ryori D .dumplings
54 .The underlined word "various" in Paragraph (4) can best be replaced by " ".
A .different B .same C .expensive D .few
55.The underlined word "possibility" in Paragraph (5) probably means " " in Chinese.
A .必须性 B .必然性 C .可变性 D .可能性
1.traditional 2.sharing 3.shot 4.touching 5.centuries
6. have been celebrating 7. shot down 8. laid out 9. How I wish
10. if/whether he has
【解析】6 .短语 shoot down 表示射下;故填 shot down
7 .Whoever 表示无论谁; forever 永远;根据汉语提示,故填 Whoever forever
8 .短语 lay out表示摆放;放置。这里过去完成时,根据汉语提示,故填 laid out。
9 .短语 fly up 表示飞起来;这里是现在进行时,其结构是 be doing 的形式,根据汉语提示,
故填 flying up。
【小题 5】短语 call up 表示大声地叫喊;这里是一般过去时态,根据题意,故填 called
10 .refuses to go/refused to go
【详解】根据语境可知此句可以用一般现在时态,表示态度;也可以用一般过去时态,表示 过去发生的动作。 refuse to go out“拒绝外出” ,一般现在时态,主语为第三人称单数,谓语
也用单三 refuses;一般过去时态,谓语动词用过去式 refused。故填 refuses/refused to go。
11 .B
【详解】句意: —— 中国创造了 6G 速度的世界纪录。它比 5G 快 10 到 20 倍。 ——我们的
考查冠词的用法。根据“How”和“!”可知该句为 how 引导的感叹句,其后接形容词或副词,
因此第一空不用冠词。根据“Chinese”可知此处 Chinese 是形容词作表语, 因此第二空也不用
冠词。故选 B。
12 .A
【详解】句意:— —你觉得新电影《漫游地球》怎么样? — —太好了, 我真的很喜欢它。 根据答语的句子特点 It’s wonderful I really like it.可知 wonderful 为形容词, I really like it. 为一个从句,联系语境可知此句应该是对电影《流浪地球》 的评价为“太好了,我真 的很喜欢它。 ”,所以符合 so+形容词/副词+that 的用法, 如此…… 以至于…… ,后引导一个 结果状语从句; such…that…也有同样的用法,但 such 后应该跟名词,故排除; too…to 表
“太……不能 ……”,意义和结构都不符合; enough; to 足够……去做…… ,意义和结构也都
不符合;故选 A。
13 .C
考查非谓语动词。固定搭配: refuse to do sth“拒绝做某事” ,动词不定式作宾语,故选 C。
14 .B
考查动词辨析。 lie 表示“躺/说谎”;lay 表示“放置” ,根据 my mother quickly…some fruits and sweets on the table,可知,是妈妈在桌子上摆好了一些水果和糖果,固定搭配: lay out“摆 出”。before 引导时间状语从句, 从句中 arrived 是一般过去时, 主句也用一般过去时, lay 的
过去式是 laid,所以此空填 laid out。故选 B。
15 .D
考查状语从句和动词不定式。 whoever 无论是谁; whenever 无论什么时候。根据“talk to”可 知此处表示“无论和谁说话” ,用 whoever 引导让步状语从句。 to be 动词不定式; being 动名 词。 try to do 表示“尝试做某事” ,强调为了到达目的而努力; try doing 表示“试着做” ,强调
试一试。根据“polite to them”客户此处表示“尝试对他们礼貌”用 try to be polite。故选 D。
16 .C
本题考查动词短语。lay out 摆出,其过去式为 laid out;lie out 在 ……之外;laid down 放下。 根据yesterday 此处用一般过去时, 根据 the delicious food to treat me表示请我吃美味的食物,
因此要摆出来。故选 C。
【点睛】lie 表示“躺,位于” ,其过去式为 lay,过去分词为 lain。
lie 表示“撒谎” ,其过去式为 lied,过去分词为 lied。
lay 表示“摆放” ,其过去式为 laid,过去分词为 laid。
17 .A
本题考查动词。 admire 钦佩, hate 憎恨, punish 惩罚, warn 警告。根据句意,我的叔叔经
商成功,因此朋友都钦佩他。故选 A。
18 .C
本题考查介词短语和副词短语。Such as 例如,as well as 和……一样好,as a result 结果,as long
只要。结合句意,英语考试过关,是努力学习的结果,故选 C。
19 .C
【详解】句意:我们通常吃月饼和享受满月在中秋节的晚上。 A.for 为了; B.in 加上午、下 午、晚上或年月; C.on 加具体的时间,在具体的某天的上、下午或晚上; D.at 加具体的时间
On Mid-Autumn night 表示在中秋节的晚上。根据题意,故选 C。
20 .D
【详解】句意:——你对这个故事感兴趣吗?—— 当然,它是我曾经听说的最感人的故事。 根据语境可知用形容词的最高级, touching 的最高级是most touching,形容词的最高级前要
加 the。根据题意,故选 D。
21 .B
【详解】句意:他射掉了另一只鸟。短语 shoot down 表示射掉;根据语境可知用一般过去
时态, shoot 的过去式是 shot。根据题意,故选 B。
22 .A
【详解】句意:——龙舟比赛如此令人兴奋, 但是我们的船仍在后面。 ——不要担心。我确
考查宾语从句引导词。that 引导陈述句作宾语从句;if 是否,引导一般疑问句作宾语从句; whether 是否,引导一般疑问句作宾语从句; why 为什么,引导特殊疑问句作宾语从句。根 据“Don’t worry. ”及“I am sure”可知, 此处表示相信我们队一定会赢, 故此处是陈述句作宾语
从句,引导词应当用 that。故选 A。
23 .A
【详解】句意:——上周末你在四峰山露营怎么样啊? ——太棒了。我们在山顶搭起了帐篷,
考查动词短语。 put up 搭起; put off 推迟; put on 穿上; put away 收拾。根据“our tent”可知
此处应用动词短语 put up one’s tent 表示“搭帐篷” 。故选 A。
24 .B
【详解】句意:——李先生, 你能多告诉我一些中国的传统吗? —— 当然。例如, 你最好不
考查名词辨析。 services 服务; traditions 传统; symbols 象征; holidays 节假日。根据“For
example, you’d better not have your hair cut during the Spring Festival month.”可知,不要在春节
期间剪头发是一种传统,故选 B。
25 .D
【详解】句意:—— 吉姆, 贝蒂刚和你说什么? ——她想知道今晚我是否能和她一起去购物。 考查宾语从句。动词 know 后面是宾语从句, 用陈述句的语序(引导词+主语+谓语动词),A 和 B 选项的语序错误,排除 A 和 B。根据“wanted”可知是一般过去时态,从句与主句时态 一致,从句应该是一般过去时, C 选项“am”时态错误,排除 C 选项。 D 选项语序正确,时
态是一般过去时态。故选 D。
26 .centuries 27 .touching 28 .nine 29 .to drink 30 .wasn’t/was not
31 .flew 32 .quickly 33 .How 34 .tradition 35 .their
【分析】本文通过讲述“嫦娥的故事”介绍了中国的传统节日—— 中秋节的由来。
26 .句意:几个世纪以来,中国人一直在庆祝中秋节和吃月饼。 “for+一段时间”表示“做某事 做了多长时间” ,century 作名词,意为“世纪;百年” ,其复数形式表示“几个世纪;几百年”,
故填 centuries。
27 .句意:然而,大多数人认为,嫦娥的故事是最感人的。由空前的 is 及 the most 可判断, 空格处用形容词;touch 为动词,其形容词形式为 touching,意为“感人的;动人的” ,the most
touching 为 touching 的最高级,故填 touching。
28 .句意:它讲述了后羿击落九个太阳后, 一位女神给了他神奇的药来感谢他。由神话传说
可知,后羿射掉了九个太阳。由 suns 为复数可知此处应用基数词,故填 nine。
29 .句意:后羿打算和妻子嫦娥一起喝。 plan to do sth.为固定用法,意为“计划做某事” ,故
填 to drink。
30 .句意:嫦娥不愿意给他,就把它全喝了。由下文“然后自己都喝了”可知嫦娥不愿意把仙 药给逢蒙, 此处应用否定形式, 事情发生在过去, 故用一般过去时, is 的过去式为 was ,故
填 wasn’t 或 was not。
31 .句意:她变得很轻,飞上了月球。本句的谓语是 and 连接的动词短语,这两个动词形式
应一致,故空格处的动词形式应与 became 一致,故用 fly 的过去式 flew。
32 .句意:他很快在花园里摆出了她最喜欢的水果和甜点。空格处的单词修饰动词短语 laid
out ,故用副词; quick 的副词形式是 quickly(迅速地);故答案是 quickly。
33 .句意:他多么希望她能回来!此处为 how 引导的感叹句,其结构 How(形容词或副词
原形) +主语+谓语!句首单词的首字母要大写。故填 How。
34 .句意:此后,人们开始了赏月和分享月饼的传统,月饼承载着他们对所爱和想念的家庭 的祝愿。由空格前的定冠词 the 以及空格后的 of 可知是 of 构成的名词所有格,此处用名词 形式;traditional 为形容词, 意为“传统的”,其名词形式为 tradition,意为“传统”,the tradition
of 意为“ …… 的传统” ,故填 tradition。
35 .句意:此后,人们开始了赏月和分享月饼的传统,月饼承载着他们对所爱和想念的家庭 的祝愿。由空格后的名词 wishes 可知,此处用 they 的形容词性物主代词 their 修饰 wishes。
their wishes 意为“他们的愿望” 。故答案是 their。
【点睛】首先理解句子和短文的意思。其次分析括号中单词的词性, 联想该单词的常见变形。 然后分析句子成分, 找出括号中单词在句子中做的成分。最后将所给单词的适当形式填入相
(2)若括号中给出名词,空格设在名词前,则需要形容词形式;若空格设在 many, two, a
number of 等表示复数概念的词后,要将名词变为复数。
(3)若括号中给出形容词,空格设在动词后,要用副词形式;空格设在 than 之前 much 之 后,或者句中有 of the two等比较等级的提示词,用形容词比较级; 空设在 one of 之后,或
者句中有 in 或 among 等最高级的提示词,用形容词最高级。
(4)若括号中给出基数词, 一般是将基数词变成序数词, 要注意对于 one 或 two 翻译成“一
次”或“两次” 时要填 once 或 twice。
词;空设在 by 之后或者其他反身代词的固定用法时,用反身代词。
(6)不给任何词, 一般填介词,冠词或其他虚词。
36.A 37.B 38.D 39.B 40.A 41.C 42.A 43.C 44.C
45 .B 46 .D 47 .B 48 .D 49 .D 50 .A
【分析】作者一家十分喜欢月亮, 为了帮助孩子们更好地观察月亮, 作者甚至改变了卧室位
36 .句意:这已经不是我们第一次作为一家人分享对月亮的爱了。
A. shared 分享, B. developed 发展, C. wanted 想要, D. accepted 接受。根据前文的“soon the
whole room is looking out of the window, enjoying this simple sight.”可知,大家一起看月亮,
因此是在分享对月亮的爱,故选 A。
37 .句意:我们的儿子和小女儿看到十月丰收的金色大月亮,在出租车的后面高兴地跳来跳
A. hope 希望,B. joy 欢乐,C. courage 勇气,D. peace 和平。根据后文的“The driver couldn't help
but join in the simple joy.”可知,此处指他们很高兴。故选 B。
38 .句意:为了不错过月亮,我们甚至把卧室搬到了房子的后面。
A. see 看见, B. welcome 欢迎, C. lose 失去, D. miss 错过。根据后文的“So our son has a 5
from Bath in the East to the Forest in the West.”可知,此处表示不错过月亮。故选 D。
39 .句意:为了不错过月亮,我们甚至把卧室搬到了房子的后面。
A. decorated 装饰, B. changed 改变, C. prepared 准备, D. bought 买。 change …to…“更改
为” ,故选 B。
40 .句意:所以我们的儿子可以从东边的巴斯看到西边的森林。
A. view 风景, B. trip 旅行, C. dream 梦想, D. memory 记忆。根据前文的“In order not to 3
the moon whenever it appears,”可知,此处表示看到月亮, have a view “看到” ,故选 A。
41 .句意:我不确定他是否知道这让我有多高兴。
A. how long 多长时间, B. how often 多久一次, C. how much 多少, D. how 如何。根据前文 的“It has paid off as he often now shouts down to us about sunrises, sunsets, rainbows or a storm.”
可知,此处这会让我有多高兴,故选 C。
42 .句意:7 岁时,他似乎开始更多地了解生活的节奏、时间的流逝以及它是如何影响我们
A. influences 影响, B. tells 告诉, C. worries 担心, D. warns 警告。根据后文的“He knows that the sun doesn't 8 rise in one place, that it travels 9 the sky.”可知, 此处表示它
对人的影响。故选 A。
43 .句意:他知道太阳不只是从一个地方升起,而是在天空中穿行。
A. really 真正地, B. even 甚至, C. just 仅仅, D. ever 曾经。 not just “不仅仅” ,故选 C。
44 .句意:他知道太阳不是从一个地方升起,而是在天空中穿行。
A. through 通过B,. above 在 … ...上面C,. across 穿过D,. under 在…… 下面。根the sun doesn't 8
rise in one place”可知,太阳不只是从一个地方升起来,因此在空中穿行。故选 C。
45 .句意:他知道云会聚集在山丘或山脉附近,雨后常有彩虹。
A. appears 出现, B. follows 跟随, 在……后发生, C. invites 邀请, D. brings 带来。根据常识,
彩虹是在雨后,故选 B。
46 .句意:当他坐在窗台上的那一刻,他感觉自己正在与大地建立更深的联系。
A. softer 更软的, B. harder 更努力的, C. lighter 更轻的, D. deeper 更深的。根据后文的“he's catching those moments with both 15 and holding them in his arms.”可知,此处表示要
与大地建立更深的联系。故选 D。
47 .句意:当他坐在窗台上的那一刻,他感觉自己正在与大地建立更深的联系。
A. thoughts 思想, B. moments 时刻, C. efforts 努力, D. money 金钱。根据后文的“He then understands what he is enjoying is temporary (短暂的).”可知, 此处指的是看月亮的时刻, 故选
48 .句意:月亮不会圆很长时间,彩虹也会很快消失。
A. clouds 云, B. rainbows 彩虹, C. sun 太阳, D. moon 月亮。根据“doesn't stay full for long”
可知,月亮不会一直是圆的。故选 D。
49 .句意:然而,他却用双手抓住了这些瞬间,并将它们紧紧地抱在怀里。
A. Moreover 而且, B. Otherwise 否则, C. Suddenly 突然, D. However 然而。前半句表示月 亮不会圆太久, 彩虹会很快消失, 后半句表示他会抓住那些时刻, 前后表示转折关系, 故选
50 .句意:然而,他却用双手抓住了这些瞬间,并将它们紧紧地抱在怀里。
A. hands 手, B. eyes 眼睛, C. ears 耳朵, D. feet 脚。根据“holding them in his arms.”可知, 要
把它们紧紧抱在怀里,应是先用双手抓住它们。故选 A。
51 .A 52 .B 53 .C 54 .A 55 .D
51 .主旨大意题。根据文中“people have different traditional foods to celebrate different
festivals.”可知,文章主要是介绍人们用不同的传统食物来庆祝不同的节日,故选 A。
52.细节理解题。根据文中“In southern parts of India, there is a three-day festival in mid-January
called Pongal.”可知,在印度南部,在一月中旬有一个为期三天的节日叫做“Pongal”,故选
53 .细节理解题。根据文中“Japan celebrates New Year with a seven-day festival….On New
Year’s Day, various dishes called Osechi Ryori (御节料理) are served”可知, 在日本, 人们新年
时喜欢吃御节料理,故选 C。
54.词义猜测题。根据文中“On New Year's Day, various dishes called Osechi Ryori (御节料理) are served—each dish is a wish for the New Year.”可知,在新年这一天,上各种各样的叫御节
料理的菜,每一道菜都是新年的愿望,所以“various”指的是“各种各样的,不同的” ,故选
55 .词义猜测题。根据文中“People in China prepare their food ahead of time to avoid the
possibility that using a knife during New Year’s time might “cut luck”.”可知, 中国人提前准备他 们的食物, 以避免在新年期间用刀可能会“切断运气” ,所以“possibility”指的是“可能性” ,故
选 D。



