山东省德州市庆云县2023-2024六年级上学期期中考试英语试题( 无答案无听力原文及听力音频)

2023—2024 学年第一学期期中学业质量测试 13. I have got some stamps from Canada and the US.
14. Lily can speak Chinese and English.
15. I only have got a knife and fork.
注意事项: 2023.11
(四)录音中有 5 组小对话,从每小题 A、B、C 三个选项中选出合适的选项。每组
1.本试题共七个大题,分选择题和非选择题两种类型;选择题计 73分,非选择题 对话读两遍。(每小题 2分,共 10分)
计 27分;试卷总分 100 分,考试时间 60分钟。 16. What does Amy like
2.考生应将答案全部答在答题卡上,注意事项请参照答题卡要求。考试结束后,试 A. monkeys B. dogs C. cats
题和答题卡将一并收回。 17. What are they talking about
一、听力部分(计 35 分) A. letters B. stamps C. The Great Wall
(一)录音中有 5 个句子,从每小题 A、B、C 三个选项中选出你所听到的句子中含 18. How many rivers are there in the girl’s hometown
有的单词。每个句子读两遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) A. 1 B. 2 C. 3
1. A. something B. anything C. coming 19. What can Bill speak
2. A. reading B. riding C. sending A. French B. English C. Chinese
3. A.Chinatown B. China C. Chinese 20. Where is the zoo
4. A. festival B. special C. favourite A. It’s in the east. B. It’s in the south. C. It’s in the north.
5. A.places B. pleased C. please
(五)听短文,根据短文内容,从每小题 A、B、C 三个选项中选出合适的选项。短
(二)录音中有 5 个句子,每个句子对应一幅图片,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。 文读两遍。(每小题 2分,共 10分)
每个句子读两遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 21. Susan is from .
A. Australia B. America C. China
A B C D E 22. Susan’s hobby is _______.
A. reading books B. flying kites C. learning history
23. Judy is Susan’s___________.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
A. sister B.pen friend C. cousin
(三)录音中有 5 个句子,判断下面各小题的内容与所听句子意思是(T)否(F)
24. _____________is Judy’s hobby.
相符。每个句子读两遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)
A. Reading books B. Flying kites C. Learning history
11. Qingyun has got about more than three hundred thousand people.
25. Judy’s favourite festival is_________.
12. There are lots of shops and schools in the city. A. Christmas B. the Spring Festival C.the Mid-Autumn Festival
六年级英语试题 第 1页 共 8页 六年级英语试题 第 2页 共 8页
学校_________________ 班级_________________ 考号_________________ 姓名_________________
装 订 线
二、根据所学绘本内容,选择正确答案。(每小题 1分,共 5分) B
26. A handy horse can help blind people a lot. Who teaches handy horses before they
A. races B. another C. Chinese D. make E. story
help blind people
A. Teachers. B. Trainers. C. Mothers. Do you know the Dragon Boat Festival It's one of the traditional festivals in China.
27.What does feel about home at last It's in May(五月 )or June. It has 36 name, Duanwu Festival. The festival has a
A. bored B. angry C. happy 37 . It's about a 38 poet(诗人), Qu Yuan. At this festival, people can see dragon
28. Is lazy Lily ill boat 39 in many places. And they often 40 zongzi. It's very delicious.
A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C.I don’t know.
四、补全对话。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)
29. Why is Mrs Spatt kind to the spider Mum: Mike! 41
A. Because Mrs Spatt helps the spider. B. Because the spider helps Mrs Spatt. A. I love pandasThank you, mum. This is a package from
C. Because the robber helps the spider. Mike: B. There is a package(快China.
递) for you!
30. Who helps Tricera in the story Mum: Great! 42
C. I want to visit China
A. B. C. Mike: Yes. Oh, a book about panda and a card of D. Can he speak English
pandas. E. Is this your pen friend
Mum: 43 and I think they are very
三、从方框中选择合适的词或短语补全短文。(每小题 1分,共 10分) lovely.
A Mike: I want to learn it better. My pen friend Xiao
A. map B. famous C. think D. address E. stamps Yu can tell me.
Mum: 44
Dear Xiaofeng,
Mike: Of course, he can. Next year, 45
I'm going to be in Xi’an with you next month.
Mum: OK!
I know a lot about Xi’an from the 31 . My mother is going to come with me.
We want to go to Terra Cotta Warriors(兵马俑). It is very 32 . People say it is really 五、阅读理解(每题 2分,共 30分)
fantastic. I want to buy some 33 for my friend John because he likes collecting
them. I 34 he will like these presents.
Please tell me your 35 . I want to visit you. See you next month. A
Yours, Wang Wei and Li Lei are good friends. They are Chinese. But they are studying in
Simon Houston. Sometimes they miss their family. So they always go to Chinatown. They go
六年级英语试题 第 3页 共 8 页 六年级英语试题 第 4页 共 8页
shopping and eat delicious food there. You know, Wang Wei and Li Lei really miss China 阅读短文,选择正确答案。
and they both like Chinese food. They will go back to China after they graduate. They 51. Where did the story happen
have many friends in college. They often introduce something about China to them. Their A. In Jane’s house. B. At the party. C. At school.
friends are interested in Chinese famous places, history and culture. They want to visit 52.Who answers all the questions
China one day. A. Jane. B. The rich woman's son. C. The rich woman.
46. Are Wang Wei and Li Lei brothers? 53.Is the rich woman's son clever
A. Yes, he is. B. No, they aren't. C. Yes, they are. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. I don’t know.
47. Where do they study 54. What’s the meaning of ”laugh at” in the text
A. They study in Canada. B. They study in America. C. They study in England. A. 大笑 B. 嘲笑 C. 微笑
48. What do they do in Chinatown 55.Who do you like in the story Why
A. Go shopping. B. Eat delicious food. C. Both A and B. ________________________________________________________________________
49. What do they talk about China with their friends C
A. The Great Wall. B. Food. C. Hobbies. The Double Ninth Festiva(l 重阳节)is a traditional festival in our country. It is on the
50. Where will they work ninth(第九)day of the ninth month in the lunar calendar(农历). On that day, people
A. In the US. B.In China. C. In the UK. often climb mountains and wear corne(l 茱萸). It is also a festival for old people. People
visit their parents and grandparents. The young people usually buy presents and do
something for the old people.
Jane is only six years old and she goes to school this year. She likes reading and
At the Double Ninth Festival this year, Xiaoyong visited his grandparents. He made a
learns a lot from the nursery school. Everyone likes her. One day Jane's mother Mrs Black
card for them. He also chatted(聊天)with his grandparents. They were all very happy.
takes her to a party. The guests all praise(赞扬)a rich woman's son and ask the rich
阅读短文, 将导图补充完整。
woman's son a few questions, but all his answers are wrong. Jane begins to laugh at him.
The rich woman is angry. Then the guests ask Jane some questions, but the girl answers visit their parents
all. They are surprised. Then they ask again,"There are three flies on a table. How many and grandparents 56.
will be left if I kill one " 58.
on the ninth
"One," answers Jane. 59. day of the ninth
"You are wrong" calls out the rich woman. " All of them will fly away!" made a card for his month in the
grandparents lunar calendar"Do you think a dead fly, Madam " asked the little girl.
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六、连词成句。(每题 1 分,共 5分)
61.postcard, this, great, is (.)
62. the, long, Wall, is, Great, how( )
63. more, Canadian, can, me, you, festivals, about, tell( )
64. any, kits, you, have, dragon, got ( )
65. my, can, friend, you, pen, be, English (.)
七、书面表达。(共 10 分)
第 19 届亚运会于 2023 年在杭州举行。假如你是一名杭州亚运会的小学生志愿
要求: 1. 条理清晰,语句通顺
2. 时态,标点及大小写正确,书写规范。
3. 不拘于提示内容, 展开丰富的想象, 不少于 50 词。
Location(位置):in the east of China
How big:about ten million people
Famous: people all over the world go there every year
Weather: cool, windy, rainy
You can visit: the West Lake, Songcheng Temple(宋城 ), Lingyin Temple(灵隐
寺),Broken Bridge(断桥)...
You can eat:West Lake Vinegar Fish(西湖醋鱼), Dongpo Pork(东坡肉), and
Longjing Shrimp(龙井虾) ...
Welcome to Hangzhou!
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