期末复习 Unit 5 - 8 重点短语句型翻译练习 2023-2024冀教版英语七年级上册(含答案)

1. 她是学校俱乐部的成员。
2. 我的房子在公园旁边。
3. 八月是一年的第八个月。
4. 我们一起努力解决这个问题。
5. 他在比赛中获得第二名。
6. 我们学校有很多国际学生。
7. 我收到了生日礼物。
8. 他是我的儿子,我们喜欢一起度过时间。
9. 花园里的玫瑰花闻起来很香。
10. 我的祖母八十岁了。
11. 考试将在九点开始。
12. 她很快完成了作业,然后出去玩。
13. 请跟着我去博物馆。
14. 博物馆在城市的东边。
15. 女士们穿上漂亮的礼服参加聚会。
16. 十二月是一年的第十二个也是最后一个月。
17. 我在农场看到了奶牛和鸡。
18. 我喜欢骑自行车上学。
19. 小心不要在大城市迷路。
20. 星期二在星期一之后,星期三之前。
21. 我们星期三有一场考试。
22. 九月是一年的第九个月。
23. 十一月是天气变冷的月份。
24. 三月三号是我姐姐的生日。
25. 运动会包括各种体育活动。
26. 我们去电影院看电影吧。
27. 十月是以万圣节和五彩斑斓的秋叶而闻名的月份。
28. 元旦是在一月的第一天庆祝的。
29. 你能告诉我去最近的邮局的方向吗?
30. 星期四是在星期三之后,星期五之前。
31. 英语是一种在全球使用的重要语言。
32. 暑假很快就要到了。
33. 我们热爱我们的国旗。
34. 这座宫殿又大又美。
35. 我很兴奋和朋友们一起去旅行。
1. She is a member of the school club.
2. My house is next to the park.
3. August is the eighth month of the year.
4. Let's work together to solve the problem.
5. He came in second place in the race.
6. There are many international students in our school.
7. I received a present for my birthday.
8. He is my son, and we enjoy spending time together.
9. The rose in the garden smells wonderful.
10. My grandmother is eighty years old.
11. The exam will start at nine o'clock.
12. She quickly finished her homework and went outside to play.
13. Please follow me to the museum.
14. The museum is in the east of the city.
15. The ladies wear beautiful dresses for the party.
16. December is the twelfth and last month of the year.
17. I saw cows and chickens on the farm.
18. I like to go to school by bike.
19. Be careful not to get lost in the big city.
20. Tuesday comes after Monday and before Wednesday.
21. We have a test on Wednesday.
22. September is the ninth month of the year.
23. November is a month when the weather gets colder.
24. The third of March is my sister's birthday.
25. The Sports Day event includes different kinds of sports activities.
26. Let's go to the cinema to watch a movie.
27. October is a month known for Halloween and colorful autumn leaves.
28. New Year's Day is celebrated on the first day of January.
29. Can you give me directions to the nearest post office
30. Thursday is the day after Wednesday and before Friday.
31. English is an important language spoken around the world.
32. The summer vacation will be here soon.
33. We love the flag of our country.
34. The palace was large and beautiful.
35. I am excited to go on a trip with my friends.




下一篇:期末复习 Unit 5 重点短语句型翻译练习2023-2024 冀教版英语八年级上册(含答案)