期末复习 Unit 4 重点短语句型翻译练习 2023-2024冀教版英语七年级上册(含答案)

1. 我想要一杯水。
2. 完成作业后,我喜欢看电视。
3. 吃胡萝卜对眼睛有好处。
4. 我每天刷牙。
5. 我喜欢吃巧克力,它是我最喜欢的零食。
6. 葡萄是小而圆的甜甜的水果。
7. 西瓜是夏天吃的一种非常好的水果。
8. 我们班有十五个学生。
9. 请你给我递一听汽水好吗?
10. 我喜欢吃多汁的梨当零食。
11. 别忘了在餐馆给侍者留小费。
12. 让我们把零食传递给大家分享。
13. 我喜欢午餐吃健康的沙拉。
14. 我想点一份比萨饼作为晚餐。
15. 篮子里有十四个苹果。
16. 请抄写黑板上的笔记。
17. 他很喜欢吃卷心菜。
18. 侍女接待员记录了我们的订单,并给我们上了食物。
19. 我喜欢在中国新年庆祝活动中吃饺子。
20. 让我们为野餐做些三明治。
21. 时钟敲响了十一点,是时候睡觉了。
22. 我的收藏里有二十张邮票。
23. 花园里充满了五彩缤纷的花朵。
24. 充足的休息对保持健康很重要。
1. I would like a glass of water, please.
2. After finishing my homework, I like to watch TV.
3. Eating carrots is good for your eyes.
4. I brush my teeth every day.
5. I love eating chocolate; it's my favorite treat.
6. Grapes are small, round and sweet fruits.
7. Watermelon is a very good fruit to eat in the summer.
8. There are fifteen students in my class.
9. Can you pass me a can of soda, please
10. I enjoy eating juicy pears for a snack.
11. Don't forget to leave a tip for the waiter at the restaurant.
12. Let's pass around the snacks and share with everyone.
13. I like to eat a healthy salad for lunch.
14. I would like to order a pizza for dinner.
15. There are fourteen apples in the basket.
16. Take down the notes from the board, please.
17. He likes cabbage very much.
18. The waitress took our order and brought us our food.
19. I love eating dumplings during the Chinese New Year celebration.
20. Let's make sandwiches for our picnic.
21. The clock strikes eleven, and it is time for bed.
22. I have twenty stamps in my collection.
23. The garden is full of colorful flowers.
24. It's important to get enough rest to stay healthy.



上一篇:期末复习 Unit 2 重点短语句型翻译练习2023-2024 冀教版英语八年级上册(含答案)
