期末复习 Unit 2 重点短语句型翻译练习2023-2024 冀教版英语八年级上册(含答案)

1. 我不想迟到上学,所以我早早起床。
2. 花的香味让我想起了春天。
3. 除了香蕉,我喜欢所有的水果。
4. 我可以在两分钟内完成这个任务。
5. 今天天气好像很好。
6. 我喜欢在体育课上参加运动。
7. 我生病了,昨天不得不缺课。
8. 我正在公园里走路,突然下起了雨。
9. 我咳嗽,所以需要喝温水。
10. 我一点也不累,因为我睡了一个好觉。
11. 你最近看了新上映的电影吗?
12. 我因为生病缺了一周的课。
13. 父亲节是一个特殊的日子,用来感谢我们的爸爸。
14. 经过努力学习,我终于通过了考试。
15. 图书馆位置方便,离我家很近。
16. 我们在英语课上进行了一场热烈的讨论。
17. 请安静,图书馆内不允许噪音。
18. 一美元相当于四分之一的四美元。
19. 母亲节是一个表达对妈妈感激之情的日子。
20. 对不起,我迟到了会议,因为遇到了交通堵塞。
21. 这张照片让我想起了我们去年夏天的家庭度假。
22. 除了汤姆,大家都在这里。
23. 我可以在两分钟内完成这个任务,不会花很长时间。
24. 今天好像要下雨,天空多云。
25. 下午我们有体育课,这是一个有趣而活跃的科目。
1. I don't want to be late for school, so I get up early.
2. The smell of flowers reminds me of spring.
3. I like all fruits except for bananas.
4. I can finish this task in two minutes.
5. The weather seems nice today.
6. I enjoy playing sports during physical education (P.E.) class.
7. I was sick and had to miss class yesterday.
8. I was walking in the park when suddenly it started raining.
9. I have a cough, so I need to drink warm water.
10. I'm not tired at all after a good night's sleep.
11. Have you seen the new movie that was released recently
12. I had to miss school for a week because of an illness.
13. Father's Day is a special day to show appreciation to our dads.
14. After studying hard, I finally passed the exam.
15. The library is conveniently located near my house.
16. We had a lively discussion about the book in English class.
17. Please be quiet, no noise allowed in the library.
18. A dollar is equal to a quarter of four dollars.
19. Mother's Day is a day to celebrate and thank our moms.
20. I'm sorry to be late for the meeting. I got stuck in traffic.
21. The picture reminds me of our family vacation last summer.
22. Everyone is here except for Tom.
23. I can finish this task in two minutes. It won't take long.
24. It seems like it's going to rain today. The sky is cloudy.
25. We have P.E. class in the afternoon. It's a fun and active subject.



上一篇:期末复习 Unit 1 - 4 重点短语句型翻译练习 2023-2024冀教版英语七年级上册(含答案)

下一篇:期末复习 Unit 4 重点短语句型翻译练习 2023-2024冀教版英语七年级上册(含答案)