期末复习 Unit 1 - 4 重点短语句型翻译练习 2023-2024冀教版英语七年级上册(含答案)

1. 放学后,我喜欢和朋友们一起运动。
2. 准备好你的背包,明天上学用。
3. 我每周一和周三上英语课。
4. 外面很冷,所以穿上夹克保暖。
5. 今天的温度刚刚好适合野餐。
6. 冬天我们戴围巾来保暖颈部。
7. 她的裙子是一种漂亮的浅蓝色。
8. 你穿上那件新裙子看起来很漂亮!
9. 我感冒了,所以需要休息并多喝水。
10. 妈妈今晚做了美味的牛肉料理。
11. 当你想打招呼时,可以挥手。
12. 如果你感觉不舒服,最好待在家里休息。
13. 当我生气时,我看到红色,感到非常生气。
14. 这本书靠在墙边。
15. 我可以吃块饼干作为零食吗?
16. 让我们一起在公园里玩玩具。
17. 我有点累了,所以我会小睡一会儿。
18. 今晚我们要去餐厅吃晚餐。
19. 蛋糕看起来很美味,我迫不及待要尝一尝。
20. 鸡肉是许多人喜欢的一种肉类。
21. 罐子里装满了五颜六色的糖果。
22. 让我们去市场买些新鲜水果和蔬菜。
23. 这颗糖很甜,很好吃。
24. 餐厅有一个菜单,上面有许多食物选择。
25. 我喜欢放松看电视。
26. 我需要省钱来买一个新玩具。
27. 我的铅笔盒只剩下一支铅笔了。
28. 把食物放进冰箱里保持新鲜。
29. 请你把糖都给我好吗?
30. 书店就在街角上。
1. I like to play sports with my friends after school.
2. Get your backpack ready for school tomorrow.
3. I have English lessons every Monday and Wednesday.
4. It's cold outside, so wear your jacket to keep warm.
5. The temperature is just right for a picnic today.
6. In winter, we wear scarves to keep our necks warm.
7. Her dress is a beautiful light blue color.
8. You look so pretty in that new dress!
9. I have a cold, so I need to rest and drink lots of water.
10. Mom cooked delicious beef for dinner tonight.
11. When you want to say hello, you can wave your hand.
12. If you're not feeling well, it's better to stay home and rest.
13. When I get angry, I can see red and feel really upset.
14. The book is standing against the wall.
15. Can I have a cookie to eat as a snack
16. Let's play with our toys in the park.
17. I'm a bit tired, so I'll take a short nap.
18. We're going to the restaurant for dinner tonight.
19. The cake looks delicious; I can't wait to try it.
20. Chicken is a type of meat that many people enjoy.
21. The jar is full of colorful candies.
22. Let's go to the market to buy some fresh fruits and vegetables.
23. This candy is very sweet and tasty.
24. The restaurant has a menu with many food options.
25. I like to relax and watch TV in the evening.
26. I need to save money to buy a new toy.
27. I have only one pencil left in my pencil case.
28. Put the food in the fridge to keep them fresh.
29. Can you pass me the sugar, please
30. The bookstore is at the corner of the street.



上一篇:Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.单元检测(含答案听力原文及音频) 2023-2024人教版英语八年级上册

下一篇:期末复习 Unit 2 重点短语句型翻译练习2023-2024 冀教版英语八年级上册(含答案)