Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.单元检测(含答案听力原文及音频) 2023-2024人教版英语八年级上册

Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.
(时间:120分钟 分值:120分)
姓名:       班级:       学号:    
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分
(  )1.Where is the girl going to work
A.In Chongqing or in Tianjin.
B.In Beijing or in Shanghai.
C.In Beijing or in Tianjin.
(  )2.What is the boy going to do after high school
A.Study in Beijing.
B.Study in Nanjing.
C.Work in Nanjing.
(  )3.Why is the girl going to take acting lesson
A.She wants to be famous.
B.Her parents asked her to do so.
C.She likes acting.
(  )4.Who will come to Lucy's party
A.Tina.    B.Tim.    C.Jenny.
(  )5.What does Kate mean
A.She is going to the park with Jim.
B.She is going to the park with Ann.
C.She is going to the zoo with Ann.
(  )6.What is Tina going to be
A.A doctor. B.A reporter. C.A writer.
(  )7.Why does Tina want to do that
A.Because she likes people.
B.Because she likes helping people.
C.Because she likes talking with people.
(  )8.What is Maria going to be when she grows up
A.A teacher. B.A pianist. C.A singer.
(  )9.How is she going to do that
A.She will practice the piano every day.
B.She will sing every day.
C.She will dance every day.
(  )10.What are they going to do next Saturday
A.Go fishing. B.Go hiking. C.Go boating.
(  )11.Who will go with them next Saturday
A.Lucy's father.
B.Jack's uncle.
C.Lucy's uncle.
(  )12.Which of the following is true
A.They are going to meet at Jack's house.
B.It's good for boating early in the morning.
C.They are going to leave in the morning.
(  )13.What is the boy's dream job
A.A doctor. B.A cook. C.A policeman.
(  )14.Who likes children
A.The girl.
B.The boy.
C.The girl's mother.
(  )15.What can we get from the conversation
A.The girl's mother is always ill.
B.The boy is going to work hard at medicine.
C.The boy likes to play with children.
16.The cards are my        New Year's resolutions.
17.Sam is going to        because he hopes to keep fit.
18.Ann is going to read more history books to get        in the history exam.
19.Lucy is going to make a        .
20.Lily is going to join the         because she wants to learn Chinese well.
(  )21.—Did you see the new movie, Joe
—No, I     it with my sister this evening.
B.am watching
D.am going to watch
(  )22.Mary was born in America, but she     in Shanghai.
A.looked up B.grew up
C.dressed up D.took up
(  )23.The teacher asked us to make resolutions     the beginning of the school year.
A.at B.on C.by D.for
(  )24.Nowadays many people like posting photos of     on WeChat or Weibo. I don't think it's safe.
A.they B.theirs
C.their D.themselves
(  )25.The Belt and Road Initiative (“一带一路”倡议) will help China improve the    with some other countries.
A.education B.information
C.relationship D.discussion
(  )26.Some people don't like to make plans because no one    what will happen tomorrow.
A.is sure about B.is excited about
C.is happy about D.is angry about
(  )27.My parents will    me to England for a holiday if I get good grades.
A.question B.learn C.take D.forget
(  )28.—    are you going to celebrate (庆祝) the Mid-Autumn Festival
—I'm going to have a dinner together with my family.
A.When B.Where C.Why D.How
Alan is a  29 middle school student. He 30 some New Year's resolutions yesterday. He wants to 31 . So he is going to exercise more and eat a lot of 32 food. He 33  junk food. He is going to 34  a soccer team  35 he likes it and he is also good at playing 36 . He is going to be the captain (队长) of the soccer team. He also wants to improve his  37 . He is going to  38 English every morning. He is going to 39  a pen friend in England or Australia. And he is going to write e-mails in English  40  his pen friend.  41 he grows up he is going to be a doctor for children. He wants to help sick children. He is going to a medical  42 . He is going to work hard. He loves children and he thinks 43 children will be wonderful.
(  )29.A.14-year-old B.14 years old C.14-year old D.14-years-old
(  )30.A.had B.made C.did D.expected
(  )31.A.keep fat B.keep young C.keep old D.keep healthy
(  )32.A.health B.healthier C.unhealthy D.most healthy
(  )33.A.didn't eat B.is going to eat C.isn't going to eat D.eats
(  )34.A.take B.make C.look D.decide
(  )35.A.so B.but C.because D.though
(  )36.A.basketball B.volleyball C.soccer D.baseball
(  )37.A.Chinese B.English C.Japanese D.French
(  )38.A.see B.read C.watch D.say
(  )39.A.have B.send C.promise D.improve
(  )40.A.with B.in C.on D.to
(  )41.A.Where B.When C.Why D.What
(  )42.A.cinema B.zoo C.school D.store
(  )43.A.shouting to B.looking like C.thinking of D.caring for
different what really do these yourself
kind ideas dream good sometimes
Do you have a dream job Do you know what44.    of job you are going to like If you don't know, please read the following advice on how you can find your45.    job.
★ Write down46.    you are good at. Maybe your hobbies can help you find a good job in the future.
★ Try finding a part-time job. You can try 47.     kinds of part-time jobs. Then see if anything 48.    interests you.
★ Speak to your family and friends. They often know you 49.    than you know 50.    . So maybe they have some51.     about what you want 52.     or what you are good at.
★ Take personality tests. You can find 53.    on the Internet and 54.     in newspapers. They can help you to make sure of what you might enjoy doing.
  Here are the New Year's resolutions of my four friends.
  My name is Dave, and I'm from the United Kingdom. I'm going to drink more water and less cola. I'm also going to brush my teeth before breakfast and after dinner, and wash my hands before eating.
  My name is Tina, and I'm from the United States. I want to make more friends this year. I'm going to be nicer to the other students in my class. I'm going to be friendly to students who need friends-like someone who is shy or new to my school.
  I'm Selina, and I'm from the United States. I'm going to work harder this year. I' m going to do all the homework that our teachers ask us to do. If I have any problems with my subjects, I'm going to ask my teachers for help.
  My name is Toby, and I'm from Singapore. I'm never going to play computer games. When I feel angry or stressed, I'm going to find better ways to relax, like exercising, reading or discussing my problems with my friends.
(  )55.What is Selina going to do this year
A.Drink more water. B.Work harder.
C.Make more friends. D.Do more exercise.
(  )56.Who is Toby going to talk with about his problems
A.His friends. B.His teachers.
C.His parents. D.His classmates.
(  )57.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A.Dave is going to wash his hands before eating.
B.Selina is going to ask her teachers about her study problems.
C.Tina is going to be friendly only to children who are new to her school.
D.Toby doesn't want to play computer games any more.
Are you going to high school to go on with your study What will you do if you can't Don't worry. Vocational (职业的) schools are open for you because our country is in need of people with special skills.
Compared with (与……相比) common high schools, vocational schools have more advantages (优势). Firstly, in order to promote (促进) the development of vocational education, our country spends a lot of money on it. So you need to pay only a smaller part of the school fee (学费). Secondly, you have already started learning practical skills that you can use all your life, while some other students may still worry about how to spend the long three years at high schools. Why Because they didn't choose the school that suits (适合) them. And finally, when they are still wondering where to go, you are already able to live on your own hands proudly. And perhaps it won't be long before you are on the road to success.
People take different roads because they have different potentials (潜力).So different students should choose different schools. Go to high school if you think you can go farther on that road. Choose a key high school if you are lucky enough to have the chance. Enter a vocational school if you are interested in the lessons there and you are better at making things with your hands.
In a word, think carefully and see what kind of person you are. Remember, always choose things that suit you.
(  )58.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about
A.The future of vocational schools.
B.How to learn a skill.
C.The advantages of vocational schools.
D.How to succeed.
(  )59.What does the underlined word “practical” in Paragraph 2 mean
A.Important. B.Useful.
C.Poor. D.Safe.
(  )60.What can you do when choosing a school
A.To choose common high school.
B.To choose vocational school.
C.To think carefully which school suits you.
D.To think it about by parents.
(  )61.What can we learn from the passage
A.People should take the same road.
B.Key high school students must be good at making things.
C.Clever students are better at using their hands.
D.We should choose things that suit us.
(  )62.This passage is written to     .
A.advise some students to vocational schools
B.talk about the advantages of common high schools
C.discuss how to divide students into different groups
D.compare different schools
What do you dream of doing in the future 100 students at Hill School give their answers.
30% of the students hope to be famous stars. Some of them like music, so they want to be musicians. Some like acting, so they would like to be actors.
35% of the students are going to be computer programmers. They think the job will become more and more popular, because the computer and the Internet are changing our life and making our life easier. People can do lots of things on the Internet, such as shopping and communicating (交流) with others.
15% of them hope to be scientists. They say they want to make our country stronger and better.
Ten of the students plan to start their own businesses. They think in this way they can have more time to do what they like to do and maybe they will make much money one day.
The last ten students choose jobs like doctors, teachers and drivers.
(  )63.Where are the 100 students from
A.High School. B.Hill School.
C.Bill School. D.Jill School.
(  )64.How many students hope to be famous stars in 100 students
A.Ten. B.Fifteen.
C.Thirty. D.Thirty-five.
(  )65.What job is the most popular in 100 students
B.Computer programmers.
(  )66.Why do some students plan to start their own businesses
A.Because they want to make a lot of friends.
B.Because they don't want to work with others.
C.Because they hope to make our country better and stronger.
D.Because they want to have more time to do things they like.
(  )67.What's the passage mainly about
A.Dream jobs.
B.Dream schools.
C.Popular ways to find jobs.
D.Popular ways to make moneys.
Like many other young boys, I didn't know what I wanted to be when I was a middle school student. My mother advised me to be a teacher like her, but it seemed that I was not interested in it. My father wanted me to be a pianist. However, I couldn't stand spending all of my time in front of a piano.
I got my goal (目标) after I went to high school. I got a part-time job at the school radio station and I found it was interesting. I loved to discuss school life and my favorite music with my schoolmates on the radio. I kept doing this job during the next six years.
When I left the university, I got a full-time job at our local radio station. My career (事业) began. My program is successful and have a lot of fans. I enjoy my job and my life now.
(  )68.What was the writer's mother
A.A musician. B.A doctor.
C.A teacher. D.A scientist.
(  )69.When did the writer start working at a radio station
A.When he was ten years old.
B.When he was a high school student.
C.When he studied at university.
D.After he left the university.
(  )70.What did the writer talk about on the radio in the beginning
A.School news.
B.Famous films.
C.School life.
D.Famous people.
(  )71.Which of the following is TRUE
A.The writer was interested in teaching.
B.The writer couldn't play the piano.
C.The writer often interviews stars.
D.The writer's program is very popular now.
(  )72.Which is the best title of the passage
A.Never listen to your parents
B.Study hard to make your dream come true
C.No job is easy to get
D.The part-time job helped me find my career
The New Year is a time for new beginnings.73.     I guess the New Year without resolutions would be like Christmas without gifts. 74.    They promise to do better, like reading more books or making the bed every day.75.     For me, I make the resolution to lose weight every New Year. But like everyone else, I can't keep doing it.76.     Then Finally, I begin to eat some ice-cream as usual. 77.    . My parents told me not to give up. After one-month hard working, I made some progresses.
A.People hope to change them in a new year.
B.Of course, I am as heavy as before.
C.Many people make New Year's resolutions.
D.What do you want to do when you grow up
E.At the beginning, I go on a diet (节食) and often exercise.
F.Many people want to be teachers.
G.They hope to give up bad habits, like smoking or eating junk food.
(Jack and Tina are talking in front of the classroom. Jack=J Tina=T)
J:Hey, Tina. 78.   
T:I'm painting.
T:Yes. It's my dream job to be an artist. What do you want to be when you grow up
T:That sounds good, but it's difficult. 81.   
J:I'm going to join the tennis club to practice tennis every day.
T:That's a good idea. 82.   
J:Next week.
T:Just try your best, and you can do anything you want to do.
J:Yeah, I think so.
A.How are you going to do that
B.When are you going to do
C.What are you doing
D.Yes, I like playing tennis.
E.Do you want to be an artist when you grow up
F.I want to be a tennis player.
G.We are going to play tennis.
规划未来,把握人生。你给自己的未来做过规划吗 你将如何去实现它 请你根据下面提示,写一篇英语短文,谈谈你未来想要从事的职业以及你将如何实现此目标。
1.What do you want to be in the future
2.Why do you want to do this kind of job
3.What are you going to do for your future job
参 考 答 案
1.M:Where are you going to work
W:I'm not sure yet. Maybe in Beijing or in Tianjin.
2.W:Are you going to study in Beijing after high school
M:No. I'm going to study in Nanjing.
3.M:What are you going to do
W:I'm going to take acting lessons because I like acting.
4.M:Who will come to your birthday party, Lucy
W:Tina will be busy, and Jenny has to look after her little sister. But Tim is free.
5.M:Kate, I am going to the park. Would you like to go with me
W:Sorry, Jim. I plan to go to the zoo with Ann.
M:Tina, are you going to be a doctor
W:No. I'm going to be a reporter.
W:Because I like talking with people. It's very interesting.
M:Maria, what are you going to be when you grow up
W:I'm going to be a pianist.
M:How are you going to do that
W:I will practice the piano every day.
W:Jack, what are you going to do next weekend
M:I have no idea. What about you, Lucy
W:How about going fishing on Saturday
M:OK. Where are we going to meet
W:Let's meet at my house. My uncle has a boat. He can take us to go fishing on the lake.
M:What time are we going to leave
W:Let's leave early in the morning. It's good for fishing at that time.
M:Great! This is going to be fun. See you on Saturday.
W:See you then.
W:What are you going to be when you grow up
M:I'm going to be a doctor.
W:How are you going to do that
M:I'm going to work really hard at medicine.
W:Why do you want to be a doctor
M:My mother is always ill, so I hope to become a good doctor and help people like her.
W:A great dream.
M:Thank you. What's your dream job
W:To be a teacher, because I like children.
Look! There are some cards on the wall. They're my classmates' New Year's resolutions. They wrote them on the wall. Look! Sam is going to eat more vegetables because he hopes to keep fit. Ann is going to read more history books. She wants to get good grades in the history exam. Lucy is going to make a football team because our class will play against Class Five next year. Lily is going to join the language club. She would like to learn Chinese well.
1~5 CBCBC 6~10 BCBAA 11~15 CCAAB
16.classmates' 17.eat more vegetables 18.good grades
19.football team 20.language club
21~24 DBAD 25~28 CACD
A)29~33 ABDBC 34~38 BCCBB 39~43 ADBCD
B)44.kind 45.dream 46.what 47.different 48.really
49.better 50.yourself 51.ideas 52.to do 53.these
55~57 BAC 58~62 CBCDA 63~67 BCBDA
68~72 CBCDD 73~77 CAGEB
78~82 CEFAB
One Possible Version:
Hey, I'm Li Hua, a student in Yucai Middle School. When I grow up, I'm going to be an English teacher, because I like children. How am I going to do that
First, I'm going to study hard and do well in my schoolwork. Then I'm going to Beijing and study English at a university there. At the same time, I'm going to learn how to teach children. After finishing university, I'm going to look for a job as an English teacher at a school in Beijing.
I'm sure I will be a good teacher.




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