
一、 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。
Today is Sunday. It's a sunny morning. Mike and his family are all at home. His father is cooking meals in the kitchen. His mother is washing clothes in the bathroom. Where's his brother, Jim He's in the bedroom. Jim and his sister Kate are playing hide -and -seek. Jim is hiding behind the door. Mike's grandpa and grandma are watching TV in the living room. Where can you find Mike Here he is. He's reading books in his room.
( )1.There are____ people in Mike's family.
A.five B.six C.seven
( )2.Jim's father is in the____.
A.bedroom B.kitchen C.bathroom
( )3.Mike's mother is____.
A.washing clothes B.cooking meals C.watching TV
( )4.Mike's grandma is in the____.
A.bedroom B.kitchen C.living room
( )5.Mike is____ in his room.
A.reading books B.watching TV C.sleeping
二、 阅读选择
Coco and Lisa are sisters. It was Sunday yesterday. They wanted to play basketball. But where were Coco’s sports shoes They weren’t under the bed. They weren’t in the bag. Coco couldn’t find them. She was very sad. “What’s the matter with you, Coco ” her mum asked. “I can’t find my sports shoes.” Coco said. “Look! They are near the window.” her mum said. Coco was very happy. She thanked her mother and went out with Lisa.
( )1.Coco is Lisa’s _______.
A.sister B.friend C.mother
( )2.They wanted to _______.
A.go swimming B.play basketball C.play football
( )3.Why was Coco sad
A.Because she was busy.
B.Because she couldn’t find her sports shoes.
C.Because her mum didn’t let her go.
( )4.It was _______ yesterday.
A.Saturday B.Tuesday C.Sunday
( )5.Where did Coco find her sports shoes
A.Under the bed. B.Near the window. C.In the bag.
三、 阅读选择
Life is colourful, and feeling is colourful too.
If (如果) you're sad, you're feeling blue. Wow! What can you do You can talk with friends or your family.
If you are angry, you're feeling red. Oh, bad! What can you do You can take a deep breath (深呼吸) and count to ten.
If you're afraid, you are feeling yellow. Oh, no! What can you do You can ask for help.
If you're bored, you are feeling grey. Enn, what can you do You can listen to music.
If you're happy, you're feeling pink. Great! Yes, you can sing and dance.
( )1.I am very ___________. I can take a deep breath (深呼吸).
A.angry B.happy C.sad
( )2.I am singing and dancing, I am___________.
A.afraid B.happy C.bored
( )3.You argue with your friends, you're feeling___________.
A.grey B.pink C.red
( )4.You can't go out to play, you're feeling___________.
A.pink B.grey C.yellow
( )5.The topic (题目) can be___________.
A.Bad Feelings B.Colourful Feelings C.Good feelings.
四、 阅读选择
I'm Tom. My classroom is very bright and clean. It is not big but it is beautiful. There are forty six pupils in my class. We are cute and lovely. There are forty six desks and forty six chairs. They're for us. There's a TV on the wall. It can help us learn. There's a blackboard in front of the teacher's desk. And there's a flag on the top of the blackboard. There are also many pictures on the wall. They are useful for our study. I like my classroom.
( )1.How many children are there in the class
A.46. B.56. C.47.
( )2.The classroom is ________.
A.big and bright B.big and clean C.small but clean
( )3.There is (are) ________ on the wall.
A.a TV B.many pictures C.Both A and B
( )4.There's a flag ________.
A.on the wall B.on the top of the blackboard C.on the desk
( )5.Does Tom like his classroom
A.Yes, he does. B.Yes, he did. C.No, he doesn't.
五、 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。
Hello. My name is Lingling. I’m in our school football team. I cannot play football well. I cannot control the ball well. I cannot run fast. But I can jump really high, because I am very good at basketball. So I can catch the ball very well. My friends often tell me “You can play football well. You can be a good goalkeeper.” I’m very happy because I will be a good football player.
( )1.Lingling is in her school team.
A.basketball B.football.
( )2.She play football well.
A.can’t B.can
( )3.She can jump really .
A.high B.fast.
( )4.She can the ball very well.
A.catch B.play
( )5.She will be a good .
A.football player B.basketball player
六、 阅读短文,选出合适的选项。
It's cold today. Lily feels cold and she can't get up on time. Her mother asks her, “What's wrong ” “I feel very cold. Maybe I am ill.” Lily answers. Her mother is worried and says, “You can't go to school this morning. Please get up and wear warm clothes. Let's go to the hospital and see a doctor. Don't worry. I'm sure you'll be better soon.”
( )1.—What's the weather like today
A.It's cold. B.It's cool. C.It's warm.
( )2.—What's the matter with Lily
A.She is happy. B.She is ill. C.She is well.
( )3.—How does Lily's mother feel
A.She is angry. B.She is sad. C.She is worried.
( )4.—Can Lily get to school this morning
A.Yes, she can. B.No, she can't. C.No, she can.
( )5.—Where are they going
A.They're going to the hospital.
B.They're going to the zoo.
C.They're going to the school.
七、 阅读短文,选出合适的选项。
One day, Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car. They stop (停) their car near a supermarket. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in “their” car. But Mr. White can't open the door of the car. Then they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to them. Just then a man comes up (出现) and shouts (喊), “What are you doing with my car ”
Mr. and Mrs. White look at the car's number (号码) and they are frozen (僵住) there. It isn't their car.
( )1.Mr. and Mrs. White drive for ________.
A.fishing B.shopping
( )2.They stop their car ________.
A.near a supermarket B.near the sea
( )3.They want to put the things ________.
A.in a big bag B.in the car
( )4.Mr. White can't open the car, so ________.
A.they walk home B.they ask a policeman to help them
( )5.The car ________ theirs.
A.isn't B.is
八、 阅读对话,选择正确的答案。
Lingling: Amy, how many apples do we have
Amy:We have twenty-three apples. But there are twenty-five children in our class.
Lingling: We need two more.
Amy: How many boxes of milk
Lingling: There are twenty-five boxes of milk. There are only twelve bananas. We need more bananas.
Amy: OK. Let’s go to the supermarket.
( )1.How many apples do they have
A.Twenty-five B.Twelve C.Twenty-three.
( )2.Are there enough boxes of milk
A.Yes, there are. B.No, there aren’t. C.Too many.
( )3.How many bananas
A.Twenty. B.Twelve. C.Twenty-five.
( )4.Where are they going
A.School. B.Home. C.The supermarket.
九、 阅读理解。
I am Lisa. I have lessons from Monday to Friday. On Sunday mornings, I usually get up very late. I eat breakfast at eight. Later I often go to the park with my parents. We go there on foot. It takes us about ten minutes. There are many people in the park. There is a big lake in the middle of the park. Some children are swimming, some are boating with their parents. I like boating very much. We have a good time there. How happy we are!
( )1.Lisa has lessons ______days a week.
A.four B.five C.six
( )2.Lisa often ______ on Sundays.
A.goes to school B.gets up early C.gets up late
( )3.On Sundays, there are _______ people in the park.
A.much B.very much C.lots of
( )4.Lisa likes ______ very much.
A.boating B.running C.swimming
( )5.Lisa is boating in the park with her ______.
A.good friends B.father and mother C.classmates
三、 A ; B ; C ; B ; B
四、 A C C B A
六、 A ; B ; C ; B ; A
八、 C A B C
九、 B ; C ; C ; A ; B



