
一、 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。
Tom: It’s sunny. Let’s take a boat trip along the river, Lily.
Lily: Sorry. I don’t want to go, Tom.
Tom: Are you feeling tired
Lily: No.
Tom: Are you feeling angry
Lily: No.
Tom: What’s the matter
Lily: My grandma is ill in hospital.
Tom: I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s phone your mum. We can ask her about your grandma.
Lily: OK.
( )1.Lily wants to take a boat trip.
( )2.Lily is feeling tired.
( )3.Lily isn’t feeling angry.
( )4.Lily’s grandma is ill in hospital.
( )5.They will phone Tom’s mother.
二、 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。
We can not live a modern life without traveling. The fastest way of traveling is by air. With a plane one can travel in one day to places which it took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago.
Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but one can see the country he is traveling through. Modern trains have comfortable seats and dinning-cars. They make even the longest journey enjoyable.
Some people prefer to travel by sea when possible. There are large luxury liners (客轮) or river boats. They are not as fast as trains or planes, but traveling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.
Many people like to travel by car. They can make their own timetable. They can travel hundreds of miles or only fifty miles a day, just as their wish. They can stop wherever they want to see something interesting or to enjoy a good meal at a good restaurant, or to spend the night at a hotel. That is why people choose traveling by car for pleasant trips, while they usually take trains or planes for business.
( )1.According to the passage, the fastest way of traveling is _______.
A.by car B.by train C.by plane D.by sea
( )2.If we travel by car, we can ________.
A.enjoy the longest journey B.travel only fifty miles a day
C.make our own timetable D.travel to a very far place in a few minutes
( )3.When people travel on business, they usually take _______.
A.a boat or a train B.a car or a boat C.a plane or a car D.a train or a plane
三、 阅读选择
One day, Lucy goes shopping with her mother. When they get to the store, Lucy is very happy. There are many things and many people in it.
Mother tells Lucy to follow (跟着) her. They walk here and there and they buy some vegetables and fruits. When they come to a shelf (柜架), Lucy sees some boxes of chocolates. She wants her mother to buy some for her.
Her mother picks up a box of black chocolates. But Lucy shakes her head and says, “I want a box of white chocolates.” “Why ” asks her mother. “I won’t bite (咬) my fingers (手指) when I eat them at night,” answers Lucy.
( )1.Why does Lucy’s mother ask her to follow her
A.Because the store is small.
B.Because there are many people in it.
C.Because her mother needs Lucy to help her.
D.Because the store is dangerous (危险的).
( )2.What does Lucy want to buy in the store
A.Clothes and fruits.
B.Vegetables and fruits.
C.A box of black chocolates and a box of white chocolates.
D.A box of white chocolates.
( )3.Why does Lucy like white chocolates
A.Because they are cheaper.
B.Because they are bigger.
C.Because she can see them clearly (清楚地) at night.
D.Because she want to tell a joke (笑话).
( )4.What does the underlined phrase “shakes her head” mean in Chinese
A.摇头 B.点头 C.握手 D.低下头
( )5.What can we learn from the passage
A.There aren’t many things in the store.
B.Lucy likes dessert.
C.Lucy’s mother likes shopping with her son.
D.We can see black chocolates at night.
四、 阅读判断正误。
Lucy got up at six thirty in the morning. Then she washed her face. She went to school at seven thirty. She went to school by bus.
Classes began at eight. She had six lessons (一节课). She had four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. Classes were over at four. After school she cleaned her classroom. Then she went home.
She got home at five. She had supper at six thirty. After supper she did her homework. She went to bed at nine or ten.
( )1.Lucy got up at six thirty.
( )2.Lucy went to school by bike.
( )3.Lucy had eight lessons.
( )4.After school Lucy cleaned her classroom.
( )5.Lucy got home at four.
五、 阅读短文,选出合适的选项。
It's cold today. Lily feels cold and she can't get up on time. Her mother asks her, “What's wrong ” “I feel very cold. Maybe I am ill.” Lily answers. Her mother is worried and says, “You can't go to school this morning. Please get up and wear warm clothes. Let's go to the hospital and see a doctor. Don't worry. I'm sure you'll be better soon.”
( )1.—What's the weather like today
A.It's cold. B.It's cool. C.It's warm.
( )2.—What's the matter with Lily
A.She is happy. B.She is ill. C.She is well.
( )3.—How does Lily's mother feel
A.She is angry. B.She is sad. C.She is worried.
( )4.—Can Lily get to school this morning
A.Yes, she can. B.No, she can't. C.No, she can.
( )5.—Where are they going
A.They're going to the hospital.
B.They're going to the zoo.
C.They're going to the school.
六、 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。
One day, Lucky Dog played with Brave Dog in the park. They rowed boats. They rode bikes. They flew kites. Later, they were tired. They had a rest near the lake. There, they met a cat. They said hello to each other. Then, the cat found a fish behind the dogs. The cat asked the dogs, “Lucky Dog, is this your fish ” Lucky Dog said no. The cat asked Brave Dog, “Brave Dog, is this your fish ” Brave Dog said no. The cat said, “Oh, it’s not your fish. No dogs like fish. So, it’s my fish now! Hmmm, yummy!” The dogs laughed, “All cats like fish.”
( )1.Lucky Dog and Brave Dog met a cat in the zoo.
( )2.Lucky Dog likes fish.
( )3.It is Brave Dog's fish.
( )4.The cat wanted to eat the fish.
七、 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。
Tom: What's the matter, Eve Are you feeling bored
Eve: No...
Tom: Are you feeling angry
Eve: Oh no! or course not.
Tom: So what's the matter with you
Eve: I can't find my favourite pencil box. I lost it. I'm sad now.
Tom: Don't worry(担心)。I can help you.
( )1.Tom is feeling bored now.
( )2.Eve lost her favourite pencil.
( )3.Eve is feeling sad.
( )4.Tom wants to help Eve.
八、 阅读判断
Last Sunday my parents and I came to my cousin Dalong's home. There are three sofas in the living room and there is a table in the kitchen. After lunch, Dalong took off his shoes and jumped on the bed. "Don't jump on the bed, my mother said." Don't jump on the bed," my father said. But he continued (继续) jumping. Two minutes later, he cried and came out from the bedroom. Oh, my dear Dalong fell off the bed and bumped his head.
( )1.Last Saturday I came to Dalong's home.
( )2.Three sofas are in the kitchen.
( )3.My parents said," Don't jump on the bed.”
( )4.Dalong jumped in the living room.
( )5.At last, Dalong fell off the bed and bumped his head.
九、 阅读选择
Mr. White looks out of his window. There is a boy at the other side of the street. The boy takes some bread out of a bag and begins to eat it. There is a very thin dog in the street, too. The boy says to it, “I’ll give you some bread.” The dog is hungry and goes to the boy, but he does not give it any bread. He kicks the dog. It runs away, and the boy laughs.
Then Mr. White comes out of his house and says to the boy. “I’ll give you a shilling (先令).” The boy is happy and says, “Yes.” “Come here,” Mr. White says. The boy goes to him, but Mr. White does not give him a shilling. He hits him with a stick. The boy cries and says, “Why do you hit me I do not ask you for any money.” “No,” Mr. White says, “and the dog does not ask you for any bread, but you kick it.”
( )1.Where is Mr. White at first
A.He is in the room. B.He is in the street.
C.He is in front of the house. D.He stands close to the boy.
( )2.Why does the dog go to the boy Because ________.
A.it wants to eat B.the boy asks it to do so
C.the boy is the dog’s owner D.the boy is friendly to it
( )3.Why does the dog run away Because ________.
A.the boy gives some bread B.the dog doesn’t like bread
C.the dog doesn’t like the boy D.the boy kicks the dog
( )4.Why does Mr. White tell the boy to come up to him Because he wants to ________.
A.give him a shilling B.give him a good lesson (教训)
C.give him some more bread D.help the boy
( )5.What kind of man do you think Mr. White is He is a _______ man.
A.cruel (粗鲁的) B.sympathetic (富有同情心的)
C.friendly D.polite (有礼貌的)
十、 阅读对话,选择正确的答案。
Lingling: Amy, how many apples do we have
Amy:We have twenty-three apples. But there are twenty-five children in our class.
Lingling: We need two more.
Amy: How many boxes of milk
Lingling: There are twenty-five boxes of milk. There are only twelve bananas. We need more bananas.
Amy: OK. Let’s go to the supermarket.
( )1.How many apples do they have
A.Twenty-five B.Twelve C.Twenty-three.
( )2.Are there enough boxes of milk
A.Yes, there are. B.No, there aren’t. C.Too many.
( )3.How many bananas
A.Twenty. B.Twelve. C.Twenty-five.
( )4.Where are they going
A.School. B.Home. C.The supermarket.
二、 CCD
五、 A ; B ; C ; B ; A
十、 C A B C



