
1.My mother usually _____ at weekends. ( )
A.go shopping B.goes shopping C.going shopping
2.The bread is too ________, so we can’t eat it. ( )
A.hard B.soft C.small
3.I can _________ football and I like _________ piano. ( )
A.play; playing B.playing; play C.play; playing the
4.Let me ________ this email first. ( )
A.sends B.send C.sending
5.—Would you like _______ hamburgers ( )
—Yes, please.
A.a B.any C.some
6.__________ your sister like __________ skating ( )
A.Do; go B.Do; going C.Does; going
7.My e - friend lives in _____. ( )
A.the UK B.UK C.the uk
8.—Are there ______ plants in the garden ( )
— Yes, there are.
A.some B.any C.a
9.—What subjects does Mike
—He English and Art. (like)
10.Let her (sit) by the window and (drink) some tea.
11.My father is a (write). He (write) stories for children.
12.The art room is on (two) floor.
13.His hobby is (read) books.
14.you, what, like, do, doing ( )
15.are, my, any, There, trees, in, school, not (.)
16.goes, sometimes, Sam, see, to, his, grandparents (.)
17.is, this, not, soft, too, bed, (.)
18.drink, Sarah's, is, milk, favourite (.)
A.They’re in the fridge. B.I’m hungry. C. Yes, there are. D.No, there isn’t. E. Yes, please. F. Yes, she can.
19.Is there a big desk in the living room ( )
20.Would you like some soup ( )
21.What’s the matter ( )
22.Can Lily draw very well ( )
23.Where’s the cakes ( )
24.Are there any apples on the table ( )
Cao Chong weighs an elephant
Somebody gives Cao Cao an elephant. The elephant is big and strong. Its big body looks like a wall and its ears look like two big fans. Cao Cao wants to know its weight. But nobody can weigh the elephant. Cao Chong tells his father he can weigh it. First, he lets the elephant go onto the boat. Next, Cao Chong marks(标记) the water line on the boat. Then, the elephant comes back to the bank(岸), and people put some heavy stones(石头) in the boat. At last, Cao Chong weighs each of the stones. In this way, he weighs the elephant. His father is very happy. “Your idea is so great. What a clever boy!” Cao Chong smiles, “I like reading books. I can learn a lot from books.”
25.One day, Cao Cao gets a(n) ______ and he wants to know its weight. ( )
A.stone B.elephant C.boat
26.The underlined word “weigh” means “______” in Chinese. ( )
A.喂……喝水 B.杀害 C.称重量
27.Cao Chong is Cao Cao’s ______. ( )
A.son B.father C.brother
28.Cao Chong’s hobby is ______. ( )
A.reading B.speaking C.playing
Welcome to Coco Shopping Center (购物中心). If (如果) you want to buy some shoes and socks, the shoe shop (商店) is on the first floor. It is between the bag shop and the supermarket. Peter and Tom often go there to buy sports (运动) shoes. They are good but not cheap (便宜的). If you are thirsty, you can go and have a drink in a coffee shop. It’s on the second floor. On the third floor, there are many clothing shops. There are a lot of beautiful clothes. Lucy and her mother usually buy clothes in the shops. There are many people in them. Near the clothing shops there is a bookshop. You can enjoy reading there. Then you may get hungry. Go to the fourth (第四) floor. You can enjoy some nice food there.
29.The shoe shop is on the second floor. ( )
30.The shoes in the shop are good and cheap. ( )
31.You can buy some books on the third floor. ( )
32.Nancy wants to buy a dress so she goes to the second floor. ( )
33.There isn’t a coffee shop in this shopping center. ( )
【详解】句意:我妈妈通常周末去购物。结合选项,本题考查一般现在时,主语My mother是第三人称单数,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式,goes是go的第三人称单数,故选B。
【详解】句意:我会踢足球并且我喜欢弹钢琴。本题考查动词形式及动词短语,情态动词can后面跟动词原形,所以第一空填play;排除B选项;play the piano是动词短语,意思是弹钢琴,故选C。
【详解】句意:让我先发这封电子邮件。let sb do sth让某人做某事,后跟动词原形。A动词第三人称单数形式;B动词原形;C动名词形式;故选B。
【详解】句意:你妹妹们喜欢滑冰吗?主语your sister是单数,故助动词用does,like doing sth喜欢做某事,后跟动名词形式,故选C。
【详解】句意:我的网友住在英国。英国 UK,前面加定冠词the,故选A。
【详解】句意:花园里有植物吗?答语意为是的,有。英语中,any和some都意为一些,后接可数名词复数或不可数名词,但any常用于一般疑问句,否定句中,some常用于肯定句中,该句为there be句型的否定结构,故选B。
9. like likes
10. sit drink
【详解】句意:让她坐在窗户旁喝点茶吧。句中的let后面接动词原形,第一空为sit,and连接两个并列部分,第二空也为动词原形,drink tea喝茶,动词短语,第二空为drink,故答案为sit;drink。
11. writer writes
14.What do you like doing
【详解】本题考查句子结构,you你(们),what什么,like喜欢,do助动词,doing做,根据所给问号及疑问词what,可知句子是特殊疑问句,根据所给单词词义可以连成句子:你(们)喜欢做什么?故答案为What do you like doing
15.There are not any trees in my school.
【详解】There are有,my我的,any一些,trees树,in在,school学校,not不,根据所给句号和not,可知句子是否定句,根据词义连成句子:我的学校里没有树。故答案为There are not any trees in my school.
16.Sam sometimes goes to see his grandparents. /Sometimes Sam goes to see his grandparents.
【详解】goes to去, sometimes有时候,Sam萨姆,see看见,his他的, grandparents祖父母,由句子符号可知是陈述句,根据词义可连成句子:萨姆有时去看望他的祖父母。故答案为Sam sometimes goes to see his grandparents. /Sometimes Sam goes to see his grandparents.
17.This bed is not too soft./This bed isn't too soft.
【详解】is not不是,is not=isn't,this这个,too soft太软,bed床,根据所给句号和词义,可知句子为陈述句的否定形式,根据所给的词义可以连成句子:这张床不太软。故答案为This bed is not too soft./This bed isn't too soft.
18.Sarah's favourite drink is milk.
【详解】drink饮料,Sarah's萨拉的,is是,milk牛奶,favourite最喜欢的。根据所给单词和句号,可知句子为陈述句。根据词义可连成句子:萨拉最喜欢的饮料是牛奶。故答案为Sarah's favourite drink is milk.
19.D 20.E 21.B 22.F 23.A 24.C
【解析】19.问句:在客厅里有一个大的桌子吗?这是there be 的一般疑问句,所以D. No, there isn’t.不,没有。符合句意,故选D。
20.问句:你想要一些汤吗?这是would like 的一般疑问句,所以E. Yes, please好的,请。符合句意,故选E。
21.问句:怎么了?问怎么了,所以B. I’m hungry.我饿了。符合句意,故选B。
22.问句:莉莉画的好吗?这是can 的一般疑问句,所以F. Yes, she can.是的,她会。符合句意,故选F。
23.问句:蛋糕在哪里?问的是地点,所以A. They’re in the fridge.它们在冰箱里。符合句意,故选A。
24.问句:在桌子山有一些苹果吗?这是there be 的一般疑问句,所以C. Yes, there are.是的,有。符合句意,故选C。
25.B 26.C 27.A 28.A
25.句意:有一天,曹操得到了一头______,他想知道它的体重。A石头,B大象,C船,根据“Somebody gives Cao Cao an elephant.”,可知有一天,曹操得到了一头大象,故选B。
27.句意:曹冲是曹操的______。A儿子,B爸爸,C哥哥/弟弟,根据“Cao Chong tells his father he can weigh it.”,可知曹冲是曹操的儿子,故选A。
28.句意:曹冲的爱好是______。A阅读,B说话,C玩,根据“Cao Chong smiles, “I like reading books. I can learn a lot from books.””,可知曹冲的爱好是阅读,故选A。
29.F 30.F 31.T 32.F 33.F
【分析】29.句意为:鞋店在二楼。根据If (如果) you want to buy some shoes and socks, the shoe shop (商店) is on the first floor.可知,鞋店在一楼。题意与文意不符,故答案为F。
30.句意为:商店里的鞋子物美价廉。根据They are good but not cheap (便宜的).可知,商店里的鞋子好看但不便宜。题意与文意不符,故答案为F。
31.句意为:你可以在三楼买一些书。根据On the third floor, there are many clothing shops. Near the clothing shops there is a bookshop. 可知,书店在三楼。题意与文意相符,故答案为T。
32.句意为:南希想买一件衣服,所以她去了二楼。根据On the third floor, there are many clothing shops. 衣服店在三楼。题意与文意不符,故答案为F。
33.句意为:这个购物中心没有咖啡店。根据If you are thirsty, you can go and have a drink in a coffee shop. It’s on the second floor. 可知,二楼有咖啡店。题意与文意不符,故答案为F。
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