
1.works, a, gym, he, in, (.)
2.No.15 bus the take there over (.)
3.usually, to, by, I, come, school, car (.)
4.school, to, how, do, come, you ( )
5.am, hungry, so, I (.)
6.are, car, you, in, a (.)
7.hospital, there, city, my, is, in, a, pet (.)
8.library, where, the, is ( )
9.he, by, bike, goes, work, to(.)
10.should, study, and, healthy, hard, we, stay (.)
11.are, where, you, going, afternoon, this ( )
12.in, lesson, what, you, do, are, to, your, going ( )
13.have, comic, I, about, books, space, lots, of (.)
14.doing, Does, like, puzzles, he, word, ( )
15.going, Great, Li Ming, is, to, the, Wall, bus, by, (.)
16.stories, likes, reading, He (.)
17.like he does word doing hiking puzzles and going ( )
18.with, I, my, in, live, mom, China(.)
19.here is father today your ( )
20.me, school, takes, My, often, to, mother (.)
21.is, the, museum, where, science ( )
22.the, is, Where, cinema ( )
23.are, you, going, what, buy, to, ( )
24.you, have, do, books, comic, ( )
25.fly we to in are Renmin Park kites going (. )(连词成句)
26. space film they to a about travel going are see (. )(连词成句)
27. space, film, we, to, a, about, travel, going, are, see (!)
28. your, are, lesson, do, what, you, to, going, in ( )
29.draw, Renmin, Park, in, some, pictures, going, to, are, We, (.)
30.is, going, to, John, next, week, take, a, trip (.)
31.fisherwoman, is, mother, your, a ( )
32. does father where work your ( )
33. does father what your do ( )
34. uncle a is my factory worker (.)
35.your what do does uncle( )
36.where your mother does work( )
37.go work how does mother to your ( )
38.brother/what/your/do /does( )
39.we, there, how, can, get ( )
40.museum, where, the, is, shop ( )
41.afternoon, you, going, what, to, are, do, this ( )
42.Linda, going, is, to, a, take, trip (.)
43.I'm, visit, to, grandparents, my, going (.)
44.often, other, he, countries, goes, to (.)
45.does, what, John's, do, sister ( )
46.is, here, today, your, father ( )
47.want, be, businessman, I, to, a (.)
48.here, will, be, today, she (.)
49.a, plane, he, rescue, works, on (.)
50.good, at, is, Tom, ping-pong (.)
1.He works in a gym.
2.Take the No.15 bus over there.
3.I usually come to school by car.
4.How do you come to school
5.I am so hungry.
6.You are in a car.
7.There is a pet hospital in my city.
8.Where is the library
9.He goes to work by bike.
10.We should study hard and stay healthy.
11.Where are you going this afternoon
12.What are you going to do in your lesson
13.I have lots of comic books about space.
14.Does he like doing word puzzles
15.Li Ming is going to the Great Wall by bus.
16.He likes reading stories.
17.Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking /Does he like going hiking and doing word puzzles
18.I live in China with my mom.
19.Is your father here today
20.My mother often takes me to school.
21.Where is the science museum
22.Where is the cinema
23.What are you going to buy
24.Do you have comic books
25.We are going to fly kites in Renmin Park.
26.They are going to see a film about space travel.
27.We are going to see a film about space travel!
28.What are you going to do in your lesson
29.We are going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.
30.John is going to take a trip next week.
31.Is your mother a fisherwoman
32.Where does your father work
33.What does your father do
34.My uncle is a factory worker.
35.What does your uncle do
36.Where does your mother work
37.How does your mother go to work
38.What does your brother do
39.How can we get there
40.Where is the museum shop
41.What are you going to do this afternoon
42.Linda is going to take a trip.
43.I'm going to visit my grandparents.
44.He often goes to other countries.
45.What does John's sister do
46.Is your father here today
47.I want to be a businessman.
48.She will be here today.
49.He works on a rescue plane.
50.Tom is good at ping-pong./Tom's good at ping-pong.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



