外研版(三起)英语五年级上册期末专题复习单项选择(试题) (无答案)

1.He ________ me that last night. (  )
A.told B.tells C.tell
2.You _______ buy some apples. ( )
A.want B.can C.couldn’t
3.My _____ are white. ( )
A.sock B.sockes C.socks
4.—_________ she feel bored ( )
—Yes, she does.
A.Do B.Did C.Does
5._____ milk did you drink ( )
A.How much B.How many C.How often
6.I like Lingling skipping with. ( )
A.me B.my C.we
7.We _______ at the zoo at nine o'clock yesterday morning. ( )
A.arrive B.arrived C.arrives
8.选出不同类的一项:( )
A.blind B.deaf C.hear
9.当你想知道汤姆是否发邮件了,你可以问:______( )
A.Did she send you an email B.Did he send you an email
10.—Did you wash your clothes ( )
A.Yes, I do.
B.No, I don't.
C.Yes, I did.
11.It ______ us one hour and twenty minutes to go to the park yesterday. ( )
A.takes B.took C.take
12.If you enjoy math, you can be a(n) ________.( )
A.singer B.dancer C.accountant
13.I'll ________ four apples. (  )
A.buy B.buying C.to buy
14.Numbers are ______ a party now. ( )
A.have B.having C.had
15.—What’s the matter ______ Amy ( )
—She lost her hat.
A.to B.with C.for
16.—_____does he watch TV ( )
—Once a week.
A.Which B.Where C.How often D.What
17.We went there _______ ten o'clock _______ the morning. (   )
A.on; in B.at; in C.in; at
18.Sixty, _____, eighty. What is the missing number ( )
A. B. C. D.
19.-the date ( )
A.What’s B.What
20.—Are you feeling ________ today ( )
—Yes, thank you.
A.good B.health C.better D.bad
21.My mum played the pipa________________.( )
A.tomorrow B.now C.yesterday
22.―Did you come back yesterday ( )
―No, we _____ back last Sunday.
A.came B.come C.comed D.comes
23.—________ did they go to the Great Wall ( )
—They went by bus.
A.Why B.How C.What
24.His grandpa is slow ______ healthy now. ( )
A.but B.or C.so
25.——Can you sing ( )
——Yes , I _________________.
A.does B.can C.am D.are



上一篇:人教版九年级物理全一册通关讲义 第十四章 第3节 能量的转化和守恒(分层作业)(原卷版+解析版)

下一篇:人教版九年级物理全一册通关讲义 第十四章 第1节 热机(分层作业)(原卷版+解析版)