Unit 10 If you go to the party, you'll have a great time!复习卷 2023-2024人教版英语八年级上册(含答案)

Class ___________ Name ___________
1. Grace felt u___________ because her wallet was lost.
2. Mr. Green o___________ the class trip to Guilin last month.
3. He gave us some good a___________ on how to learn English well.
4. Nowadays, students spend much time watching short v___________ on the phone.
5. My doctor a___________ me to take the medicine twice a day last week.
6. How c___________ you are! You've knocked the cup off the table again!
7. Don't be afraid of making m___________. They help you learn.
8. We will go hiking together u___________ it rains tomorrow.
9. I don't think t__________ should drink wine before 18.
10. Is there anyone e___________ who can help me
11. If he has enough money, he will t___________ around the world.
12. My parents are really u___________ and I often share my problems with them.
13. Friends are those who you t__________ and talk to.
14. Our parents usually have more e___________ than us, so we'd better talk to them about our problems.
15. I s___________ forward when my name was called out.
16. Ms. Wang is really a___________ with Alison, because she is late again.
17. Without the doctor's help, she will c___________ die.
18. It's n__________ to feel tired after such a long trip.
19. Charlie thinks money can s___________ all his problems
20. Two h__________ make a whole.
1. Try to think of some solutions __________ the problems and write them __________.
2. Sometimes students have problems __________ their schoolwork.
3. __________ the games, do you think we should give the winners some gifts
4. The first person begins the story __________ “I think I will…”
5. What kind of things do you worry __________
6. Who do you usually go to __________ help
7. Never keep the problems ___________ yourselves. Get advice __________ others.
8. Alison once lost her book and worried __________ days.
9. You looked terrible. What happened __________ you.
10. __________ the end, Laura's parents were really understanding.
1.I __________ (certain) missed my parents a lot when studying abroad.
2. Ruth is a good teacher with a lot of teaching __________ (experience).
3. If you __________ (not burry) up, you __________ (be) late again.
4. Please wake me up if he __________ (come) back.
5. Rose is halfway to __________ (finish) her big project.
6. I think the best time __________ (go) sightseeing is spring.
7. We will go to the Summer Palace if it __________ (not rain) tomorrow.
8. Should we __________ (order) some food from the restaurant
9. Please cut the watermelon in two __________ (half).
10. Do you know when he __________ (arrive) If he __________(arrive), please call me.
11. Our teacher told us __________ (not stay) up late.
12. He had a lot of family __________ (worry) at the moment.
13. Auna was afraid __________ (say) her thoughts at the meeting.
1. 你能给我一些关于如何学好英语的建议吗?
Can you give me __________ __________ on how to learn English well
Don't __________ so __________! If you start now, you’ll __________ __________ __________ __________ the train.
We should help those villagers __________ __________ __________.
4. 我不会相信它除非我亲眼所见。
I __________ believe it __________ I see it with my own eyes.
Her father said that he sometimes __________ __________ __________ __________.
Unit 10 词汇词组背默清单
1. meet(v.) ---____________(过去式)--- ____________(过去分词)---____________(n.)会议
满足某人的要求 ________________________
2. v. 组织 ____________ --- ____________(过去式) --- ____________n. 组织
3. 表示情绪低落的形容词 ____________、____________、____________、____________
4. n. 建议 ____________ ---____________(v.)建议;劝告
一则建议 ________________________
建议某人做某事 ____________________________________
就某事给某人建议 ____________________________________
同义词:建议v. ____________--- ____________n.建议
建议做某事 ________________________
5. 保守秘密 ________________________、________________________
6. adj. 正常的 ____________---____________adv. 正常地;通常情况下
7. 句子翻译:你不会通过考试的,除非你努力学习。
8. 保持做某事 ________________________
9. adv. 确定;肯定;当然 ____________---____________adj. 确定的;无疑的;某一个
10. n. 钱包 ____________
11. 就某事对某人很生气 ________________________
12. adj. 生气的 ____________ ---____________adv. 生气地---____________n. 怒火
13. 对…有很好的理解 ________________________
14. v. 理解;明白 ____________ ---____________(过去式)--- ____________(过去分词)
adj. 善解人意的 ____________
15. 害怕(某物)________________________ 害怕做某事 ________________________
16. 在某方面有问题 ________________________
17. 在做某事上有问题 ________________________
18. 做某事做了一半 ________________________
19. n. 经验;经历;v. 体验 ____________
20. adj. 真正的 ____________---____________adv.真正地---____________v. 信任---____________n. 真相 说实话 ________________________
21. v. 解决 ____________---____________n. 解决方案
22. n. 错误 ____________ ---____________v. 错认;错拿---____________(过去式)---____________(过去分词)
犯错误 ________________________ 错误地 ________________________
23. n. 专家 ____________ 一名专家 ________________________
24. n. 代理人;经纪人 ____________ 25. 其他任何人 ________________________
一、1. upset 2. organized 3. advice 4. videos 5. advised 6. careless 7. mistakes
8. unless 9. teenagers 10. else 11. travel 12. understanding 13. trust 14. experience 15. stepped 16. angry 17. certainly 18. normal 19. solve 20. halves
二、1. to 2. down 3. For 4. with 5. about 6. for 7. to; from 8. for 9. to
10. In
三、1. certainly 2. experience 3. don’t hurry; will be 4. comes 5. finishing 6. to go
7. doesn’t rain 8. order 9. halves 10. will arrive; arrives 11. not to stay 12. worries
13. to say
四、1. some advice 2. be upset; be able to catch 3. get an education 4. won’t; unless
5. made careless mistakes himself



