Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!能力提升 2023-2024人教版九年级英语全册(无答案)

( ) 1. There     a desert here, but now it has become a forest through our efforts.
A. Is B. has C. used to be D. is used to being
( ) 2. —What do you think of the house that Amy Winterbourne built herself out of trash
—It reminds me of the days ___________ I spent in the countryside.
A. when B. that C. who D. where
( ) 3. There are a lot of things for us ___________ to protect the environment.
A. to do B. doing C. to be done D. to be doing
( ) 4. A group of volunteers go to the Green Lake Park to ___________ litter every month.
A. put up B. set up C. pick up D. cheer up
( ) 5. The flight flying to Russia from Beijing International Airport ___________ about 8 hours.
A. spends B. uses C. takes D. costs
( ) 6. —Last night, you forget ___________ off the computer when you went to bed.
—Really I remember ___________ it off.
A. to turn; to turn B. to turn; turning C. turning; turning D. turning; to turn
( ) 7.   his parents    he likes the red car, but they can’t afford it.
A.Both;and   B.Not only;but also C.Neither;nor   D.Either;or
( ) 8. To ___________ air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.
A. cut down B. cut off C. cut up D. cut into
( ) 9. Our actions can ___________ and lead to a better future.
A. be made a difference B. make a difference C. be made a different D. make a different
( ) 10. People from the old buildings that      in our town moved to the new houses built by the government.
A. was pulled down B. pulled down C. had pulled down D. were pulled down
( ) 11. So far, the air ___________ really polluted around here. I’m really ___________ worried.
A. has become; getting B. have become; getting
C. has been becoming; got D. has been becoming; got
( ) 12.If you often stay up late, it will be     your health.
A.good for    B.helpful to C.harmful to   D.good to
( ) 13.. —Oh, you’re late again. The film     for twenty minutes.
—What a pity!
A.has begun    B.begins C.has been on
( ) 14. The Tokyo Olympics was held from July 23 to Aug 8. Chinese athletes(运动员)     225 events.
A. took part in B. took care of C. took pride in D. paid attention to
( ) 15. Have you ever thought about how these things can actually _______
A. put to good use B. be put to good use C. being put to good use D. be put to good used
( ) 16.She can speak English very well. That will be one of her     if she wants to get the job.
A.advantages    B.disadvantages C.actions    D.discoveries
( ) 17.Could Nelly afford ________ a house with a big garden
A. to buy B. buying C. buy D. to buying
( ) 18.—How much did you     for the red dress
—About three hundred yuan.
A.cost   B.pay    C.spend    D.take
( ) 19.She decided to open an online shop     she can sell some of her second-hand things.
A.which    B.where    C.what    D.that
( ) 20.Kevin's pet dog was dead. No one could ________ to life.
A. bring it out B. bring it back C. give it out D. give it back
( ) 21.—Many wild animals are in great danger.
—Let's_________ to save them.
A.take off B. take down C. take action D. take after
( ) 22.—Lucy, when you leave the room, please ________the light.
—OK, Mom.
A. put off B. turn off C. turn up D. put up
( ) 23 .Smoking can _____ lung cancer. You’d better give it up.
A.work on B. lead to C. take away D. put out
( ) 24.Dora is an unusual woman. She built herself a house    waste plastic.
A. out of B. up of C. about of D. above of
( ) 25.—Don’t  the waste paper. We can collect and recycle it.
—You’re right. Everyone should be a greener person.
A. blow away B. put away C. throw away D. give away
1. ___________ (actual) I have been taught English for five years.
2. So far, no ________(science) studies have shown that shark fins are good for health.
3. I never take _________ (wood) chopsticks or plastic forks when I buy takeaway food.
4. This method is not only cruel, but also _________ (harm) to the environment.
5. Amy is an _________ (inspire) to us all.
6. Environmental __________ (protect) groups are teaching the public about “Finning”.
7. Nothing is a waste if you have a _________ (create) mind.
8. What music did you listen to    (recent)
9. We should know the ___________ (important) of protecting the environment.
10. Not only can the art bring _________ (happy) to others, but it also shows that even cold, hard iron can be brought back to life with a little creativity.
11.There are about 6,000 languages that are spoken around the world, but 43% of them are dying out. If no ________(act) is taken, some of these languages will disappear.
12.Tom is an     (usual) man—he can walk on two arms.
1. 多一个人少一个人无所谓。
One person wouldn’t ____________ ____________ ____________.
2. 这个木箱装满了书。
The _____________ box ____________ ____________ ____________ books.
3. 这条小路通向公园。
The path ____________ ____________ the park.
4. 我错拿了你的包。
I took your bag ____________ ____________ mine by mistake.
5. 我从没听说过这个人。
I have never ____________ ____________such a man.
6. 到目前为止,我已经交了二十个朋友。
____________ ____________, I have made twenty friends.
7. 我们必须采取行动来阻止他们。
We must ____________ ____________ to stop them.
8. 她扔掉了昨天的报纸。
She ____________ ____________ yesterday’s newspaper.
9. 请别将杯子倒置。
Please don’t turn the cup ____________ ____________.
10. 必须好好利用你的有创意的想法。
Your creative ideas must be                     .
They          the old house last year.
He loves the clothes his mother       him. They are         cotton.   
1.Steve left his hometown five years ago.(改为同义句)
Steve ________ ________ away from his hometown for five years.
2.You'd better go to different clubs. Don't stay in the classroom.(改为同义句)
You'd better go to different clubs ________ ________ staying in the classroom.
3.Mudanjiang used to be a small town.(改为否定句)
Mudanjiang ________ ________ to be a small town.
4. Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind.(改为同义句)
________is a waste if you ________ ________a creative mind.
5. We can see more popular works in the art museum. (改为被动句)
More popular works ________ ________ ________ in the art museum by us.
6.Everyone can protect the environment by doing something special in the daily life.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______ everyone _______ the environment in the daily life
7. It is hard for people to stop driving cars. (改为同义句)
________ ________ ________ cars is hard for people.
8. We need to save the earth because it is the only home to us.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________ we ________to save the earth
upside down put…to good use bring back build…out of pull…down
1.The old photo always   _____________  memories of my schooldays.
2.The boat     _______  waste plastic. Is it a good example of reusing waste
3.Lots of houses here have   ____   because the government plans to build a city square.
4.Usually, my time    ________  . I make good plans and seldom waste time.
5.If you turn the bottle   _________  , the water will flow out.     
It’s easy for people to 1 (catch) cold in winter or spring. But we can also do a lot 2 (stay) healthy. Here is some advice. Wash your hands often, and it will stop germs (细菌) 3 (pass) from one person to another. 4 (not use) your hands when coughing. Use a tissue (纸巾), and then throw it away at once. Turn your head away from people near you when you 5 (cough) (咳嗽). Get some fresh air. Germs like staying in wet and warm room. So you’d better 6 (keep) your window open at night when you are sleeping, or you 7 (not have) enough fresh air. If flu (流感) is going around your house or school, you should 8 (try) to stay away from those who 9 (be) ill. Remember 10 (boil) your towel (毛巾) for about a minute to kill germs.
答案:1. ____________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 4.____________ 5. ____________
6. ____________ 7. ____________ 8. ____________ 9. ____________ 10. ____________
A. When B. swam C. were D. scared E. so F. place G. her H. like I. weeks J. but K. going L. time
My sister Gina had a problem with her heart. She had five operations before she was three years old. She had difficulty in walking, playing with other children, and 1 to school.
Our parents decided to take Gina to a special 2 in Florida. She could swim with dolphins there. Gina was 3 because she had never swan with dolphins before. We had never traveled that far as a family, either.
4 we got to Florida, we saw the place where the dolphins lived. Children with special needs 5 Gina could come and spend time there. I thought it was going to be a vacation, 6 it wasn’t. Gina had to work hard every day for two 7 .
The trip was great. Gina laughed when she saw the dolphin, and the dolphin jumped when it saw Gina. They 8 together all day. Two weeks later, Gina was able to move 9 body more than she did at home. Mom and Dad 10 happy for Gina. I was too.
答案:1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. __________
6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. _________
Many people believe that, by the year 2100, we will live on the planet Mars (火星). Here is what life could be like.
First of all, transport should be much better. By 2100, the spaceship can travel at half the speed of light. 1
Secondly, humans need food, water and air to live. Scientists should be able to find plants that can grow on Mars. These plants will provide us with food and air.
2 We could easily jump too high and fly slowly away into space. To prevent this, humans on Mars have to wear special shoes to make themselves heavier.
Life on Mars will be better in many ways. 3 It is possible to live in a large building with many bedrooms. Then, robot will do most of the work, so we have more time for hobbies.
4 Every student can study, do their homework on the computer and take exams in online schools. Each student will also have their own online teacher called “e-teacher”.
However, in some ways, life on Mars may not be better than that on the earth today. 5
Meals will probably be in the shape of pills(药片) and will not be as delicious as they are today. Also, space travel will make many people feel ill.
A. There will probably be no school on Mars. B. It might only take us two or three days to get to Mars. C. There is a problem for us to live on Mars. D. Food will not be the same. E. First, people will have more space. F. Light travels faster than sound.



