
There was once a lonely girl. She longed for love. One day, she was walking in the woods and found two hungry birds. She took them home and put them in a small cage. She cared for them with love and the birds grew strong. Every morning, they provided her with a wonderful song. The girl felt great love for the birds.
One day the girl left the door to the cage open. One bird flew from the cage. The girl was so afraid that he would fly away. As he flew close, she grasped him wildly. She was very happy to catch him.
Suddenly she felt the bird unable to move. She opened her hand and looked in horror at the dead bird. Her love had killed him.
She noticed the other bird moving back and forth on the edge of the cage. She could feel his great need for freedom. She lifted him from the cage and let him fly into the air. She wanted the bird to be happy.
The bird circled once, twice, three times. Finally, he flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. He sang the sweetest music that she had ever head.
1.Though the little boy was only six years old, he could look after (他自己).
2.You can (选择) a song to sing with us.
3.Many people are (等待) for trains now.
4.Who has a volleyball in our class (其他)
5.With Henry’s help, we (解决) the problem last week.
6.Her grandpa liked to sit in the park (安静地) watching the kids playing.
7.One of the (女演员) in white dresses is Daniel’s mother.
8.Don’t forget to take your (雨伞), boys and girls.
9.Our English teacher often tells some (笑话) to make us laugh.
10.What (发生) in the room just now It was so noisy.
11.This is the (bad) restaurant in our town. I will never go there again.
12.If he finds a ticket, he to the concert. (go)
13.The more you help others, the (happy) you will be.
14.He (dig) a deep hole and then put the tree into it.
15.The glass (break) into pieces when it fell on the floor.
16.Could you please tell me the (different) between the two sentences
17.I hope I can be much (health) by doing more sports in the coming year.
18.Tsinghua University is one of the best (university) in China.
19.They (邀请) me to go to their home for dinner yesterday.
20.I don’t know how (solve) this problem. Any advice for me
Long long ago, there was an old man. He was very good 26 fishing. One day, while he 27 near a river, a boy came and said to him, “Can you give me 28 fishing rod (钓鱼竿) in your hands ” The old man smiled at him and said, “I can give you a full basket of fish.” But the boy shook 29 head. The old man was very 30 and asked, “Why do you want the fishing rod instead of the fish ”
“Well, you know it doesn’t take a long time 31 up all the fish in a basket. But if you give me the fishing rod, I can go fishing by myself and will not be afraid of not 32 any fish to eat at all.”
You may surely think that the boy is very smart. But it is wrong. 33 he doesn’t know how to fish, he can’t eat any fish, even if he has the fishing rod. It is useless to 34 have a fishing rod. Fishing skills are more important than the fishing rod.
35 people think that if they have “a fish rod” in their daily life, they will no longer fear the wind and rain. In fact, they will make the same mistake like the boy in the story.
A.in B.at C.from
A.fished B.is fishing C.was fishing
28.A./ B.a C.the
29.A.he B.his C.himself
30.A.surprised B.surprising C.surprisedly
31.A.eating B.to eat C.to eating
32.A.having B.have C.to have
33.A.Because B.If C.Until
34.A.even B.still C.only
35.A.Much too B.Too much C.Too many
Keeping animals and 36 vegetables at school This is what students are doing at Zhuxi Middle School in Yangzhou Jiangsu. The school has a small farm. There are seven ducks, three 37 and a pig on the farm. There 38 also a place for students to grow vegetables.“We have grown chili peppers (辣椒)and eggplants (茄子) here.” said one seventh grader. “In autumn, when they are ripe (成熟), we will give 39 to the cooks at our school.”
And Zhuxi Middle School is not the 40 one to let students do farm work. In Chongqing No.39 Secondary, we can also see the vegetables and fruit on the top of the teaching building. Students grow them 41 the help of their parents and teachers. You can easily see their 42 faces when they are farming. Laughter (笑声) and smiles are everywhere.
“We feel 43 satisfied (满足的) that we jump up and down happily when we see our hard work can really make the plants grow. And it’s really a good way for us to get close to the nature and relax ourselves at school.”
Teachers believe the 44 can know about subjects like biology more easily by seeing what they work in real life. They can know that good results (结果) 45 hard work. And they will also learn to be responsible (有责任感) by taking care of the animals and plants.
36.A.growing B.grow C.to grow D.grows
37.A.potatoes B.carrots C.chickens D.pandas
38.A.have B.has C.are D.is
39.A.them B.it C.one D.ones
40.A.first B.only C.last D.same
41.A.in B.with C.for D.by
42.A.boring B.sad C.different D.happy
43.A.very B.really C.so D.too
44.A.teachers B.students C.farmers D.workers
45.A.come from B.come out C.come back D.come true
One day a king went to a far place in his country. When he came back, his feet hurt a lot. “There are too many small stones on the roads. They hurt my feet. You should cover (覆盖) every road with leather (皮革),” he told his men. Of course, it would cost a lot of money. One of his men was very smart. He told the king, “Why not cut a little piece of leather to cover you feet ” The king was surprised, and he agreed to the man’s idea. He asked his men to make a pair of leather shoes for him.
Maybe this is not the beginning of leather shoes. But it teaches us a lesson of life: If you want to make this world a happy place to live in, the best way is to change yourself, not the world.
46.What happened to the king after his trip
A.His shoes were broken. B.He lost many stones.
C.He lost his feet. D.His feet hurt.
47.What did the king want his men to do at first
A.Cover all the roads with stones. B.Cover all the roads with leather.
C.Buy him lots of new shoes. D.Make a pair of leather shoes for him.
48.The king’s idea was ________.
A.expensive B.exciting C.cheap D.boring
49.What did the king do at last
A.Ask his men to take away all the stones on the roads.
B.Stop travelling around the country.
C.Ask his men to make a pair of leather shoes for him.
D.Ask his men to kill cows to get enough leather.
50.What’s the purpose (目的) of the last paragraph (自然段)
A.To explain the use of leather shoes. B.To show the moral (寓意) of the story.
C.To tell the beginning of leather shoes. D.To introduce ways to be happy.
friend, why, after, begin, offer, nothing, although, enough, another, leave, a, and
A little bird lived in a beautiful fruit tree. He lived there for a long time. He and the tree were good 51 . One year, the rainy season did not bring 52 water to the fruit tree. When the dry season came, the fruit tree 53 to die.
One day, 54 old bird came and sat on the tree. He saw the little bird was not happy and asked him 55 . After hearing the little bird’s story, he asked, “Why don’t you find 56 tree to live in ”
“I do not want to 57 my friend,” the little bird said. The old bird said, “Well then, are you just going to sit there and do 58 to help your friend What does your friend need ”
The little bird thought about the old bird’s words. 59 he knew he could do something to help his friend. He flew to the river and brought water to the fruit tree day 60 day. Soon, the tree turned green again.
12.will go
20.to solve
21.Bob was so careless that he made many mistakes in the English exam.
22.My best friend is more popular than me.
23.Although I ran to the bus stop, I missed the early bus.
24.We’d better learn some basic medical training.
25.He can’t wait to open it as soon as he receives the gift.
26.B 27.C 28.C 29.B 30.A 31.B 32.A 33.A 34.C 35.C
36.A 37.C 38.D 39.A 40.B 41.B 42.D 43.C 44.B 45.A
46.D 47.B 48.A 49.C 50.B
51.friends 52.enough 53.began 54.an 55.why 56.another 57.leave 58.nothing 59.And 60.after



上一篇:人教版小学数学数学一年级下册《 期末复习难点提升2》(含答案)
