
1.Who's Tom's friend?
B .
C .
2.When will they meet?   .
5.Where is Jane?
6.A.Yes,I am.
B.No,I can't.
C.No,I don't.
7.What are the two speakers talking about?
A.Killing birds.
B.Catching birds.
C.Protecting birds.
How many students are there in Tom's class?
9.How often does Yu Ming go to the zoo?
A.Every month.
B.Every day.
C.Every week.
10.(1)Who are coming to see the speakers?
A.Lucy and Lily.
B.Lucy and Lisa.
C.Lily and Lisa.
(2)What food does Lucy like?
A.Hamburgers and salad.
B.Rice and salad.
(3)Does Lisa like carrots?
A.Yes,she does.
B.No,she doesn't.
C.Yes,she is.
(4)What fruit does Lisa like?
A.Apples and pears.
C.Oranges and pears
(5)Which of the following will they get?
11.(1)What time is He Wei going to the library?
A.At 2:00.
B.At 3:00.
C.At 4:00.
(2)What can they do while reading?
A.Drink coffee.
B.Eat dinner.
C.Play cards.
(3)How are they going to the library?
A.On foot.
B.By bus.
C.By bike.
12.(1)How does the boy feel these days?
(2)What class does the boy need to have after school?
A.A piano class.
B.An art class.
C.A violin class.
(3)What do the parents want the boy to do?
A.Become a singer.
B.Learn more skills.
C.Become famous.
(4)What does the boy like?
(5)What does the boy want to have?
How to Survive(幸免于难) an(1) .
Signs Chickens stopped(2) . Fish (3) jumping wildly.
Advice Pay attention to(4) things. Move to a(n) (5) area.
14.We can live a better life if we create less polluted world.(  )
A.the B.an C.a D.不填
15.My sister is old enough to dress______now.(  )
A.himself B.herself C.myself
16.﹣Scott,why do you like your music teacher,Mr.Cruise?
﹣Because he's so _____________.(  )
A.interesting B.easy
C.boring D.late
17.There are some _______in Dayton Art Museum,For example,no food or drinks is allowed inside.(  )
A.jobs B.records C.rules D.paintings
18.The students arrived at the top of the mountain ______ two hours later.(  )
A.successful B.successfully
C.success D.succeed
19.There are many flowers and trees on ______sides of the Century Road.(  )
A.each B.every C.both D.all
20.﹣What do you think of your Junior Middle School life?
﹣I think it is colorful,______ I am always busy.(  )
A.if B.though C.while D.until
21.Betty usually _________ to school on weekdays.(  )
A.walk B.walks
C.will walk D.is walking
22.﹣_____ is the red shirt?﹣It's 50 yuan.(  )
A.How much B.How many C.How old
23.Shenzhen is a modern city and it's as _____ as Hong Kong.(  )
A.busy B.busier
C.the busiest
24.This food is free.You don't have to _________ it.(  )
A.look for B.pay for C.ask for D.wait for
25.﹣Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?
﹣___________.I'll have to help my parents.(  )
A.Sorry,I can't
B.Yes,I'd love to
C.Let's go
D.No,I don't think so
26.Long long ago,there was a beautiful little girl.She was (1)    because she had no family and no home.She only had her clothes and some bread.But she was very kind.
A man asked her (2)   she had something to eat.She gave him her (3)   .
A child cried and told her that his (4)   was very cold.So she gave him her hat.
Then,she met a child with no coat.She gave him her coat.
One day,in the cold (5)   forest,she met another child who (6)   her dress.The little girl thought that it was dark and (7)   could see her,so she gave her dress away.At last,she had almost nothing:no family,nowhere to live,nothing to eat and little to wear.
(8)   ,stars fell from the sky.These stars became beautiful pieces of money.With the money,she (9)   a new dress and a coat.
The little girl was rich for the (10)   of her life and she still helped the people in need with her money.
(1) A.alone B.kind C.poor
(2) A.where B.if C.when
(3) A.clothes B.home C.bread
(4) A.neck B.back C.head
(5) A.noisy B.dark C.bright
(6) A.asked for B.took off C.gave away
(7) A.someone B.nobody C.anybody
(8) A.Suddenly B.Certainly C.Recently
(9) A.chose B.borrowed C.bought
(10) A.end B.beginning C.rest
27. A crocodile(鳄鱼) with his wife lives in a lake.By the lake stands a big tree,and a monkey lives in it.
One day,the crocodile's wife wants to eat the monkey's heart(心). "The monkey's heart must be delicious.Just bring him here and push(推) him down into the water," says the crocodile's wife.
The next day the crocodile asks the monkey to play by the lake.While they are playing,the crocodile pushes the monkey down into the water.The monkey asks the crocodile why he does that.The crocodile says,"My wife wants to eat your heart."The monkey is sorrowful,but he says, "My heart is in the tree.Let's go to take it."The crocodile agrees.When they reach the tree,the monkey climbs up the tree quickly and says,"My heart is in my body."
(1)Where does the monkey live?    
A.In the lake.
B.In the water.
C.In the tree.
D.In the forest.
(2)Why does the crocodile push the monkey down into the water?    
A.Because he wants to play with the monkey.
B.Because the monkey wants to find his heart.
C.Because his wife wants to play with the monkey.
D.Because his wife wants to eat the monkey's heart.
(3)What is the meaning of the underlined(划线的)word"sorrowful"?    
(4)What is the best title for the text?    
A.A clever monkey.
B.A helpful monkey.
C.Hungry crocodiles.
D.Friendly crocodiles.
28.It is important for everyone to keep good eyesight (视力).Do you know how to protect you eyesight?Here are some rules.You'd better remember them.
Firs,don't keep your eyes working for a long time,or your eyes will be tired.You should let your eyes have a rest after you study for about an hour.You can try some different ways.For example,you can look at some green plants.
Second,you'd better not do things that are bad for your eyesight.Don't read in the sun.Don't read in strong or poor light.Don't read on a moving bus or in bed.When you read,you should keep the book away from your eyes for about a foot.
Third,you should do eye exercises every day.It can relax your eyes and help you keep good eyesight.
You should remember and follow the rules above.Then you will have good eyesight.
(1)If you work for a long time,your eyes will    .
A.be tired
B.hurt badly
C.feel relaxed
D.become strong
(2)You should let your eyes rest after working for    .
A.a minute
B.an hour
C.a day
D.a week
(3)According to the passage,you can look at    to relax your eyes.
A.the sun
B.green plants
C.the river
D.the computer
(4)The underlined (画线) word "foot" means about "    ".
A.2 kilos
B.1 week
C.30 cm
D.2 meters
(5)Which is the best title (标题) of the passage?    
A.Important Rules for School
B.Using Eyes Too Much is Bad
C.How to Protect Your Eyesight
D.The Importance of Eye Exercises
29.When I was a child,my parents often took me to an old house in a thick forest.No other children ever stayed there.I didn't even have the choice of playing with a brother or sister.
I could never understand what the attraction(吸引)of the house was,even for my parents,who enjoyed nothing better than to sit in silence with a good book.The woman in the house,my father's distant cousin,was a terrible cook and her food wasinedible.
One day,when I was wandering around the garden behind the house,I noticed a wooden house which had clearly been abandoned(被遗弃的).As I walked towards it,I heard a noise,like an animal moving hurriedly away.Then I saw a man with a long beard standing at the door.I was greatly surprised.
"Please don't tell them you saw me,"he said."They never use this place,and I have nowhere else to live.""Don't worry,"I said."I won't tell anyone.But are you all right out here?I mean﹣do you have enough to eat?"The old man shook his head.
The same evening,I took a small plastic bag into the dining room and,while no one was looking,emptied some of the food into it.Later,I got out of the back door secretly and gave the food to the old man,whose name I had discovered was Taff.
I had never seen anything else as lovely as the smile of satisfaction on Taff's face when he ate the food.From then on,my visits to the old house had a purpose,and I enjoyed every minute of the rest of my stay.
(1)How did the writer feel about staying in the old house at first?   
A.He was happy to be with his parents.
B.He enjoyed reading good books there.
C.He was pleased with the woods.
D.He felt very lonely.
(2)The underlined word"inedible"is closest in meaning to"   ".
A.too bad for him to eat
B.nice to look at
C.not enough to eat
D.as delicious as usual
(3)The writer discovered the old man   the old house.
A.near the back door of
B.in the dining room of
C.in the garden behind
D.among the bushes before
(4)What can we know about the old man from the passage?   
A.He was poor and hungry.
B.He helped to repair the old house.
C.He liked to play hide﹣and﹣seek with the writer.
D.He raised many animals.
(5)The story mainly tells us   .
A.it's nice to raise wild animals
B.it's valuable to help others
C.it's good to live in the forest
D.it's comfortable to live in the old house.
30.In December or early January,almost everyone wants to plan for a wonderful new year.So we make New Year's resolutions to achieve(实现) our goals(目标).If you carry out ( 实施 ) your plan successfully,you can improve your life or break your bad habits.Here are some tips for New Year's resolutions:
*Think about the resolutions you made last year.
Have you succeeded?If not,why?Find out the reason and try this year.
*Do not make too many resolutions at a time.You'd better go with one at a time.
*Let it be for the whole year but not a day.
Set goals that you need to do for the whole year,not for a few days.Once you have made up your mind,try your best to achieve them.
(1)When do we usually make New Year's resolutions?
(2)Why do we make New Year's resolutions?
(3)What will happen if you carry out your plan successfully?
(4)What should we do if we have made up our mind?
(5)What resolutions will you make this year?
31.your,good,it,healthy,is,for (.)   .
32.buy, the trees, must, we, and, things made of ivory, not, save(.) (连词成句)
33.that is schoolbag your
34.club,you,want,join,to,what,do.    .
35.help, swimming, can, you ,in, stay, shape
39.when,grow up    
If you break the rules,you will get a fine.
make a wrong turn cause trouble
41.My mom told me that when she and my dad got married,an elderly lady used to call my mother.The lady wanted to speak to someone(1)   Donna.My mom told her that she was not Donna,(2)   the lady still said my mom was Donna.
This old lady would call for Donna once a week.Every call started with, " Hello,Donna! (3)   are you?" She never cared if it was the(4)   number.
My mom never learned who the lady was.The lady only ever said her first name.She talked about her daily life,her cat,her garden,and the newspaper.Sometimes she would(5)   about memories of Donna.She could talk for ten or fifteen(6)   before getting tired and saying goodbye.
She usually called on Tuesdays or Thursdays around 8:00 p.m.After(7)   while,my mom made sure to be home at that time.
The whole thing lasted(8)   about a year.Then the calls just stopped.My mom thinks the old woman did that because she felt(9)   .From her stories,my mom decided that Donna was a childhood friend of the lady's.My mom's small act of kindness might have been a big help to someone in(10)   .
he Great Wall,tomorrow
社区名称 城市花园(City Garden)
社区情况 空气清新,绿树环绕, 邻居友善且帮助人为乐,帮助处理各种问题
Simon家情况 住在12楼,有一个客厅,一个厨房和三间卧室 最爱……因为……(自拟一点)
Simon服务范围 志愿者;在the Fix﹣It Club,修理……(自拟一点) 其它……(自拟一点)
I have a good friend called Simon.Now let me tell you something about him._______________
M:Lucy,what time shall we meet tomorrow?
W:Let's make it nine o'clock at the school gate.
How many students are there in your class Tom?
There are
18 boys and 22 girls in my class.
15.【解答】答案:B himself是他自己;herself是她自己;myself是我自己.dress意为"穿衣服"时,宾语常常是人,不是衣服. 我的妹妹是第三人称单数,结合句意,也就是女的她,故选herself.
17.【解答】该题考查名词辨析;job,工作;record,记录;rule,规则;painting,绘画,刷漆;根据句中的For example,no food or drinks is allowed inside可知,这里说的应该是在这个博物馆里有一些规则,故选:C。
18.【解答】答案:B 根据The students arrived at the top of the mountain,可知学生成功的到达了山顶,在这里所选择的单词要修饰动词arrived,一般情况下,修饰动词的话应该用这个词的副词形式.故选:B。
19.【解答】答案:C each和every"每一个",后可接单数名词;both"两者都…"后接可数名词复数;all"三者(或三者以上)都…"后接可数名词复数.根据on ______sides of the Century Road.可知是路的两侧,应该是both sides,故选:C.
21.【解答】根据语境和句意on weekends确定句子的时态是一般现在时;又主语Betty是单数第三人称,所以动词walk要加s.故选:B
22.【解答】答案:A 根据答句"It's 50 yuan"可知这是回答的价格,询问价格用how much.how many提问可数名词的数量;how old询问年龄.故选:A。
23.【解答】答案:A 根据Shenzhen is a modern city and it's as _____ as Hong Kong可知,这是Shenzhen 和Hong Kong两者之间的比较;又因为it's as _____ as Hong Kong,此处应该是as+形容词或副词原级+as结构,表示二者一样,又因为it's,此处应该用形容词busy原形,构成主系表;此处表示"深圳香港一样繁忙",故选A.
24.【解答】look for"寻找";pay for"支付";ask for"请求";wait for"等待".根据This food is free.可知,食物不用付钱,故选:B.
25.【解答】答案:A;Sorry,I can't 对不起,我不能;Yes,I'd love to是的,我乐意;Let's go 让我们去吧;No,I don't think so不,我不这么认为;根据上文,Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon星期六下午你能来参加我的聚会吗?结合下文I'll have to help my parents我不得不帮助我的父母,可知对方应表示歉意,选A最符合题意;故选A.
(2)B where在哪里;if是否;when当…时候.根据语境问她是否有吃的.故选:B.
(3)C clothes衣服;home家;bread面包.根据上文提到过小女孩有bread,孩子问她要吃的.故选:C
(4)C neck脖子;back背;head头.后文提到hat,帽子戴在头上.故选:C
(5)B noisy吵闹的;dark黑暗的;bright明亮的.根据语境he little girl thought that it was dark 原词复现,下句话提到了dark.故选:B
(6)A asked for 要求;请求;took off 脱下;起飞;gave away 赠送;泄露.根据上下文语义孩子想要裙子.故选:A
(8)A.Suddenly 突然地;Certainly 当然地;Recently 最近.根据句意突然星星出来了.故选:A
(9)C.chose 选择;borrowed 借;bought 买.根据语境上文提到,用这些钱,所以是买.故选:C
(10)C.end 结束;beginning开始;rest 剩下的.The rest of her life."在她的余生",故选:C
27.【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据By the lake stands a big tree,and a monkey lives in it.(湖边有一棵大树,一只猴子住在上面。)可知,猴子住在树上。故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据While they are playing,the crocodile pushes the monkey down into the water.The monkey asks the crocodile why he does that.The crocodile says,"My wife wants to eat your heart."(当他们玩耍时,鳄鱼把猴子推下水里。猴子问鳄鱼为什么这么做。鳄鱼说:"我的妻子想吃你的心。")可知,鳄鱼把猴子推下水是因为他的妻子想吃猴子的心。故选D。
(3)词义猜测题。根据The monkey is sorrowful,but he says, "My heart is in the tree.Let's go to take it."(猴子很﹣﹣,但他说,"我的心在树上。我们去拿吧。")可知,鳄鱼要吃猴子的心,他应该很伤心。故推测sorrowful应该是"伤心的"意思。故选B。
28.【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第2段 Firs,don't keep your eyes working for a long time,or your eyes will be tired.(首先,不要让你的眼睛长时间工作,否则你的眼睛会疲劳。)可知,如果你长时间工作,你的眼睛会很疲劳。故选A。
(2)细节理解题。根据第2段You should let your eyes have a rest after you study for about an hour.(学习一个小时后,你应该让你的眼睛休息一下。)可知,工作一个小时后,你应该让眼睛休息一下。故选B。
(3)细节理解题。根据第2段For example,you can look at some green plants.(例如,你可以看一些绿色植物。)可知,你可以通过看一些绿色植物来放松你的眼睛。故选B。
(4)词义猜测题。根据第3段When you read,you should keep the book away from your eyes for about a foot.(当你阅读时,你应该让书远离你的眼睛大约一﹣﹣。)可推知,阅读时你应该让书远离你的眼睛大约一英尺。故推测"foot"应该是"英尺"的意思,即30厘米。故选C。
(5)标题归纳题。通读全文,根据第一段Do you know how to protect you eyesight?Here are some rules.You'd better remember them.(你知道怎样保护你的视力吗?这里有一些规则。你最好记住它们。)可知,本文主要介绍了如何保护视力的一些规则。故选C。
29.【解答】(1)D 细节理解题.根据"No other children ever stayed there.I didn't even have the choice of playing with a brother or sister."(没人呆在那,我没有兄弟姐妹陪我玩)可知作者很孤独.故选D.
(2)A 词义猜测题.根据"was a terrible cook and her food was inedible."中的terrible可知她做饭肯定不好吃.故选A.
(3)C 细节理解题.根据"when I was wandering around the garden behind the house,I noticed a wooden house"可知小木屋的位置是在the garden behind,故选C.
(4)A 推理判断题.根据"I have nowhere else to live."(我没有地方可以住)可知老人很穷.根据"do you have enough to eat?The old man shook his head."(你有足够的食物吗?老人摇了摇头),可知老人没有足够的食物,很饿.故选A.
(5)B 文章主旨题.根据"No other children ever stayed there."可知刚开始作者感觉去老房子是很孤独的,是不想去的.根据最后一段"I had never seen anything else as lovely as the smile of satisfaction on Taff's face when he ate the food."可知作者在帮助了老人之后,看见老人脸上满足的笑容,很高兴.并且I enjoyed every minute of the rest of my stay.可知自从那之后,我每次去都去帮助老人并很享受去那的每一次经历.可知帮助人对别人有好处,对自己也是有价值的.故选B.
30.【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据In December or early January,almost everyone wants to plan for a wonderful new year.So we make New Year's resolutions to achieve our goals .(在12月或1月初,几乎每个人都想计划一个美好的新年。因此,我们制定新年计划以实现我们的目标。)可知我们通常在12月或1月初下新年决心,故填:In December or early January.
(2)细节理解题。根据So we make New Year's resolutions to achieve our goals .(因此,我们制定新年计划以实现我们的目标。)可知制定新年计划是为了实现我们的目标,故填:To achieve our goals.
(3)细节理解题。根据If you carry out your plan successfully,you can improve your life or break your bad habits.(如果你成功地执行了计划,你可以改善你的生活或打破你的坏习惯。)可知如果我成功地执行了计划,我可以改善我的生活或打破我的坏习惯,故填:I will improve my life or break my bad habits.
(4)细节理解题。根据Once you have made up your mind,try your best to achieve them.(一旦你下定决心,就要尽力实现。)可知要尽力实现,故填:We should try our best to achieve them.
(5)开放性题。言之有理即可,例如:今年我的目标是学好英语。故填:Learning English well.
31.【解答】答案:It is good for your health 根据句子中标点符号以及没有否定词可以确定这是肯定句,be good for对…有好处;for是介词,后接名词作宾语,healthy的名词为health.考查句式It is+形容词+for+sb./sth。
故填:It is good for your health。
32.【解答】结合提示词和标点可知这是个肯定句;根据所给词语,情态动词must与动词save可构成谓语,谓语是主动结构,可确定主语用we,buy things made of ivory 象牙做的东西;由此连成句子:We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory.
故答案是We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory.
33.【解答】答案:Is that your schoolbag?根据题干中的"?"可知本句为一般疑问句.is 为系动词作谓语,采用一般现在时.your 为形容词型物主代词.that 为指示代词.故答案是 Is that your schoolbag?
34.【解答】答案:What club do you want to join?考查连词成句.由题干中的do是助动词,可知是疑问句,what 为疑问代词,引导特殊疑问句.want 为谓语,to join 为不定式,作宾语.you 为人称代词作主语.英语特殊疑问句的句子结构是:疑问词(what/where/when/why/which/who/how/.)+助动词(do/does/did/.)/be 动词/情态动词(must/can/may/should/.)+主语+谓语动词+其它+?故答案是What club do you want to join?
35.【解答】结合提示词和标点可知这是个肯定句;根据所给词语,动名词swimming充当句子的主语,情态动词can,后接动词help构成谓语动词,help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事,stay in shape保持身材.
故填:Swimming can help you stay in shape.
36.【解答】如果你想知道对方是否喜欢看电影,你会问"你喜欢看电影吗?"这是一个一般疑问句,时态为一般现在时,主语是第二人称you,助动词应用do,句子结构为"Do+主语+谓语+宾语+其他";表示一种长期性的喜欢常用like doing sth.,watch movies看电影,固定搭配。注意句首单词首字母大写。
故答案为:Do you like watching movies。
37.【解答】答案:Good morning,Mr Wang.考查情境对话.句意:早上好,王先生.根据题干在早上你遇到了王老师,可知你可以这样说:早上好,王先生.Good morning早上好,固定用语,Mr.Wang.王先生.故答案为Good morning,Mr Wang.
38.【解答】答案:What's your telephone number?考查情境对话.句意:这是你的电话号码吗?根据题干你想知道Jane的电话号码,可知你可以这样问这是你的电话号码吗?句子是what引导的特殊疑问句,your你的,形容词性物主代词,后接名词短语telephone number电话号码.故答案为What's your telephone number?
39.【解答】根据图片内容,结合给出的英语提示。可知,当他长大的时候,他将要成为一名医生。主要是he,将要成为医生,要用be going to,时间状语从句中要用一般现在时代替一般将来时。综上所述,这个句子写作:He is going to be a doctor when he grows up.
故填:He is going to be a doctor when he grows up。
40.【解答】根据所给单词及图片提示,此处是"如果你转错了弯,你会惹麻烦的",此处是if引导的条件状语从句,you作从句的主语;make a wrong turn转错了弯;you作主句的主语;will+动词原形,cause trouble"惹麻烦"。
故答案为:If you make a wrong turn,you will cause trouble.
(5)考查动词。句意:有时她会谈起Donna的回忆。固定短语talk about"谈论",would为助动词,后接动词原形,故填talk。
(7)考查冠词。句意:一段时间之后,我的妈妈确保在那个时间在家。after a while意为"过了一段时间",故填a。
(10)考查名词。句意:我妈妈的小小善举可能对一个需要帮助/处于麻烦的人曾经是一个很大的帮助。根据"My mom's small act of kindness might have been a big help."(我妈妈小小的善举可能帮了大忙。)和上文可知老人可能感觉孤独,即陷于孤独的麻烦,有和别人聊聊天的需要,故填need。
42.【解答】答案:They went to the park by bike last weekend.根据图片可知:他们骑自行车.他们,they.骑,动词,ride.自行车,名词.bikes.根据提示词可知:地点是:park,公园.时间:last weekend,上周末.综上所述可知:上周末,他们骑自行车去公园了.说的是过去的事情.应该用一般过去时态.去公园了,went to the park.骑自行车,by bike.故填:They went to the park by bike last weekend.
43.【解答】study学习,是动词,作谓语;much多,修饰比较级;carefully认真地,仔细地,是副词,修饰动词作状语;图片内容是两个学生Tom 和Mike。预测句意为:汤姆比迈克学习要认真地多。比than。根据句意可知,要用一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。
故答案为:Tom studies much more carefully than Mike.
44.【解答】答案:He will go to the Great Wall tomorrow.
根据画面内容可知这个男孩在出租车旁脑子里浮现出了长城的画面,结合提示词the Great Wall"长城",tomorrow"明天",可以组织出句子的意思为:他明天将去长城.根据句中的时间状语为tomorrow可确定为一般将来时态,其结构为will+动词原形,去长城的英文表达为go to the Great Wall,本句的主语以he为例,故本句可完整地表达为He will go to the Great Wall tomorrow.
45.【解答】答案:This pair of pants is as expensive as the skirt.由所给材料裤子和短裙都是60元,as…as,expensive组成as expensive as一样贵,裤子the pair of pants,短裙skirt.裤子和裙子一样贵.即This pair of pants is as expensive as the skirt.
46.【解答】I have a good friend called Simon.Now let me tell you something about him.(点题)
He lives in a community called City Garden.(社区名称)It is in the center of the city and it has more than 20 buildings.There are trees and flowers,so the air is fresh,and neighbors are friendly and helpful,helping to deal with all kinds of problems.(社区情况)He lives on the twelfth floor.There is a living room,a kitchen,a bathroom and three bedrooms.He loves his bedroom best,because it is clean and tidy,he can be here alone.(Simon家情况)There are many volunteers in the community.【高分句型一】If your refrigerator or washing machine breaks down,the volunteers in the Fix﹣It Club can help check or fix it.When your children have problems with their homework,the volunteers in the Learning Club will help them.If you don't know how to design your room,the volunteers there will also give you some good ideas.【高分句型二】There is also a shopping center with a variety of everyday items.(志愿者服务范围)People living in this community are very happy.(感受)



上一篇:天津市南开区2023-2024 六年级上学期期末英语试题( 无答案无听力原文及听力音频)
