天津市南开区2023-2024 六年级上学期期末英语试题( 无答案无听力原文及听力音频)

南开区 2023-2024 学年度第一学期小学六年级英语期末试卷
题号 Ⅰ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ 合计 等级
Ⅰ. Listening 听力
(A) Look, listen and choose 下面每小题内你将听到一个句子,请选出与你所听
1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____
(B) Listen and choose 听录音,选出你所听到的问题的正确应答
( ) 6. A. I go shopping. B. He reads at home. C. She draws pictures.
( ) 7. A. Her hobby is swimming. B. His hobby is fishing.C. I like fishing.
( ) 8. A. I’d like a chocolate cake. B. I like cakes. C. Here’s a cake.
( ) 9. A. There are three. B. There are four. C. There are twelve.
( )10. A. National Day. B. Army Day. C. The Party’s birthday.
英语试卷 第 1 页 (共 8 页)
(C) Listen and choose 下面你将听到 Lucy 的一封 email, 请根据你听到的内容,
( )11. Where is Lucy from
A. China. B. America. C. England.
( )12. What does she talk about
A. Her daily life. B. Her school. C. Her hobby.
( )13. How many subjects does she have
A. Six. B. Seven. C. Eight.
( )14. What time does the school end
A. At 11:45 a.m. B. At 3:30 p.m. C. At 4 p.m.
( )15. What does she do after dinner
A. Play games. B. Take a walk. C. Do some reading.
(D) Listen and fill 请根据你所听到的内容,填写相关信息完成表格
I like (16) __________ best.
things We can see green trees and (17) __________.
Festivals Tree(18) __________Day and Women’s Day.
What to do People(19) __________trees on that day.
Why to do We want to(20) __________the sand and make the air clean.
Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks 词汇填空
(A) Fill with the proper forms 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空
21. Look at these ________________ (stamp). They are all from China.
22. Mary likes ________________ (play) the piano very much.
23. Peter’s mum often ________________ (take) him to the library on Saturdays.
24. Father’s Day is in the ________________ (six) month of the year.
25. Look! The students ________________ (read) books in the classroom.
(B) Fill with the proper words 根据题意每空填上一个适当的英文单词
26. There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine days in .
27. “Dec.” is the short form for the ____________ month of the year.
28. There are four seasons in a year and each season has ____________ months.
29. Schools____________ in July and August. Students have their summer holidays.
30. People in Australia celebrate Christmas in ____________, sunny weather.
英语试卷 第 2 页 (共 8 页)
(C) Fill with the proper forms 选用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(请按
Everyone in our school 31 (love, loves) sports. Every morning after 32
(get, getting) up, we do morning exercises. We do physical training(体育锻炼) in and
after class. Boys enjoy 33 (to play, playing) basketball. Girls like to 34 (play,
playing) volleyball.
We 35 (have, has) school teams in basketball and volleyball. Our teams often
have matches with other schools. When there is a match, many of us 36 (go, going)
to 37 (watch, watches) it. Besides(除了) ball games, each of us 38 (likes, like)
track and field events(田径项目),and we often practise running and 39 (jumping,
jump). Every year, we have a sports meeting. Sports 40 (helps, help) us to keep
healthy and happy.
31. _________ 32. _________ 33. _________ 34. _________ 35. _________
36. _________ 37. _________ 38. _________ 39. _________ 40. _________
Ⅲ. Multiple choice 单项选择
( )41. I’m making ______ invitation card for my birthday party.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( )42. People ______ the south of China have rice cake ______ the eve of the
Spring Festival.
A. from, to B. of, to C. in, at D. in, on
( )43. The summer holidays usually have about ______ in China.
A. three weeks B. three months C. six weeks D. twenty-five days
( )44.-- ______ does your birthday party begin, Kate --At 6:00.
A. When B. What C. Where D. How
( )45. Gao Wei often helps his classmates. We should learn from ______.
A. him B. he C. his D. her
英语试卷 第 3 页 (共 8 页)
( )46. It ______ snows in Tianjin in winter.
A. doesn’t B. never C. always D. sometimes
( )47.That question is so ______. I can’t answer it.
A. easy B. difficult C. interesting D. wonderful
( )46. On September 10th we ______ “Happy Teachers’ Day” to show our love.
A. talk B. tell C. say D. speak
( )49. She often ______ the piano but she doesn’t ______ it well.
A. plays, play B. plays, plays C. play, play D. play, plays
( )50. Which of the following is NOT a Chinese traditional(传统的) festival
A. Spring Festival. B. Thanksgiving.
C. Mid-Autumn Day. D. Dragon(龙) Boat Festival.
Ⅳ. Read and choose 选择方框中的适当的单词补全短文(请按题号顺序将
A. takes B. His C. Chinese D. eat E. groups
F. interested G. wants H. looking I. fly J. birds
Mr Kent is a science teacher. 51 hobby is bird-watching. Mr Kent 52
people to care more about birds. In a science lesson, Mr Kent 53 his class to a big
field. Birds are 54 for food. He asks his students“, What will birds 55 in winter
Can birds find food to eat ”Many birds 56 to another place in winter. 57 cranes
will fly from Heilongjiang to Jiangsu every winter. They fly together in small 58 .
They often fly at night. Mr Kent's students are very 59 in birds. In winter, his
students give 60 seeds to eat. They like bird-watching.
51._______ 52._______ 53._______ 54._______ 55._______
56._______ 57._______ 58._______ 59._______ 60._______
英语试卷 第 4 页 (共 8 页)
Ⅴ. Complete the dialogues 完成对话
Peter: How many months are there in a year
Lucy: 61
Peter: 62
Lucy: I like August best. A. Why do you like it
Peter: It’s very hot in August. 63 B. What’s your favourite month
Lucy: Because we have summer holidays in it. C. What do you do during
Peter: 64 summer holidays
Lucy: I often go on trips with my parents. D. There are twelve months.
Peter: Do you go camping with friends E. Yes, We have a good time.
Lucy: 65
Choose the right answers 选择适当的答案完成对话
61._____ 62._____ 63._____ 64._____ 65._____
Bob: Hi, Peter, I have a new toy car.
Peter: 66
Bob: Sure! Open the box and see.
A. My hobby is collecting maps.
Peter: Wow! What a super car! 67
B. They’re so colourful and
Bob: Yes. I like collecting them. 68
Peter: My hobby is collecting candy paper.
C. Do you like toy cars
Bob: How about you, Kate and Li Yan
D. Can I have a look, please
Kate: 69
E. What’s your hobby, Peter
Li Yan: I like collecting picture cards. Look!
Bob & Peter: Oh! 70
Choose the right answers 选择适当的答案完成对话
66._____ 67._____ 68._____ 69._____ 70._____
英语试卷 第 5 页 (共 8 页)
Ⅵ. Writing 书面表达
a) Read and fill 参照图片所提示的信息,每空填写一个适当的英文单词补全短文
Zhou Pei doesn’t go to school on weekends. But she still gets up early. On
Saturday morning, she helps her mum cook (71) . After that, she cleans the
(72) . She often goes and sees a (73) in the afternoon. On
Sunday morning, she (74) piano lessons. She likes playing the piano very
much. And she likes (75) stamps, too. She thinks they are very interesting.
b) Read and write 在你了解了 Zhou Pei 的周末生活后,请你按照下面的作息表简
单介绍她平日的生活。(76-80 至少 5 句话)
get up 6:30 Zhou Pei is a student of Sunny School. Everyday she
go to school 8:00
go home 4:00
read books 8:00
go to bed 9:00
Ⅶ. Reading 阅读理解
(A) Read and match 将与句子内容意思相符的图片相匹配 (有一张图片是多余的)
( )81.Students usually have rice, vegetables, some pork or chicken for lunch.
( )82.Some children go to the summer camp with their teachers during the holidays.
( )83.Boys and girls are doing interesting reading activities together.
( )84.Lisa would like to invite some friends to her birthday party.
( )85.People go back home to celebrate the festival with their families.
英语试卷 第 6 页 (共 8 页)
(B) Read and mark T or F 判断下面的句子意思是否与短文内容相符
It’s David birthday today. His mother brings a birthday cake to his class. David is
going to share the cake with his friends.
There are some small candles on the cake. Why do we put candles on it The
candles can show our ages. Look! David’s birthday cake has eleven small candles,
because he is eleven years old. For old people, one big candle shows ten years.
The teacher helps David light the candles and the children sing the birthday song.
David makes a wish. He blows out the candles and everyone claps. Then he cuts the
cake and gives each of his friends a piece of cake. After that, the children play games
together. They are very happy.
( )86.David is celebrating his birthday at school.
( )87.David’s friend gives him the birthday cake as a present.
( )88.David’s mother helps him light the candles on the cake.
( )89.David makes a wish after the children sing the birthday song.
( )90.David plays games with his friends happily.
(C) Choose the right answers 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案
Do you know what children do on World Book Day
World Book Day is a time for children to read lots of interesting books. It’s on
April 23rd. On this day, children share their favourite books with friends. They sit
together and enjoy the books' beautiful pictures and words. They take part in activities
at book clubs. And they share books with others. These activities help children develop
a love of reading and learn new things.
World Book Day helps children to grow and share their ideas. Books are very
important. They are like windows to a bigger world.
Xiaoming is a student at a school in China. Today is World Book Day and he is
sharing his favourite book with his classmates. Later, the class will act out a story
together. After that, they will talk about their feelings and then write a new story.
( )91. World Book Day is in the ________ month.
A. third B. fourth C. fifth D. sixth
( )92. On World Book Day, children sit together and enjoy the books’ ______.
A. beautiful pictures B. words C. names D. Both A and B
英语试卷 第 7 页 (共 8 页)
( )93. ______ helps children grow and it’s very important.
A. Singing B. Drawing C. Reading D. Fishing
( )94. Xiaoming is ______ about his favourite book with his classmates.
A. talking B. sharing C. telling D. writing
( )95. Which of the following is Not mentioned in the passage
A. Children reads a lot of interesting books on World book Day.
B. Parents buy some new books for the children to read.
C. Books are like windows to a bigger world.
D. Xiaoming likes to share his favourite books with others.
(D) Read and fill 根据 notice 的信息, 每空填写一个适当的英文单词
Welcome to the English Show!
Place: English club Time: 7:00 pm, September 30th
Sunshine Primary School needs your support!
Get tickets(票) from your English teacher.
Meet at the gate of the club at 6:45 pm.
Water only! Don’t bring any other food or drinks.
Don’t litter.
96. Sunshine is the ____________ of this primary school.
97. There’s an English show on the ____________ of September 30th in the club.
98. Students should get to the club ____________ minutes before the show begins.
99. The notice tells us we can take some ____________ to the club.
100. We should keep the club clean. We shouldn’t ____________ in it.
英语试卷 第 8 页 (共 8 页)



