浙江省黄岩区2021 第一学期期末七年级上册英语教学质量监测(含答案含音频及听力原文)

2021 学年第一学期期末七年级教学质量监测
英 语
(考试时间:90 分钟 满分:120 分)
卷 一
说明:本卷有五大题,共 83 分。
第一部分 听力部分
一、听力(本题有 20 小题,第一、二节每小题 1 分,第三、四节每小题 2分,共 30 分)
第一节:听小对话,请从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。
1. Which ball does Jack have
A. B. C.
2. What’s Bob’s favorite subject
A. B. C.
3. Where is the book
A. B. C.
4. When does Eric have art class
A. B. C.
5. What’s Jim’s phone number
88368025 88638025 88638250
A. B. C.
H 七年级英语试题卷 第 1页 共 8 页
第二节:听问句,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出相应的答语。
6. A. You’re welcome. B. Sure, B-I-L-L, Bill. C. Great.
7. A. I love them. B. I like chicken. C. I like Friday.
8. A. Yes, I am. B. No, we aren’t. C. Yes, here you are.
9. A. On my desk. B. In the library. C. At 1:50.
10. A. He is my friend. B. This is my friend. C. Hello, my friend.
第三节:听较长对话,从 A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。
听下面一段较长对话,回答 11-12小题。
11. When is Tony’s birthday
A. January 13th. B. January 16th. C. January 30th.
12. What may they buy for Tony at last(最后)
A. A basketball. B. A soccer ball. C. A book.
听下面一段较长对话,回答 13-15小题。
13. What does Alan think of geography?
A. Easy. B. Difficult. C. Boring.
14. Who is Alan’s P.E. teacher
A. Mr. Miller. B. Mrs. Miller. C. Miss White.
15. How many P.E. classes does Alan have every week
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
Welcome to Jie's Clothes Store
What 16 sweaters are only 30 yuan.
17 pairs of socks are 13 yuan.
Black 18 for boys are only 20 yuan.
When The store is open from 10:00 in the morning to 19 in the evening
every day.
Buyers can get a 20 for free!
16. A. Green B. White C. Black
17. A. Two B. Three C. Four
18. A. hats B. shoes C. trousers
19. A. 8:00 B. 9:00 C. 10:00
20. A. bag B. hat C. cup
H 七年级英语试题卷 第 2页 共 8 页
第二部分 笔试部分
二、单项选择(共 10 小题,每小题 1分;共 10 分)
21. Which“ch” sounds different(不同的)
A. China B. chair C. school
22. 下列单词中含有相同的元音音素的一组是_______.
A. map, tape B. tidy, library C. ruler, lunch
23. — Let’s play _____basketball.
—Sounds great. But where is ______ basketball I can’t see it.
A. /, the B. the, a C. the, the
24. —I want to buy some _______. They’re mom’s favorite.
—Great. She likes fruit.
A. hamburgers B. eggs C. bananas
25. — What about this red skirt
— It’s too long. I want a _______ one.
A. small B. short C. big
26. —Here is a watch. Is it yours, Mary
—No, it’s not _______. It’s John’s.
A. mine B. his C. hers
27. —The yellow socks are only three dollars for two pairs.
— Great! I’ll ______ them.
A. take B. find C. ask
28. —Do you have a soccer ball
—No, I _____, but my friend Tom _____.
A. don’t, doesn’t B. doesn’t, do C. don’t, does
29. — What do you think of science
— Difficult _____interesting.
A. and B. but C. because
30. — _________, Mary. Is this green pen yours
— Yes, it’s mine. Thanks.
A. Hello B. Excuse me C. Come on
三、完型填空(共 10小题,每小题 1分;共 10分)
It’s Friday evening. Mom comes to Cindy’s room and says, “Cindy, 31 room is a
mess(杂乱). Can you clean (打扫) it, please ” But Cindy doesn’t 32 to do that.
Mom says, “Cindy, you must clean your room on weekends.”
The next day is 33 . Cindy gets up and draws red spots(斑点) on her face. “ 34 , I
look sick(生病的) now.” Lily says happily. When Mom comes in, Cindy tells her. She looks at the
35 . “You have to stay in bed(卧床休息), Cindy,” she says.
Cindy stays in bed all the weekend. Then she says, “I’m 36 now.” But Mom says, “No,
you’re not. I can still 37 some red spots. You can’t get out of bed!”
Cindy has to stay in bed for days. Then she asks, “Can I get out of bed now ” But Mom says
38 .
H 七年级英语试题卷 第 3页 共 8 页
She still stays in bed. It’s very boring! She looks at her room. It’s really a mess. She doesn’t
like it now. 39 Cindy quickly cleans her room!
“Cindy,” Mom says, “I can’t see your spots any more. And your room is 40 . Are you
OK ” And Cindy says, “Yes, I am! I love my clean room now!”
31. A. my B. your C. our
32. A. take B. ask C. want
33. A. Thursday B. Sunday C. Saturday
34. A. Good B. Sorry C. Dear
35. A. spots B. beds C. rooms
36. A. sick B. fine C. busy
37. A. look B. see C. watch
38. A. yes B. OK C. no
39. A. Because B. But C. So
40. A. tidy B. small C. old
四、阅读理解(共 14小题,每小题 2分;共 28分)
What do you think of the subjects at school And what’s your favorite subject Here are some
ideas of four students from PEPMiddle School.
Some students think English is not easy. But I I don’t like history. I think it’s not interesting.
don’t think so. I like English very much. From But I know history is useful. It can help me
Tuesday to Thursday, I have an English class know a lot about China. So I want to learn it
every day. I’m happy to learn English. well.
-Jack -Linda
Geography is my favorite subject. It can help Some girls don’t like science because they
me when I take trips. I have geography only on think it’s difficult. But I like it best. It’s so
Tuesday. My teacher Mr. Li is young and his interesting. I have science every day. And my
lessons are interesting. I like his lessons. science teacher is great. I can learn a lot from
-Frank him.
41. What’s Frank’s favorite subject
A. English. B. History. C. Geography. D. Science.
42. How many students mentioned(提及) their teachers
A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
43. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. Mary has a great English teacher.
B. Frank has geography on Wednesday.
C. Jack has three English classes every week.
D. Linda thinks history is interesting and useful.
H 七年级英语试题卷 第 4页 共 8 页
When I first came to China, I went to a store to buy a phone number. My Chinese friend told
me to choose(选择) one with the number 8 in it. I was confused and asked her why. She said in
China, the number 8 is a lucky number. Some people even spend 10,000 yuan buying a license
plate(车牌号) because it has many 8s in it!
In Australia(澳大利亚) where I come from, there is not a lucky number for everyone. For me,
I have my own lucky number. When I was 14 years old, my best friend and I wanted to have the
same lucky number. We chose the number 5. For us, it is a special number because it reminds(使
想起) us of our happy time. Now, when I need to choose a number, I always choose the number 5.
44. According to the passage, what is the lucky number for Chinese
A.10000. B. 14. C. 8. D. 5.
45. Which is TRUE about the writer(作者)
A. He is from China. B. He bought a phone number with many 8s.
C. His lucky number is eight. D. He and his best friend have the same lucky number.
46. What is the best title(标题) of the passage
A. A trip to China B. How to choose lucky number
C. My best friend D. Lucky number in different countries
Do you know how to save money To save money, don’t buy things you don’t need and try
to buy things with less(更少) money. Here’re some good shopping habits for you.
First, ask yourself some questions before buying. Here are some useful ones: Do I really need
it Can I buy the same thing with less money
Second, buy clothes at the end of the season(季末) for next year. You can buy T-shirts and
shorts in September so you can buy them on sale.
Third, try to find sales when you need something. Some of you always buy books from
bookstores. But do you know that you can use less money to buy books from a book market
One last thing, the prices of one thing in different shops are not always the same. What you
want to buy in the first store is not always a good buy.
Here is a test for you: you want to buy a basketball for your brother and two hats for your
parents in Wuyue. Only two stores sell these things. How much money do you need at least(至少)
to buy them
Things you need Store A’s price Store B’s price
a basketball ¥35 ¥29
two hats ¥40 for one hat the first hat for¥82 and a second one for free(免费的)
47. How many good shopping habits are mentioned(提及) in the passage
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
48. Which is a good habit to save money when shopping
A. Buy things in the first store you see. B. Always buy books from bookstores.
C. Buy clothes at the end of the season. D. Buy a lot only because they’re on sale.
49. How much money do you need at least to buy a basketball and two hats in Wuyue?
A.¥75. B.¥109. C.¥111. D.¥115.
50. What does the underline phrase “save money” mean in Chinese
A.省钱 B.花钱 C.赚钱 D.借钱
H 七年级英语试题卷 第 5页 共 8 页
“Oh, no! My new skateboard(滑板)!” Anna runs after Tom and shouts.
Tom falls off and sits on the ground.
“Are you OK ” asks Anna, running up to him.
Tom nods(点头).
“Why do you take my skateboard ” says Anna.
“I’m sorry. I just want to have a go(试一试),” says Tom. “My mum
doesn’t have the money to buy me a skateboard.”
“But you can’t take people’s things,” Anna says.
“I’m really, really sorry,” Tom says.
“Not all of the money for my skateboard comes from Mum and Dad,” says Anna. “Most(大多数)
of it comes from jobs(工作) I do for people.”
“Really ” says Tom.
“Yes, really.” says Anna.
Tom looks at Anna, “I can do some jobs to get money, too.”
“Yes, you can,” says Ann and smiles. “And, when you get your new
skateboard, you can come for a ride (兜风) with me.”
“That would be really good,” Tom smiles back and says, “I’d like
that a lot.”
51. Why does Tom take Anna’s skateboard
A. He just wants to look at it. B. He just wants to have a go.
C. He wants to play it with Anna. D. He wants to buy it from Anna.
52. What can we know from the passage
A. Anna does some jobs to buy a skateboard.
B. Tom is not OK when he sits on the ground.
C. Anna is happy that Tom takes her skateboard.
D. Tom’s mother doesn’t want to buy him a skateboard.
53. The right order(顺序) of the following is______.
①Anna runs after Tom.
②Tom says sorry to Anna.
③Tom falls off the skateboard.
④Tom knows he can do some jobs to get a skateboard.
A. ②①④③ B. ①③④② C. ②③①④ D. ①③②④
54. What does the underline word “that” refer to(指的是)?
A. He can ride a skateboard.
B. He can take Anna’s skateboard.
C. He can do some jobs to get money for a skateboard.
D. He can go for a ride with Anna when he has a skateboard.
H 七年级英语试题卷 第 6页 共 8 页
五、任务型阅读(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分;共 5 分)
阅读下面五段描述,并将各段描述与图片 A-E进行配对,完成 55-59题。
55. ______This is my brother’s room. His things are everywhere. His quilt is even on the floor!
His room is not tidy. I really don’t like it.
56. ______Look! This is a picture of my family. These are my parents. And these two boys are my
brothers. This is me. I love my family!
57. ______Hi! I’m Bill. My favorite subject is music. I think it’s relaxing for me. And I have a
music lesson every Monday afternoon.
58. ______Alice eats very well. She likes vegetables and fruit. She eats them every day. She
thinks they’re very healthy.
59. ______Do you like sports I like sports very much. I like to play basketball with my friends
after school.
卷 二
说明:本卷有五大题,共 37分,请用黑色字迹签字笔将本卷的答案写在答题卷的相应
位置上, 做在试题卷上无效。
六、课文填空:每个空格限填一词(共 5 分)
* Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00, and after that we have Chinese. It’s my favorite subject. Our
Chinese teacher, Mrs Wang, is 60 61 (我们的语文老师王老师是个很有意思
的人) .
* Bill: But John likes salad, and it’s 62 birthday(而且是他的生日).
Jack: Yes, you’re right. What about the fruit
Tom: I think John likes strawberries and apples.
Bill: OK. 63 have strawberries and apples 64 (那我们吃草莓和苹果吧).
七、词汇运用: 每个空格限填一词(共 10小题,每小题 1分;共 10分)
65. -Thank you ________ (为了) your help. –You are welcome.
66. The students need _______ (三十) boxes for the party.
67. -Look! Your school ID card is ________ (在那里), Sam. -OK, I see it.
H 七年级英语试题卷 第 7页 共 8 页
68. Jack is happy to get a model ________ (飞机).
69. Don’t eat too much meat, or you’ll get ________ (肥胖的).
70. These are my brothers and ________ (那些) are cousins.
71. I like the ________ (第五) month, May, because it’s a good time to have a trip.
72. Tom, come on! We’re ________ (迟到) for class.
73. Now students can ________ (完成) their homework at school.
74. Sam does sports for two ________ (小时) every weekend.
八、语法填空(共 5分)
Hello, everyone! My name is Frank. I am 15 years old. My birthday is 75 June. I am
76 student of No. 1 Middle School. I like my school and I’m busy every day. My favorite
day is Friday because I have two English 77 (class) on that day. Miss Green, 78
(we) English teacher, is nice to us. She always 79 (help) us with the lessons, so we all
like her. What about you What’s your favorite day at school
九、书写题:抄写下列句子,注意书写整洁规范 (共 2分)
80. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
十、书面表达(共 15 分)
81. 假如你是李华,你的美国朋友 Jack 听说中国的中小学正在实行双减政策,学生在减轻
提示,给 Jack 写一封回信,向他介绍你校本学期的校园活动。
Dates Activities(活动)
September 20th School Day
October 15th Sports Day
October 28th Soccer game
November 7 th~10th Art Festival
December 31st New Year’s party
注 意:* 回信必须包括表格中的所有要点,可适当增加细节;
* 文中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息;
* 词数:60~80词左右;
* 信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
H 七年级英语试题卷 第 8页 共 8 页2021学年第一学期期末七年级教学质量监测试题 英语听力测试现在开始。
1. W: Do you have a basketball, Jack
M: No, I don’t. But I have a soccer ball.
2. W: What’s your favorite subject, Bob
M: My favorite subject is science.
3. W: Dad, where is my English book
M: Look, it’s under the chair.
4. W: Eric, do you have art class on Thursday
M: No, we don’t. We have art class on Wednesday.
5. W: Jim, is your phone number 88638025
M: Yes, it’s 88638025.
6. Can you spell your name, please
7. What do you like for lunch
8. Hi, Gina. Do you have an English dictionary
9. When is the history class
10. Who’s that boy in the photo
第三节:听较长对话,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。
W: Hi, Jack. When is Tony’s birthday
M: Next Monday, January 16th. It is his thirteenth birthday. Let’s buy a birthday gift for him.
W: Sounds good, but I don’t know what to buy.
M: How about a basketball
W: But he doesn’t like playing basketball. And he doesn’t like sports at all.
M: Oh, he likes reading very much.
W: Ha ha, I see.
W: Hi, Alan. You look tired. What’s wrong
M: I have two geography classes today.
W: You don’t like geography
M: No! It’s not easy for me. And I don’t like my geography teacher Miss White. She’s too boring.
W: So what’s your favorite subject
M: P.E.! My P.E. teacher is Mr. Miller. He is really fun.
W: When is your P.E. class
M: I have P.E. classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday every week.
The New Year is coming. Are your new clothes ready for the New Year If not, please come to Jie’s Clothes Store and have a look. Our clothes are all a real buy. We sell sweaters in green for only 30 yuan and white ones for 35 yuan. Socks in our store are cool and colorful. You can get two pairs for 10 yuan and three pairs for just 13 yuan. For boys, the black trousers are on sale. You can buy two pairs for the price of one—only 20 yuan each! What a great deal! And for girls, we have nice shoes, hats and bags at good prices, too. Our store is open every day from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. Everyone who buys things from our store can get a free cup. Have a good day and welcome to our store!
英 语
1-5 BCBAB 6-10 BBCCA 11-15 BCBAB 16-20 ABCBC
21-25 CBACB 26-30 AACBB
31-35 BCCAA 36-40 BBCCA
41-43 CBC 44-46 CDD 47-50 CCBA 51-54 BADD
55-59 EDBCA
60. great 61. fun 62. his 63. Let’s 64. then
七、词汇运用: 每个空格限填一词(每小题1分,共10分)
65. for 66. thirty 67. there 68. plane/airplane/aeroplane 69. fat
70. those 71. fifth 72. late 73. finish 74. hours
75. in 76. a 77. classes 78. our 79. helps
80. 略
Dear Jack,
I’m glad to hear from you. You’re asking about our school activities. We have some interesting and fun things this term. On September 20th, we have School Day. Our parents can come to our school. October is a great month. We have Sports Day on October 15th and the soccer game is on October 28th. We have an art festival in November. It’s from 7th to 10th. Next month, we have a New Year’s party in the school library on the 31st. It’s a really busy term, but we have a good time.
What about you Do you have these interesting things at your school
Li Hua
采分点 满分 可给分值
内容充实,覆盖要点(内容、要点)——内容 5 4~5 描述所有信息,内容合理、丰富2~3 描述了大部分信息,内容比较合理 1 描述了小部分信息,内容不合理 0 没有作答或描述内容与主题无关
用词适切,语法正确,句型多样(词汇、语法、句型)——语言 5 4~5 用词适切,句型变化多样且有效,完全或基本没有语言错误2~3 用词基本适切,句型较为单一, 有少量语言错误但不影响理解1 有较多语言错误,一定程度上影响理解0 有大量语言错误,影响了理解
结构紧凑,意思连贯(语意、连词、指代)——结构 3 2~3 行文连贯,连接词使用恰当,指代清晰1 行文不够连贯,连接词使用不恰当,指代不够清晰0 没有连贯的意识
书写规范,词数适宜(标点符号、大小写、词数) 2 2 大小写、标点正确,词数达标,书写规范整洁1 大小写、标点有部分错误,词数达标,书写尚可辨认0 大小写、标点错误较多,语言应用不规范,词数严重不足,书写难以辨认
H七年级英语答案 第1页 共1页



