牛津译林版(三起)六年级上册 期末常考易错检测卷试题(含解析)

1.Each student ______one picture. ( )
A.draw B.draws C.drawing
2.Long long ago, there a lion. He in the forest.( )
A.is, lives B.was, lived C.were, lived
3.Su Yang and Su Hai ______ their lunch to the park and ate it quickly. ( )
A.bring B.brought C.brings
4.Look, here’s a picture ________ Hainan Island. ( )
A.in B.of C.from
5.The earth (地球) is getting __________ now. ( )
A.warm and warm B.warmer and warm
C.warmer and warmer
6.When you see “______” on the wall, you should keep away from the building. ( )
A.No littering B.No parking C.Danger
7.There (be) a lot of rain last night.
8.—Look! Who (smoke) in the restaurant
—The man over there .
9.It was still (rain) this morning.
10.Would you like (play) computer games with us
11.It was (cloud) in Taihu yesterday.
12.it, you, means, or, can’t, there, eat, drink (.)
13.is, this, a, chick, yes, it, is (.)
14.it, we, our, can’t, here, means, park, cars (.)
15.restaurant, we’re, in, some, eating, noodles, the (.)
16.did, Why, call me, you ( )
hear near learn bear nearly wear fear ear
A.You can take a No.3 bus. B.No. It' s about a kilometre away. C. Only one. D.No, they aren’t. E. Me, too. F. No, she doesn’t. G. e with me. H. Yes, he is. I. Mike is. J. Helen' s.
20.Are bears as big as rabbits ( )
21.How can I get there ( )
22.Whose ruler is longer ( )
23.Is it far from here ( )
24.Does she swim faster than you ( )
25.Can you show me the way to Jinling Hotel ( )
26.How many stops are there ( )
27.I’m good at English. ( )
28.Is Wang Bing as tall as Liu Tao ( )
29.Who’s taller, Tom or Mike ( )
Last weekend, we had a b 30 school trip. Some students were l 31 . Then we waited half an hour for the school bus, but it didn’t c 32 . At last, we decided (决定) to take the subway. It took us about an hour to g 33 to the zoo. We wanted to see pandas, but there weren’t a 34 . Then it started to r 35 , and no one h 36 an umbrella. So we went for lunch. My friends had some ice cream, but I didn’t, because I dislike it. We didn’t see many animals b 37 the weather was bad. When we went b 38 to school, we were w 39 and tired. I didn’t like my school trip at all.
People make old things into new things. This is called recycling. People can recycle only some materials(材料), such as(例如) paper, glass, plastics, clothing, computers, mobile phones and metal(金属).
Food cannot be recycled. How do students recycle at school Students make recycling boxes for cans, glass bottles and paper. They try to use recycled things. Recycling is good for our Earth. We should protect the Earth.
40.Recycling is making _______ things into _______ things. ( )
A.old; new B.new; old C.new; new
41.______ can be recycled. ( )
A.Fruit B.Metal C.Drinks
42._______ cannot be recycled. ( )
A.Glass B.Paper C.Food
43.Students make _______ for cans, glass bottles and paper. ( )
A.recycling paper B.recycling boxes C.recycling clue
44.Which is the best title(题目) ( )
A.Recycling. B.Protecting. C.Saving.
Yesterday was a funny day. I walked to Lily’s home in the morning. I studied English together with her. We read some interesting English stories.
Then I went to a park by bike. I flew a kite there. It was a windy day. Suddenly my kite flew into a lake. Acute dog saw the kite. He jumped into the lake and swam to it. A few minutes later,the dog gave the kite to me. I was very grateful(感激的) to him.
45.I went to Lily’s house on foot yesterday morning. ( )
46.Lily and I studied Chinese and read English stories. ( )
47.I walked to the park and flew a kite there. ( )
48.There is a lake in the park. ( )
49.A cat gave me the kite at last. ( )
【详解】each student意思是每个学生,是第三人称单数,后面动词要加s,本句句意为每天学生画一幅画,故选B。
【详解】句意:很久很久以前,有一只狮子,他这里这个森林里。根据“Long long ago”判断该句子是一般过去时,lion是单数,因此系动词用was,行为动词用lived,故选B。
【详解】句意:昨天晚上有大雨。本题考查there be句型,根据时间last night确定句子是一般过去时态,rain是不可数名词,be用is的过去式was。故答案为was。
8. is smoking is
【详解】句意:—看!谁正在餐馆里吸烟?—那边那位男士正在吸烟。本题考查现在进行时,look是现在进行时的标志,who作主语,第三人称单数处理,现在进行时的结构:主语+be+动词现在分词+其他,故答案为is smoking;is。
10.to play
【详解】句意:你想和我们一起玩电脑游戏吗?本题考查动词的形式。would like to do sth想做某事,故答案为to play。
12.It means you can’t eat or drink there.
【详解】it它,you你(们),means意味着,or或者,can't不能,there那里,eat吃,drink喝,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是宾语从句,根据词义连成句子:这意味着你(们)不能在那里吃或喝。故答案为It means you can’t eat or drink there.
13.Is this a chick Yes, it is.
【详解】is是,this这,a一只,chick小鸡,yes是的,it它,is是,根据所给的单词,结合词义,可知句子是一般疑问句的问答句,根据词义连成句子:这是小鸡吗?是的,它是。故答案为Is this a chick Yes, it is.
14.It means we can’t park our cars here.
15.We’re eating some noodles in the restaurant.
16.Why did you call me
【详解】did助动词,Why为什么,call me打电话给我,you 你,由句子符号可知是问句,根据词义可连成句子:你为什么打电话给我?故答案为Why did you call me
17.hear, near, nearly, fear, ear 18.bear, wear 19.learn
【分析】17.dear中ear的发音为/ /,发音也为/ /的为hear; near;nearly;fear;ear中的ear。故答案为hear;near;nearly;fear;ear。
18.pear中ear的发音为/e /,发音也为/e /的为bear; wear中的ear。故答案为bear;wear。
19.early中ear的发音为/ /,发音也为/ /的为learn中的ear。故答案为learn。
20.D 21.A 22.J 23.B 24.F 25.G 26.C 27.E 28.H 29.I
【解析】20.句意:熊和兔子一样大吗?该句是are引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答Yes, they are.否定回答No, they aren’t.选项D. No, they aren’t.符合题意,故选D。
21.句意:我怎么去那里?答句说明交通方式,选项A. You can take a No.3 bus.你可以坐三路公交车。符合题意,故选A。
22.句意:谁的尺子更长?回答谁的,选项J. Helen' s.海伦的。符合题意,故选J。
23.句意:离这里远吗?该句是Is引导的一般疑问句,用yes/no回答,选项B. No. It' s about a kilometre away.符合题意,故选B。
24.句意:她比你游得远吗?该句是does引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答Yes, she does.否定回答No, she doesn’t.选项F. No, she doesn’t.符合题意,故选F。
25.句意:你能指给我看去金陵旅馆的路吗?can提问的句子肯定回答可以用sure/of course/yes。选项G. e with me.当然。跟我来。符合题意,故选G。
26.句意:有几站?回答说数量,选项C. Only one.只有一个。符合题意,故选C。
27.句意:我擅长英语。答句说自己的情况。选项E. Me, too.我也是。符合题意,故选E。
28.句意:王兵和刘涛一样高吗?该句是Is引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答Yes, he is.否定回答No, he isn't.选项H. Yes, he is.符合题意,故选H。
29.句意:谁更高,汤姆还是麦克?答句选择其一,选项I. Mike is.麦克。符合题意,故选I。
30.bad/ad 31.late/ate 32.come/ome 33.get/et 34.any/ny 35.rain/ain 36.had/ad 37.because/ecause 38.back/ack 39.wet/et
31.句意:一些学生迟到了。be late迟到,固定搭配,故答案为late。
33.句意:我们花了大约一个小时去动物园。根据首字母及句意,可知考查get to到达,It took sb some time to do sth.做某事花费了某人多长时间。故答案为get。
35.句意:然后开始下雨,没有人带雨伞。根据首字母及句意,可知单词为rain下雨,start to do sth开始做某事,故答案为rain。
38.句意:当我们回到学校时,我们又湿又累。根据首字母及句意,可知考查go back to返回到,went是go的过去式,故答案为back。
40.A 41.B 42.C 43.B 44.A
40.句意:回收就是把旧东西变成新东西。A旧的;新的,B新的;旧的;C新的;新的。根据People make old things into new things. This is called recycling.,可知回收就是把旧东西变成新东西,故选A。
41.句意:_____可以回收利用。A水果,B金属,C饮料,根据People can recycle only some materials(材料), such as(例如) paper, glass, plastics, clothing, computers, mobile phones and metal(金属).,可知金属可以回收利用,故选B。
42.句意:______不可以回收利用。A玻璃,B纸,C食物,根据Food cannot be recycled.,可知食物不可以回收利用,故选C。
43.句意:学生们为易拉罐、玻璃瓶和纸张制作______。A回收纸,B回收箱,C回收线索,根据Students make recycling boxes for cans, glass bottles and paper.,可知学生们为易拉罐、玻璃瓶和纸张制作回收箱,故选B。
45.T 46.F 47.F 48.T 49.F
45.句意:我昨天早上走路去丽丽的家。根据原文I walked to Lily’s home in the morning. 可知,我早上走路去丽丽家。故答案为T。
46.句意:丽丽和我学习中文和读英语故事。根据原文We read some interesting English stories.可知,我和丽丽只读了有趣的英语故事。故答案为F。
47.句意:我走路去公园,然后在那放风筝。根据原文Then I went to a park by bike. 可知,我骑自行车去公园。故答案为F。
48.句意:公园里有一个湖。根据原文Suddenly my kite flew into a lake.可知,公园里有一个湖。故答案为T。
49.句意:最后一只猫给了我风筝。根据原文A few minutes later, the dog gave the kite to me. 可知,一只狗给了我风筝。故答案为F。



