备考2023-2024九年级英语上学期期末考试真题汇编:专题10 词语运用(学生版+教师版)

专题10 词语运用
1.All the teachers are much ________ (strict) with us this term than last term.
【详解】句意:这学期所有的老师对我们都比上学期严格。strict“严格的”,形容词。根据“much...(strict) with us this term than last term.”可知,此处用形容词比较级,strict的比较级为stricter。故填stricter。
2.Chow Yun Fat began to learn another foreign language in his ________ (forty).
【详解】句意:周润发四十多岁时开始学习另一门外语。forty“四十”,是一个基数词。根据句意和空前“in his…”可知,这里考查短语in one’s+整十的基数词复数,表示“在某人几十多岁的时候”。故填forties。
3.On 30 December, 2021, Zhang Xiaofei won the 34th Golden Rooster Award for Best ________ for her role in the film Hi! Mom. (act)
【详解】句意:在2021年12月30日,张小斐凭借电影《你好,李焕英》中的角色获得了第34届金鸡奖最佳女主角奖。分析句子可知,此处需要填写名词,根据“for her role in the film Hi! Mom.”可知,得奖人是女性,此处应该用actress,意为“女演员”,且此处表示的是一个奖项,因此首字母大写。故填Actress。
4.Whenever I made progress, my parents always speak ________ of me. (high)
【详解】句意:每当我取得进步,我的父母总是高度赞扬我。根据所给词可知,此处考查speak highly of sb“高度赞扬某人”,固定短语。故填highly。
5.Peter answered my question ________ (wise).
6.December is the ________ (cold) month of the year here in Young Zhou.
【详解】句意:在小周,十二月是一年中最冷的月份。根据比较的范围“of the year”可知,空处形容词应用最高级形式;cold“冷的”,最高级形式为coldest。故填coldest。
7.It is ________ (high) possible that she will win the award again this year.
【详解】句意:她今年将很有可能再次赢得这个奖。根据“It is…possible that…”可知,此处应填副词highly表示“很,非常”,形容她再次赢得这个奖项的可能性很大。故填highly。
8.Look! An old man________ (lie) on the floor.
【答案】is lying
【详解】句意:看!一个老人正躺在地板上。结合句中“Look!”可知此句为现在进行时,结构为:be+doing,lie的现在分词形式为lying,主语是第三人称单数,所以系动词用is。故填is lying。
9.The CD could be ________ (Mary). She likes music.
10.You aren’t supposed to ______ (enter) the teachers’ office without knocking at the door.
【详解】句意:在不敲门的情况下,你不应该进入老师的办公室。be supposed to do sth表示“应该做某事”,故此处应用动词原形。故填enter。
11.China is the ________ country in the world to send a person into space. (three)
【详解】句意:中国是世界上第三个将人送入太空的国家。根据“the ... country”可知要用序数词表顺序,three的序数词为third,意为“第三”。故填third。
12.It’s important ________ (learn) the language.
【答案】to learn
【详解】句意:学习语言是很重要的。“it”是形式主语,句子的真正的主语是动词不定式。表达“学习”用“to learn”。故填to learn。
13.Linda has been ill for a long time. So she has to learn by ________ (she) at home.
【详解】句意:琳达生病很长时间了。因此她不得不在家自学。根据“has been ill for a long time”可知表达“自学”,用短语“learn by oneself”。主语是“she”,介词“by”后用反身代词“herself”。故填herself。
14.Last night they kept ____ (write) new words.
【详解】句意:昨晚他们一直在写新单词。write“写”,动词;keep doing sth.“一直做某事”,此处填动名词形式。故填writing。
15.Look! There are many old people _____ (do) morning exercise at the square.
【详解】句意:看!广场上有许多老人在晨练。do表示“做”是实义动词;look用于提醒注意,后面的句子用现在进行时“be doing”结构,故填doing。
16.I can _____ (easy) recognize her although we haven’t seen each other for a long time.
17.The people in the earthquake area ________ (provide) with food and medicine from all over the world last week.
【答案】were provided
【详解】句意:上周,世界各地向地震灾区人民提供了食品和药品。provide“提供”,是一个动词。根据句意可知,该句主语“The people in the earthquake area”与动词构成被动关系,应用被动语态be+过去分词;由句中的“last week”可知,应用一般过去时态。故填were provided。
18.Anna seemed ________ (exciting) after she watched a movie.
19.The price is too high. I can’t afford ________ (own) it.
【答案】to own
【详解】句意:价格太高了。我买不起它。own“拥有”,动词。afford to do sth固定搭配,表示“负担得起做某事”,此处填动词不定式to own。故填to own。
20.Please find out the _________ ( miss ) words and then put them in the blanks.
21.You should follow the traffic rules. After all, s________ comes first.
【详解】句意:你应该遵守交通规则。毕竟,安全第一。句子缺少主语,用名词或代词,根据“You should follow the traffic rules”可知这里是说安全第一,safety“安全”,不可数名词。故填(s)afety。
22.Parents are always p________ of their children’s good grades.
【详解】句意:父母总是为孩子的好成绩感到骄傲。根据句意和首字母提示可知,proud“骄傲的”符合题意,be proud of“为……感到骄傲”,固定搭配。故填(p)roud。
23.The box is e________, because there is nothing in it.
【详解】句意:这个盒子是空的,因为里面什么也没有。根据“because there is nothing in it”可知,里面什么也没有,说明盒子应是空的,empty“空的”,形容词作表语。故填(e)mpty。
24.If they hear the bad news, I think they will c________ sadly.
【详解】句意:如果他们听到那个坏消息,我觉得他们会哭得很伤心。根据“If they hear the bad news”及修饰词“sadly”结合首字母提示可知此处应用动词“cry”,位于“will”后用动词原形即可。故填(c)ry。
25.Don’t push the door. Instead, you should p________ it.
26.It’s better to read a_________ than to read in silence.
【详解】句意:大声朗读比默读更好。根据“It’s better to read …than to read in silence”及首字母可知,大声读比默读好,read aloud“大声读”,aloud是副词,修饰动词read,故填(a)loud。
27.The naughty boy was p________ for his bad behaviour by his mother.
【详解】句意:这个淘气的男孩因为糟糕的行为而被他的妈妈惩罚。根据“for his bad behaviour by his mother.”可知,应是糟糕的行为被妈妈惩罚了,横线处缺的汉意是“惩罚”punish,是动词。本句的主语“The naughty boy”与谓语“punish”是被动关系,需用被动语态,其谓语结构是be+动词的过去分词。故填(p)unished。
28.The FISU World University Games Summer Chengdu will be h________ from June 26th to July 7th, 2022.
【详解】句意:国际大体联成都夏季世界大学生运动会将于2022年6月26日至7月7日举行。根据“The FISU World University Games Summer Chengdu will be…”以及首字母提示可知,横线处缺的汉意是“举办”hold;根据“June 26th to July 7th, 2022”可知,本句的时态是一般将来时;主语“The FISU World University Games Summer Chengdu”与谓语“hold”之间是被动关系,需用被动语态。综合以上,本句需用一般将来时的被动语态,其谓语结构是will be+动词的过去分词。故填(h)eld。
29.I f________ my driving test the first time. But this time I passed it.
【详解】句意:第一次驾照考试我失败了。但是这次我通过了它。根据“But this time I passed it.”可知,这次通过了考试,说明第一次失败了。横线处缺的是“失败”fail。根据“passed”可知,本句的时态是一般过去时,动词需用过去式。故填(f)ailed。
30.After a day of hard work, all of us felt very s________ and went to bed early.
【详解】句意:经过一天的努力工作,我们都感到很困,早早上床睡觉了。根据“After a day of hard work”结合首字母提示可知,此处指困倦的,sleepy“困倦的”,形容词作表语,符合题意,故填(s)leepy。
31.Having more w________ doesn’t mean having more happiness.
【详解】句意:拥有更多的财富并不意味着拥有更多的幸福。根据“Having more...doesn’t mean having more happiness.”结合单词首字母可知此处指的是拥有更多的财富,wealth“财富”,是不可数名词。故填(w)ealth。
32.The door was locked when we arrived, so we r______ the bell.
【详解】句意:当我们到达的时候门被锁了,因此我们按了门铃。根据“was locked”,可知句子是一般过去时,表达“按门铃”动词用过去式“rang”。故填(r)ang。
33.Bill is a(n) h______ boy and we all believe him.
【详解】句意:比尔是个诚实的孩子,我们都相信他。根据“we all believe him”及首字母提示可知,此处指的是honest“诚实的”,是形容词作定语,故填(h)onest。
34.They finally reached an a____ after discussing how to be a good English learner.
35.It’s already 11 o’clock now, but I haven’t c________ my task. I have to stay up late tonight.
【详解】句意:现在已经11点了,但是我还没有完成我的任务。今晚我不得不熬夜了。根据句意“I have to stay up late tonight”和单词首字母可知,这里考查complete,意为“完成”,是一个动词。该句使用了现在完成时态,结构:have+过去分词,故填(c)ompleted。
36.We can use “Could you tell me …” or “ Excuse me, can you tell me…” to make our requests more p________.
【详解】句意:我们可以用“请你告诉我……”或者“打扰一下,你能告诉我……”来使我们的请求更礼貌。根据句意“Could you tell me …Excuse me, can you tell me…”可知,这两种询问的方式更有礼貌,这里考查polite“礼貌的”,是一个形容词,在句中作宾语补足语。故填(p)olite。
37.Tea plants are g________ on the sides of mountains.
【详解】句意:茶树种植在山腰上。主语“Tea plants”是复数概念,根据“on the sides of mountains”及首字母提示可知表达的是“被种植”,用一般现在时的被动形式“are grown”。故填(g)rown。
38.They were e_______ before, but now they are close friends.
39.Mei Tuan is w_____________ used for ordering food.
40.Doctors s____________ that we shouldn’t eat dessert before going to bed.
【详解】句意:医生建议我们睡觉前不要吃甜点。根据“that we shouldn’t eat dessert before going to bed”及首字母,可知,睡觉前不吃甜点是医生建议的事,suggest“建议”,句子是一般现在时,主语doctors是复数,动词用原形,故填suggest。
41.The door was ________ (锁上) when we arrived, so we rang the bell.
【详解】句意:当我们到达时门被锁着,所以我们按了门铃。根据汉语提示和语境可知本题考查单词lock“锁上”,动词。主语the door和谓语lock是逻辑上的动宾关系,应用被动语态,其谓语结构为“be+过去分词”。故填locked。
42.The students in Class 10 were at the park ________(除了)Sally. She was ill in hospital.
43.The train arrived ________ (确切地) at 9 o’clock.
44.Those friends have a great ________(影响)on her.
【详解】句意:那些朋友对她影响很大。根据提示“影响”可知,have a great influence on sb“对某人影响很大”,是固定搭配。故填influence。
45.I look up to many sports ________(英雄)and want to be like them.
46.April Fool’s Day is a celebration that takes place in ______ (不同的) countries around the world.
47.The doctor ________ (检查) the king but found nothing wrong with his body.
48.Now I don’t have a _________ (机会) to travel because of the novel coronavirus.
49.In Brazil people sometimes ________ (亲吻) when they meet for the first time.
50.I’ve never ____ the decision to work in West China.(后悔)
【详解】句意:我从未后悔到中国西部工作的决定。regret“后悔”,动词。空前有助动词“have”,此处时态是现在完成时(have/has done),regret的过去分词形式为regretted。故填regretted。
51.It’s a pity that this Saturday’s report on films has been ________ (取消).
【详解】句意:很遗憾,本周六关于电影的报道被取消了。根据中文提示可知本题考查的单词是“cancel”。又因为前文“has been”并结合语境“电影的报道被取消”可知此处要用现在完成时的被动语态“have/has been done”。故填cancelled。
52.It’s necessary for teenagers to learn some ________ (安全) tips to protect themselves.
53.His mother didn’t ________ (惩罚) him for his mistake.
【详解】句意:他母亲没有因为他的错误惩罚他。根据中文提示和句意可知,此处应用“punish sb. for sth.”表示“因为……而惩罚……”,punish“惩罚”,动词,助动词didn’t后面跟动词原形。故填punish。
54.The new machine is very ________ (有用的).
55.Victoria Falls is a natural ________ (奇观) of the world.
56.In autumn, ________ (叶子) of trees fall down and it makes an amazing scene.
【详解】句意:秋天,树叶落下,形成迷人的景象。根据空后的“of trees”和所给汉语意思可知,应该填的是可数名词leaf“树叶”的复数leaves表泛指,故填leaves。
57.—How does your English teacher go to school
—She usually ________ (开车) to school.
58.The game dominoes (多米诺骨牌) requires people to be calm and ________ (耐心的).
59.They ran outside and ________ (拥抱) their family that they hadn’t seen for a long time.
【详解】句意:他们跑到外面,拥抱他们很久没见过的家人。根据中文提示,可知单词为:hug v. “拥抱;抱住”,注意到前面ran是过去式,可知这里也应该用过去式,故填hugged。
60.For safety, drivers must avoid ________(吸烟)while they are driving.
【详解】句意:为了安全,司机开车时必须避免抽烟。avoid doing sth表示“避免做某事”,动名词作宾语。故填smoking。
1.We are not expected _________(arrive)late when we have a meeting.
【答案】to arrive
【详解】句意:我们开会时不能迟到。 be expected to do sth“被期待做某事”,故此空应填动词不定式to arrive,故填to arrive。
2.Lights must _________ (turn) off when we leave the classroom.
【答案】be turned
【详解】句意:当我们离开教室时,灯必须被关闭。主语“Lights”和谓语动词turn off在逻辑上是动宾关系,应用被动语态,must为情态动词,所以此处用含有情态动词的被动语态,结构为must be done。故填be turned。
3.Jia Ling is the ________ (direct) of the movie Hi, Mom.
【详解】句意:贾玲是电影《你好,李焕英》的导演。根据“the...of”可知,此处应填名词;再根据“Jia Ling”和“the movie Hi, Mom”可知,此处指“导演”,应用direct的名词director。故填director。
4.How many ________ (hero) have you found out in this novel
【详解】句意:你在这部小说中发现了多少英雄?所给的词汇hero意为“英雄”;由how many可知,这里用复数形式,hero是以o结尾的名词,有生命的需要加es。故填heroes。
5.My little sister didn’t feel like sleeping and made me ________ (repeat) the whole story.
【详解】句意:我的小妹妹不想睡觉,让我把整个故事又给重复了一遍。make sb. do sth.表示“让某人做某事”,因此此处应填动词repeat的原形。故填repeat。
6.Chinese people look up to taikonauts and see them as national ________ (hero).
【详解】句意:中国人尊敬航天员,视他们为民族英雄。根据“Chinese people look up to taikonauts and see them as national...”可知,national“民族的”,形容词修饰名词hero“英雄”,可数名词;空前无限定词,此处填名词复数。故填heroes。
7.________ (Luck), she didn’t pass the exam.
【详解】句意:不幸的是,她没有通过考试。此空位于句首,空格后有逗号隔开,故此空应填一个副词作状语。根据“she didn’t pass the exam”可知,没有通过考试是不幸的,unluckily“不幸地”,句首字母大写。故填Unluckily。
8.Some people think their money is ________ because of some TV ads in some ways.(steal)
【详解】句意:有些人认为他们的钱被偷是因为某些方面的电视广告。steal“偷”,是动词,主语是their money和谓语动词存在被动关系,根据语境是一般现在时态的被动语态,其结构是“be done”的形式,steal的过去式分词是stolen,故填stolen。
9.A lot of jewellery was ___________ (steal) from the shop at the end of the street the other day.
【详解】句意:前几天,街道尽头的那家商店里有很多珠宝被盗。主语是A lot of jewellery和谓语动词之间存在被动关系,根据时间状语the other day可知,是一般过去时态的被动语态,其结构是was done的形式,steal“偷”,是动词,过去分词是stolen,故填stolen。
10.In China, it’s impolite to get chopsticks ________ (stick) into the rice at the dinner table.
【详解】句意:在中国,餐桌上筷子插入米饭里是不礼貌的。get sth. done“让某事被做”,用动词stick的过去分词stuck作宾语补足语。故填stuck。
11.He was caught by the police, for he was seen ________ (steal) a bike on the road.
【详解】句意:他被警察抓住了,因为有人看见他在马路上偷自行车。根据“He was caught by the police”可知正在偷自行车时被看到,用现在分词stealing作主语补足语。故填stealing。
12.I remember the ________of the school sports day each year. (excite)
13.Even cold, hard iron can be brought back to life with a little ________.(creative)
14.There are totally twenty ________ (potato) in these two photos.
15.Luckily, they escaped from the ________ (burn) building with the help of the firemen.
【详解】句意:幸运的是,在消防员的帮助下,他们从那座燃烧中的大楼里逃出来了。此处需要用现在分词作定语,表示主动和正在进行的含义。“the burning building”意为“正在燃烧当中的大厦”,故填burning。
16.The girl’s ________ (ill) was more serious than the doctor first thought.
【详解】句意:这女孩的病比医生原先以为的更严重。根据“The girl’s”可知要用ill的名词形式illness表示“疾病”,再由“was”可知用单数形式。故填illness。
17.I prefer hanging out with my friends to ________ (stay) at home.
【详解】句意:比起待在家里,我更喜欢和朋友们出去玩。短语prefer doing A to doing B,表示“比起做B更喜欢做A”,短语stay at home“呆在家”,此处用stay的动名词,故填staying。
18.It’s ________ (polite) to ask a woman about her age in western countries.
【详解】句意:在西方国家,询问妇女的年龄是不礼貌的。It’s+形容词+to do sth.“做某事是……”, 根据“ask a woman about her age in western countries”可知,询问妇女的年龄是不礼貌的,polite“礼貌的”,是形容词,此处用反义词,impolite“不礼貌的”,是形容词,故填impolite。
19.I think the information is quite _________ (value) to us.
20.Eight members attend the meeting, ________ (include) my mother.
【详解】句意:有八个成员参加了会议,包括我母亲。根据“Eight members attend the meeting”可知,此句已有谓语动词,因此此空用其介词形式,结合英文提示,including符合句意。故填including。
21.He looks s______ because he stayed up very late last night.
【详解】句意:他看起来很困,因为他昨晚熬夜了。look表示“看起来”,后接形容词作表语,根据“because he stayed up very late last night”及首字母可知,昨晚熬夜了,所以看起来很困倦的,sleepy“困倦的”,故填(s)leepy。
22.The great doctor Wu Mengchao is c________ as “father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery (肝胆外科)”
【详解】句意:伟大的医生吴孟超被认为是“中国肝胆外科之父”。“被认为是……”翻译为“be considered as…”,故填(c)onsidered。
23.Look! CCTV is c________ the football game live we are looking forward to.
【详解】句意:看!中央电视台正在直播报道我们期待的足球赛。根据“ CCTV is ... the football game live”及首字母可知,此处指报道,用cover表示,be动词is后跟现在分词构成现在进行时结构。故填(c)overing。
24.A brave man is a person who has enough c________. When he is in difficult or dangerous situation, he can work out all the problems.
【详解】句意:一个勇敢的人是一个有足够勇气的人。当他处于困难或危险的情况下,他能解决所有的问题。根据“When he is in difficult or dangerous situation, he can work out all the problems”及首字母可知,在危险情况下能解决所有的问题,可见他是一个有勇气的人,courage“勇气”,故填(c)ourage。
25.Mary is a________ from class today because she is having an English competition in Chengdu. She will come back tomorrow.
【详解】句意:玛丽今天缺课,因为她在成都参加英语比赛。她将明天回来。根据“because she is having an English competition in Chengdu. She will come back tomorrow.”可知,此处是说玛丽今天缺课。is是连系动词,后加形容词,absent“缺席的”,是形容词,短语be absent from...“缺席,不在……”,故填(a)bsent 。
26.Susan and her mother haven’t seen for a long time. They had a long c ________ on the phone last night.
【详解】句意:苏珊和她的妈妈很长时间没见了。昨晚她们在电话里进行了一个很长的交谈。根据“Susan and her mother haven’t seen for a long time.”及给出的首字母可知,此处表示“对话”,又由前面“They had a long”可知此处应填名词单数。故填(c)onversation。
27.Jane likes reading in her s________ time.
28.It’s a pity that the concert was ____ because of the bad weather. (取消)
【详解】句意:真遗憾,音乐会因为天气不好而取消了。根据中文提示,可知单词为cancel v.“控制”,观察句子,主语“the concert”与cancel的关系为:音乐会被取消,可知应该用被动时态,cancel的过去分词为cancelled,故填cancelled。
29.He has great difficulty t________ the article from Chinese into French.
【详解】句意:他很难把这篇文章从汉语译成法语。根据首字母及“…the article from Chinese into French”可知,此处是把文章从汉语翻译成法语;translate“翻译”,动词;have difficulty (in) doing sth.“做某事有困难”,故用其动名词形式。故填(t)ranslating。
30.Learning what you are not supposed to do in social situations may be difficult, but it’s w_______ the trouble if you want to understand another culture.
【详解】句意:学习在社交场合不应该做的事情可能很困难,但如果你想了解另一种文化,麻烦一点也是值得的。根据首字母w及“it’s…the trouble if you want to understand another culture.”可知,如果想要了解另一种文化,麻烦也是值得的;worth“值得的”,be worth… “值得……”。故填(w)orth。
31.I r________ talking back, not listening to Mom.
【详解】句意:我后悔顶嘴,没有听妈妈的话。句子是一般现在时,根据“talking back, not listening to Mom”及首字母提示可知句子表达“后悔顶嘴,没听妈妈的话”,表达现在对曾经做过的事情后悔用“regret doing”的结构。故填regret。
32.You really r________ a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.
【详解】句意:要想成功,你确实需要天赋和努力。根据“to succeed”可推出要想成功就需要天赋和努力,结合首字母r可知用require表示“需要”;陈述一般事实,用一般现在时,主语“You”后用动词原形。故填(r)equire。
33.I've recently been to a very u______ museum in India, the International Museum of Toilets.
根据“the International Museum of Toilets.”国际厕所博物馆。可知,这样的博物馆应该是不寻常的,结合首字母提示可知,填unusual;unusual形容词,不寻常的,修饰后面的名词museum。故填 unusual。
34.Please don’t tell others! It’s a s______ between you and me.
【详解】句意:请不要告诉别人!它是我和你之间的秘密。根据前句“Please don’t tell others!”和首字母提示可知,应是它是我和你之间的秘密,故空处应是secret“秘密”,可数名词,因之前有a修饰,故名词应用单数形式。故填(s)ecret。
35.He’s seldom angry with his children, and he is always p________with them.
【详解】句意:他很少生孩子们的气,对他们总是很耐心。根据“He’s seldom angry with his children”以及首字母可知他很少生气,非常有耐心,作be动词的表语用形容词patient“耐心的”。故填(p)atient。
36.Don’t make any n________ when you are in the library.
【详解】句意:当你在图书馆时,不要发出任何噪音。根据空后句“when you are in the library.”和首字母提示可知,空处应是noise“噪音”,不可数名词。故填(n)oise。
37.Don’t forget to shut the window and l________ the door before leaving the classroom.
【详解】句意:离开教室之前,不要忘记关窗和锁门。and连接两个并列的成分,and前面连接的是动词不定式to shut,因此and后面也要连接动词不定式,to可以省略,即剩下动词原形。shut the window是“关窗”,离开教室之前,一般都要关窗和锁门。“锁”是动词lock,首字母是l,符合题意。故填(l)ock。
38.Tom was p______ by his parents by breaking the family rules.
【详解】句意:汤姆因为违反家规而被他的父母惩罚。根据“by breaking the family rules”可知,违反家规要受到惩罚;punish意为“惩罚”,动词,结合“was...by”可知,主语Tom和punish之间是被动关系,被动语态结构:be done,所以此处使用动词的过去分词形式。故填(p)unished。
39.It’s necessary to take p________ with you when you’re abroad. You have to show them when entering or leaving a country.
【详解】句意:当你们出国时,随身携带护照是很有必要的。你们不得不在进出国家时展示它们。根据“...You have to show them when entering or leaving a country.”可知进出国家时,应该展示护照,passport表示“护照”,them指代“护照”,因此用复数形式。故填(p)assports。
40.If you are always a________ from class, you will be not able to enter a good university.
【详解】句意:如果你总是缺课,你就进不了一所好大学。be absent from表示“缺席”,此空为形容词作短语。故填(a)bsent。
41.My ________ didn’t go off this morning. (闹钟)
42.The dentist didn’t ________ until it was 9 o’clock. (露面)
【答案】show up
【详解】句意:牙医直到9点钟才露面。show up“露面”,为固定短语,空前有助动词,动词用原形,故填show up。
43.Mr. Zhang ________ live here ________ (不再).
【答案】 doesn’t anymore
【详解】句意:张先生不再住在这里。不再:not...anymore;句子用一般现在时,主语是Mr. Zhang,变否定句时借助助动词doesn’t。故填doesn’t;anymore。
44.You should ________ ________ your parents. (照顾)
【答案】 look after
【详解】句意:你应该照顾你的父母。照顾:look after;情态动词should后加动词原形。故填look;after。
45.I like my school uniform very much because I am ________ ________ my school.(为……感到骄傲)
【答案】 proud of
【详解】句意:我非常喜欢我的校服,因为我为我的学校感到骄傲。be proud of“为……感到骄傲”,固定短语,故填proud;of。
46.Usually, a year is ________(分开)into four seasons.
【详解】句意:通常,一年被分为四个季节。根据汉语提示“分开”可知,其对应的英文表达是divide,a year与divide是被动关系,故此处应该用被动语态be done,divide的过去分词是divided。故填divided。
47.Whenever I do something good, my parents will be p________ (骄傲) of me.
【详解】句意:无论什么时候我做了好的事情,我的父母总是为我感到骄傲。根据提示“骄傲”可知,此处构成短语“be proud of...”,意为“为……感到骄傲”。故填 (p)roud。
48.Children’s _______ (安全) is an important problem.
49.The principle ________ (颁发) the award to the most helpful student yesterday.
50.Food safety _________(影响)our everyday life.
51.Americans can hardly _________ (避免) buying products made in China.
52.There are 30 ________(绵羊)eating grass on the hill.
53.All of us should obey the traffic rules instead of doing something ________ the law.(违反)
【详解】句意:我们大家都应该遵守交通规则,而不是做违法的事。根据“All of us should obey the traffic rules”可知,而不是做违法的事,against“违反”,是介词,故填against。
54.Our school ________ (取消) the football match yesterday because of the bad weather.
【详解】句意:由于天气不好,我们学校取消了昨天的足球赛。根据“because of the bad weather”可知,此处是我们学校取消了昨天的足球赛,根据时间状语yesterday可知是一般过去时态,cancel“取消”,是动词,过去式是cancelled,故填cancelled。
55.Come on! You must be one of the ________ (获胜者) .
【详解】句意:加油!你一定是其中一个获胜者。one of+the+名词复数,表示“……之一”,winner“获胜者”,此处用复数形式,故填winners。
56.Tomorrow will be my neighbour’s ________ (第二十) birthday.
57.The People’s Republic of China was ________ (创立,创建) in 1949.
【详解】句意:中华人民共和国成立于1949年。found“创立,创建”,根据“The People’s Republic of China was...in 1949.”可知是一般过去时的被动语态,用过去分词形式,故填founded。
58.I was so ________(惊讶的)after hearing the news.
59.We are really happy to live such a ________ (平静的) life in China.
60.Joyce gave us a lot of ________(宝贵的)advice when we first stalled the company.
1专题10 词语运用
1.All the teachers are much ________ (strict) with us this term than last term.
2.Chow Yun Fat began to learn another foreign language in his ________ (forty).
3.On 30 December, 2021, Zhang Xiaofei won the 34th Golden Rooster Award for Best ________ for her role in the film Hi! Mom. (act)
4.Whenever I made progress, my parents always speak ________ of me. (high)
5.Peter answered my question ________ (wise).
6.December is the ________ (cold) month of the year here in Young Zhou.
7.It is ________ (high) possible that she will win the award again this year.
8.Look! An old man________ (lie) on the floor.
9.The CD could be ________ (Mary). She likes music.
10.You aren’t supposed to ______ (enter) the teachers’ office without knocking at the door.
11.China is the ________ country in the world to send a person into space. (three)
12.It’s important ________ (learn) the language.
13.Linda has been ill for a long time. So she has to learn by ________ (she) at home.
14.Last night they kept ____ (write) new words.
15.Look! There are many old people _____ (do) morning exercise at the square.
16.I can _____ (easy) recognize her although we haven’t seen each other for a long time.
17.The people in the earthquake area ________ (provide) with food and medicine from all over the world last week.
18.Anna seemed ________ (exciting) after she watched a movie.
19.The price is too high. I can’t afford ________ (own) it.
20.Please find out the _________ ( miss ) words and then put them in the blanks.
21.You should follow the traffic rules. After all, s________ comes first.
22.Parents are always p________ of their children’s good grades.
23.The box is e________, because there is nothing in it.
24.If they hear the bad news, I think they will c________ sadly.
25.Don’t push the door. Instead, you should p________ it.
26.It’s better to read a_________ than to read in silence.
27.The naughty boy was p________ for his bad behaviour by his mother.
28.The FISU World University Games Summer Chengdu will be h________ from June 26th to July 7th, 2022.
29.I f________ my driving test the first time. But this time I passed it.
30.After a day of hard work, all of us felt very s________ and went to bed early.
31.Having more w________ doesn’t mean having more happiness.
32.The door was locked when we arrived, so we r______ the bell.
33.Bill is a(n) h______ boy and we all believe him.
34.They finally reached an a____ after discussing how to be a good English learner.
35.It’s already 11 o’clock now, but I haven’t c________ my task. I have to stay up late tonight.
36.We can use “Could you tell me …” or “ Excuse me, can you tell me…” to make our requests more p________.
37.Tea plants are g________ on the sides of mountains.
38.They were e_______ before, but now they are close friends.
39.Mei Tuan is w_____________ used for ordering food.
40.Doctors s____________ that we shouldn’t eat dessert before going to bed.
41.The door was ________ (锁上) when we arrived, so we rang the bell.
42.The students in Class 10 were at the park ________(除了)Sally. She was ill in hospital.
43.The train arrived ________ (确切地) at 9 o’clock.
44.Those friends have a great ________(影响)on her.
45.I look up to many sports ________(英雄)and want to be like them.
46.April Fool’s Day is a celebration that takes place in ______ (不同的) countries around the world.
47.The doctor ________ (检查) the king but found nothing wrong with his body.
48.Now I don’t have a _________ (机会) to travel because of the novel coronavirus.
49.In Brazil people sometimes ________ (亲吻) when they meet for the first time.
50.I’ve never ____ the decision to work in West China.(后悔)
51.It’s a pity that this Saturday’s report on films has been ________ (取消).
52.It’s necessary for teenagers to learn some ________ (安全) tips to protect themselves.
53.His mother didn’t ________ (惩罚) him for his mistake.
54.The new machine is very ________ (有用的).
55.Victoria Falls is a natural ________ (奇观) of the world.
56.In autumn, ________ (叶子) of trees fall down and it makes an amazing scene.
57.—How does your English teacher go to school
—She usually ________ (开车) to school.
58.The game dominoes (多米诺骨牌) requires people to be calm and ________ (耐心的).
59.They ran outside and ________ (拥抱) their family that they hadn’t seen for a long time.
60.For safety, drivers must avoid ________(吸烟)while they are driving.
1.We are not expected _________(arrive)late when we have a meeting.
2.Lights must _________ (turn) off when we leave the classroom.
3.Jia Ling is the ________ (direct) of the movie Hi, Mom.
4.How many ________ (hero) have you found out in this novel
5.My little sister didn’t feel like sleeping and made me ________ (repeat) the whole story.
6.Chinese people look up to taikonauts and see them as national ________ (hero).
7.________ (Luck), she didn’t pass the exam.
8.Some people think their money is ________ because of some TV ads in some ways.(steal)
9.A lot of jewellery was ___________ (steal) from the shop at the end of the street the other day.
10.In China, it’s impolite to get chopsticks ________ (stick) into the rice at the dinner table.
11.He was caught by the police, for he was seen ________ (steal) a bike on the road.
12.I remember the ________of the school sports day each year. (excite)
13.Even cold, hard iron can be brought back to life with a little ________.(creative)
14.There are totally twenty ________ (potato) in these two photos.
15.Luckily, they escaped from the ________ (burn) building with the help of the firemen.
16.The girl’s ________ (ill) was more serious than the doctor first thought.
17.I prefer hanging out with my friends to ________ (stay) at home.
18.It’s ________ (polite) to ask a woman about her age in western countries.
19.I think the information is quite _________ (value) to us.
20.Eight members attend the meeting, ________ (include) my mother.
21.He looks s______ because he stayed up very late last night.
22.The great doctor Wu Mengchao is c________ as “father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery (肝胆外科)”
23.Look! CCTV is c________ the football game live we are looking forward to.
24.A brave man is a person who has enough c________. When he is in difficult or dangerous situation, he can work out all the problems.
25.Mary is a________ from class today because she is having an English competition in Chengdu. She will come back tomorrow.
26.Susan and her mother haven’t seen for a long time. They had a long c ________ on the phone last night.
27.Jane likes reading in her s________ time.
28.It’s a pity that the concert was ____ because of the bad weather. (取消)
29.He has great difficulty t________ the article from Chinese into French.
30.Learning what you are not supposed to do in social situations may be difficult, but it’s w_______ the trouble if you want to understand another culture.
31.I r________ talking back, not listening to Mom.
32.You really r________ a lot of talent and hard work to succeed.
33.I've recently been to a very u______ museum in India, the International Museum of Toilets.
34.Please don’t tell others! It’s a s______ between you and me.
35.He’s seldom angry with his children, and he is always p________with them.
36.Don’t make any n________ when you are in the library.
37.Don’t forget to shut the window and l________ the door before leaving the classroom.
38.Tom was p______ by his parents by breaking the family rules.
39.It’s necessary to take p________ with you when you’re abroad. You have to show them when entering or leaving a country.
40.If you are always a________ from class, you will be not able to enter a good university.
41.My ________ didn’t go off this morning. (闹钟)
42.The dentist didn’t ________ until it was 9 o’clock. (露面)
43.Mr. Zhang ________ live here ________ (不再).
44.You should ________ ________ your parents. (照顾)
45.I like my school uniform very much because I am ________ ________ my school.(为……感到骄傲)
46.Usually, a year is ________(分开)into four seasons.
47.Whenever I do something good, my parents will be p________ (骄傲) of me.
48.Children’s _______ (安全) is an important problem.
49.The principle ________ (颁发) the award to the most helpful student yesterday.
50.Food safety _________(影响)our everyday life.
51.Americans can hardly _________ (避免) buying products made in China.
52.There are 30 ________(绵羊)eating grass on the hill.
53.All of us should obey the traffic rules instead of doing something ________ the law.(违反)
54.Our school ________ (取消) the football match yesterday because of the bad weather.
55.Come on! You must be one of the ________ (获胜者) .
56.Tomorrow will be my neighbour’s ________ (第二十) birthday.
57.The People’s Republic of China was ________ (创立,创建) in 1949.
58.I was so ________(惊讶的)after hearing the news.
59.We are really happy to live such a ________ (平静的) life in China.
60.Joyce gave us a lot of ________(宝贵的)advice when we first stalled the company.1



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