备考2023-2024九年级英语上学期期末考试真题汇编:专题04 阅读理解之应用文(教师版+学生版)

专题04 阅读理解之应用文
An amazing theme park: Happy Valley
Place Gift shop and snack bar
In Overseas Chinese Town, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province ●Lots of books, T-shirts and toys. ●You will love our ice-cream and fresh fruit juice.
Tickets How to get there
●All-day ticket of Happy Valley: ¥180/person. ●Night ticket of Happy Valley: ¥60/person.Time: between 18:30 and 22:00. ●Ticket of Happy Train: ¥40/person. ●Tickets of Happy Valley + Happy Train:¥200/ person. ●Tickets are free to the people over 70 and under 3. ●By tourist bus No.1 (running between Luohu Railway Station and Happy Valley). ●By bus No, 20, 21, 26, 27,then get off at Window of the World Station and walk for about 3 minutes to Happy Valley. ●By subway Line 1(running between 6:30 and 23:30), get off at the stop of Window of the World Station and leave from Exit A, then walk for about 3 minutes to Happy Valley.
Groups ●School groups are welcome on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. ●The theme park is also available to rent (租用) for birthday parties. ●You can call 8632578 to book group tickets.
There are ________ kinds of ways to get to the theme park in the passage.
A.three B.four C.five D.seven
2.Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage
A.On Tuesdays and Thursdays school groups are welcome.
B.Subway Line 1 runs between 6:30 and 24:00.
C.You can get to the park by tourist bus No. 26.
D.You can call to book group tickets.
3.A young couple with a child under 3 are supposed to pay ________ for the all-day ticket of Happy Valley.
A.¥540 B.¥360 C.¥600 D.¥400
4.What cannot you buy in the gift shop and snack bar
A.Books. B.T-shirts. C.Fruits. D.Toys.
5.Where can we possibly find this kind of information
A.In a storybook. B.In a travel brochure (手册).
C.In a language book. D.In a fashion magazine.
【答案】1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B
1.细节理解题。根据“How to get there”下边方框内容,可知有三种方式到达欢乐谷。故选A。
2.细节理解题。根据“You can call 8632578 to book group tickets.”,可知可以通过电话方式预订团体票。故选D。
3.推理判断题。根据“All-day ticket of Happy Valley: ¥180/person.”和“Tickets are free to the people over 70 and under 3.”,可知一对夫妻全天票每人180元,两人360元,三岁以下的孩子免费。故选B。
4.细节理解题。根据“Lots of books, T-shirts and toys.You will love our ice-cream and fresh fruit juice.”,可知在礼物商店和零食吧买不到水果。故选C。
Drivers Wanted Drivers for Xinhua Restaurant. Evening work on weekdays. All meals are free. Tel: 277-1255 Rose’s Special Concert Time: 2: 00—4: 30 p. m., June 25 Place: Puxian Theater Ticket Price: 160 yuan for each adult80 yuan for each student Tel: 222-1223
Yonghui Supermarket A new Yonghui Supermarket will open on July 8th. Everybody with today’s Yanbian Daily will get a small present that day. Tel: 279-8432 Add: No. 122 Licheng Road House for Sale 1, 200, 000. With 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and a washroom. It is in the south of the city. Call Bob at 239-5078.
If you work as a driver in the restaurant, you may work ________.
A.in the afternoon B.in the evening C.every day D.on weekends
7.Tom, a school boy, will go to Rose’s concert with his parents. He will spend ________ for tickets.
A. 80 B. 160 C. 240 D. 400
8.Customers with today’s Yanbian Daily will get a small present from ________.
A.Puxian Theater B.Yonghui Supermarket C.Xinhua Restaurant D.Bob
9.Ann wants to buy a house in the south of the city, she could call ________.
A.277-1255 B.279-8432 C.239-5078 D.222-1223
10.From the passage we can learn that ________.
A.the wanted drivers needn’t pay for their meals
B.the house for sale is worth more than 1.2 million
C.you can shop in the new Yonghui Supermarket on July 5th
D.we can enjoy Rose’s concert in Puxian Theater in the morning
【答案】6.B 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A
6.细节理解题。根据“Drivers Wanted”中的“Evening work on weekdays.”可知,司机需要在工作日的晚上工作,故选B。
7.细节理解题。根据“Rose’s Special Concert”中的“Ticket Price: 160 yuan for each adult”和“80 yuan for each student”可知,Tom和他父母是两个成人和一个学生,一共消费160+160+80=400 (元), 故选D。
8.细节理解题。根据“Yonghui Supermarket”中的“Everybody with today’s Yanbian Daily will get a small present that day.”可知,任何来超市消费的人都可以获得一份小礼物。故选B。
9.细节理解题。根据“House for Sale”中的“Call Bob at 239-5078.”可知,若想买房,拨打239-5078。故选C。
10.推理判断题。根据“Drivers Wanted”中的“All meals are free”可知,司机所有餐食免费。故选A。
J&M Music Store Rock, pop and country music Buy CDs new or used Listen before you buy Guitar lessons offered Peth Market Fresh fruit and vegetables Open Friday to Sunday mornings Free ice cream for children under 12
Times Coffee Shop The best coffee in town Sandwiches, cakes, pies Open 10:00 a.m.—11:00 p.m. daily Jazz music (Wednesday to Sunday) Macon’s B&B Feel like home when you’re away from home We have different kinds of rooms Delicious homemade breakfast
You can ________ at J&M Music Store.
A.receive guitar lessons B.borrow new or used CDs
C.learn pop music history D.buy all kinds of music books
12.You can go to Times Coffee Shop to have coffee and pies at ________.
A.8:30 a.m. B.9:30 a.m. C.10:30 p.m. D.11:30 p.m.
13.If your friend is coming for a visit, where will he/she stay for a night
A.In J&M Music Store. B.At Macon’s B&B.
C.At Times Coffee Shop. D.In Peth Market.
【答案】11.A 12.C 13.B
11.细节理解题。根据“Guitar lessons offered”可知在J&M Music Store可以上吉他课。故选A。
12.细节理解题。根据“Open 10:00 a.m.—11:00 p.m. daily”可知它是上午10点到晚上11点开门。故选C。
13.细节理解题。根据“Feel like home when you’re away from home”可知如果你的朋友来拜访时,可以待在Macon’s B&B,因为它会让人感觉像家一样。故选B。
Here is a list of three movies with high ratings (评分) in 2021 on the review site Douban.
The White Snake Douban Rating: 8.2Based on the two features of aesthetics in the Song dynasty, the Cantonese opera (粤剧) film, The White Snake, has created a new and unique Chinese Style Xianxia drama, and proved a hit among most of the young audience (观众). It is a dreamy connection between Chinese traditional opera and 4K movies. It’s based on The Legend of the White Snake, one of the four Chinese Classic Novels.
I Am What I Am Douban Rating: 8.3This movie tells the story of a young Juan and her friends who take part in the lion dance competition, and finally grow into “lions” of their own hearts after many trials (努力). The participation of Chinese famous bands, such as Wu Tiao Ren and Jiu Lian Zhen Ren, brought the audience the double happiness of “Chinese-style”.
Hi, Mom Douban Rating: 7.8This is a movie that can make you laugh and cry. It has become a tear jerker (催泪弹). This film is about a daughter who went back in time, became her mother’s best friend, and took part in her life experiences (dating, getting married, working, having kids, etc.)
Which movie was given the highest Douban rating
A.Hi, Mom. B.The White Snake. C.I Am What I Am.
15.What is the movie I Am What I Am mainly about
A.A young Juan and her friends.
B.A daughter and her mom.
C.A white snake.
16.Which of the following is NOT true
A.The White Snake is a Chinese Style Xianxia drama.
B.Hi, Mom tells the moving stories.
C.Some Chinese famous bands take part in The White Snake.
【答案】14.C 15.A 16.C
14.细节理解题。根据“Douban Rating: 8.3”可知,电影《雄狮少年》的豆瓣评分最高。故选C。
15.细节理解题。根据“This movie tells the story of a young Juan and her friends who take part in the lion dance competition, and finally grow into ‘lions’ of their own hearts after many trials.”可知,这部电影讲述了少女阿娟和她的朋友们参加舞狮比赛,经过多次考验,最终成长为自己心中的“狮子”的故事。故选A。
16.细节理解题。根据“The participation of Chinese famous bands, such as Wu Tiao Ren and Jiu Lian Zhen Ren ...”可知,电影《雄狮少年》有著名乐队的参与,而《白蛇》没有,故C选项表述有误。故选C。
Kids’ Winter Jobs Camp Counselor (辅导员) We are looking for people to join us as a camp counselor. We connect children to science through nature. Our camp counselors are energetic and helpful. This is an eight-hour everyday job in the ten-day-long program during the winter. Hours:9:30 a. m. —5:30 p. m. Pay: $ 10 per (每) hour LEGO Engineering Coach Do you enjoy taking things apart and then putting them back together If so, then this may be your dream job! We are looking for smart and creative LEGO engineering coaches. Hours: 2:00 p.m. —5:00 p. m. Pay: $ 15 per hour Winter Care Helper I’m looking for someone careful and patient to watch my kids when I’m working from 11: 00 a. m. to 3: 00 p. m, I have a 7-year-old daughter, and a 5-year-old son. I am also asking you to prepare snacks and clean up the rooms. Pay: $ 150 per week
How much can a camp counselor make in total
A.$10 B.$100 C.$150 D.$800
18.To be a LEGO engineering coach, one has to be ________.
A.caring B.creative C.energetic D.patient
19.What does a Winter Care Helper need to do
A.Take things apart. B.Teach kids science.
C.Play LEGO with children. D.Prepare snacks for children.
20.What winter job can Jim choose if he is free from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m.
A.Camp counselor. B.LEGO engineering coach.
C.Winter care helper. D.All of them.
21.Where can you probably find this text
A.On a website. B.In a dictionary.
C.In a guidebook. D.In a picture book.
【答案】17.D 18.B 19.D 20.C 21.A
17.细节理解题。根据“This is an eight-hour everyday job in the ten-day-long program during the winter.”以及“Pay: $ 10 per (每) hour”可知工作时间是一天8个小时,共10天,一小时是10美元,故共挣800美元。故选D。
18.细节理解题。根据“We are looking for smart and creative LEGO engineering coaches”可知要成为乐高工程教练,必须有创造力。故选B。
19.细节理解题。根据“I am also asking you to prepare snacks and clean up the rooms”可知这个工作需要为孩子准备点心。故选D。
20.细节理解题。根据“I’m working from 11: 00 a. m. to 3: 00 p. m”可知Winter care helper的工作时间是从上午11点到下午3点,故如果上午10点到下午4点有时间可以做这个工作。故选C。
MovieMax Theater: Super Three: Game Over Can Power-Man, Speedster and Elastico save the world yet again Find out in this latest Super Three adventure. The team’s amazing abilities have been given a boost! Power-Man is stronger, Speedster is faster and Elastico can now stretch even further. So will it really be game over for the evil Doctor M this time Showtime: 9:00/ 10:30/ 12:30/ 2:00/ 3:30/ 5:00/ 7:00/ 9:00 Tickets: Adults—$11. 00, Children under 16—$5. 50 Don’t forget Terrific Tuesday—buy one ticket and get a free box of popcorn!
Stargirl Now Showing at Mega-Theater! After finding a mysterious rock, Lucy Berry’s life changes forever. During the day, Lucy is a normal 16-year-old. However, on starry nights she becomes the powerful Stargirl. She flies at the speed of light and can see through walls. See how she uses her new abilities to fight the crazy scientist, Doctor Cash. Showtime: 10:30/ 12:30/ 2:30/ 4:30/ 6:30/ 8:30/ 10:30 Tickets: Adults—$10. 00, Students—$8. 00 Half price all day Mondays!
How much will Mr. White pay for two tickets if he wants to see Super Three with his 12-year-old son
A.$20. 00 B.$18. 00 C.$16. 50 D.$14. 50
23.Which of the following is TRUE according to the guides
A.This is the last Super Three movie. B.Lucy is a normal girl during the day.
C.Power-Man is the leader of the team. D.The mysterious rock fell from the sky.
【答案】22.C 23.B
22.细节理解题。根据“Tickets: Adults—$11. 00, Children under 16—$5. 50”可知,成人的票价为11美元,16岁以下的儿童票价为5.5美元;故怀特先生带他12岁的儿子要花11+5.5=16.5美元。故选C。
23.细节理解题。根据“During the day, Lucy is a normal 16-year-old.”可知,白天,露西是一个正常的16岁女孩。故选B。
Whitfield School provides different camps for kids. Under the instruction of our excellent coaches, you will improve your skills and have fun at the same time. Here are some of the camps.
Basketball Camp For: Students aged 8~13 Cost: $185[Sign up(报名) before June 1 and you can save $10.] Date/Time: June 5~9 9:00 am—12:00 noon A typical camp day includes: individual(一个人的) skill development, individual and group instruction, competitions and team games.Questions Call Mike Slater at 853-0158. Soccer Camp For: Students aged 11~13 Cost: $135 Date/Time: July 17~21 9:00 am—12:00 noon Train with Head Boys Soccer Coach, Mike Quante. The training will include the decisions players will make throughout a game, the skills needed to carry out those decisions, and the communication that players have with teammates.Questions Call Mike Quante at 913-7438.
Dance Camp For: Students aged 11~13 Cost: $135 Date/Time: July 17~21 9:00 am—12:00 noon Train with Whitfield’s best dance coach, Leah Fiske. This camp is perfect for dancers who are interested in trying out for a high school dance team in the future. Questions Call Leah Fiske at 973-7312. Baseball Camp For: Boys aged 8~13 Cost: $200(lunch and a camp T-shirt included) Date/Time: June 19~23 8:00 am—12:00 noonTrain with Head Coach Mike Wilhelm and members of the Whitfield baseball team. Questions Call Mike Wilhelm at 302-9158.
If you sign up for the basketball camp before ________, you can save $10.
A.July 1 B.June 1 C.July 6 D.June 6
25.At the ________, players can learn how to communicate with their teammates.
A.basketball camp B.soccer camp
C.dance camp D.baseball camp
26.If you want to get more information about the dance club, you should call ________.
A.853-0158 B.913-7438 C.302-9158 D.973-7312
27.Who can join the baseball camp
A.Amy, 5 years old. B.Bob, 7 years old.
C.Bill, 13 years old. D.Lucy, 14 years old.
28.What do the four camps have in common
A.They all last for five days. B.They all offer campers T-shirts.
C.They are all only for boys. D.The coaches are all named Mike.
【答案】24.B 25.B 26.D 27.C 28.A
24.细节理解题。根据Basketball Camp中“Sign up(报名) before June 1 and you can save $10.”可知,6月1号之前报名可以节省10美金。故选B。
25.细节理解题。根据Soccer Camp中“The training will include the decisions players will make throughout a game, the skills needed to carry out those decisions, and the communication that players have with teammates.”可知,在足球夏令营中,可以学习如何与队员交流。故选B。
26.细节理解题。根据Dance Camp中“Call Leah Fiske at 973-7312.”可知,想了解更多舞蹈信息,可以打电话973-7312。故选D。
27.细节理解题。根据Baseball Camp中“Boys aged 8~13”可知,8~13岁男孩可以参加棒球营。故选C。
28.细节理解题。根据四个表格中“Date/Time: June 5~9; Date/Time: July 17~21;Date/Time: July 17~21;Date/Time: June 19-23”可知,四个夏令营活动都持续5天。故选A。
What will You Do with A Dollar
■I will hide the dollar in the most beautiful place that I can find, and then create a map to the dollar. I hope someone will discover this map years later and have a magic travel to go on.
Philip Stockton
■I will buy a cup of coffee for the most successful person in New York and ask for his/her secret of success.
Patrick Martine
■A single dollar gets me almost nothing, so I will get my friends together and ask each of them to give dollar. We will give an open-air concert in our town. I hope the show can brighten the day of the town.
David Andrew
■In my travels, I find people need clean drinking water most. I once saw in Africa 40 to 50 people travel 25 miles for water. So I will use the dollar to provide free drinking water for people in need.
Ben Harrison
Follow us on htps: //frfin. com/art of living for more.
29.Who will buy the most successful person a coffee with one dollar
A.Philip Stockton. B.Patrick Martine.
C.David Andrew. D.Ben Harrison.
30.What will David Andrew do with a dollar
A.To create a tourist map. B.To ask for the secret of success.
C.To give an open-air concert. D.To provide free drinking water.
31.Where does the text probably come from
A.A film magazine. B.A science report.
C.A website. D.A travel guide.
【答案】29.B 30.C 31.C
29.细节理解题。根据“Patrick Martine: I will buy a cup of coffee for the most successful person in New York and ask for his/her secret of success.”可知,Patrick Martine会用一美元给最成功的人买一杯咖啡。故选B。
30.细节理解题。根据“David Andrew: We will give an open-air concert in our town. I hope the show can brighten the day of the town.”可知,David Andrew会用一美元将在镇上举行一场露天音乐会。故选C。
31.推理判断题。根据“Follow us on htps: //frfin. com/art of living for more.”可推理出,文章可能来自一个网站的网页。故选C。
Welcome to Little Star Children’s Book Centre. Specials for this week:
Puss the Cat A funny story about a lazy cat called Puss. The number of pages: 60 The number of pictures: 10 The Secret Key An interesting story that will take you to Dreamland. The number of pages: 48 The number of pictures: 28
A Monkey’s Adventure Danny’s exciting trip in the jungle. The number of pages: 25 The number of pictures: 30 The Lost World Welcome to the exciting world of dinosaurs! The number of pages: 45 The number of pictures: 45
32.What’s the name of the cat
A.Little Star. B.Dreamland. C.Danny. D.Puss.
33.How many pictures are there in The Secret Key
A.10. B.28. C.30. D.48.
34.Which book can you buy if you want to know about dinosaurs
A.Puss the Cat B.The Lost World
C.The Secret Key D.A Monkey’s Adventure
【答案】32.D 33.B 34.B
32.细节理解题。根据“A funny story about a lazy cat called Puss.”可知,猫的名字是Puss;故选D。
33.细节理解题。根据“The number of pictures: 28”可知,有28张图片;故选B。
34.细节理解题。根据“Welcome to the exciting world of dinosaurs!”可知,应该读The Lost World;故选B。
Welcome to Holker Hall & Gardens
Visitor Information
How to Get to Holker By Car: Follow brown signs an A590 from J36, M6. travel times would be needed: Windermere—30 minutes, Kendal—45 minutes, Lancaster—1 hour, Manchester—1 hour 20 minutes. By Rail: The nearest station is Cark-in-Cartmel with trains to Carnforth, Lancaster Preston for connections to major cities & airports.
Opening Times Sunday—Friday (closed on Saturday)11: 00 a.m.—4:00p.m., 30th March—2nd November.
Admission Charges(入场券) Hall & GardensGardensAdults: 12.00 8.00Groups 10.00 6.00
How long does it probably take a tourist to drive to Holker from Kendal
A.20 minutes. B.30 minutes. C.45 minutes. D.60 minutes.
36.A 26-year-old man will visit Hall & Gardens alone. How much should he pay
A. 12.00. B. 10.00. C. 8.00. D. 6.00.
37.Visitors had better not travel to Hall & Gardens ________.
A.in May B.After 4 p.m. C.on Sunday D.in summer
【答案】35.C 36.A 37.B
35.细节理解题。根据“By Car...travel times would be needed...Kendal—45 minutes...”可知,开车从Kendal去Holker需要45分钟。故选C。
36.细节理解题。根据“Adults: 12.00”可知,成人单人门票去参观Hall & Gardens是12英镑。故选A。
37.细节理解题。根据“Opening TimesSunday—Friday (closed on Saturday)11: 00 a.m.—4:00p.m., 30th March—2nd November.”可知,这个公园的开放时间是从星期天到星期五,早上11点到下午4点,4点之后是不能进的。故选B。
Celebrated on April 22 each year, the Earth Day draws attention to the need to build a healthier planet. How can you help Take the following actions.
Count how many plastic products you use in your house. It’s important to know about your family’s plastic usage and spend time researching green products. Then try to use them in your everyday life.
Eat plant-based(植物性的)meals. It’s one of the healthiest things you can do for your body and the environment. You can cook by following a plant-based recipe(食谱)or creating your own recipe with lots of plant food.
Use the Global Earth Challenge app to collect information about different environmental problems in your area. This is a good way to teach yourself and others how to help protect the planet.
Another fun activity is to make handicrafts(手工艺品). It can be an artwork, a bird-house, or a toy, but remember to use recycled materials(材料).
What do we know about plant-based meals
A.They taste really delicious.
B.They’re not necessary for our body.
C.They’re good for the environment.
D.They need a lot of time to prepare.
39.What does the Global Earth Challenge app allow people to do
A.To take cooking lessons for free.
B.To learn to use recycled materials.
C.To search for fun ideas of making toys.
D.To know about environmental problems nearby.
40.What is the last action asking us to do
A.To make new things with recycled materials.
B.To develop healthy eating habits.
C.To use the Global Earth Challenge app.
D.To stop using plastic products at home.
【答案】38.C 39.D 40.A
38.细节理解题。根据“Eat plant-based(植物性的)meals. It’s one of the healthiest things you can do for your body and the environment.”(多吃植物性食物。这是你能做的对你的身体和环境最健康的事情之一。)可知植物性食物对环境有好处。故选C。
39.细节理解题。根据“Use the Global Earth Challenge app to collect information about different environmental problems in your area.”可知这个app可以帮助你了解附近的环境问题。故选D。
40.细节理解题。根据“but remember to use recycled materials(材料).”可知最后一个措施让我们用回收材料制造新东西。故选A。
Coolest Hotels in the World
Ariau Amazon TowersThe Ariau Amazon Towers hotel lets you sleep in a tree house. Eight towers make up this hotel that offers over 300 rooms. If you really want to get into the spirit, book the Tarzan Suite which is large enough for a big family. You’ll be thirty feet up in the air and can travel between the towers through their wooden walkways. Prices: starting at $300 one night for each person for a regular room and going all the way up to $3,000 for the Tarzan Suite. For more information, visit the website: www. The Ice Hotel Every winter in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden kind of hotel called the Ice Hotel is built. Each year world-famous artists are invited to design and produce works of art from the ice, many of which can be found in the rooms. You’ll have your choice between hot or cold rooms, but you will be well advised to stay at least one night in a cold room for a true experience. Prices: starting at $318 one night for each person for either a cold room or a warm one. For more information, visit the website: www. Propeller Island City Lodge Propeller Island City lodge is a very special hotel that was designed by a German. Each room provides you with the possibility of living in a work of art. Every single piece of furniture in the thirty rooms of the hotel has been hand-made and each room is completely different. You’ll be able to choose a room based on your own personal taste. Prices: starting at just $91 a night, and an additional person for only 20 extra dollars. For more information, visit the website:
For information about other cool hotels in the world. Visit the website: www.
41.How many rooms are there in the Ariau Amazon Towers hotel
A.More than 300. B.More than 800.
C.Less than 318. D.Less than 3,000.
42.Who will be invited to come to work every year in the Ice Hotel
A.Some big families. B.Some artists.
C.Some special organizations. D.Some Germans.
43.Which hotel provides the cheapest rooms
A.Ariau Amazon Towers. B.The Ice Hotel.
C.Propeller Island City Lodge. D.Bahama Beach Club.
44.What can we know about the three hotels
A.You can sleep in the tree houses in the Ice Hotel.
B.The Ariau Amazon Towers is designed only for big families.
C.You can either phone or email the hotels for more information.
D.The furniture in the Propeller Island City Lodge is hand-made.
45.What’s the main purpose of this text
A.To tell us the price of the coolest hotels
B.To introduce some coolest hotels in the world.
C.To teach us how to choose the coolest hotel.
D.To invite us to live in one of the hotels for a night.
【答案】41.A 42.B 43.C 44.D 45.B
41.细节理解题。根据“this hotel that offers over 300 rooms”可知这个酒店的房间有300多间。故选A。
42.细节理解题。根据“Each year world-famous artists are invited to design and produce works of art from the ice”可知每年都邀请世界著名艺术家设计和制作冰上艺术作品。故选B。
43.细节理解题。根据“Prices: starting at $300 one night”、“Prices: starting at $318 one night”以及“Prices: starting at just $91 a night”可知三个酒店中Propeller Island City Lodge有最便宜的房间。故选C。
44.细节理解题。根据“Every single piece of furniture in the thirty rooms of the hotel has been hand-made”可知酒店Propeller Island City Lodge的三十个房间里的每一件家具都是手工制作的。故选D。
It’s Sunday today. Mrs. Smith goes to Delia’s with her seven—year—old son Tim.
5F Fifth Floor Food Hall Music and Books
4F Fourth Floor Toys Furniture(家具) Household appliances(家用电器) Technology
3F Third Floor Women’s Shoes Women’s Sportswear Women’s Clothing Women’s Accessories(饰品) Make—ups Underwear
2F Second Floor Men’s Accessories Teens’ Clothing Kids’ Clothing Men’s Clothing Men’s Shoes
1F First Floor Parking lot
First, Mrs. Smith goes to 1F of Delia’s to ________.
A.draw some money B.buy some snacks C.have a rest D.park her car
47.Then, Mrs. Smith needs to go to ________ get a new blender.
A.the second floor B.the third floor C.the fourth floor D.the fifth floor
48.Mrs. Smith spends much time on 3F because she can find most things for________.
A.her son B.her mother C.her father D.her husband
49.The form above is ________.
A.shopping instructions B.a shopping list
C.store rules D.a sale ad
【答案】46.D 47.C 48.B 49.A
46.细节理解题。根据商场的布局可知,1楼是停车场“Parking lot”,可以停车,故选D。
47.细节理解题。根据商场的布局可知,四楼是卖家用电器“Household appliances”的,所以想买一个新的搅拌机可以去四楼,故选C。
48.细节理解题。根据商场的布局可知,三楼都是卖女士用品“Women’s Shoes Women’s Accessories Women’s Sportswear Make-ups Women’s Clothing Underwear”,她在那可以为妈妈找到许多物品,故选B。
Reality TV (真人秀) is very popular in the UK. These programs give us a good look into the lives of different people in Britain. Also they are a very cheap way to make programs. Here are some of them.
Strictly Come Dancing In the show some famous people learn to dance with a professional dancer. Four professional dance experts give them scores and comment (评论) on their dances. After that, the public vote (投票) for their favorite couple. The two least favorite have to dance again and judges decide who stays in the competition and who leaves. This show is very popular with people of all ages in the UK.
Come Dine with me Each week four people prepare dinner in their home for the other players. Each player then gives the cook a grade out of 10 for the food. The winner gets £1,000. Sometimes the food is terrible and the players are very rude to each other.
World’s Strictest Parents Badly behaved British teens are sent abroad to live with a super strict family for a week. The teenagers have to follow the rules of their host family and go to the local school. After seven days the teenagers return home and their parents tell us whether their behavior is better or not. This show is full of crying and shouting but it can be worth watching, too.
In which program do the public vote for their favourite couple
A.Come Dine with Me. B.Strictly Come Dancing.
C.World’s Strictest Parents. D.Don’t Tell the Bride.
51.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A.Not all the food is delicious in Come Dine with Me.
B.The winner may get some money in Come Dine with Me.
C.The dance experts give the dancers scores and comments.
D.In World’s Strictest Parents badly behaved teens will stay in the host family for a year.
52.The passage mainly wants to ________.
A.tell us how famous these TV programs are
B.introduce some popular programs in Reality TV
C.invite students to World’s Strictest Parents
D.invite people to take part in these programs
【答案】50.B 51.D 52.B
50.细节理解题。根据表格一中“After that, the public vote (投票) for their favorite couple. ”可知在Strictly Come Dancing中,观众可以为他们喜欢的一对投票。故选B。
51.细节理解题。根据“Badly behaved British teens are sent abroad to live with a super strict family for a week.”可知,在World’s Strictest Parents这档节目中,孩子需要在严格的家庭里待上一周而不是一年,D选项错误。故选D。
52.主旨大意题。根据“Reality TV (真人秀电视节目) is very popular in the UK… Here are some of them.”以及整个文章的理解可知,本文主要介绍三档真人秀节目,并介绍它们各自的节目特点,故选B。
You must have many hobbies, reading, painting and so on. One day, you happen to see a poster,“READ BY DESIGN DAY.” Interested, you stop and read the poster.
READ BY DESIGN Summer Reading Program Evans Public Library invites you to take part in our Summer Reading Program! You can come for the special program and/or read books to receive prizes! Special Programs: Saturday, June 5 at 10 am Summer Reading Kickoff Face Painting at City Parking Lot Saturday, Prizes for every 5 books Read all summer!
June 12 at 10 am The Art of Cake Decorating Learn all about cake art! Saturday, June 19 at 10 am The Art of Balloons Learn all about making balloon art! Saturday, June 26 at 10 am The Art of paper folding Learn all about creating beautiful paper folding! For questions or more information please contact Evans Public Library 215 South 5th Street Vandalia (618)283—2824
The passage may be a poster of ________.
A.a meeting notice B.a news report
C.a fashion design D.a reading activity
54.If you go to Evans Public Library on June 19, you can learn ________.
A.how to decorate cakes B.how to make balloon art
C.how to paint faces D.how to create beautiful paper folding
55.The designer uses words and pictures in the poster to ________.
A.receive prizes B.catch readers’ attention
C.contact Evans Public Library D.recommend different types of books
【答案】53.D 54.B 55.B
53.细节理解题。根据“Summer Reading Program”可知,这是一个阅读活动。故选D。
54.细节理解题。根据“Saturday, June 19 at 10 am The Art of Balloons Learn all about making balloon art!”可知,可以学会怎样制作一个气球艺术品。故选B。
A Wild Animal Zoo
Come on! There are elephants, tigers, pandas …You can also enjoy the most interesting animal show at the lowest prices.
Ticket prices: Adults:¥80 Children:¥40
Show time: 11:00 a.m.—11:40 a.m. 3:00 p.m.—3:40 p.m. Sundays and Saturdays
Summer Camp
Do you want to go camping in the open air
Do you want to climb mountains Join us!
Dates: June 7th to June 16th
Children aged from 7 to 13 are welcomed.
Musicians wanted
Do you like music
Can you play the piano or the violin
Can you sing or dance
Then you can be in our school music festival.
Please call Mr. Zhang at 6205612 at the Students’ Sports Center.
Make Cakes by Yourself
You can make all kinds of cakes at the Sweet House. When you finish, take and share them with your friends.
Time: 12:30 p.m.—3:00 p.m. From Monday to Friday Tel: 6025612
56.Mr. and Mrs. Green with two children have to pay _________ to go to the Wild Animal Zoo.
A.¥200 B.¥240 C.¥120 D.¥160
57.If Alice wants to join the school music festival, she should call ________.
A.6205612 B.6201256 C.6021256 D.6025612
58.Jack is interested in climbing mountains, he can go to ________.
A.the Wild Animal Zoo B.the Students’ Sports Center
C.the Summer Camp D.the Sweet House
59.You can ________ at Sweet House.
A.enjoy an animal show B.go camping C.make cakes D.play the piano
60.We can make cakes _________.
A.at 3:00 p.m.—3:40 p.m. on Friday
B.at 11:00 a.m.—11:40 a.m. on Sunday
C.at 12:30 p.m.—3:00 p.m. on Saturday
D.at 12:30 p.m.—3:00 p.m. on Monday
【答案】56.B 57.A 58.C 59.C 60.D
56.推理判断题。根据“Adults: ¥ 80”和“Children: ¥40”可知,格林夫妇和他们的两个小孩去野生动物园一共需要支付240元。故选B。
57.细节理解题。根据“Please call Mr. Zhang at 6205612 at the Students’ Sports Center.”可知,如果Lucy想参加学校音乐节,她应该打的电话是6205612。故选A。
58.细节理解题。根据“Do you want to go camping in the open air Do you want to climb mountains ...Join us!”可知,如果Mike 对爬山感兴趣,他可以去“Summer Camp”。故选C。
59.细节理解题。根据“You can make all kinds of cakes at the Sweet House.”可知,你可以在糖果屋做各种各样的蛋糕。故选C。
60.细节理解题。根据“Make Cakes by Yourself”中的“Time: 12:30 p.m.—3:00 p.m.”和“From Monday to Friday”可知,星期二下午12点30分至3点在这个时间段内做蛋糕。故选D。
Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy invites you to
2020 Green Community Day
Celebration& Film
Saturday, January 18
Activities for the whole family!
9:00 a.m.—12:00 a.m. Volunteers make a difference! Help beautify the plant garden.
10:00 a.m. Family-friendly walk
11:00—11:30 a.m. Violin performance by local kids
11:00 a.m.—12:00 a.m. Art at Your Fingertips Art Activity
12:00—2:00 p.m. Local plant sale
Film: Free Solo
Warner Grand Theater, 5 p.m.
A documentary (纪录片) about Alex Honnold, who climbs the world’s most famous rock—the about 900-meter-high El Capitan, without a rope!
For more information, visit pvplc. org, Green Community Day.
61.The activities of 2020 Green Community Day are_________.
A.on Saturday B.on Sunday
C.all in the morning D.all in the afternoon
62.What will volunteers do on 2020 Green Community Day
A.Play the violin. B.Sell local plants.
C.Help with the art activity. D.Make the plant garden prettier.
63.How long will the art activity be
A.Three hours. B.Two hours. C.One hour. D.Half an hour.
64.Free Solo is a film about_________.
A.a very famous rock B.a great rock climber
C.how to work as volunteers D.how to build a green community
【答案】61.A 62.D 63.C 64.B
61.细节理解题。根据“2020 Green Community Day”和“Saturday, January 18”可知,2020年绿色社区日在周六举办。故选A。
62.细节理解题。根据“Volunteers make a difference! Help beautify the plant garden.”可知,志愿者帮助美化植物园。故选D。
63.细节理解题。根据“11:00 a.m.—12:00 a.m. Art at Your Fingertips Art Activity”可知,艺术活动上午11点到12点,共计一小时。故选C。
64.细节理解题。根据“A documentary (纪录片) about Alex Honnold, who climbs the world’s most famous rock”可知,电影Free Solo主要介绍了一位伟大的攀岩者。故选B。
English Winter Camp
January 23rd: 15:00-17:00 Students arriving18:00 Welcome dinner 19:30 Getting to know each other
January 24th: 8:30-10:30 Story time10:45-11:45 Short plays 14:30-16:00 Oral English practice 16:15-17:00 Songs and dances
January 25th: 8:30-9:30 Oral English practice9:45-10:45 Activities 11:00-11:45 Fun time (Games etc.) 14:30-16:30 Problem-solving activities 16:30-17:00 Songs and dances 17:30 Dinner party 19:30 Saying good-bye to each other
How long does the English winter camp last
A.Twenty-four hours. B.From 8:30 to 17:30.
C.The whole January. D.Three days.
66.What do the students do from 14:30 to 16:30 on January 25th
A.They sing and dance. B.They solve the problems.
C.They watch the movie. D.They enjoy the fun time.
67.You can probably read the time table in ______.
A.a story book B.a cooking magazine
C.a film poster D.a school newspaper
【答案】65.D 66.B 67.D
65.细节理解题。根据“January 23rd”、“January 24th”以及“January 25th”可知英语冬令营从1月23日到1月25日,总共三天,故选D。
66.细节理解题。根据“January 25th: 14:30-16:30 Problem-solving activities”可知学生们在1月25日的14:30到16:30解决问题。故选B。
These days, there’re more and more people getting cheated when they take a trip to different places by themselves. Some people make mistakes because they don’t know the rules. Some guides ask people to buy expensive gifts at the end of a trip.Some traders (生意人) sell fake (假的) things in busy places.
We hope you can remember the following special Chinese official phone numbers so that you can get help or help others in need when necessary during this National Day and other holidays.
Your Friend
12301 Interested in the latest hot place for a trip Use this number. By calling the number or following the number’s WeChat official ascount (公众号), you can know which plase is crowded and how much it is to take a trip to a place! 12121 If you want to take a two-day trip outside but you are afraid that it may rain or snow,calling this number can help you decide on the time better. 12308 Do you want to enjoy yourself in a foreign country If so, you must remember this number.When you lose your money or want to ask the way to a place,you can always get the quickest help by calling this number. 95566 Did you lose your bank card before Many people did! Some lost cards from Bank of China and they called this number so other people couldn’t take out the money in the card.
What word should be in the “________ ” in the first passage
A.drivers. B.visitors. C.students. D.traders
69.What number should your family call to know about the weather before a trip
A.12301. B.12308. C.12306. D.12121
70.Which is true about the article
A.The writer may write the article around Oct.1st.
B.People can only get information from 12301’s service by calling.
C.If your mother loses a Bank of Chengdu card,she can call 95566.
D.If you want to take a five-day trip outside,you can call 12121 to know the weather.
71.What does official mean in the passage
A.私人的 B.官方的 C.民间的 D.非正式的
72.The article mainly tells readers to________before a trip.
A.bring enough things
B.know some important phone numbers
C.follow many WeChat official accounts
D.carry enough food and clothes
【答案】68.B 69.D 70.A 71.B 72.B
68.推理判断题。根据文中“Some people make mistakes because they don't know the rules. Some guides ask people to buy expensive gifts at the end of a trip.Some traders(生意人) sell fake(假的) things in busy places.”可知,导游在旅途的最后让“游客”买贵的礼物及一些商人在闹市区卖假货,此处应该是写给“游客”的。故选B
69.细节理解题。根据文中“12121 If you want to take a two-day trip outside but you are afraid that it may rain or snow, calling this number can help you decide on the time better.”可知,家人在旅行前应该打12121了解天气。故选D。
70.推理判断题。根据文中“We hope you can remember the following special Chinese official phone numbers so that you can get help or help others in need when necessary during this National Day and other holidays.”可知,作者可能在10月1日左右写这篇文章。故选A。
71.词句猜测题。根据“so that you can get help or help others in need when necessary during this National Day and other holidays.”可知,上文是记住以下中国官方特别电话号码,划线单词official的意思是“官方的”的意思。故选B。
Help clean up the city parkI’m Mr. Green. To make our city cleaner and more beautiful, I come up with a plan for the City Park Clean-Up Day with students in my class. There is some information about it. Time: March 14th. Activities: *We need to meet in front of our school at 9:00 am, and then we take the school bus there. *All students prepare a black bag or besom (扫帚). If you want to join us, please come to the first room on the second floor of the teaching building to sign up (报名). Please sign up before March 10th.
Visit old people in an old people’s homeOur school plans to organize an activity to visit old people in an old people’s home. We need twenty students to join us, and these twenty students will be divided into (被分成) two groups. Time: 2:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 19th. Activities: * Students in Group 1 sweep the floor and students in Group 2 make the bed for old people at 2:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m. *Tell stories to them at 3:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m. *See a movie with them at 4:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m. Attention: Everyone brings 10 yuan to buy flowers and fruit for the old people.
73.What does Mr.Green do
A.A parent. B.A teacher. C.A cook. D.A student.
74.What can we know about the City Park Clean-Up Day from the table
A.Students can arrive at the city park at 9:00 a.m.
B.Students must prepare a blue bag for it.
C.Students can sign up on the Internet.
D.Students must sign up before March 10th.
75.How many students will visit the old people’s home
A.10. B.20. C.30. D.40.
76.What will students do in the old people’s home
①Sweep the floor ②See a movie ③Dance ④Tell stories
A.①③④ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①②③
77.What can we infer (推断) from the two tables
A.It won’t take students much time to get to the city park by bus.
B.It you don’t have volunteering experience, you can’t go to the city park.
C.Students in Group I are all girls while students in Group 2 are all boys.
D.Old people in the old people’s home can get some flowers and fruit on March 19th.
【答案】73.B 74.D 75.B 76.C 77.D
73.细节理解题。根据“I’m Mr. Green. To make our city cleaner and more beautiful, I come up with a plan for the City Park Clean-Up Day with students in my class.”可知,格林先生是一名老师。故选B。
74.细节理解题。根据“Please sign up before March 10th.”可知,学生必须在3月10日前报名。故选D。
75.细节理解题。根据We need twenty students to join us, and these twenty students will be divided into (被分成) two groups.”可知,需要20个同学去参观老人之家。故选B。
76.细节理解题。根据“Activities: Students in Group 1 sweep the floor and students in Group 2 make the bed for old people...Tell stories to them...See a movie with them ...”可知,学生们将在老人之家帮助老人扫地,给老人讲故事和陪老人看电影。故选C。
77.推理判断题。根据“Time: 2:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 19th.”和“Everyone brings 10 yuan to buy flowers and fruit for the old people.”可知,去老人之家的时间是3月19日,每个人要带10元钱给老人买花和水果。可推知3月19日,老人之家的老人可以得到一些鲜花和水果。故选D。
1专题04 阅读理解之应用文
An amazing theme park: Happy Valley
Place Gift shop and snack bar
In Overseas Chinese Town, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province ●Lots of books, T-shirts and toys. ●You will love our ice-cream and fresh fruit juice.
Tickets How to get there
●All-day ticket of Happy Valley: ¥180/person. ●Night ticket of Happy Valley: ¥60/person.Time: between 18:30 and 22:00. ●Ticket of Happy Train: ¥40/person. ●Tickets of Happy Valley + Happy Train:¥200/ person. ●Tickets are free to the people over 70 and under 3. ●By tourist bus No.1 (running between Luohu Railway Station and Happy Valley). ●By bus No, 20, 21, 26, 27,then get off at Window of the World Station and walk for about 3 minutes to Happy Valley. ●By subway Line 1(running between 6:30 and 23:30), get off at the stop of Window of the World Station and leave from Exit A, then walk for about 3 minutes to Happy Valley.
Groups ●School groups are welcome on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. ●The theme park is also available to rent (租用) for birthday parties. ●You can call 8632578 to book group tickets.
There are ________ kinds of ways to get to the theme park in the passage.
A.three B.four C.five D.seven
2.Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage
A.On Tuesdays and Thursdays school groups are welcome.
B.Subway Line 1 runs between 6:30 and 24:00.
C.You can get to the park by tourist bus No. 26.
D.You can call to book group tickets.
3.A young couple with a child under 3 are supposed to pay ________ for the all-day ticket of Happy Valley.
A.¥540 B.¥360 C.¥600 D.¥400
4.What cannot you buy in the gift shop and snack bar
A.Books. B.T-shirts. C.Fruits. D.Toys.
5.Where can we possibly find this kind of information
A.In a storybook. B.In a travel brochure (手册).
C.In a language book. D.In a fashion magazine.
Drivers Wanted Drivers for Xinhua Restaurant. Evening work on weekdays. All meals are free. Tel: 277-1255 Rose’s Special Concert Time: 2: 00—4: 30 p. m., June 25 Place: Puxian Theater Ticket Price: 160 yuan for each adult80 yuan for each student Tel: 222-1223
Yonghui Supermarket A new Yonghui Supermarket will open on July 8th. Everybody with today’s Yanbian Daily will get a small present that day. Tel: 279-8432 Add: No. 122 Licheng Road House for Sale 1, 200, 000. With 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and a washroom. It is in the south of the city. Call Bob at 239-5078.
If you work as a driver in the restaurant, you may work ________.
A.in the afternoon B.in the evening C.every day D.on weekends
7.Tom, a school boy, will go to Rose’s concert with his parents. He will spend ________ for tickets.
A. 80 B. 160 C. 240 D. 400
8.Customers with today’s Yanbian Daily will get a small present from ________.
A.Puxian Theater B.Yonghui Supermarket C.Xinhua Restaurant D.Bob
9.Ann wants to buy a house in the south of the city, she could call ________.
A.277-1255 B.279-8432 C.239-5078 D.222-1223
10.From the passage we can learn that ________.
A.the wanted drivers needn’t pay for their meals
B.the house for sale is worth more than 1.2 million
C.you can shop in the new Yonghui Supermarket on July 5th
D.we can enjoy Rose’s concert in Puxian Theater in the morning
J&M Music Store Rock, pop and country music Buy CDs new or used Listen before you buy Guitar lessons offered Peth Market Fresh fruit and vegetables Open Friday to Sunday mornings Free ice cream for children under 12
Times Coffee Shop The best coffee in town Sandwiches, cakes, pies Open 10:00 a.m.—11:00 p.m. daily Jazz music (Wednesday to Sunday) Macon’s B&B Feel like home when you’re away from home We have different kinds of rooms Delicious homemade breakfast
You can ________ at J&M Music Store.
A.receive guitar lessons B.borrow new or used CDs
C.learn pop music history D.buy all kinds of music books
12.You can go to Times Coffee Shop to have coffee and pies at ________.
A.8:30 a.m. B.9:30 a.m. C.10:30 p.m. D.11:30 p.m.
13.If your friend is coming for a visit, where will he/she stay for a night
A.In J&M Music Store. B.At Macon’s B&B.
C.At Times Coffee Shop. D.In Peth Market.
Here is a list of three movies with high ratings (评分) in 2021 on the review site Douban.
The White Snake Douban Rating: 8.2Based on the two features of aesthetics in the Song dynasty, the Cantonese opera (粤剧) film, The White Snake, has created a new and unique Chinese Style Xianxia drama, and proved a hit among most of the young audience (观众). It is a dreamy connection between Chinese traditional opera and 4K movies. It’s based on The Legend of the White Snake, one of the four Chinese Classic Novels.
I Am What I Am Douban Rating: 8.3This movie tells the story of a young Juan and her friends who take part in the lion dance competition, and finally grow into “lions” of their own hearts after many trials (努力). The participation of Chinese famous bands, such as Wu Tiao Ren and Jiu Lian Zhen Ren, brought the audience the double happiness of “Chinese-style”.
Hi, Mom Douban Rating: 7.8This is a movie that can make you laugh and cry. It has become a tear jerker (催泪弹). This film is about a daughter who went back in time, became her mother’s best friend, and took part in her life experiences (dating, getting married, working, having kids, etc.)
Which movie was given the highest Douban rating
A.Hi, Mom. B.The White Snake. C.I Am What I Am.
15.What is the movie I Am What I Am mainly about
A.A young Juan and her friends.
B.A daughter and her mom.
C.A white snake.
16.Which of the following is NOT true
A.The White Snake is a Chinese Style Xianxia drama.
B.Hi, Mom tells the moving stories.
C.Some Chinese famous bands take part in The White Snake.
Kids’ Winter Jobs Camp Counselor (辅导员) We are looking for people to join us as a camp counselor. We connect children to science through nature. Our camp counselors are energetic and helpful. This is an eight-hour everyday job in the ten-day-long program during the winter. Hours:9:30 a. m. —5:30 p. m. Pay: $ 10 per (每) hour LEGO Engineering Coach Do you enjoy taking things apart and then putting them back together If so, then this may be your dream job! We are looking for smart and creative LEGO engineering coaches. Hours: 2:00 p.m. —5:00 p. m. Pay: $ 15 per hour Winter Care Helper I’m looking for someone careful and patient to watch my kids when I’m working from 11: 00 a. m. to 3: 00 p. m, I have a 7-year-old daughter, and a 5-year-old son. I am also asking you to prepare snacks and clean up the rooms. Pay: $ 150 per week
How much can a camp counselor make in total
A.$10 B.$100 C.$150 D.$800
18.To be a LEGO engineering coach, one has to be ________.
A.caring B.creative C.energetic D.patient
19.What does a Winter Care Helper need to do
A.Take things apart. B.Teach kids science.
C.Play LEGO with children. D.Prepare snacks for children.
20.What winter job can Jim choose if he is free from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m.
A.Camp counselor. B.LEGO engineering coach.
C.Winter care helper. D.All of them.
21.Where can you probably find this text
A.On a website. B.In a dictionary.
C.In a guidebook. D.In a picture book.
MovieMax Theater: Super Three: Game Over Can Power-Man, Speedster and Elastico save the world yet again Find out in this latest Super Three adventure. The team’s amazing abilities have been given a boost! Power-Man is stronger, Speedster is faster and Elastico can now stretch even further. So will it really be game over for the evil Doctor M this time Showtime: 9:00/ 10:30/ 12:30/ 2:00/ 3:30/ 5:00/ 7:00/ 9:00 Tickets: Adults—$11. 00, Children under 16—$5. 50 Don’t forget Terrific Tuesday—buy one ticket and get a free box of popcorn!
Stargirl Now Showing at Mega-Theater! After finding a mysterious rock, Lucy Berry’s life changes forever. During the day, Lucy is a normal 16-year-old. However, on starry nights she becomes the powerful Stargirl. She flies at the speed of light and can see through walls. See how she uses her new abilities to fight the crazy scientist, Doctor Cash. Showtime: 10:30/ 12:30/ 2:30/ 4:30/ 6:30/ 8:30/ 10:30 Tickets: Adults—$10. 00, Students—$8. 00 Half price all day Mondays!
How much will Mr. White pay for two tickets if he wants to see Super Three with his 12-year-old son
A.$20. 00 B.$18. 00 C.$16. 50 D.$14. 50
23.Which of the following is TRUE according to the guides
A.This is the last Super Three movie. B.Lucy is a normal girl during the day.
C.Power-Man is the leader of the team. D.The mysterious rock fell from the sky.
Whitfield School provides different camps for kids. Under the instruction of our excellent coaches, you will improve your skills and have fun at the same time. Here are some of the camps.
Basketball Camp For: Students aged 8~13 Cost: $185[Sign up(报名) before June 1 and you can save $10.] Date/Time: June 5~9 9:00 am—12:00 noon A typical camp day includes: individual(一个人的) skill development, individual and group instruction, competitions and team games.Questions Call Mike Slater at 853-0158. Soccer Camp For: Students aged 11~13 Cost: $135 Date/Time: July 17~21 9:00 am—12:00 noon Train with Head Boys Soccer Coach, Mike Quante. The training will include the decisions players will make throughout a game, the skills needed to carry out those decisions, and the communication that players have with teammates.Questions Call Mike Quante at 913-7438.
Dance Camp For: Students aged 11~13 Cost: $135 Date/Time: July 17~21 9:00 am—12:00 noon Train with Whitfield’s best dance coach, Leah Fiske. This camp is perfect for dancers who are interested in trying out for a high school dance team in the future. Questions Call Leah Fiske at 973-7312. Baseball Camp For: Boys aged 8~13 Cost: $200(lunch and a camp T-shirt included) Date/Time: June 19~23 8:00 am—12:00 noonTrain with Head Coach Mike Wilhelm and members of the Whitfield baseball team. Questions Call Mike Wilhelm at 302-9158.
If you sign up for the basketball camp before ________, you can save $10.
A.July 1 B.June 1 C.July 6 D.June 6
25.At the ________, players can learn how to communicate with their teammates.
A.basketball camp B.soccer camp
C.dance camp D.baseball camp
26.If you want to get more information about the dance club, you should call ________.
A.853-0158 B.913-7438 C.302-9158 D.973-7312
27.Who can join the baseball camp
A.Amy, 5 years old. B.Bob, 7 years old.
C.Bill, 13 years old. D.Lucy, 14 years old.
28.What do the four camps have in common
A.They all last for five days. B.They all offer campers T-shirts.
C.They are all only for boys. D.The coaches are all named Mike.
What will You Do with A Dollar
■I will hide the dollar in the most beautiful place that I can find, and then create a map to the dollar. I hope someone will discover this map years later and have a magic travel to go on.
Philip Stockton
■I will buy a cup of coffee for the most successful person in New York and ask for his/her secret of success.
Patrick Martine
■A single dollar gets me almost nothing, so I will get my friends together and ask each of them to give dollar. We will give an open-air concert in our town. I hope the show can brighten the day of the town.
David Andrew
■In my travels, I find people need clean drinking water most. I once saw in Africa 40 to 50 people travel 25 miles for water. So I will use the dollar to provide free drinking water for people in need.
Ben Harrison
Follow us on htps: //frfin. com/art of living for more.
29.Who will buy the most successful person a coffee with one dollar
A.Philip Stockton. B.Patrick Martine.
C.David Andrew. D.Ben Harrison.
30.What will David Andrew do with a dollar
A.To create a tourist map. B.To ask for the secret of success.
C.To give an open-air concert. D.To provide free drinking water.
31.Where does the text probably come from
A.A film magazine. B.A science report.
C.A website. D.A travel guide.
Welcome to Little Star Children’s Book Centre. Specials for this week:
Puss the Cat A funny story about a lazy cat called Puss. The number of pages: 60 The number of pictures: 10 The Secret Key An interesting story that will take you to Dreamland. The number of pages: 48 The number of pictures: 28
A Monkey’s Adventure Danny’s exciting trip in the jungle. The number of pages: 25 The number of pictures: 30 The Lost World Welcome to the exciting world of dinosaurs! The number of pages: 45 The number of pictures: 45
32.What’s the name of the cat
A.Little Star. B.Dreamland. C.Danny. D.Puss.
33.How many pictures are there in The Secret Key
A.10. B.28. C.30. D.48.
34.Which book can you buy if you want to know about dinosaurs
A.Puss the Cat B.The Lost World
C.The Secret Key D.A Monkey’s Adventure
Welcome to Holker Hall & Gardens
Visitor Information
How to Get to Holker By Car: Follow brown signs an A590 from J36, M6. travel times would be needed: Windermere—30 minutes, Kendal—45 minutes, Lancaster—1 hour, Manchester—1 hour 20 minutes. By Rail: The nearest station is Cark-in-Cartmel with trains to Carnforth, Lancaster Preston for connections to major cities & airports.
Opening Times Sunday—Friday (closed on Saturday)11: 00 a.m.—4:00p.m., 30th March—2nd November.
Admission Charges(入场券) Hall & GardensGardensAdults: 12.00 8.00Groups 10.00 6.00
How long does it probably take a tourist to drive to Holker from Kendal
A.20 minutes. B.30 minutes. C.45 minutes. D.60 minutes.
36.A 26-year-old man will visit Hall & Gardens alone. How much should he pay
A. 12.00. B. 10.00. C. 8.00. D. 6.00.
37.Visitors had better not travel to Hall & Gardens ________.
A.in May B.After 4 p.m. C.on Sunday D.in summer
Celebrated on April 22 each year, the Earth Day draws attention to the need to build a healthier planet. How can you help Take the following actions.
Count how many plastic products you use in your house. It’s important to know about your family’s plastic usage and spend time researching green products. Then try to use them in your everyday life.
Eat plant-based(植物性的)meals. It’s one of the healthiest things you can do for your body and the environment. You can cook by following a plant-based recipe(食谱)or creating your own recipe with lots of plant food.
Use the Global Earth Challenge app to collect information about different environmental problems in your area. This is a good way to teach yourself and others how to help protect the planet.
Another fun activity is to make handicrafts(手工艺品). It can be an artwork, a bird-house, or a toy, but remember to use recycled materials(材料).
What do we know about plant-based meals
A.They taste really delicious.
B.They’re not necessary for our body.
C.They’re good for the environment.
D.They need a lot of time to prepare.
39.What does the Global Earth Challenge app allow people to do
A.To take cooking lessons for free.
B.To learn to use recycled materials.
C.To search for fun ideas of making toys.
D.To know about environmental problems nearby.
40.What is the last action asking us to do
A.To make new things with recycled materials.
B.To develop healthy eating habits.
C.To use the Global Earth Challenge app.
D.To stop using plastic products at home.
Coolest Hotels in the World
Ariau Amazon TowersThe Ariau Amazon Towers hotel lets you sleep in a tree house. Eight towers make up this hotel that offers over 300 rooms. If you really want to get into the spirit, book the Tarzan Suite which is large enough for a big family. You’ll be thirty feet up in the air and can travel between the towers through their wooden walkways. Prices: starting at $300 one night for each person for a regular room and going all the way up to $3,000 for the Tarzan Suite. For more information, visit the website: www. The Ice Hotel Every winter in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden kind of hotel called the Ice Hotel is built. Each year world-famous artists are invited to design and produce works of art from the ice, many of which can be found in the rooms. You’ll have your choice between hot or cold rooms, but you will be well advised to stay at least one night in a cold room for a true experience. Prices: starting at $318 one night for each person for either a cold room or a warm one. For more information, visit the website: www. Propeller Island City Lodge Propeller Island City lodge is a very special hotel that was designed by a German. Each room provides you with the possibility of living in a work of art. Every single piece of furniture in the thirty rooms of the hotel has been hand-made and each room is completely different. You’ll be able to choose a room based on your own personal taste. Prices: starting at just $91 a night, and an additional person for only 20 extra dollars. For more information, visit the website:
For information about other cool hotels in the world. Visit the website: www.
41.How many rooms are there in the Ariau Amazon Towers hotel
A.More than 300. B.More than 800.
C.Less than 318. D.Less than 3,000.
42.Who will be invited to come to work every year in the Ice Hotel
A.Some big families. B.Some artists.
C.Some special organizations. D.Some Germans.
43.Which hotel provides the cheapest rooms
A.Ariau Amazon Towers. B.The Ice Hotel.
C.Propeller Island City Lodge. D.Bahama Beach Club.
44.What can we know about the three hotels
A.You can sleep in the tree houses in the Ice Hotel.
B.The Ariau Amazon Towers is designed only for big families.
C.You can either phone or email the hotels for more information.
D.The furniture in the Propeller Island City Lodge is hand-made.
45.What’s the main purpose of this text
A.To tell us the price of the coolest hotels
B.To introduce some coolest hotels in the world.
C.To teach us how to choose the coolest hotel.
D.To invite us to live in one of the hotels for a night.
It’s Sunday today. Mrs. Smith goes to Delia’s with her seven—year—old son Tim.
5F Fifth Floor Food Hall Music and Books
4F Fourth Floor Toys Furniture(家具) Household appliances(家用电器) Technology
3F Third Floor Women’s Shoes Women’s Sportswear Women’s Clothing Women’s Accessories(饰品) Make—ups Underwear
2F Second Floor Men’s Accessories Teens’ Clothing Kids’ Clothing Men’s Clothing Men’s Shoes
1F First Floor Parking lot
First, Mrs. Smith goes to 1F of Delia’s to ________.
A.draw some money B.buy some snacks C.have a rest D.park her car
47.Then, Mrs. Smith needs to go to ________ get a new blender.
A.the second floor B.the third floor C.the fourth floor D.the fifth floor
48.Mrs. Smith spends much time on 3F because she can find most things for________.
A.her son B.her mother C.her father D.her husband
49.The form above is ________.
A.shopping instructions B.a shopping list
C.store rules D.a sale ad
Reality TV (真人秀) is very popular in the UK. These programs give us a good look into the lives of different people in Britain. Also they are a very cheap way to make programs. Here are some of them.
Strictly Come Dancing In the show some famous people learn to dance with a professional dancer. Four professional dance experts give them scores and comment (评论) on their dances. After that, the public vote (投票) for their favorite couple. The two least favorite have to dance again and judges decide who stays in the competition and who leaves. This show is very popular with people of all ages in the UK.
Come Dine with me Each week four people prepare dinner in their home for the other players. Each player then gives the cook a grade out of 10 for the food. The winner gets £1,000. Sometimes the food is terrible and the players are very rude to each other.
World’s Strictest Parents Badly behaved British teens are sent abroad to live with a super strict family for a week. The teenagers have to follow the rules of their host family and go to the local school. After seven days the teenagers return home and their parents tell us whether their behavior is better or not. This show is full of crying and shouting but it can be worth watching, too.
In which program do the public vote for their favourite couple
A.Come Dine with Me. B.Strictly Come Dancing.
C.World’s Strictest Parents. D.Don’t Tell the Bride.
51.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A.Not all the food is delicious in Come Dine with Me.
B.The winner may get some money in Come Dine with Me.
C.The dance experts give the dancers scores and comments.
D.In World’s Strictest Parents badly behaved teens will stay in the host family for a year.
52.The passage mainly wants to ________.
A.tell us how famous these TV programs are
B.introduce some popular programs in Reality TV
C.invite students to World’s Strictest Parents
D.invite people to take part in these programs
You must have many hobbies, reading, painting and so on. One day, you happen to see a poster,“READ BY DESIGN DAY.” Interested, you stop and read the poster.
READ BY DESIGN Summer Reading Program Evans Public Library invites you to take part in our Summer Reading Program! You can come for the special program and/or read books to receive prizes! Special Programs: Saturday, June 5 at 10 am Summer Reading Kickoff Face Painting at City Parking Lot Saturday, Prizes for every 5 books Read all summer!
June 12 at 10 am The Art of Cake Decorating Learn all about cake art! Saturday, June 19 at 10 am The Art of Balloons Learn all about making balloon art! Saturday, June 26 at 10 am The Art of paper folding Learn all about creating beautiful paper folding! For questions or more information please contact Evans Public Library 215 South 5th Street Vandalia (618)283—2824
The passage may be a poster of ________.
A.a meeting notice B.a news report
C.a fashion design D.a reading activity
54.If you go to Evans Public Library on June 19, you can learn ________.
A.how to decorate cakes B.how to make balloon art
C.how to paint faces D.how to create beautiful paper folding
55.The designer uses words and pictures in the poster to ________.
A.receive prizes B.catch readers’ attention
C.contact Evans Public Library D.recommend different types of books
A Wild Animal Zoo
Come on! There are elephants, tigers, pandas …You can also enjoy the most interesting animal show at the lowest prices.
Ticket prices: Adults:¥80 Children:¥40
Show time: 11:00 a.m.—11:40 a.m. 3:00 p.m.—3:40 p.m. Sundays and Saturdays
Summer Camp
Do you want to go camping in the open air
Do you want to climb mountains Join us!
Dates: June 7th to June 16th
Children aged from 7 to 13 are welcomed.
Musicians wanted
Do you like music
Can you play the piano or the violin
Can you sing or dance
Then you can be in our school music festival.
Please call Mr. Zhang at 6205612 at the Students’ Sports Center.
Make Cakes by Yourself
You can make all kinds of cakes at the Sweet House. When you finish, take and share them with your friends.
Time: 12:30 p.m.—3:00 p.m. From Monday to Friday Tel: 6025612
56.Mr. and Mrs. Green with two children have to pay _________ to go to the Wild Animal Zoo.
A.¥200 B.¥240 C.¥120 D.¥160
57.If Alice wants to join the school music festival, she should call ________.
A.6205612 B.6201256 C.6021256 D.6025612
58.Jack is interested in climbing mountains, he can go to ________.
A.the Wild Animal Zoo B.the Students’ Sports Center
C.the Summer Camp D.the Sweet House
59.You can ________ at Sweet House.
A.enjoy an animal show B.go camping C.make cakes D.play the piano
60.We can make cakes _________.
A.at 3:00 p.m.—3:40 p.m. on Friday
B.at 11:00 a.m.—11:40 a.m. on Sunday
C.at 12:30 p.m.—3:00 p.m. on Saturday
D.at 12:30 p.m.—3:00 p.m. on Monday
Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy invites you to
2020 Green Community Day
Celebration& Film
Saturday, January 18
Activities for the whole family!
9:00 a.m.—12:00 a.m. Volunteers make a difference! Help beautify the plant garden.
10:00 a.m. Family-friendly walk
11:00—11:30 a.m. Violin performance by local kids
11:00 a.m.—12:00 a.m. Art at Your Fingertips Art Activity
12:00—2:00 p.m. Local plant sale
Film: Free Solo
Warner Grand Theater, 5 p.m.
A documentary (纪录片) about Alex Honnold, who climbs the world’s most famous rock—the about 900-meter-high El Capitan, without a rope!
For more information, visit pvplc. org, Green Community Day.
61.The activities of 2020 Green Community Day are_________.
A.on Saturday B.on Sunday
C.all in the morning D.all in the afternoon
62.What will volunteers do on 2020 Green Community Day
A.Play the violin. B.Sell local plants.
C.Help with the art activity. D.Make the plant garden prettier.
63.How long will the art activity be
A.Three hours. B.Two hours. C.One hour. D.Half an hour.
64.Free Solo is a film about_________.
A.a very famous rock B.a great rock climber
C.how to work as volunteers D.how to build a green community
English Winter Camp
January 23rd: 15:00-17:00 Students arriving18:00 Welcome dinner 19:30 Getting to know each other
January 24th: 8:30-10:30 Story time10:45-11:45 Short plays 14:30-16:00 Oral English practice 16:15-17:00 Songs and dances
January 25th: 8:30-9:30 Oral English practice9:45-10:45 Activities 11:00-11:45 Fun time (Games etc.) 14:30-16:30 Problem-solving activities 16:30-17:00 Songs and dances 17:30 Dinner party 19:30 Saying good-bye to each other
How long does the English winter camp last
A.Twenty-four hours. B.From 8:30 to 17:30.
C.The whole January. D.Three days.
66.What do the students do from 14:30 to 16:30 on January 25th
A.They sing and dance. B.They solve the problems.
C.They watch the movie. D.They enjoy the fun time.
67.You can probably read the time table in ______.
A.a story book B.a cooking magazine
C.a film poster D.a school newspaper
These days, there’re more and more people getting cheated when they take a trip to different places by themselves. Some people make mistakes because they don’t know the rules. Some guides ask people to buy expensive gifts at the end of a trip.Some traders (生意人) sell fake (假的) things in busy places.
We hope you can remember the following special Chinese official phone numbers so that you can get help or help others in need when necessary during this National Day and other holidays.
Your Friend
12301 Interested in the latest hot place for a trip Use this number. By calling the number or following the number’s WeChat official ascount (公众号), you can know which plase is crowded and how much it is to take a trip to a place! 12121 If you want to take a two-day trip outside but you are afraid that it may rain or snow,calling this number can help you decide on the time better. 12308 Do you want to enjoy yourself in a foreign country If so, you must remember this number.When you lose your money or want to ask the way to a place,you can always get the quickest help by calling this number. 95566 Did you lose your bank card before Many people did! Some lost cards from Bank of China and they called this number so other people couldn’t take out the money in the card.
What word should be in the “________ ” in the first passage
A.drivers. B.visitors. C.students. D.traders
69.What number should your family call to know about the weather before a trip
A.12301. B.12308. C.12306. D.12121
70.Which is true about the article
A.The writer may write the article around Oct.1st.
B.People can only get information from 12301’s service by calling.
C.If your mother loses a Bank of Chengdu card,she can call 95566.
D.If you want to take a five-day trip outside,you can call 12121 to know the weather.
71.What does official mean in the passage
A.私人的 B.官方的 C.民间的 D.非正式的
72.The article mainly tells readers to________before a trip.
A.bring enough things
B.know some important phone numbers
C.follow many WeChat official accounts
D.carry enough food and clothes
Help clean up the city parkI’m Mr. Green. To make our city cleaner and more beautiful, I come up with a plan for the City Park Clean-Up Day with students in my class. There is some information about it. Time: March 14th. Activities: *We need to meet in front of our school at 9:00 am, and then we take the school bus there. *All students prepare a black bag or besom (扫帚). If you want to join us, please come to the first room on the second floor of the teaching building to sign up (报名). Please sign up before March 10th.
Visit old people in an old people’s homeOur school plans to organize an activity to visit old people in an old people’s home. We need twenty students to join us, and these twenty students will be divided into (被分成) two groups. Time: 2:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 19th. Activities: * Students in Group 1 sweep the floor and students in Group 2 make the bed for old people at 2:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m. *Tell stories to them at 3:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m. *See a movie with them at 4:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m. Attention: Everyone brings 10 yuan to buy flowers and fruit for the old people.
73.What does Mr.Green do
A.A parent. B.A teacher. C.A cook. D.A student.
74.What can we know about the City Park Clean-Up Day from the table
A.Students can arrive at the city park at 9:00 a.m.
B.Students must prepare a blue bag for it.
C.Students can sign up on the Internet.
D.Students must sign up before March 10th.
75.How many students will visit the old people’s home
A.10. B.20. C.30. D.40.
76.What will students do in the old people’s home
①Sweep the floor ②See a movie ③Dance ④Tell stories
A.①③④ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①②③
77.What can we infer (推断) from the two tables
A.It won’t take students much time to get to the city park by bus.
B.It you don’t have volunteering experience, you can’t go to the city park.
C.Students in Group I are all girls while students in Group 2 are all boys.
D.Old people in the old people’s home can get some flowers and fruit on March 19th.



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