备考2023-2024九年级英语上学期期末考试真题汇编:专题01 单项选择(学生版+教师版)

专题01 单项选择
1.(2022·安徽蚌埠·九年级期末)Chinese government always puts the ________ of people first when accidents happen.
A.safety B.wealth C.success D.fame
【详解】句意:当事故发生时,中国政府总是把人民的安全放在第一位。考查名词辨析。safety安全;wealth财富;success成功;fame名誉。根据后文“when accidents happen”及常识可知当意外发生时,中国政府放在首位的是民众的安全。故选A。
2.(2022·黑龙江·哈尔滨市第一一三中学校九年级期末)—Is this story book ______, Lily
—No, maybe it belongs to ______. She likes reading stories very much.
A.yours, Alice’s B.your, Alice’s C.yours, Alice
考查名词性物主代词和固定搭配。问句“Is this story book ..., Lily ”中缺少表语,用名词性物主代词yours作表语,意为“你的(书)”;belong to sb.“属于某人”。故选C。
3.(2021·河南·安阳一中九年级期末)There are ________ on the table.
A.two cups of yogurts B.two cup of yogurt C.two cup of yogurts D.two cups of yogurt
考查不可数名词。yogurt是不可数名词,无复数形式,排除A和C选项。two cups of表示“两杯”,故选D。
4.(2019·山东济南·九年级期末)—Dave, did you have fun at the New Year's Party
—Sure! I will never forget each wonderful memory of ________.
A.we B.us C.our D.ours
考查代词辨析。we我们,人称代词主格;us我们,人称代词宾格;our我们的,形容词性物主代词;ours我们的,名词性物主代词。根据“each wonderful memory of…”,可知,此处表示“我们的每一个美好的回忆”,用双重所有格形式:名词+of+名词性物主代词,空个后没有名词,所以用名词性物主代词。故选D。
5.(2022·山东济南·九年级期末)—Why don’t you go to the lake You can enjoy fishing and boating there.
—That ________ like a good idea.
A.looks B.tastes C.smells D.sounds
考查动词辨析。looks看起来;tastes尝起来;smells闻起来;sounds听起来。根据“Why don’t you...”可知是提建议,因此是“听起来是个好主意”。故选D。
6.(2022·江苏徐州·九年级期末)Listen up, guys! Everyone ________ wear a mask. Go and buy one if you don’t have one.
A.can B.may C.must D.would
考查情态动词。can能;may可以。must必须;would将会。根据“Go and buy one if you don’t have one.”可知,此处是指必须戴上口罩。故选C。
7.(2021·北京北京·九年级期末)You ________ cross the road when the traffic lights are red.
A.couldn’t B.wouldn’t C.mustn’t D.needn’t
考查情态动词辨析。couldn’t不可以;wouldn’t不会;mustn’t禁止;needn’t不需要。根据“You…cross the road when the traffic lights are red”可知,红灯时禁止过马路,故选C。
8.(2022·吉林·九年级期末)The man in my room ________ be my brother. He is still in France.
A.needn’t B.can’t C.mustn’t
考查情态动词表推测。needn’t没有必要;can’t不可能,表否定推测;mustn’t禁止。根据“He is still in France”可知表否定推测,用can’t,房间里的男士不可能是我的哥哥。故选B。
9.(2022·吉林·舒兰市教师进修学校九年级期末)— John, you ________ talk loudly when you have dinner.
— Sorry, Dad. I won’t do that again.
A.can’t B.needn’t C.must
考查情态动词辨析。can’t不能;needn’t不需要;must必须。根据“talk loudly when you have dinner.”以及常识可知,吃饭时不能大声说话。故选A。
10.(2022·四川成都·九年级期末)The sign means that we ________ slow down near the school.
A.may B.could C.must
11.(2022·重庆巴蜀中学九年级期末)—Miss Chen’s class seems quite ________.
—Yes, I agree. I think that’s why so many students like her a lot.
A.wisely B.politely C.lively D.smoothly
【详解】句意:——陈老师的课似乎很生动。——是的,我同意。我想这就是为什么那么多学生喜欢她的原因。考查副词辨析和形容词辨析。wisely明智地(副词);politely礼貌地(副词);lively生动的,活泼的(形容词);smoothly顺利地(副词)。根据“I think that’s why so many students like her a lot”可知因为陈老师的课很生动,所以学生们很喜欢。seem是系动词,后接形容词作表语。故选C。
12.(2022·重庆·九年级期末)I want to buy a bigger house because it may be much ________.
A.cheaper B.cheap C.more comfortable D.comfortable
考查形容词比较级。cheaper更便宜的;cheap便宜的;more comfortable更舒适的;comfortable舒适的。much修饰形容词比较级,可排除BD选项;根据“I want to buy a bigger house”可知,买大房子是因为会更舒服。故选C。
13.(2022·广西·罗城仫佬族自治县教育局教研室九年级期末)My aunt Amy lives an active life. She looks as ________ as she was ten years ago.
A.young B.younger C.youngest D.the youngest
14.(2022·江苏·盐城市大丰区教师发展中心九年级期末)China’s Shenzhou-13 taikounauts ________ completed first extravehicular mission on November 7.
A.success B.succeeded C.successful D.successfully
考查词性辨析。success成功,名词;succeeded成功,动词过去式;successful成功的,形容词;successfully成功地,副词。根据“completed first extravehicular mission on November 7.”可知,空处需用副词形式修饰其后动词“completed”。故选D。
15.(2020·吉林·集安市教师进修学校九年级期末)The old man lives ________, but he doesn’t feel ________.
A.lonely; alone B.alone; alone C.alone; lonely D.lonely; lonely
16.(2022·云南·峨山彝族自治县教育科学研究所九年级期末)If we want to be a ________visitor in a foreign country, it’s important to know how to ask for help ________.
A.polite, politely B.polite, polite C.politely, politely D.politely, polite
考查形容词和副词。polite礼貌的,形容词;politely有礼貌,副词。名词“visitor”用形容词修饰,表示“有礼貌的游客”,用形容词“polite”作定语。动词“ask for help”用副词修饰,第二空表达“有礼貌地寻求帮助”,用副词“politely”。故选A。
17.(2022·甘肃武威·九年级期末)David is a kind boy, he is ________ angry with others.
A.often B.seldom C.always D.usually
考查副词辨析。often经常;seldom很少;always总是;usually通常。根据“David is a kind boy,”大卫是一个善良的男孩,可知他应是很少对别人生气,故选B。
18.(2022·重庆大渡口·九年级期末)Although Tom plays basketball very well, he practices ________ than anyone else.
A.hard B.harder C.hardest D.the hardest
19.(2021·北京·临川学校九年级期末)After a long and hard training, he is able to jump much _________ than used to.
A.high B.higher C.highest D.the highest
20.(2022·吉林白城·九年级期末)My father finds sweeping robots useful, and he plans to buy _______ for my grandma.
A.one B.it C.that
21.(2022·安徽合肥·九年级期末)—It’s hard to believe you can play table tennis so well now. Who taught you
—________ but myself. I watched a lot of videos and practised every day.
A.Everybody B.Somebody C.Nobody D.Anybody
【详解】句意:——很难相信你现在乒乓球打得这么好。谁教你的?——除了我自己,没有人(教)。我每天看了很多视频并练习。考查复合不定代词。Everybody每人;Somebody某人;Nobody 没人;Anybody任何人。根据“ I watched a lot of videos and practised every day”可知此处指“没人教,自己学”。故选C。
22.(2022·河北·石家庄市栾城区教育局教研室九年级期末)Tu Youyou and Yuan Longping set good examples to young people. Everyone should be proud of _________.
A.us B.you C.them D.him
考查代词辨析。us我们;you你(们);them他们;him他。根据“Tu Youyou and Yuan Longping”可知,是两个人,应该用them指代。介词of后接人称代词的宾格。故选C。
23.(2022·广西·罗城仫佬族自治县教育局教研室九年级期末)The musicians like writing ________ own lyrics.
A.his B.her C.their D.theirs
考查代词辨析。his他的;her她的;their他们的;theirs他们的,名词性物主代词。根据“The musicians”可知此处需代指音乐家,排除AB,修饰名词,应用形容词性物主代词,故选C。
24.(2022·河北·青龙满族自治县教师发展中心九年级期末)Could you tell the differences between their culture and ________
A.we B.us C.our D.ours
考查代词辨析。we我们,主格;us我们,宾格;our我们的,形容词性物主代词;ours我们的,名词性物主代词。根据“differences between their culture and …”可知,空格处表示“我们的文化”且空后没有名词,故此处应用名词性物主代词ours。故选D。
25.(2022·西藏昌都市卡若区第一初级中学九年级期末)There are ________ teachers in our country.
A.thousand B.thousand of C.thousands of D.thousands
考查大数的表达。thousand“千”,表示确定数目时,其结构为“基数词+thousand(不用复数)+复数名词”;表示不确定数目时,其结构为“thousands(用复数)+of+复数名词”。根据“There are...teachers in our country.”可知,此处表示不确定数目。故选C。
26.(2022·天津河西·九年级期末)We went a horse riding on ________ day during my stay near Ayers Rock.
A.second B.the second C.two D.the two
27.(2022·江苏徐州·九年级期末)The Communist Party of China had its 100th birthday ________ July 1st, 2021.
A.in B.at C.on D.about
考查时间介词。in用于年、月和季节之前;at用于时刻前;on用于具体的某一天和星期几之前;about表示“关于”。根据“July 1st”可知,2021年7月1日是具体的某一天,应用介词on。故选 C。
28.(2022·重庆市永川区教育科学研究所九年级期末)You can improve your English ________ watching English movies.
A.on B.in C.by D.with
考查介词辨析。on在……上;in在……里;by通过;with带有。根据“You can improve your English…watching English movies”可知,通过看英语电影来提高英语,故选C。
29.(2022·北京顺义·九年级期末)China successfully launched the crewed spaceship Shenzhou-13________ October 16th, 2021.
A.at B.by C.in D.on
考查介词。at用于具体的时刻前;by“通过”,后接名词或动名词;in用于年,月,上、下午或晚上前;on用于具体的某一天或具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上前。根据“October 16th, 2021“2021年10月16日”可知,在具体某一天前应用介词on。故选D。
30.(2021·广西·上思县教育科学研究所九年级期末)He teaches himself English ________ watching English movies.
A.for B.with C.in D.by
考查介词词义辨析。for为;with和;in在……里;by通过。根据“watching English movies”是自学英语的方式可知应用介词by。故选D。
31.(2021·北京朝阳·九年级期末)Liu Xiang suffered a lot from his foot problem, ________he didn’t give up.
A.or B.so C.for D.but
考查连词辨析。or或者;so所以;for由于;but但是。“suffered a lot from his foot problem”与“he didn’t give up”是转折关系,虽然饱受脚伤之苦,但他没有放弃,故选D。
32.(2022·湖北·仙桃市教育科学研究院九年级期末)Love from parents is like the wind-you can’t see it you can feel it.
A.and B.or C.but D.so
考查连词。and和;or否则;but但是;so因此。“you can’t see it”与“you can feel it”前后是转折关系,用连词but表示“但是”。故选C。
33.(2022·吉林·九年级期末)His brother is ________. He goes to work in ________ factory every day.
A.an officer; an B.a worker; the C.a banker; an
考查名词辨析和冠词。officer官员,职员;worker工人;banker银行家。根据“He goes to work in ... factory every day”可知她哥哥是一名工人;第二空,特指工厂用定冠词the。故选B。
34.(2022·青海海东·九年级期末)—Will you go to ________ car fair held in Shanghai
—Yeah. I’m interested in Passat from ________ Germany.
A.a; an B.an; a C.the; /
考查冠词的用法。a表示泛指,用于以辅音音素开头的单词前;an表示泛指,用于以元音音素开头的单词前;the表示特指;/不填。根据“...car fair held in Shanghai”可知,此处表特指,应该用定冠词the。from Germany“来自德国”。故选C。
35.(2022·重庆市永川区教育科学研究所九年级期末)Sally doesn’t like playing ________ guitar. But she likes playing ________ baseball.
A.the; the B./; the C.the; / D./; /
36.(2022·河北·石家庄市栾城区教育局教研室九年级期末)—Which invention do you think is _________ most helpful
—The mobile phone. It makes it easier for people to communicate.
A.the B.a C.an D./
考查冠词的用法。the定冠词,表特指;a不定冠词,表泛指,放在以辅音音素开头的单词前;an不定冠词,表泛指,放在以元音音素开头的单词前;/零冠词。根据“…most helpful”可知,形容词的最高级前通常加the,此处用定冠词the特指“最有用的发明”。故选A。
37.(2022·河北·石家庄市栾城区教育局教研室九年级期末)Look! The girl who ________ a modern drama is my sister.
A.performs B.performed C.is performing D.has performed
38.(2022·河北·石家庄市栾城区教育局教研室九年级期末)—The plane ________ in two hours.
—I can’t wait to see my grandparents.
A.lands B.will land C.would land D.landed
考查一般将来时。根据“in two hours”可知,本句应用一般将来时:will+动词原形。故选B。
39.(2022·湖南·古丈县教育科学研究所九年级期末)You ________ shake hands when you meet Americans for the first time.
A.suppose to B.be supposed to C.are supposed to
考查be supposed to。句式“be supposed to do sth”表示“应该做某事”。主语“you”后be动词应用“are”。故选C。
40.(2022·河北·青龙满族自治县教师发展中心九年级期末)—I shouted to you at the gate, but you didn’t hear me.
—Really I ________ a telephone call to my mother.
A.make B.was making C.made D.have made
考查过去进行时。根据“I shouted to you at the gate, but you didn’t hear me.”可知,此处表示过去正在发生的动作,应该用过去进行时,即was/were+doing。故选B。
41.(2022·湖南怀化·九年级期末)My sister ________ to music when I got home at 5 o’clock yesterday.
A.listens B.was listening C.will listen
考查动词时态。根据“at 5 o’clock yesterday”可知,描述的是过去某一时刻正在进行的动作,所以用过去进行时。故选B。
42.(2022·北京房山·九年级期末)—Mike, where is your dad
— He ________ the car in the yard.
A.washes B.washed C.is washing D.was washing
【详解】句意:——迈克,你爸爸在哪里? ——他正在院子里洗车。
43.(2022·北京房山·九年级期末)—Tom, what did you do last weekend
— Oh, I ________ TV at home.
A.watch B.watched C.will watch D.was watching
考查时态。根据“last weekend”可知询问上周的事情,用一般过去时。故选B。
44.(2022·北京门头沟·九年级期末)Tim ________ English since he was three years old.
A.learns B.learned C.has learned D.will learn
考查动词的时态。根据“... since he was three years old.”可知,此处应用现在完成时:have/has+过去分词。故选C。
45.(2022·江苏·盐城市大丰区教师发展中心九年级期末)It is a pity that the music festival ________ because of the heavy rain.
A.will cancel B.will be covered live C.will be cancelled D.will cover live
考查一般将来时的被动语态。cancel取消;cover live现场直播。根据“because of the heavy rain”可知,由于大雨,音乐节将被取消,主语“the music festival”是动作的承受者,应用一般将来时的被动语态。故选C。
46.(2022·四川自贡·九年级期末)The person under 16 years old shouldn’t ________ to go to the Internet bar.
A.be allowed B.allowed C.allow
考查被动语态。allow“允许”,常用于句型allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”。根据句意可知,该句主语“The person under 16 years old”与动词构成被动关系,应用被动语态。should是情态动词,含有情态动词的被动语态构成是:情态动词+be+过去分词。故选A。
47.(2021·河北唐山·九年级期末)The 24th Winter Olympic Games ________ in Beijing and Zhangjiakou in 2022 from February 4th to 20th.
A.will hold B.will be held C.hold D.was held
考查一般将来时的被动语态。根据句中“in 2022”提示,句子应用一般将来时,且主语“Winter Olympic Games”与动词“hold”之间为被动关系,故应用一般将来时的被动语态。故选B。
48.(2022·吉林通化·九年级期末)According to the traffic rules, everyone is supposed ________ a seat belt in the car.
A.wearing B.to wear C.to be worn
考查非谓语动词。be supposed to do sth“应该做某事”,为固定短语,故选B。
49.(2022·吉林长春·九年级期末)Studies show spending time with your friends makes you ________ a sense of belonging.
A.have B.having C.to have D.had
考查非谓语动词。根据空前结构可知,此处考查短语make sb. do sth.“使某人做某事”,是省略to的动词不定式,,在句中作宾语补足语。故选A。
50.(2022·湖北·十堰市郧阳区教学研究室九年级期末)—My cousin wants to give up English because of the “double reduction” (双减政策).
—I have a different opinion. I think it’s still necessary ________ English if we want to tell China’s stories well.
A.learn B.learning C.to learn D.learned
【详解】句意:——我表哥想放弃英语,因为“双减政策”。——我有不同的看法。我认为如果我们想讲好中国的故事,学习英语仍然是必要的。考查非谓语。it is adj. (for sb.) to do sth.“(对某人来讲)做某事是……的”,不定式作真正的主语。故选C。
51.(2022·贵州毕节·九年级期末)What nice gloves they are! I can’ t decide ________ .
A.to buy which one B.which one to buy C.how to buy D.what to buy
考查非谓语动词。根据“What nice gloves they are! I can’ t decide ... . ”并结合选项可知不能决定买哪个手套,应用“疑问词+不定式”结构,which one “哪一个”,后跟动词不定式。故选B。
52.(2022·吉林通化·九年级期末)—What did your cousin say to you just now, David
—She asked ________.
A.what will I do tomorrow
B.whether did I play football with Jack
C.if I could have dinner with her tonight
53.(2022·安徽合肥·九年级期末)We were not good friends ________ we saw each other, but day by day, we got along better and better.
A.until B.when C.if D.so
考查连词。until直到;when当…….时候;if如果;so所以。根据“but day by day, we got along better and better.”可知,后来相处得越来越好,因此见面的时候不是好朋友,故选B。
54.(2022·湖北·十堰市郧阳区教学研究室九年级期末)—Do you know ________ license this is
—Oh, it belongs to Peter. Let’s give it to him.
A.who B.whom C.whose D.what
考查宾语从句的引导词。who谁;whom谁(宾格);whose谁的;what什么。根据“it belongs to Peter.”可知是对所属关系进行提问,修饰名词license,应填whose。故选C。
55.(2022·吉林·延边州教育学院九年级期末)Not only my friend but also I ________ interested in the movie. We want to see it together.
A.be B.am C.are
考查主谓一致。not only...but also“不但……而且……”,遵循就近原则。be动词离I最近,应用am。故选B。
56.(2021·贵州·德江县教育局教研室九年级期末)There ________ a little milk in the bottle.
A.have B.is C.are D.be
考查主谓一致。此处是there be句型,主语是a little milk是不可数名词,be动词用单数is,故选B。
57.(2022·黑龙江·哈尔滨市第一一三中学校九年级期末)The number of the doctors from Chongqing who went to Wuhan last year ______ 1636, and one fourth of them ______ women doctors.
A.was, was B.were, were C.was, were
考查主谓一致。根据“The number of the doctors”可知,是问医生的数量,因此“was”符合句意;再者根据“one fourth of them”可知,是说四分之一的医生是女的,因此“were”符合句意。故选C。
58.(2022·吉林·延边州教育学院九年级期末)— Could you please come to the dancing party with me tonight
— ________ . I suppose we shall have a wonderful night!
A.Never mind B.Have a good time C.With pleasure
【详解】句意:——你今晚能和我一起去参加舞会吗 ——非常乐意。我想我们会度过一个美好的夜晚!
考查情景交际。Never mind没关系;Have a good time玩得开心;With pleasure非常乐意。根据“—Could you please come to the dancing party with me tonight —...I suppose we shall have a wonderful night!”可知,我很乐意去。故选C。
59.(2022·江苏·盱眙县教师发展管理中心研训部九年级期末)—Can you go and visit Huangpai Street with me tonight
—_________. I have to prepare for my English test.
A.Yes, I can B.Of course not C.Never mind D.I’m afraid not
考查情景交际。Yes, I can是的,我可以;Of course not当然不;Never mind没关系;I’m afraid not恐怕不行。根据“I have to prepare for my English test”可知,恐怕不能去,故选D。
60.(2022·江苏江苏·九年级期末)—Maybe I can win a free trip around the world in the game show.
—________. I don’t think you will win the game.
A.I couldn’t agree more B.In your dreams
C.It’s possible D.Cheer up
【详解】句意:——也许我能在游戏节目中赢得一次环游世界的免费旅行。——做梦去吧。我认为你赢不了这场比赛。考查情景交际。I couldn’t agree more我完全同意;In your dreams做梦去吧;It’s possible有可能;Cheer up高兴起来。根据“Maybe I can win a free trip, around the world in the game show”及“I don’t think you will win the game.”可知,并不认为对方能赢得比赛,故选B。
61.(2022·安徽合肥·九年级期末)The clothes made ________ sell well though they’re a little expensive.
A.in fact B.at least C.by hand D.in trouble
考查介词短语。in fact事实上;at least至少;by hand手工;in trouble陷入困境。根据“The clothes made…sell well”可知,主语为The clothes,谓语为sell,空处填入by hand,与made一起构成定语后置。故选C。
62.(2022·重庆大渡口·九年级期末)Wei Dongyi, the legend student of Peking University, is usually seen to buy barely mantou without any vegetables or meat. He leads ________ a simple life ________ he saves more time to study difficult math problems.
A.so; that B.such; that C.such; in order D.so; in order to
考查such...that...引导的结果状语从句。根据“He leads...a simple life...he saves more time to study difficult math problems.”可知,a simple life是名词短语,此处用such...that...引导结果状语从句,故选B。
63.(2021·安徽·潜山市教育局教研室九年级期末)— What do you think of your junior high school life
— I think it’s enjoyable, ________ I sometimes have some trouble in study.
A.if B.unless C.though D.until
考查从属连词辨析。if 如果,表示假设,引导条件状语从句;though尽管,引导让步状语从句;unless 除非,引导的条件状语从句;until直到……才,引导时间状语从句;根据“I think it’s enjoyable, ...I sometimes have some trouble in study.”可知,“我在学习中遇到困难”与 “我觉得愉快”之间是让步关系,因此,使用though引导让步状语从句。故选C。
64.(2022·北京顺义·九年级期末)Leonardo da Vinci’s diaries ________ more than 150 years after his death.
A.publish B.published C.were published D.are published
65.(2022·江苏南京·九年级期末)It is said that the football match we are looking forward to ________ because of the coming heavy rain.
A.will cancel B.cancel C.cancelling D.will be cancelled
考查动词时态及语态。根据句子结构,空格处是宾语从句的谓语,且主句为一般现在时,故从句时态不限,根据句中“the coming heavy rain”提示,此处指的是将来发生的动作,故应用将来时,B、C选项可排除。从句主语“football match”与动词“cancel”之间为被动关系,故应用一般将来时的被动语态。故选D。
66.(2022·河北保定·九年级期末)The dress you bought is really nice, ________it’s too small for me.
A.but B.or C.and D.so
考查连词。but但是;or或者;and和,又;so所以。根据前面“The dress you bought is really nice”可知衣服真漂亮,结合空后“it’s too small for me. 对我来说太小了”可知,前后是转折关系,所以应该用but。故选A。
67.(2022·福建省福州第一中学九年级期末)The little girl ________ out at night because she is afraid of darkness.
A.dare not go B.dares not go C.doesn’t dare go
68.(2022·河北·青县教育局教研室九年级期末)The math book________ his because his name is on it.
A.must be B.can’t be C.may be D.might be
考查情态动词的用法。must be一定是;can’t be一定不是;may be可能是;might be可能是。根据“because his name is on it.”可知,这本数学书一定是他的。must be有把握的肯定推测,故选A。
69.(2022·江苏南京·九年级期末)Reading Corner in our school has made it ________ for us to experience the pleasure of reading than before.
A.easier B.easy C.easily D.more easily
考查形容词比较级。根据“than”可知应该用比较级,排除BC选项;空前的it作形式宾语,结构为:动词+it+形容词+for sb to sth,所以此处应用形容词比较级,故选A。
70.(2022·吉林长春·九年级期末)Mark is crazy about Chinese culture. ________ he learns, ________ he wants to learn.
A.The much; the more B.The more; the more C.The much; the less D.The more; the less
考查比较级。much很多的;the more; the more“越多,越好”;the more; the less“越多,越少”。the+比较级+主谓,the+比较级+主谓,表示“越……,越……”,根据“Mark is crazy about Chinese culture”可知,此处表示他对中国文化着迷,因此表示他学得越多,就越想学更多,故选B。
71.(2021·山东·青岛市城阳区教育体育局教研室九年级期末)—You have made great progress on your study.
—Thank you. I believe ________ you work, the better grades you will get.
A.the more hardworking B.the more careful
C.the worse D.the harder
考查副词比较级。the more hardworking更努力的;the more careful更小心的;the worse更差的;the harder更难地。根据“the better grades you will get.”可知,此处是你学习越努力,你的成绩就会越好。the+比较级……;the+比较级……,越……就越……;work是动词,工作,学习,此处用副词hard来修饰,此处用hard的比较级harder,故选D。
72.(2022·福建福州·九年级期末)—Excuse me, when did the movie The Battle at Lake Changjin begin
—It ________ since five minutes ago. I wonder how it goes.
A.has begun B.has been on C.has been over
考查动词时态。结合后面有since+时间段,可知此处需要用现在完成时,结构是“have/has done”,5分钟前延续到现在,需要用延续动词,begin要变为been on。故选B。
73.(2022·重庆市綦江区教育科学研究所九年级期末)—Would you like to go to the city park
—I’m not sure. If Mark goes, ________.
A.so I do B.so do I C.so I will D.so will I
考查部分倒装,so+主语+be动词/情态动词/助动词,表示“的确如此”;so+be动词/情态动词/助动词+主语,表示“某人也是”。此空是表示如果马克去了,我也会去。应用so+be动词/情态动词/助动词+主语的结构,排除AC选项;另外if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时:will do。故选D。
74.(2021·江苏无锡·九年级期末)The young man promised that he ________ late for work again. But this is his third promise this month!
A.will be B.would be C.won’t be D.wouldn’t be
考查时态。根据“The young man promised that ...”可知此句是宾语从句,主句一般过去时,从句也用过去的时态。根据“But this is his third promise this month!”可知对未发生的事承诺,用一般将来时,承诺下次不迟到,因此从句时态是过去将来时。故选D。
75.(2022·四川·沐川县教师进修学校九年级期末)—Jack, remember ________ off the lights when ________ your bedroom.
—OK, I won’t forget, Mum.
A.turning; leaving B.to turn; leave C.to turn; leaving
考查非谓语动词。文中第一空表示要记得离开前关灯,remember to do sth.表示“记得要做什么”,空格处为to turn;when引导时间状语从句,当主从句的主语一致,且从句的动词为be动词时,可将主语+be动词部分省略,因此第二空在省略“you are”的情况下应填入现在分词leaving。故选C。
76.(2022·湖北恩施·九年级期末)The young man ______ his hometown for a long time. He really misses it.
A.left B.has been away from C.has left
考查动词时态。根据题干中“for a long time”长久/很长时间,用于现在完成时态;The young man是单数第三人称,需用has+过去分词构成完成时,排除A选项;be away from 离开,表示一种持续的状态;leave离开,不和表示一段时间的短语for a long time连用,排除C选项。故选B。
77.(2022·江苏常州·九年级期末)—Have you seen my cap, Mum —No, I think you may leave it __________ in the library.
A.somewhere B.anywhere C.nowhere D.everywhere
考查词义辨析。somewhere某地,多用于肯定句;anywhere任何地方,用于疑问句和否定句;nowhere无处;everywhere到处。根据“I think you may leave it … in the library”可知,猜测可能放在图书馆的某个地方了,此句是肯定句,故选A。
78.(2022·湖南·武冈市教育科学研究所九年级期末)—What about these two jackets, sir
—________ of them fits me. Could you show me ________ one
A.Either; other B.Neither; another C.Either; the other
【详解】句意:——先生,这两件夹克怎么样? ——它们两个都不适合我。你能再给我看一件吗?
考查不定代词辨析。either两者中的任何一个;neither 两者都不;other形容词,其它的,后面常修饰复数名词;another再一,又一,后面常直接修饰单数名词;the other两者中的另一个。根据“Could you show me…one ”可知,两件都不适合我,请给我再看一件,因此第一空是“两者都不”,用neither,第二空是“再一,又一”,用another。故选B。
79.(2022·安徽铜陵·九年级期末)— Our classroom is so clean. Who’s cleaned it, Li Ming
— Sorry, I don’t know. I think _________ did it before class.
A.somebody B.nobody C.everyone D.anyone
80.(2022·四川遂宁·九年级期末)We will have two parties this autumn. One is at Halloween and ________ is at Thanksgiving.
A.other B.the other C.another D.the others
考查代词辨析。other其他的;the other(两者中的)另一个;another(三者及以上的)另一个;the others其余的。根据“We will have two parties this autumn. One is…”可知,此处构成“one…the other…”结构,意为“一个……另一个……”,故选B。
81.(2022·吉林·长春外国语学校九年级期末)—The books are so nice, which one can I take
— Oh, you can take ________ of them. I’ll keep none.
A.both B.all C.either D.neither
考查代词辨析。both两者都;all全部(三者以上);either或者,两者中其一;neither两者都不。根据“I’ll keep none.”可知,此处表达“都拿走”,排除选项C和D,结合“I’ll keep none.”可知,此处是说三者以上的全部,应该用all。故选B。
82.(2022·黑龙江·勃利县教师进修学校九年级期末)The farmers saw ________ in the sky and didn’t know ________ would happen to them.
A.strange something; when B.something strange; what C.anything strange; what
考查复合不定代词和特殊疑问词。strange奇怪的;something某些东西;anything某些东西,用于否定句和疑问句;when何时;what什么。根据“复合不定代词和形容词的位置”可知,形容词位于复合不定代词之后,且此句是肯定句,因此“something strange”符合句意;再者根据“would happen to them”可知,缺少主语,应该是不知道他们会发生什么事,因此“what”符合句意。故选B。
83.(2021·安徽阜阳·九年级期末)—Do you need any help
—No, thanks. We __________ a lot support since last year.
A.have offered B.have been offered C.were offered D.were offering
考查现在完成时的被动语态。分析句意可知,主语和动词之间是动宾关系,故应用被动语态;再结合时间状语“since last year”可知,应用现在完成时的被动语态,构成形式为:have/has been done,主语是复数形式,故助动词应用have;offer的过去分词是offered。故选B。
84.(2022·重庆南开中学九年级期末)—Why can’t you get used to the life in Beijing, Jack
—________ the heavy traffic ________ the high living cost is the reason. I just can’t stand the badly polluted air in the city.
A.Either; or B.Neither; nor C.Not only; but also D.Both; and
考查连词辨析。either...or...要么……要么……;neither...nor...既不……也不……;not only...but also...不但……而且……;both...and...两者都。根据“我无法忍受空气污染”可知,交通和生活消费都不是无法适应北京生活的理由,两者均为否定。故选B。
85.(2021·广西·天峨县教育局教研室九年级期末)________ foreign players, including Chinese player, in the NBA _______ increased.
A.A number of; has B.The number of; have
C.A number of; have D.The number of; has
考查形容词短语以及主谓一致。a number of许多;the number of……的数量。根据“increased”可知,此处指球员的数量有所增加,the number of跟复数名词连用作主语时,动词用三单,故选D。
86.(2022·安徽安庆·九年级期末)—The last Beidou GEO-3 ________ into space successfully on June 23rd, 2020.
—As Chinese, we feel proud of it.
A.has been sent B.will be sent C.was sent D.is sent
【详解】句意:——最后一次北斗GEO-3于2020年6月23日成功发射升空。——作为中国人,我们感到自豪。考查被动语态。send“发送”,分析句子可知,主语Beidou GEO-3是动词send的承受者,需用“be done”被动语态结构;由“on June 23rd, 2020”可知句子时态是一般过去时,Beidou GEO-3是单数第三人称,be动词用was,故选C。
87.(2022·福建福州·九年级期末)—Does your school carry out “Delay (延迟) Service After Class” to the students whose parents are busy
—Of course, our school also________dinner for them.
A.offers B.supplies C.provides
【详解】句意:——你们学校对家长忙的学生实行“课后延时服务”吗?——当然,我们学校也为他们提供晚餐。考查动词辨析。offer着重表示“主动提供,自愿提供”的意思,其常用的结构是offer sb. sth./offer sth. to sb.,表示“给某人提供某物”;supply则指的是大量提供,在数量上有一定的要求;provide是较为通用的词,常用的结构是provide sth. for sb./provide sb. with sth.,表示“给某人提供某物”。根据“our school also...dinner for them”可知,我们学校给家长忙碌的学生们提供晚餐,此处的结构是provide sth. for sb.。故选C。
88.(2022·云南·峨山彝族自治县教育科学研究所九年级期末)— What sweet music!
— So it is. Soft music usually makes us ________.
A.relaxing B.nervous C.relaxed D.upset
89.(2022·河北·石家庄外国语学校九年级期末)My teachers are busy every day ________ Sunday.
A.during B.against C.before D.except
【详解】句意:除了星期天,我的老师每天都很忙。考查介词辨析。during在……期间; against反对;before在……之前; except除了。根据“My teachers are busy every day”可知,此处是除了星期天。故选D。
90.(2022·安徽合肥·九年级期末)________ he heard the little girl crying for help outside, he rushed out of the room immediately.
A.Before B.Unless C.As soon as D.Although
考查连词辨析。before在……之前;unless除非;as soon as一……就……;although尽管。根据“he heard the little girl crying for help outside, he rushed out of the room immediately”可知,是一听到小女孩在外面喊救命,就立刻冲出了房间,用as soon as引导时间状语从句,故选C。
91.(2022·江苏扬州·九年级期末)—I’m afraid I can not solve the maths problem. It is ________ my ability.
—Don’t lose heart.
A.beyond B.above C.without D.over
考查介词辨析。beyond超过;above在……上面;without没有;over在……上方。根据“I’m afraid I can not solve the maths problem.”可知,这道数学题超出了我的能力。故选A。
92.(2021·江苏·扬州市广陵区教师发展中心九年级期末)—Always remember the proverb “No one knows the ________ of health until he loses it.”
—Yes. Nothing is more important than health.
A.truth B.value C.relationship D.cause
【详解】句意:——永远记住这句谚语:“直到失去健康,才会知道健康的价值。”——是的。没有什么比健康更重要。考查名词辨析。truth真实;value价值;relationship关系;cause原因。根据“No one knows the…of health until he loses it”可知,此处指知道健康的价值,故选B。
93.(2021·云南·香格里拉县第一中学九年级期末)It’s Joe’s own fault if she feels ________ at the party, because she makes no effort to be friendly to people.
A.given out B.tried out C.left out D.cut out
考查动词短语。give out分发;try out试验;leave out忽略;cut out切断。根据“because she makes no effort to be friendly to people.”可知没有努力对人友好,被人忽略或冷落,是自己的错,故选C。
94.(2022·吉林长春·九年级期末)Little Tom did what he could ________ his pet dog.
A.saving B.saved C.to save D.save
考查非谓语。分析句子结构可知,Little Tom作主语,did作谓语,what he could作宾语,空处用非谓语,结合语义,此处是动词不定式to do作目的状语。故选C。
95.(2022·福建福州·九年级期末)— The doctors did what they could ________ the patients in hospitals during the outbreak of the COVID-19 in Wuhan.
— Actually, they are the real heroes in our hearts.
A.save B.saving C.to save
【详解】句意:——在武汉新冠肺炎疫情爆发期间,医生们尽了最大努力挽救医院里的病人。——实际上,他们是我们心中真正的英雄。考查非谓语动词。根据“The doctors did what they could… the patients in hospitals”可知,尽所有努力的目的是为了救治病人,用动词不定式作目的状语,故选C。
96.(2022·天津滨海新·九年级期末)—I’m interested in paper cuttings. Can you tell me ________
—Sure. I’m good at making them.
A.where paper cuttings are made B.where are paper cuttings made
C.how do we make paper cuttings D.how we can make paper cuttings
考查宾语从句。根据“Can you tell me ...”和选项可知,该句为宾语从句,其语序为陈述句语序,排除B、C选项,根据“Sure. I’m good at making them.”可推断,问句应该提问做法,用“how”引导从句。故选D。
97.(2022·贵州毕节·九年级期末)—What’s the matter with Bob
—He wasn’t allowed ________ with his classmates.
A.going out B.went out C.goes out D.to go out
考查非谓语动词。be allowed to do sth“被允许做某事”,动词不定式作主语补足语,故选D。
98.(2022·云南保山·九年级期末)—In which direction were they going
—I can’t say ________. I didn’t notice them.
A.for instance B.for example C.for certain D.for short
考查介词短语辨析。for instance例如;for example例如;for certain肯定地;for short简称。根据“I didn’t notice them”可知,因为自己没有注意他们,因此不能肯定他们往哪个方向走。故选C。
99.(2021·广西·贺州市平桂区教育科学研究所九年级期末)When I got home this afternoon, I realized I ________ my keys at school.
A.leave B.left C.have left D.had left
考查动词时态。根据“realized”及“主过从必过”原则可知,此处是从句部分,引用过去的某个时态,排除A和C选项。此处强调的是过去的过去发生的动作,应用过去完成时had done的结构,故选D。
100.(2021·广西·贺州市平桂区教育科学研究所九年级期末)That guitar ________ Linda’s, she can’t play it at all.
A.must be B.must belong to C.can’t be D.can’t belong to
考查词义辨析。must be一定是;must belong to一定属于;can’t be不可能是;can’t belong to不可能属于。根据“she can’t play it at all”可知,她不会弹吉他,所以那把吉他不可能是她的,排除A和B选项。belong to后接人称代词宾格作宾语,而空格后Linda’s是名词所有格,排除D选项,故选C。
1专题01 单项选择
1.(2022·安徽蚌埠·九年级期末)Chinese government always puts the ________ of people first when accidents happen.
A.safety B.wealth C.success D.fame
2.(2022·黑龙江·哈尔滨市第一一三中学校九年级期末)—Is this story book ______, Lily
—No, maybe it belongs to ______. She likes reading stories very much.
A.yours, Alice’s B.your, Alice’s C.yours, Alice
3.(2021·河南·安阳一中九年级期末)There are ________ on the table.
A.two cups of yogurts B.two cup of yogurt C.two cup of yogurts D.two cups of yogurt
4.(2019·山东济南·九年级期末)—Dave, did you have fun at the New Year's Party
—Sure! I will never forget each wonderful memory of ________.
A.we B.us C.our D.ours
5.(2022·山东济南·九年级期末)—Why don’t you go to the lake You can enjoy fishing and boating there.
—That ________ like a good idea.
A.looks B.tastes C.smells D.sounds
6.(2022·江苏徐州·九年级期末)Listen up, guys! Everyone ________ wear a mask. Go and buy one if you don’t have one.
A.can B.may C.must D.would
7.(2021·北京北京·九年级期末)You ________ cross the road when the traffic lights are red.
A.couldn’t B.wouldn’t C.mustn’t D.needn’t
8.(2022·吉林·九年级期末)The man in my room ________ be my brother. He is still in France.
A.needn’t B.can’t C.mustn’t
9.(2022·吉林·舒兰市教师进修学校九年级期末)— John, you ________ talk loudly when you have dinner.
— Sorry, Dad. I won’t do that again.
A.can’t B.needn’t C.must
10.(2022·四川成都·九年级期末)The sign means that we ________ slow down near the school.
A.may B.could C.must
11.(2022·重庆巴蜀中学九年级期末)—Miss Chen’s class seems quite ________.
—Yes, I agree. I think that’s why so many students like her a lot.
A.wisely B.politely C.lively D.smoothly
12.(2022·重庆·九年级期末)I want to buy a bigger house because it may be much ________.
A.cheaper B.cheap C.more comfortable D.comfortable
13.(2022·广西·罗城仫佬族自治县教育局教研室九年级期末)My aunt Amy lives an active life. She looks as ________ as she was ten years ago.
A.young B.younger C.youngest D.the youngest
14.(2022·江苏·盐城市大丰区教师发展中心九年级期末)China’s Shenzhou-13 taikounauts ________ completed first extravehicular mission on November 7.
A.success B.succeeded C.successful D.successfully
15.(2020·吉林·集安市教师进修学校九年级期末)The old man lives ________, but he doesn’t feel ________.
A.lonely; alone B.alone; alone C.alone; lonely D.lonely; lonely
16.(2022·云南·峨山彝族自治县教育科学研究所九年级期末)If we want to be a ________visitor in a foreign country, it’s important to know how to ask for help ________.
A.polite, politely B.polite, polite C.politely, politely D.politely, polite
17.(2022·甘肃武威·九年级期末)David is a kind boy, he is ________ angry with others.
A.often B.seldom C.always D.usually
18.(2022·重庆大渡口·九年级期末)Although Tom plays basketball very well, he practices ________ than anyone else.
A.hard B.harder C.hardest D.the hardest
19.(2021·北京·临川学校九年级期末)After a long and hard training, he is able to jump much _________ than used to.
A.high B.higher C.highest D.the highest
20.(2022·吉林白城·九年级期末)My father finds sweeping robots useful, and he plans to buy _______ for my grandma.
A.one B.it C.that
21.(2022·安徽合肥·九年级期末)—It’s hard to believe you can play table tennis so well now. Who taught you
—________ but myself. I watched a lot of videos and practised every day.
A.Everybody B.Somebody C.Nobody D.Anybody
22.(2022·河北·石家庄市栾城区教育局教研室九年级期末)Tu Youyou and Yuan Longping set good examples to young people. Everyone should be proud of _________.
A.us B.you C.them D.him
23.(2022·广西·罗城仫佬族自治县教育局教研室九年级期末)The musicians like writing ________ own lyrics.
A.his B.her C.their D.theirs
24.(2022·河北·青龙满族自治县教师发展中心九年级期末)Could you tell the differences between their culture and ________
A.we B.us C.our D.ours
A.thousand B.thousand of C.thousands of D.thousands
26.(2022·天津河西·九年级期末)We went a horse riding on ________ day during my stay near Ayers Rock.
A.second B.the second C.two D.the two
27.(2022·江苏徐州·九年级期末)The Communist Party of China had its 100th birthday ________ July 1st, 2021.
A.in B.at C.on D.about
28.(2022·重庆市永川区教育科学研究所九年级期末)You can improve your English ________ watching English movies.
A.on B.in C.by D.with
29.(2022·北京顺义·九年级期末)China successfully launched the crewed spaceship Shenzhou-13________ October 16th, 2021.
A.at B.by C.in D.on
30.(2021·广西·上思县教育科学研究所九年级期末)He teaches himself English ________ watching English movies.
A.for B.with C.in D.by
31.(2021·北京朝阳·九年级期末)Liu Xiang suffered a lot from his foot problem, ________he didn’t give up.
A.or B.so C.for D.but
32.(2022·湖北·仙桃市教育科学研究院九年级期末)Love from parents is like the wind-you can’t see it you can feel it.
A.and B.or C.but D.so
33.(2022·吉林·九年级期末)His brother is ________. He goes to work in ________ factory every day.
A.an officer; an B.a worker; the C.a banker; an
34.(2022·青海海东·九年级期末)—Will you go to ________ car fair held in Shanghai
—Yeah. I’m interested in Passat from ________ Germany.
A.a; an B.an; a C.the; /
35.(2022·重庆市永川区教育科学研究所九年级期末)Sally doesn’t like playing ________ guitar. But she likes playing ________ baseball.
A.the; the B./; the C.the; / D./; /
36.(2022·河北·石家庄市栾城区教育局教研室九年级期末)—Which invention do you think is _________ most helpful
—The mobile phone. It makes it easier for people to communicate.
A.the B.a C.an D./
37.(2022·河北·石家庄市栾城区教育局教研室九年级期末)Look! The girl who ________ a modern drama is my sister.
A.performs B.performed C.is performing D.has performed
38.(2022·河北·石家庄市栾城区教育局教研室九年级期末)—The plane ________ in two hours.
—I can’t wait to see my grandparents.
A.lands B.will land C.would land D.landed
39.(2022·湖南·古丈县教育科学研究所九年级期末)You ________ shake hands when you meet Americans for the first time.
A.suppose to B.be supposed to C.are supposed to
40.(2022·河北·青龙满族自治县教师发展中心九年级期末)—I shouted to you at the gate, but you didn’t hear me.
—Really I ________ a telephone call to my mother.
A.make B.was making C.made D.have made
41.(2022·湖南怀化·九年级期末)My sister ________ to music when I got home at 5 o’clock yesterday.
A.listens B.was listening C.will listen
42.(2022·北京房山·九年级期末)—Mike, where is your dad
— He ________ the car in the yard.
A.washes B.washed C.is washing D.was washing
43.(2022·北京房山·九年级期末)—Tom, what did you do last weekend
— Oh, I ________ TV at home.
A.watch B.watched C.will watch D.was watching
44.(2022·北京门头沟·九年级期末)Tim ________ English since he was three years old.
A.learns B.learned C.has learned D.will learn
45.(2022·江苏·盐城市大丰区教师发展中心九年级期末)It is a pity that the music festival ________ because of the heavy rain.
A.will cancel B.will be covered live C.will be cancelled D.will cover live
46.(2022·四川自贡·九年级期末)The person under 16 years old shouldn’t ________ to go to the Internet bar.
A.be allowed B.allowed C.allow
47.(2021·河北唐山·九年级期末)The 24th Winter Olympic Games ________ in Beijing and Zhangjiakou in 2022 from February 4th to 20th.
A.will hold B.will be held C.hold D.was held
48.(2022·吉林通化·九年级期末)According to the traffic rules, everyone is supposed ________ a seat belt in the car.
A.wearing B.to wear C.to be worn
49.(2022·吉林长春·九年级期末)Studies show spending time with your friends makes you ________ a sense of belonging.
A.have B.having C.to have D.had
50.(2022·湖北·十堰市郧阳区教学研究室九年级期末)—My cousin wants to give up English because of the “double reduction” (双减政策).
—I have a different opinion. I think it’s still necessary ________ English if we want to tell China’s stories well.
A.learn B.learning C.to learn D.learned
51.(2022·贵州毕节·九年级期末)What nice gloves they are! I can’ t decide ________ .
A.to buy which one B.which one to buy C.how to buy D.what to buy
52.(2022·吉林通化·九年级期末)—What did your cousin say to you just now, David
—She asked ________.
A.what will I do tomorrow
B.whether did I play football with Jack
C.if I could have dinner with her tonight
53.(2022·安徽合肥·九年级期末)We were not good friends ________ we saw each other, but day by day, we got along better and better.
A.until B.when C.if D.so
54.(2022·湖北·十堰市郧阳区教学研究室九年级期末)—Do you know ________ license this is
—Oh, it belongs to Peter. Let’s give it to him.
A.who B.whom C.whose D.what
55.(2022·吉林·延边州教育学院九年级期末)Not only my friend but also I ________ interested in the movie. We want to see it together.
A.be B.am C.are
56.(2021·贵州·德江县教育局教研室九年级期末)There ________ a little milk in the bottle.
A.have B.is C.are D.be
57.(2022·黑龙江·哈尔滨市第一一三中学校九年级期末)The number of the doctors from Chongqing who went to Wuhan last year ______ 1636, and one fourth of them ______ women doctors.
A.was, was B.were, were C.was, were
58.(2022·吉林·延边州教育学院九年级期末)— Could you please come to the dancing party with me tonight
— ________ . I suppose we shall have a wonderful night!
A.Never mind B.Have a good time C.With pleasure
59.(2022·江苏·盱眙县教师发展管理中心研训部九年级期末)—Can you go and visit Huangpai Street with me tonight
—_________. I have to prepare for my English test.
A.Yes, I can B.Of course not C.Never mind D.I’m afraid not
60.(2022·江苏江苏·九年级期末)—Maybe I can win a free trip around the world in the game show.
—________. I don’t think you will win the game.
A.I couldn’t agree more B.In your dreams
C.It’s possible D.Cheer up
61.(2022·安徽合肥·九年级期末)The clothes made ________ sell well though they’re a little expensive.
A.in fact B.at least C.by hand D.in trouble
62.(2022·重庆大渡口·九年级期末)Wei Dongyi, the legend student of Peking University, is usually seen to buy barely mantou without any vegetables or meat. He leads ________ a simple life ________ he saves more time to study difficult math problems.
A.so; that B.such; that C.such; in order D.so; in order to
63.(2021·安徽·潜山市教育局教研室九年级期末)— What do you think of your junior high school life
— I think it’s enjoyable, ________ I sometimes have some trouble in study.
A.if B.unless C.though D.until
64.(2022·北京顺义·九年级期末)Leonardo da Vinci’s diaries ________ more than 150 years after his death.
A.publish B.published C.were published D.are published
65.(2022·江苏南京·九年级期末)It is said that the football match we are looking forward to ________ because of the coming heavy rain.
A.will cancel B.cancel C.cancelling D.will be cancelled
66.(2022·河北保定·九年级期末)The dress you bought is really nice, ________it’s too small for me.
A.but B.or C.and D.so
67.(2022·福建省福州第一中学九年级期末)The little girl ________ out at night because she is afraid of darkness.
A.dare not go B.dares not go C.doesn’t dare go
68.(2022·河北·青县教育局教研室九年级期末)The math book________ his because his name is on it.
A.must be B.can’t be C.may be D.might be
69.(2022·江苏南京·九年级期末)Reading Corner in our school has made it ________ for us to experience the pleasure of reading than before.
A.easier B.easy C.easily D.more easily
70.(2022·吉林长春·九年级期末)Mark is crazy about Chinese culture. ________ he learns, ________ he wants to learn.
A.The much; the more B.The more; the more C.The much; the less D.The more; the less
71.(2021·山东·青岛市城阳区教育体育局教研室九年级期末)—You have made great progress on your study.
—Thank you. I believe ________ you work, the better grades you will get.
A.the more hardworking B.the more careful
C.the worse D.the harder
72.(2022·福建福州·九年级期末)—Excuse me, when did the movie The Battle at Lake Changjin begin
—It ________ since five minutes ago. I wonder how it goes.
A.has begun B.has been on C.has been over
73.(2022·重庆市綦江区教育科学研究所九年级期末)—Would you like to go to the city park
—I’m not sure. If Mark goes, ________.
A.so I do B.so do I C.so I will D.so will I
74.(2021·江苏无锡·九年级期末)The young man promised that he ________ late for work again. But this is his third promise this month!
A.will be B.would be C.won’t be D.wouldn’t be
75.(2022·四川·沐川县教师进修学校九年级期末)—Jack, remember ________ off the lights when ________ your bedroom.
—OK, I won’t forget, Mum.
A.turning; leaving B.to turn; leave C.to turn; leaving
76.(2022·湖北恩施·九年级期末)The young man ______ his hometown for a long time. He really misses it.
A.left B.has been away from C.has left
77.(2022·江苏常州·九年级期末)—Have you seen my cap, Mum —No, I think you may leave it __________ in the library.
A.somewhere B.anywhere C.nowhere D.everywhere
78.(2022·湖南·武冈市教育科学研究所九年级期末)—What about these two jackets, sir
—________ of them fits me. Could you show me ________ one
A.Either; other B.Neither; another C.Either; the other
79.(2022·安徽铜陵·九年级期末)— Our classroom is so clean. Who’s cleaned it, Li Ming
— Sorry, I don’t know. I think _________ did it before class.
A.somebody B.nobody C.everyone D.anyone
80.(2022·四川遂宁·九年级期末)We will have two parties this autumn. One is at Halloween and ________ is at Thanksgiving.
A.other B.the other C.another D.the others
81.(2022·吉林·长春外国语学校九年级期末)—The books are so nice, which one can I take
— Oh, you can take ________ of them. I’ll keep none.
A.both B.all C.either D.neither
82.(2022·黑龙江·勃利县教师进修学校九年级期末)The farmers saw ________ in the sky and didn’t know ________ would happen to them.
A.strange something; when B.something strange; what C.anything strange; what
83.(2021·安徽阜阳·九年级期末)—Do you need any help
—No, thanks. We __________ a lot support since last year.
A.have offered B.have been offered C.were offered D.were offering
84.(2022·重庆南开中学九年级期末)—Why can’t you get used to the life in Beijing, Jack
—________ the heavy traffic ________ the high living cost is the reason. I just can’t stand the badly polluted air in the city.
A.Either; or B.Neither; nor C.Not only; but also D.Both; and
85.(2021·广西·天峨县教育局教研室九年级期末)________ foreign players, including Chinese player, in the NBA _______ increased.
A.A number of; has B.The number of; have
C.A number of; have D.The number of; has
86.(2022·安徽安庆·九年级期末)—The last Beidou GEO-3 ________ into space successfully on June 23rd, 2020.
—As Chinese, we feel proud of it.
A.has been sent B.will be sent C.was sent D.is sent
87.(2022·福建福州·九年级期末)—Does your school carry out “Delay (延迟) Service After Class” to the students whose parents are busy
—Of course, our school also________dinner for them.
A.offers B.supplies C.provides
88.(2022·云南·峨山彝族自治县教育科学研究所九年级期末)— What sweet music!
— So it is. Soft music usually makes us ________.
A.relaxing B.nervous C.relaxed D.upset
89.(2022·河北·石家庄外国语学校九年级期末)My teachers are busy every day ________ Sunday.
A.during B.against C.before D.except
90.(2022·安徽合肥·九年级期末)________ he heard the little girl crying for help outside, he rushed out of the room immediately.
A.Before B.Unless C.As soon as D.Although
91.(2022·江苏扬州·九年级期末)—I’m afraid I can not solve the maths problem. It is ________ my ability.
—Don’t lose heart.
A.beyond B.above C.without D.over
92.(2021·江苏·扬州市广陵区教师发展中心九年级期末)—Always remember the proverb “No one knows the ________ of health until he loses it.”
—Yes. Nothing is more important than health.
A.truth B.value C.relationship D.cause
93.(2021·云南·香格里拉县第一中学九年级期末)It’s Joe’s own fault if she feels ________ at the party, because she makes no effort to be friendly to people.
A.given out B.tried out C.left out D.cut out
94.(2022·吉林长春·九年级期末)Little Tom did what he could ________ his pet dog.
A.saving B.saved C.to save D.save
95.(2022·福建福州·九年级期末)— The doctors did what they could ________ the patients in hospitals during the outbreak of the COVID-19 in Wuhan.
— Actually, they are the real heroes in our hearts.
A.save B.saving C.to save
96.(2022·天津滨海新·九年级期末)—I’m interested in paper cuttings. Can you tell me ________
—Sure. I’m good at making them.
A.where paper cuttings are made B.where are paper cuttings made
C.how do we make paper cuttings D.how we can make paper cuttings
97.(2022·贵州毕节·九年级期末)—What’s the matter with Bob
—He wasn’t allowed ________ with his classmates.
A.going out B.went out C.goes out D.to go out
98.(2022·云南保山·九年级期末)—In which direction were they going
—I can’t say ________. I didn’t notice them.
A.for instance B.for example C.for certain D.for short
99.(2021·广西·贺州市平桂区教育科学研究所九年级期末)When I got home this afternoon, I realized I ________ my keys at school.
A.leave B.left C.have left D.had left
100.(2021·广西·贺州市平桂区教育科学研究所九年级期末)That guitar ________ Linda’s, she can’t play it at all.
A.must be B.must belong to C.can’t be D.can’t belong to




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