小学英语牛津上海版(深圳用)五年级上册Module 3 Unit 7-Unit 9形成性评价测试卷(含答案及听力音频 无听力原文)

五年级英语 Unit 7—Unit 9
一、1—5 ACBCB
二、6—10 BACAB
三、11—15 CBBAC
四、16—20 CAABC
五、21—25 CEBDA
六、26—30 ABBAB
31. outing 32. letter 33. says 34. find 35. lake
36. swimming 37. right 38. grass 39. beach 40. story
二、41—45 BAABB
46. flower; shop 47. collecting; rubbish 48. post; office
49. reading; map 50. between; and 51. right; left
四、52—56 BECAD
【A】I. 57—61 CABCB
【B】II. 62—66 ABBBA
【C】III. 67—71 BABBC


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五年级英语(上册) Module 3 Unit 7-Unit 9形成性评价测试卷
( )1. A. letter B. little C. litter
( )2. A. bench B. beef C. beach
( )3. A. post office B. hospital C. school
( )4. A. cloud B. cloudy C. outing
( )5. A. turn right B. turn left C. go straight
听录音,选出你听到的句子。念两遍。 (5分)
( )6. A. It's between the cinema and the library.
It's between the hospital and the cinema.
It's between the library and the supermarket.
( )7. A. She cannot get through the door.
She can get through the door.
C. He cannot get through the door.
( )8. A.We can turn right and walk along Spring Road.
B.We can turn left and walk along Summer Road.
C.We can turn right and walk along Summer Road.
( )9. A. Is Sally sitting beside Paul
B. Is Sally sitting beside Peter
C. Is Sally sitting behind Peter
( )10. A. I'm reading about fishing.
B. I'm cooking in the kitchen.
C. I'm playing with my duckling.
三、听录音,选择相应的问句或答句。念两遍。 (10分)
( )11. A.Yes, I am. B.Yes, she does. C.Yes, she is.
( )12. A. I often plays word games with my friends.
B. I'm playing word games with my friends.
C. I like playing word games with my friends.
( )13. A. The supermarket is far from here.
B. Walk along this road and turn right at the park.
C. I go to the supermarket by underground.
( )14. A. Where is the hospital
B. Where is your mum
C. Where are you going
( )15. A. Is she your sister
B. Is there a park near your home
C. Is the museum near here
四、听短文,选择正确的选项完成句子或回答问题。念两遍。 (10分)
( )16. What day is it today
Monday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.
( )17. The_______are on a holiday in Sanya.
Whites B. Browns C. Blacks
( )18. Who is enjoying the sunshine
John and his dad. B. John and his mum. C. Sally and her mum.
( )19. John and Peter are_________.
classmates B. brothers C. friends
( )20. What is Sally doing
Swimming. B. Enjoying the sunshine. C. Collecting shells.
听短文,用A,B,C,D,E等字母给图片排序。念两遍。 (5分)
六、听短文,判断句子正误,正确的写A,错误的写B。念两遍。 (5分)
( )26.Betty wants to know the way to her new school.
( )27.Betty should turn right at Flower Road and walk along the road until she reaches the traffic lights.
( )28.There is a library on Grass Road.
( )29.There is a street behind the bookstore.
( )30.Betty's school is about 16 meters down this street on the left.
七、听录音,补全短文中所缺的单词。念两遍。 (5分)
Alice, Peter and Kitty are on an(31)___________. Peter is reading a map. They are at Green Hill. They are looking for a diamond. First, they come to the Big Stone. They see a (32)__________beside the stone. It (33)___________,“You can (34)__________a diamond at the top of Green Hill.” They climb up to the top and look down. They see a(35)__________. It's like a big diamond. How beautiful!
请在句子中找出一个含有与例词划线部分发音相同的单词,将其写在括号内。 (5分)例如:(from) fruit Is the park far from here
___________36. swing Mr Brown is swimming in the river.
___________37. life That is the right answer.
___________38. grow The grass in the yard needs cutting.
___________39. sea Sally is playing volleyball on the beach.
___________40. star It's a story about friendship.
二、选择正确的单词,完成句子,将答案编号写在题前的括号里。 (5分)
( )41.You can see the zoo_______(A. at B. on) your left.
( )42. Look! Alice is_______(A. reading B. reads) books in the library.
( )43.This orange is nice. Can you give me_______(A. another B. other) one
( )44. My parents_______(A. is B. are) enjoying the sunshine on the beach.
( )45. Peter wants to_______(A. puts B. put) the bottle in a box.
三、看图,完成对话。 (12分)
46. —Where are you going, Mary
—I'm going to the________ ________.
—What are they doing
—They are________ ________.
—Is there a ________ ________near your home
—Yes, there is.
—Are you looking at a picture
—No, I am________a ________.
—Where is the ball
—It's ________the cat ________the dog.
—Is the hospital on the ________of the cinema
—No. It's on the ________of the cinema.
四、从方框内选择恰当的句子,补全对话。 (10分)
A. We can read some books.B. Do you have any plans C. No,it's too hot!D. What's your idea,Mike E. How about going to the beach
(The kids are talking about their weekend)
Joe: Tomorrow is Saturday.(52)__________________
Peter: (53)__________________
Joe: Good idea.We can collect shells there.
Mike: (54)__________________
Peter: Shall we go to the library (55)__________________
Joe: I think that's very boring.
Peter: (56)__________________
Mike: Let's play video games together.
Joe&Peter: Bravo(好极了)!
Today is Bob's birthday. It's 1:30 p.m.Mum is making a birthday cake. Dad is cleaning the living room. Bob is waiting for his friends at the door. They are Danny, Ken, May and Mary.
At 1:50 p.m., May comes. She brings Bob a toy train. Five minutes later, Ken comes with Mary. They bring Bob some flowers and a hat. Bob is happy to get the gifts.
At 2:00 p.m., Bob is having fun with his friends. May is singing. Mary is playing the violin. Ken and Bob are dancing. Where is Danny He is helping in his mum's flower shop. He is late for the party.
I.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 (5分)
( )57.What is Mum doing at half past one
A.Waiting for Bob's friends. B.Cleaning the living room. C.Making a birthday cake.
( )58.What gift does May give Bob
A toy train. B. Flowers. C. A hat.
( )59.What time does Mary come
At 1:50 p.m. B. At 1:55 p.m. C. At 2:00 p.m
( )60.What is Ken doing at 2:00 p.m.
Singing. B. Playing the violin. C. Dancing.
( )61.Where is Danny
A.In Bob's home. B.In the flower shop. C.In the toy shop.
The Greens like to go outing on Sundays.They go out for an outing every Sunday. It's Sunday today. They want to go to the East Hill to have a picnic this time. It's 6:30 in the morning. Mark and Ben, their sons, get up very early today. Mark puts on a shirt and jeans, and Ben puts on a T-shirt and jeans. They also put on their running shoes. After that, they help their mother do the housework. They put some bread, meat, eggs and some fruits in a basket and carry it to the car. Mrs Green also brings four cans(罐)of cola with her. The little dog Kala is running after her happily. It wants to go with them, too. They are all very happy. They like their family day so much, because it's the happiest(最幸福的)time of a week for the family.
I.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的写A,错误的写B。 (5分)
( )62.The Greens like to go outing on Sundays.
( )63.Mark and Ben wear T-shirts and jeans.
( )64.Mark and Ben put some bread,chicken,eggs and some fruits in the basket.
( )65.Mrs Green brings five cans of cola.
( )66.Everyone in the family likes having a picnic outside.
Boston(波士顿)is a famous and important city in the northeast(东北部)of the US. The city is near the ocean and it is pretty beautiful. There are a lot of things to see and do.
There is a subway system(系统)in Boston. It's called the T. You can get to many places in Boston using the T. There are five lines —red, green, orange, blue and silver(银). The green T line is over 100 years old.
You can visit many interesting museums in Boston, such as the Museum of Science, which was built in the year of 1830.
Walk the Freedom Trail(自由之路)in the city center. There are 16 famous places of interest. See Paul Revere's House(保罗瑞威尔故居)or the Bunker Hill Monument(邦克山纪念碑). Paul Revere's House is over 300 years old. It's the oldest(最古老的)house in Boston.
Do you want to buy clothes or other things There is a great market called Faneuil Hall Market place(法尼尔厅市场). It's been in Boston for over 250 years. There are more than 100 places to shop. There's food ,too. Lots of restaurants and food shops sell food.
Ⅲ.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 (5分)
( )67.Before taking the subway in Boston,you need to choose the right of the T first.
A.number B.colour C.time
( )68._______is over one hundred years old.
A.The green T line B.The blue T line C.The silver T line
( )69._______was built in the year of 1830.
A.The Bunker Hill Monument B.The Museum of Science C.Paul Revere's House
( )70.There are more than______places to shop in Faneuil Hall Market place.
A.16 B.100 C.250
( )71._______has the longest history in Boston according to the passage.
A.The Museum of Science B.Faneuil Hall Market place C.Paul Revere's House
六、看图写话。 (3分)
七、写作。 (5分)
73.请以“The plan for the winter holiday”为题,介绍你和家人的寒假计划。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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