人教PEP英语六年级上册期末复习专训——听力(含答案及听力音频 无听力原文)

人教PEP英语六年级上册期末复习专训——听 力
一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。
(   )1.A.picture B.pilot C.postman
(   )2.A.taxi B.train C.trip
(   )3.A.reading B.singing C.playing
(   )4. A.today B.tonight C.tomorrow
(   )5. A.see a film B.see a doctor C.scientist
二、 (听录音,判断下列图片或句子与录音内容是(T)否(F)相符。
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
(   )(   )(   ) (    ) (   )
(   )6.I have lots of comic books about space.
(   )7.Slow down and stop at a red light.
(   )8.Amy’s father is a factory worker.
(   )9.Ann goes to school by bus.
(   )10.The cinema is next to the park.
三、 听录音,根据所听到的对话选择相应的选项。
(   )1.What’s Chen Jie’s father’s job?
A.He’s a postman.
B.He’s a businessman.
(   )2.What should Mike do?
A.He should wear warm clothes.
B.He should do more exercise.
(   )3.What’s John’s hobby?
A.He likes doing kung fu.
B.He likes doing word puzzles.
(   )4.Where are they going?
A.They are going to the bookstore.
B.They are going to the supermarket.
(   )5.How do they get to the nature park?
A.By bus.  B.By bike.
四、 听录音,根据所听短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。
(   )1.Tom is twelve years old.
(   )2.Tom lives in New Zealand with his family.
(   )3.Tom likes swimming and singing Chinese songs.
(   )4.Tom’s father is a basketball coach.
(   )5.Tom’s mother goes to work by subway.
五、 听录音,选择适当的选项补全短文。
A.great B.poem C.cross D.writer E.grass F.travel
I like reading the 1. “the Long March(长征)”. The 2. is Mao Zedong. The poem is about the Red Army(红军). They 3. about 25,000 miles. They have no warm clothes or shoes. They have no enough food. They have to eat 4.
and leaves. They have to climb mountains, 5. rivers and grasslands. It’s very hard for them, but they make it. It’s a 6.
miracle(奇迹) in the world.
一、1-5 C A C B B
二、1-5 F T F T F
6-10 T F T F F
三、1-5 B A B A A
四、1-5 F T T F F
五、1-6 B D F E C A
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