
  What’s your hobby? What are you going to do this weekend? Come on! Find your new friend and have a wonderful plan.
New Film
Avatar: The Way of Water
is on at Hengdian Cinema.
Time: 2 p.m., Saturday
Meeting place(见面地点):
Post office(It’s behind the museum.)
Transportation(交通): By subway
Call Joy: 134××××9512
Come and enjoy the new film!
Fruit Picking
Do you want to go to the Fruit
Garden to pick strawberries?
Time: 2:30 p.m., Saturday
Meeting place: School gate(大门)
Transportation: By school bus
Call Andy: 168××××5321
Let’s have fun!
Read for fun!
I’m ready to share my comic books with you.
Time: 9 a.m., Sunday
Meeting place: Library(It’s next to the bookstore.)
Transportation: By bike
Email: Jack@
Let’s read together!
(   )1.If you want to see a film, you can call 168××××5321.
(   )2.Andy can go to the Fruit Garden and pick apples on Saturday.
(   )3.Jack likes reading comic books.He will meet his pen pals at the bookstore.
(   )4.We can do all the things together this weekend.
Hello! I’m Alice.I’m thirteen years old.I’m a student.I like climbing mountains.There are five people in my family.We love each other.
(   )1. My grandpa is a teacher. He teaches art. He likes drawing pictures of animals. He also likes playing sports. He has a very healthy life. He always goes to work by bike.
(   )2. My father is a chef.He works in a restaurant.He can cook lots of delicious food.He likes playing basketball.This weekend he’s going to watch a basketball match in the gym.
(   )3.My mother is a doctor.She is tall and beautiful.She likes swimming very much.She often goes swim-ming on the weekend with her friends.
(   )4.My brother is a student, too. He is hard-working.What’s his hobby? Haha, he likes skating. He thinks it’s exciting.
任务一:阅读短文,选择合适的图片。(快过年了, Alice想给家人准备礼物,请根据短文内容给他们选择合适的礼物,并将图片序号填入对应的括号内。)
A. B. C. D.
(   )5. What does the underlined word “chef” mean(意思是)?
A. 服务员 B. 厨师 C. 洗碗工
(   )6.      people like sports in Alice’s family.
A.Five B.Four C.Three
(   )7. Choose a title(标题) for the text.
A.Jobs B.Hobbies C.My family
Activities Time Notes(注意事项)
doing homework 4:10-4:50 p.m.,Monday-Friday /
Sports Club basketball, football, ping-pong 5:20-6:00 p.m.,Monday-Wednesday basketball& football(Grades 5~6 only)
Art Club drawing pictures, clay sculpture(泥塑), paper cutting(剪纸) 5:20-6:00 p.m.,Tuesday-Thursday paper cutting(Grades 5~6 only)
Music Club singing, dancing, playing the pipa 5:20-6:00 p.m.,Tuesday-Friday playing the pipa(Grades 4~6 only)
(   )1. Students have to do homework at      .
A.five fifty B.five ten C.four twenty
(   )2. John is in Grade Three. He can choose      .
A.football B.ping-pong C.basketball
(   )3. Amy likes dancing. She can join the      .
A.Art Club B.Music Club C.Sports Club
(   )4.Li Jun is in Grade 4.He can’t choose      .
A.singing B.clay sculpture C.paper cutting
四、 阅读短文,完成下列各题。
Hi, I’m Nancy.Today is October 30th.It’s my birthday.I’m very happy. My parents have a party A. me at home.My good friends, Lily and Amy, come to my birthday party. We sing, dance and play games at the party. Suddenly, I can’t find my favourite cat.I’m very B.      about it.What should I do? I look for it here and there. At last, I find it on the fridge in the kitchen. It can’t jump down from the fridge. So C. it is afraid. D. My father helps me. Now I’m happy again.
1. 在A处填写合适的介词:   
2. 在B处填写合适的形容词:   
3. 写出C处画线单词指代的内容:   
4. 翻译D处画线句子。   
5.How does Nancy feel now?
要求:1. 不少于40个单词(不含开头句);
2. 语句通顺,书写规范,正确使用标点符号。
Come and meet a good boy.
一、1-4 F F F F
二、任务一:1-4 B A C D
任务二:5-7 B A C
三、1-4 C B B C
四、1.for 2.worried 3.the cat 4.我的爸爸帮助了我。
5.She feels happy now.
五、His name is Li Lei. He is 12 years old. He likes playing football and reading books. He is very clever and polite. He studies hard. He can speak English well. He often helps friends. His friends all like him very much. Do you like him? 
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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