
Hong Kong and Macao are home to several well-known universities that offer diverse courses and programs to students. Here are some of the universities and their key information.
The University of Hong Kong(HKU)
This university is one of the oldest and most prestigious in Asia, offering undergraduate, graduate,
and research programs in various fields. Popular majors include business, engineering, law, and medicine. Admission requirements vary depending on the program, but all applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent and be fluent in English. HKU offers scholarships and financial assistance to both local and international students.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(HKUST)
This university is famous for its programs in science, engineering, and business. It also offers programs in social sciences and humanities. Admission requirements include high academic achievement and language proficiency (English). HKUST provides a range of scholarships and financial aid packages to deserving students.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)
This university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in areas such as business, science, social sciences, and humanities. Admission requirements include academic performance, language proficiency (English and Chinese), and personal qualities. CUHK provides scholarships for students from different backgrounds and regions.
The University of Macao(UM)
This university is the only public comprehensive university in Macao, offering programs in business, science, social sciences, humanities, and education. Admission requirements vary depending
on the program, but all applicants must be fluent in English or Portuguese(葡萄牙语). UM offers scholarships only for local students and does not provide accommodation for any students.
1、What majors are liked and chosen more at the University of Hong Kong
A. Science, engineering, and business.
B. Business, engineering, law, and medicine.
C. AI technology and English.
D. Business, science, social sciences, and humanities.
2、Which of the following statements about the University of Macao is RIGHT
A. UM has the best business program in Macao.
B. UM is one of the best public universities in Macao.
C. UM does not provide financial aid to international students.
D. UM does not admit international students.
3、What do the four universities mentioned in the passage have in common
A. They all have language requirements.
B. They all offer great scholarships for all students.
C. They all have high-quality dormitories.
D. They all have high tuition fees.
When the fifth grade school year was almost over, all the girls made autograph(签名) books. As I signed my classmates books, I noticed their moms had written in them, too. “I couldn't be prouder of you. Can't wait to see how you like junior high!” “Congratulations! We love you and know you have a bright future!”
I asked my mother to sign mine, too. When she handed it back to me, I was anxious to see what she had written. This is what I found on the page:
When a thing is first begun,
Never leave it till it's done.
Be the labor great or small.
Do it well or not at all.
That was it 1 was frozen. It was an indication to me that, if I couldn't be perfect, I wasn't good enough. I held back my tears, left the page in but secretly hoped my classmates wouldn't read it.
Do it well or not at all. For years, I battled perfectionism and never felt good enough for most of my life.
When my mother was in her eighties, I gave her a book to fill out so we could know more about her. It had questions at the top of each page and then blank space to respond. I secretly hoped she'd been working on it all along. Sadly, not long after, my mother passed away. When I sorted out her belongings, what I wanted more than anything was that book. What I found stopped me short. On page ten, the question was, "What's the best advice you got from your parents " Her response was what she had written in my autograph book. Even though I'd memorized it years ago, I read it at a slower pace now, seeing it in a new light.
It was written to her by her mother, and she was passing it down to her daughter in the same way. A gift from her to me. She was giving me treasured, valuable advice when all I was thinking about were words of praise. I understand it now.
4、In paragraph 1, the author found that words from other classmates' moms ______.
A. contained reflection on life B. expressed their thankfulness
C. showed pride in their children D. featured a formal writing style
5、Seeing her mom's words on the autograph book, how did the author feel
A. Disappointed. B. Motivated. C. Hopeful. D. Anxious.
6、What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 5 imply
A. The author memorized the words from her mom.
B. The author was surprised to see the same words again.
C. The author found it easy to see the words clearly under the light.
D. The author began to have a new understanding of her mom's words.
7、What gift did the author's mom give her
A. A vision of a perfect world.
B. Encouragement to do things well.
C. Her mom's wisdom of loving yourself.
D. Her mom's advice on living at a slow pace.
When put to tests, bees have long proved that they've got a lot more to offer than pollinating(授粉), making honey and being loyal to a queen. The hard-working insects can change their behavior when things seem difficult, and now some scientists find there is proof that they also like to play.
Scientists from Queen Mary University of London performed an experiment, in which they setup a container that allowed bees to travel from their nest to a feeding area. But along the way, the bees could choose to pass through a separate section with some small wooden balls. Over 18 days, the scientists watched as the bees "went out of their way to roll wooden balls repeatedly, despite no apparent incentive(刺激) to do so."
Earlier studies have shown that the black and yellow bugs are willing to learn new tricks in exchange for food or other rewards. In this case, to get rid of external factors, scientists made sure the bees had adapted to their new home and that their environment was stress-free.
The finding suggests that like humans, insects also interact with objects as a form of play. Also similar to people, younger bees seem to be more playful than adult bees. "This research provides a strong indication that insect minds are far more complicated than we imagine. There are lots of animals who play just for the purpose of enjoyment, but most examples come from young mammals and birds," said Lars Chittka, a professor of sensory and behavioral ecology at Queen Mary University of London, who led the study.
The study's first author, Samadi Galpay, who is a PhD student at Queen Mary University of London, states that it is more evident that bees may be capable of experiencing feelings. "They may actually experience some kind of positive emotional states, even if basic, like other larger animals do. This finding has effects on our understanding of the sense and welfare of insects, which, consequently, encourages us to respect and protect wildlife on Earth ever more," she says.
8、What is the new finding about bees
A. They are fond of having fun. B. They are faithful to the queen.
C. They are adaptable to changes. D. They are skilled at rolling balls.
9、How did scientists remove external influences in the experiment
A. By teaching bees new tricks. B. By rewarding bees with food.
C. By making bees feel at home. D. By building new homes for bees.
10、What are Lars Chittka's words mainly about
A. The forms of bees' interaction. B. The complexity of bees' minds.
C. The examples of mammals' play. D. The purpose of mammals' enjoyment.
11、What does Samadi Galpay say about the study result
A. It backs up prior understanding of insects.
B. It reveals reasons for bees' positive feelings.
C. It drives research on animals' emotional state.
D. It contributes to wildlife conservation on Earth.
When the company Open AI developed its new artificial intelligence (AI) program, ChatGPT, in late 2022, educators began to worry. ChatGPT could create texts that seemed as if a human wrote it. How could teachers discover whether students were using language created by an AI chatbot to cheat on a writing task
As a linguist who studies the effects of technology on how people read, write and think, I believe there are other more concerns besides cheating. These include whether AI, more generally, threatens student writing skills, the value of writing as a process, and the importance of regarding writing as a tool for thinking.
As part of my research on the effects of AI on human writing, I surveyed young adults in the U. S. about some issues related to those effects. One participant said that at some point if you depend on predictive(预设的)text, you're going to lose your spelling abilities. Enter "Was Rom" into a Google search and you're given a list of choices like “Was Rome built in a day. ” These tools complete our sentences automatically (自动化地), giving us little chance to think about our spelling.
Evan Selinger, a philosopher, worried that predictive texting reduces the power of writing as a form of mental activity and personal expression. “By encouraging us not to think too deeply about our words, predictive technology may change how we deal with each other,” Selinger wrote. “Automation can stop us thinking and the resulting text didn't feel like mine anymore. ”I asked ChatGPT whether it was a threat to humans' motivation to write. The bot responded: “There will always be a demand for creative, original content that requires the unique viewpoint of a human writer. ” It continued: “Writing serves many purposes beyond just the creation of content, such as self-expression, communication, and personal growth, which can continue to encourage people to write even if certain types of writing can be automated. ”
I was glad to find the program had seemingly admitted its limitations.
12、What is the author's main concern about ChatGPT
A.Whether it will lead to students’ cheating
B.whether it will shape students’ writing style
C.How students will make use of it at school
D.What effects it will have on students’ writing
13、What will predictive technology do to us according to Evan Selinger
A. Give us more creative ideas.
B. Make us write like a machine.
C. Encourage us to think more deeply.
D. Make us tend to ignore grammatical mistakes.
14、What can we learn from ChatGPT's response
A. Human writing will still matter a lot
B. Robots will work with humans in writing.
C. Robot writing will become more creative.
D. Writing will become completely automated.
15、What is the passage mainly about
A. How to apply AI technology to education
B. What is the future of modern literature
C. How to improve writing with AI's help
D. What impact will AI bring to writing
16、With big features around the corner like 5G, it may be quickly approaching the time to upgrade your device. ①_________
Price is important — The newest devices are all starting to cross the four-digit price range, but that doesn't mean you need to spend big to get quality. ②_________Non-flagship devices for the current year can also offer all of the features you're looking for and make some savings too.
What will you be using your device for — You need to identify your needs to understand if the price is worth paying. Most devices come equipped with packed features like cameras for use or with social media and bigger screens that have been useful for many gaming options. So be clear about what you'll be using your device for. ③_________ That will certainly help cut costs down, especially the big-ticket items that are only aimed towards a certain audience.
④_________ — With rising prices, many of us are holding on to our devices for a longer period of time, but months of updates and file storage can slow devices down, and internal hardware could fall behind in times too. Make a list of must-haves and do a little research to see if something new is coming.
It can be no small task to find a suitable replacement. ⑤_________ After all, this is a type of device you'll be stuck with every day.
A. Think of longevity(持久) too.
B. Still, it's worth your effort to get it right.
C. You may use it mainly for mobile games.
D. Then look for devices without certain useless features.
E. But there are definitely reasons for wasting money on quality.
F. So what should you consider when picking out your new device
G. Second-hand devices from a year or two prior can provide all the features you need.
Squaw Peak, with its breathtaking scenery, has attracted numerous hikers. But 1 exists among its steep, slippery cliffs.
Henry Grant was well 2 of the possible risk, so he 3 a good ten feet from the edge. He watched 15 or so other hikers 4 the scenery; one hiker, dressed in pink, was looking over the edge of the cliff with her husband. Suddenly, he heard a(n) 5 loud cry: “Paula! Paula!”. Grant 6 around. The woman in pink was 7 to be seen. Several hikers immediately started looking for her, but their 8 was blocked by trees. Grant decided to lend a hand. He went off the trail alone, 9 he wouldn't be too late.
After 15 minutes of pushing past bushes and slipping down, Grant spotted Paula crumpling (瘫倒) on a small flat rock. He called 911 to 10 her location and then crawled on all fours up a tight, narrow path, and finally 11 Paula. She was alive but clearly hurt and unconscious. Her head, arms, and legs were bleeding. Later 12 showed that she had suffered multiple fractures (骨折). Securing himself against a tree, Grant 13 put her hand in his and kept talking patiently to her to
14 her from the pain.
About 45 minutes later, first responders arrived. They carried Paula on a stretcher (担架) to a waiting ATV and sent her to a hospital.
Paula, who has fully 15 , stated in a post on Instagram, “Henry has participated in building the rest of my life. ”
17、A. injury B.danger C.pain D.fortune
18、A. proud B.innocent C.ignorant D.aware
19、A. stayed B.jumped C.walked D.lived
20、A. impress B.disturb C.enjoy D.prefer
21、A. fantastic B.desperate C.disappointed D.enthusiastic
22、A. extended B.wheeled C.facilitated D.guaranteed
23、A. anywhere B.somewhere C.nowhere D.elsewhere
24、A. sight B.position C.route D.location
25、A. predicting B.imagining C.deciding D.hoping
26、A. report B.find C.determine D.check
27、A. found B.grasped C.saved D.reached
28、A. examinations B.operations C.measures D.means
29、A. nervously B.tightly C.gently D.silently
30、A. free B.comfort C.distract D.spare
31、A. improved B.recovered C.returned D.survived
32、If you were told to stop from breathing through your nose, could you do it Journalist Nestor
Made ①_________for about 10 days, plugging up his nose and ②_________(breathe)only through his mouth as part of an experiment at Stanford University. The effects were systemic——sleeping troubles, high blood pressure and, of course, discomfort.
Breathing is so automatic an activity③_________ most of us never think about doing it. But as Nestor
shows through his own experiences and conversations with dozens of experts, the way we breathe
④_________ (make) a difference to the body's overall health. Based on the results of the experiment, he published a book Breath:The New Science of a Lost Art, ⑤_________ he explores everything from the role our noses play⑥_________hormone regulation(激素调节)and digestion, to how some athletes build up the lung capacity(肺活量)⑦_________ (run) marathons in extreme conditions or dive in⑧_________ (ice) water for more than an hour at a time. The topic is seemingly simple——an entire book about breathing. But
⑨_________ (actual) every chapter reveals new details about how body and breath work together at the same time.
Nestor's daring attitude and ⑩_________ (curious) were infectious: I not only noticed myself paying attention to my own breathing every time I sat down to read, but my new-found comfort with my own lungs even inspired me to go for my first jog in years.
33、假定你是李华, 你的美国朋友Peter想提高中文水平, 以便进一步了解中国文化。请给他写一封信, 推荐学习资源(learning resources)。内容包括:
1. 学习资源:报纸、杂志及其他途径;
2. 推荐理由;
3. 表达祝愿。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Peter
Li Hua
34、 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给的段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
I was walking along the road to school one day and I met my friend Raine. He suggested that we skip school and go to the movies. I refused as my dad was very fierce and strict. After much persuasion, I gave in. There was a Will Smith movie on and I was a fan.
So we set off to the movies together, bought our tickets, popcorn and drinks and settled down comfortably. As we were early, the lights were still on. We watched people come in groups, families and there were couples too. Some of them looked like school students playing truant(逃学)like us. As I turned around, I caught a glimpse of my uncle Andy and Aunt Jane walking in. They were kind and cared about me very much. I sank into my seat quickly to avoid being spotted. I signaled to Raine that there was someone I didn't want to see and Raine made it more obvious by turning around and asking “Who And where ” loudly. It made me sit even lower in my seat.
To make things worse, they came and sat in the row behind us and were saying to each other how I would have loved to come to this movie as I adored Will Smith. They were even commenting about the students playing truant. Soon the movie began and I was glad when the lights were turned off but I didn't enjoy the movie at all for fear of being spotted. So, I sat there like an astronaut, peering over the front seat.
Every now and then I would secretly take a quick look at my aunt and uncle. I was sure they were also looking at me. Feeling nervous and anxious, I kept wondering how I could leave the cinema without being noticed.
1. 所续写短文词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
When the movie ended and the lights came on, I remained seated. _________________________________________________________________________________
In front of us were my aunt and uncle, waiting at the gate. _________________________________________________________________________________
1、答案: B
解析:细节理解题。根据文章The University of Hong Kong(HKU)部分中的“Popular majors include business, engineering, law, and medicine. (热门专业包括商科、工程、法律和医学。)”可知,香港大学比较受欢迎的专业有商科、工程、法律和医学。故选B。
2、答案: C
解析:细节理解题。根据文章The University of Macao(UM)部分中的“UM offers scholarships only for local students and does not provide accommodation for any students. (澳大只向本地学生提供奖学金,不为任何学生提供住宿。)”可知,澳门大学只对本地学生提供奖学金,不会向国际生提供奖学金。故选C。
3、答案: A
解析:细节理解题。根据文章The University of Hong Kong(HKU)部分中的“Admission requirements vary depending on the program, but all applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent and be fluent in English. (入学要求因课程而异,但所有申请人必须具有高中文凭或同等学历,并且英语流利。)”、The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(HKUST)部分中的“Admission requirements include high academic achievement and language proficiency (English). (入学要求包括较高的学术成就和语言能力(英语)。)”、The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)部分中的“Admission requirements include academic performance, language proficiency (English and Chinese), and personal qualities. (入学条件包括学习成绩、语言能力(英语和汉语)和个人素质。)”以及The University of Hong Kong(HKU)部分中的“Admission requirements vary depending on the program, but all applicants must be fluent in English or Portuguese(葡萄牙语). (入学要求因项目而异,但所有申请人必须精通英语或葡萄牙语。)”可知,这四所大学入学要求中都有对语言的要求。故选A。
4、答案: C
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“ I noticed their moms had written in them, too. “I couldn't be prouder of you. Can't wait to see how you like junior high!” “Congratulations! We love you and know you have a bright future!”(我注意到他们的妈妈也在上面写了字。“我为你感到无比骄傲。等不及想看看你的初中生活了!”“恭喜你!我们爱你,知道你有一个光明的未来!”)”可知,在第一段中,作者发现其他同学妈妈的话是以他们的孩子为傲。故选C。
5、答案: A
解析:推理判断题。根据正文第三段“That was it I was frozen. It was an indication to me that, if I couldn't be perfect, I wasn't good enough. I held back my tears, left the page in but secretly hoped my classmates wouldn't read it. (就这样?我僵住了。这对我来说是一种暗示,如果我不能做到完美,我就不够好。我强忍着眼泪,留下了那一页,但心里暗暗希望同学们不要看。)”可知,看到妈妈在签名簿上写的字,作者是失望的,故选A。
6、答案: D
解析:词句猜测题。根据倒数第二段“Even though I'd memorized it years ago, I read it at a slower pace now, seeing it in a new light. (尽管我多年前就已经记住了,但我现在读它的速度变慢了,以一种新的眼光看待它。)”和最后一段“I understand it now. (我现在明白了。)”可知,第5段划线的句子表示作者开始对她妈妈的话有了新的理解。故选D。
7、答案: B
解析:推理判断题。根据作者妈妈写的话“When a thing is first begun, Never leave it till it's done. Be the labor great or small. Do it well or not at all. (当一件事刚开始时,不做完就不要离开。无论劳动是大是小。要么做好,要么不做。)”以及最后一段的“It was written to her by her mother, and she was passing it down to her daughter in the same way. A gift from her to me. (这封信是她母亲写给她的,她正以同样的方式传给女儿。是她送给我的礼物。)”可知,作者的妈妈写的这些话就是给作者的礼物,从这些话可知,作者的妈妈鼓励作者把事情做好,故选B。
解析:细节理解题。根据第一段The hard-working insects can change their behavior when things seem difficult, and now some scientists find there is proof that they also like to play.(当事情看起来困难时,努力工作的昆虫可以改变它们的行为,现在一些科学家发现有证据表明它们也喜欢玩耍。)可知关于蜜蜂的新发现是它们喜欢玩乐。故选A。
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段In this case, to get rid of external factors, scientists made sure the bees had adapted to their new home and that their environment was stress-free.(在这种情况下,为了摆脱外部因素,科学家们确保蜜蜂已经适应了他们的新家,并且他们的环境没有压力)可推知,为了消除外部因素,他们让蜜蜂适应新家,让他们有了家的感觉,从而对环境感觉不到压力。A.By teaching bees new tricks.通过教蜜蜂新技巧;B.By rewarding bees with food.用食物奖励蜜蜂;C.By making bees feel at home.让蜜蜂有家的感觉;D.By building new homes for bees.为蜜蜂建造新的家园。故选C。
解析:细节理解题。根据第四段Lars Chittka说的话This research provides a strong indication that insect minds are far more complicated than we imagine. There are lots of animals who play just for the purpose of enjoyment, but most examples come from young mammals (哺乳动物)and birds(这项研究有力地表明,昆虫的思维远比我们想象的复杂。有很多动物只是为了享乐而玩耍,但大多数例子来自于年轻的哺乳动物和鸟类)可知,Lars Chittka的话表明了昆虫的思维非常复杂。故选B。
解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段Samadi Galpay所说的话This finding has effects on our understanding of the sense and welfare of insects, which, consequently, encourages us to respect and protect wildlife on Earth ever more.(这一发现对我们理解昆虫的感觉和福利产生了影响,从而鼓励我们更加尊重和保护地球上的野生动物)可知,该研究结果有助于保护地球上的野生动物。因此D. It contributes to wildlife conservation on Earth.(它有助于保护地球上的野生动物。)符合题意。故选D。
12、答案: D
解析:细节理解题。 根据文章第二段These include whether Al more generally threatens student writing skills the value of writing as a process and the importance of regarding writing as a tool for thinking这些问题包括 更普遍地说, 人工智能是否威胁学生的写作技能, 写作作为一个过程的价值,以及将写作视为思维工具的重要性)可知,作者比较关心人工智能会给学生的写作带来的影响。故选D。
13、答案: B
解析:细节理解题。根文章第三段Evan Selinger a philosopher worried that predictive texting reduces the power of writing as a form of mental activity and personal expression. By encouraging us not to think too deeply about our words. predictive technology may change how we deal with each other “Selinger wrote(哲学家Evan Selinger心, 预测性短信会弱写作作为一种心理活动和个人表达形式的力量。 “通过鼓励我们不要太深入地思考自己的言语, 预测技术可能会改变我们处理彼此的方式, Selinger与道)可知,预测性的写作会削弱人类自我思考,只是像一个机器一样写作。故选B。
14、答案: A
解析:推理判断题。 根据文章最后一段”There will always be a demand for creative. original content that requires the unique viewpoint of a human writer(对创造性、原创性的需求总是需要人类作家的独特观点)可知,创造性和原创性的内容还是需要人类作家的输出。 由此可以推测,人类作家对于写作来说仍然具有重要性。由此推知人类写作仍然非常重要。故选A
15、答案: D
解析:主旨大意题。 根据文章第一
段”ChatGPT could create text that seemed like a human wrote it. How could teachers discover whether students were using language created by an AI chatbot to cheat on a writing task?ChatGPT可以创建看起来像是人类写的文本。教师如何发现学生是否使用人工智能聊天机器人创建的语言在写作任务中作?)可知, 本主要介绍ChatGPT对于写作产生的影响。由此可知,D项人工智能将给写作带来什么影响?"适合作本文最佳标题。故选D。
①根据空处所在位置,空处应承上启下。前文Wihbigfealuresaroudhecomerlike5G,it may be quickly approaching the time to upgrade your device. (随着5G等大功能的出现,设备更新换代的时间可能很快就会到来。)讲述了有更换设备的必要性,再结合下文讲述的更换设备时要考虑的内容可知,空处应是说挑选新设备时需要考虑哪些问题,F项那么,在挑选新设备时,你应该考虑什么呢?·符合题意。故选F
②前文The newest devices are all starting to cross he four-digit price range but that doesn't mean you need to spend big to get quality. 最新的设备都开始突破四位数的价格范围,但这并不意味着你要花大价钱才能获得质量。))讲述了不需要为了获得高质量而花费大价钱,后文Non-flagship devices for the current year can also offer all of the features you're looking for and make some savings too. 今年的非旗舰设备也可以提供你想要的所有功能,并节省一些费用。)讲述了可以选择非旗舰店设备这种省钱的方式,其中的also说明填空处讲述的是选择物美价廉设备的一种方法,G项一两年前的二手设备可以提供你需要的所有功能。符合题意,选项中的can provide all he features you need和后文的can also offer all of the features you're looking for想照应。故选G
③前文“So be clear about what you'll be using your device for. (所以,要清楚你将使用你的设备做什么。)讲述了要明白自己的具体需求,后文”That will certainly help cut costs down, especially the big-ticket items that are only aimed towards a certain audience. (这肯定有助于降低成本,尤其是那些只针对特定受众的高价商品。)讲述了这么做有利于降低购买成本,由此可知,空处应承接上文,讲述确定需求后接下来应该做什么,D项“然后寻找没有某些无用功能的设备。符合题意,选项中的Then说明这里与前文是顺承关系。故选D
④根据空处所在位置可知,空处是选设备时应该考虑的内容。根据后文 ” With rising prices,many of us are holding on to our devices for a longer period of time but months of updates and file storage can slow devices down. and internal hardware could fall behind in times too. (价格的上涨,我们中的许多人都会保留我们的设备更久,但几个月的更新和文件存储可能会减少设备的速度,内部硬件也可能会落后。)可知,这里应是讲述选设备时要考虑它的持久性,A项“也要考虑持久性。符合题意。故选A
⑤前文 ” It can be no small task to find a suitable replacement(找到一个合适的替代者绝非易事。)讲述了选择合适的设备并不容易,再结合后文After all, this is a type of device you'll be suck with every day. (毕,这是一种你每天都摆脱不掉的设备。)可知,空处应是说花这些努力是值得的,B尽管如此 你的力还是值得的。 合题意。 选B
17、答案: B
解析:根据空前的But可知,空处所在句与上句Squaw Peak拥有令人叹为观止的景色,吸引了无数的远足者。构成转折关系。故可推知,空处所在句意为“但是,光滑的悬崖也存在着危险。”故选B
18、答案: D
解析:根据后面的a good ten feet from the edge可推知,Grant与悬崖边缘保持十英尺远的距离,由此判断,此处表示Graml很清楚(aware)可能发生的危险。
19、答案: A
解析:根据本句中的of the possible risk,so he __3__ a good ten feet from the edge和常识可推测,Grant与悬崖边缘保持(stayed)十英尺远的距离。
20、答案: C
解析:根据上文Squaw Peak,with its breathtaking scenery可知,Squaw Peak风景优美,结合本句中的15or so other hikers _4_ the scenery可推知,这些徒步旅行者在欣赏(enjoy)风景。
21、答案: B
解析:根据下文中的 Several hikers immediately started looking for her可知,穿粉红色衣服的女人遇到了危险,所以她的丈夫绝望(desperate)地大喊她的名字。
22、答案: B
解析:根据上文中的heard和下文The woman in pink was 7 to be seen. 可推知,Grant先听到声音,然后迅速转身(wheeled)看发生了什么事
23、答案: C
解析:根据下文中的Several hikers immediately started looking for her可知,两名徒步旅行者立即开始寻找她,由此判断,那个穿粉红色衣服的女人不见了。No where表示“任何地方都没有”
24、答案: A
25、答案: D
解析:根据上句“Grant decided to lend a hand. ”及本句“He went off the trail alone, 9 he wouldn't be too late. ”可知,Grant决定帮忙,他独自离开了小路,希望
26、答案: A
解析:根据上文中的Grant spotted Paula crumpling on a small flat rock和本句中的He called 911 to 10 her location可知,Grant发现Paula倒在一块平坦的小岩石上,于是打911报告(report)Paula的位置。
27、答案: D
解析:根据空前的then crawled on all fours up a tight,narrow path可推知,Grant四肢着地爬上一条狭窄的小路,最终到达(reached)Paula身边
28、答案: A
解析:根据空后的showed that she had suffered multiple fractures可推知,后来的检查(examinations)显示她有多处骨折。
29、答案: C
解析:根据上文中的 she had suffered multiple fractures可推知,为了保证Paula和自己的安全,Grant靠在一棵树上,轻轻地(gently)把Paula的手放在自己手里。
30、答案: C
解析:根据空前的kept talking patiently to her和空后的her from the pain并结合常识可推知,Grant一直耐心地和Paula说话,以转移(distract)她对疼痛的注意力。
31、答案: B
解析:根据下文中的“Henry has participated in building the rest of my life. ”和空前的fully可推知,Paula已经完全康复(recovered)
32、答案:①it②breathing③that④makes⑤where⑥in⑦to run⑧icy⑨actually⑩curiosity
①考查代词。句意:作为斯坦福大学实验的一部分,记者Nestor堵住鼻子,只用嘴呼吸,成功坚持了大约10天。Make it为固定短语,意为“成功”。故填it。
②根据前文的“If you were told to stop from breathing through your nose”可知,此处指的是呼吸,应用breathe,且此处与plugging并列,故填breathing。
③根据“so”可知,此处考查so. . . that. . . “如此. . . 以至于. . . ”,故填that。
④考查时态和主谓一致。此处是陈述事实,故用一般现在时,主语是the way,故填makes
⑤分析句子结构可知,所填词引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a book Breath:The New Science of a Lost Art,且在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where 填where。
⑥考查介词。play a role in为固定短语,意为“在···中起作用”。故填in。
⑦考查非谓语动词。此处应用动词不定式作目的状语。故填to run。

Dear Peter,
I am glad to hear that you are eager to improve your Chinese and know more about Chinese culture. It' s my pleasure to recommend some resources to you.
Reading some popular newspapers and magazines, such as Southern Weekly, is the first choice, from which you can get lots of information about Chinese customs. Besides, there are other ways to experience the Chinese language and culture on the Internet, on TV or with some apps. The interesting news and stories in these resources are so amazing that you will never feel bored. I am sure you can benefit a lot from them.
I sincerely hope that you can make great progress in learning Chinese and have a better understanding of Chinese culture.
When the movie ended and the lights came on, I remained seated. Hearing the crowds slowly move towards the door, my heart was beating wildly, but I knew if I stood up, I might be discovered. It felt like forever until almost all the people left. I peeked at where my aunt and uncle had been and found they were gone. Raine nodded at me, and we made a dash out of the door and fled down the stairs. I was running towards the gate of the cinema like crazy when I spotted two familiar figures.
In front of us were my aunt and uncle, waiting at the gate. “We saw you the moment we came in. You haven't really enjoyed the movie, have you ” Out of breath, we hung our head in shame. Biting my lips, I heard Raine trying to defend ourselves, “It was my idea, Sir! But school is boring!” A long, horrible silence. Then my aunt just asked us to think about how worried my mother and how angry and disappointed my father would be. Raine said no more, and I felt even guiltier. In the end, we decided to make a sincere apology to my parents and my teachers as well.
1. 段落续写:
①. 由第一段首句内容“电影结束,灯亮了,我仍坐在座位上。”可知,第一段可描写作者因害怕被他的叔叔婶婶发现,因而所表现出的心理活动和动作。
②. 由第二段首句内容“在我们前面是我的叔叔婶婶,他们在门口等着。”可知,第二段可描写作者与同伴一起和他叔叔婶婶的交流,最后认识到他们自己的错误。
2. 续写线索:电影结束——试图不被叔叔婶婶发现——被发现——被叔叔婶婶教育——认识到错误——道歉
3. 词汇激活
①. 慢慢地走向:slowly move towards/walk forward slowly
②. 真诚地道歉:make a sincere apology/apologise with dignity/apologize sincerely
①. 羞愧地:in shame/with abashment
②. 无聊的: boring/tiresome/humdrum
[高分句型1]. I was running towards the gate of the cinema like crazy when I spotted two familiar figures. (固定句型be doing sth…when…“正要做某事,这时……”)
[高分句型2]. Then my aunt just asked us to think about how worried my mother and how angry and disappointed my father would be. (由连接副词how引导的宾语从句作think about的宾语)



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