Unit 4 When is the art show? 同步分层作业培优篇+进阶篇+基础篇(含答案)

(进阶篇)2023-2024学年下学期小学英语新人教版(三年级起点)五年级同步分层作业unit 4
When's your father's birthday?   
2.I like autumn best.(划线部分提问)
3.The sports meet is on April 5th. (对画线部分提问)
4.I will make a birthday cake for my mum. (对画线部分提问)
5.It's sunny and warm in May. (对画线部分提问)
Mike: (1)    is your birthday,Chen Jie?
Chen Jie:My birthday is(2)    April 10th.
Mike:What will you do on your birthday?
Chen Jie: (3)    is a birthday party.I will eat a birthday cake.My mother will make noodles(4)    me.
Mike:Chinese noodles are delicious.
Chen Jie:Please(5)    to my birthday party then.
Zoom: (1)   
Zip:It will be on May 4th.
Zoom:I can't sing well.
Zip:Don't worry. (2)   
Zip:Will you play football with me after school?
Zoom:Sorry,I can't. (3)   
Zip:Let's watch TV together.The show is very funny!
Zoom:Sorry. (4)   
Teacher: (5)   
Zoom:Thank you,Miss Bird.
A.I need more practice.
B.Practice makes perfect.
C.Good job,Zoom.
D.When is the singing contest?
E.I want to practise the song.
Oct.16th Apr.20th Nov.16th Feb.23rd Jan.1st
school trip English test Dad's birthday Jim's birthday Ann's birthday
(1)When is Dad's birthday?     A.It's on New Year's Day.
(2)When is Jim's birthday?     B.It's on October 16th.
(3)When is the school trip?     C.It's on April 20th.
(4)When is the English test?     D.It's on February 23rd.
(5)When is Ann's birthday?     E.It's on November 16th.
(1)    A.Children's Day
(2)    B.New Year's Day
(3)    C.China's National Day
(4)    D.May Day
(5)    E.Tomb﹣sweeping Day
(6)    F.Hanshi Festival
Pedro:What's your plan for the May holiday?
Wu Yifan:Well,on May 1st,I will visit my grandparents.On May 2nd,I will do homework and read books.On May 3rd,I will go swimming.What about you?
Pedro:On May 1st,I'll go to a nature park with my parents.On May 2nd,I'll play football.On May 3rd,I'll go to the library.
Wu Yifan:Sounds good.
May 1st May 2nd May 3rd
Pedro (1)    (2)    (3)   
Wu Yifan (4)    (5)    (6)   
Today is May 10th.I put a seed(种子)into a flowerpot(花盆).But you can't see any flowers now.
Today is May 15th.It has two leaves.They're small and green.
Today is May 26th.It has many leaves now.But it is not very tall.
Today is June 10th.It's tall and strong.I can see some beautiful flowers.
(1)    (2)    (3)    (4)   
A. B. C. D.
(1)Mike writes a diary(日记)about his plant.   
(2)Mike's plant is thirteen days old on May 15th.   
(3)Mike's plant is tall on May 10th.   
(4)You can see flowers on June 11th.   
Hi,I am Mike.There are five people in my family.My grandma,my father,my mother,me and my little puppy.There are three birthdays in February and two birthdays in September.My grandma's birthday is in February.My birthday is on September 10th.It is also Teachers' Day.My mother is a teacher.On September 10th,my mum usually buys me a big birthday cake.I often help her cook dinner.She usually cooks noodles for me.I feel happy.I love my mother very much.
(1)There are four people in Mike's family.    
(2)There are three birthdays in September.    
(3)Mike's birthday is on September 10th.    
(4)Mike's mum is a cook.    
(5)Mike's grandma's birthday is in February.    
13.Read and choose.
I'm Chen Jie.My birthday is on July 20th.I usually get up early on my birthday.My parents and friends give me many presents.I don't go to school on my birthday,because it's in the summer holiday.Usually I have a birthday party.We have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake and ice cream.We sing,dance,watch TV and play computer games at the party.In the evening,my family go to the beach and swim in the sea because it's usually very hot.I have a good time on my birthday.
(1)Chen Jie's birthday is in   .
(2)Chen Jie usually gets up early on   .
B.July 20th
C.July 12th
(3)Chen Jie usually    on her birthday.
A.goes to school
B.has an English class
C.has a birthday party
(4)Chen Jie doesn't    at the party.
A.play sports
B.watch TV
C.play computer games
(5)Chen Jie goes to the beach with her   .
(进阶篇)2023-2024学年下学期小学英语新人教版(三年级起点)五年级同步分层作业unit 4
When's your father's birthday? On February 4th. 
【解答】考查按实际情况作答."When's your father's birthday?"意为:你父亲的生日是什么时候?根据实际情况是:On February 4th.表示具体的一天要用介词on.
故答案为:On February 4th.
2.I like autumn best.(划线部分提问)
 Which season do you like best? .
故填:Which season do you like best?
3.The sports meet is on April 5th. (对画线部分提问)
 When is the sports meet? 
【解答】考查特殊疑问句。划线部分是on April 5th,是时间,用疑问词When提问。其余部分变为一般疑问句is the sports meet?跟在疑问词后面。
故答案为:When is the sports meet?
4.I will make a birthday cake for my mum. (对画线部分提问)
 What will you do for your mum? 
【解答】考查就划线部分提问。特殊疑问句的结构:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句。句子的划线部分是make a birthday cake,是做事情,询问做什么,确定疑问词为What,句子的剩余部分变成一般疑问句跟在后面,变一般疑问句will放到主语前面,I变为you,my变为your。用What will you do for your mum?提问。
故答案为:What will you do for your mum?
5.It's sunny and warm in May. (对画线部分提问)
 What's the weather like in May? 
【解答】考查就划线部分提问。特殊疑问句的结构:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句。句子的划线部分是sunnyandwarm,是天气,询问怎么样,确定疑问词为What…like,句子的剩余部分变成一般疑问句跟在后面,句子中有系动词is,变一般疑问句is提前即可,It用the weather代替。用What is the weather like in May?提问。
故答案为:What's the weather like in May?
Mike: (1) When  is your birthday,Chen Jie?
Chen Jie:My birthday is(2) on  April 10th.
Mike:What will you do on your birthday?
Chen Jie: (3) There  is a birthday party.I will eat a birthday cake.My mother will make noodles(4) for  me.
Mike:Chinese noodles are delicious.
Chen Jie:Please(5) come  to my birthday party then.
(2)on。考查介词。April 10th是具体的一天。可知前面缺少了介词on,表示:在四月十号。故填:on。
(3)There。考查there be句型。根据题意,可知这天有一个生日聚会。用there be句型表示。意思为:某地存在某物。故填:There。
(4)for。考查介词。句子大意为:我妈妈会____我做面条。for me意思为:为我,符合题意。故填:for。
Zoom: (1) D 
Zip:It will be on May 4th.
Zoom:I can't sing well.
Zip:Don't worry. (2) B 
Zip:Will you play football with me after school?
Zoom:Sorry,I can't. (3) E 
Zip:Let's watch TV together.The show is very funny!
Zoom:Sorry. (4) A 
Teacher: (5) C 
Zoom:Thank you,Miss Bird.
A.I need more practice.
B.Practice makes perfect.
C.Good job,Zoom.
D.When is the singing contest?
E.I want to practise the song.
(1)D。由答语It will be on May 4th.可知,问句询问时间。D选项When is the singing contest?符合题意。故选:D。
(2)B。由前一句Don't worry.可知,此句也在说关于鼓励Zoom的话。B选项Practice makes perfect.符合题意。故选:B。
(3)E。由前一句Sorry,I can't.可知,此句应该表达不能去的原因。E选项I want to practise the song.符合题意。故选:E。
(4)A。由前一句Sorry.可知,此句在表达:需要继续练习唱歌。A选项I need more practice.符合题意。故选:A。
(5)C。由答语Thank you,Miss Bird.可知,前一句是在夸赞Zoom。C选项Good job,Zoom.符合题意。故选:C。
Oct.16th Apr.20th Nov.16th Feb.23rd Jan.1st
school trip English test Dad's birthday Jim's birthday Ann's birthday
(1)When is Dad's birthday?  E  A.It's on New Year's Day.
(2)When is Jim's birthday?  D  B.It's on October 16th.
(3)When is the school trip?  B  C.It's on April 20th.
(4)When is the English test?  C  D.It's on February 23rd.
(5)When is Ann's birthday?  A  E.It's on November 16th.
【解答】(1)E.考查日期的询问.问句When is Dad's birthday?译为父亲生日是什么时候?从表格可知父亲生日在十一月十六日Nov.16th.故选:E.
(2)D.考查日期的询问.问句When is Jim's birthday?译为吉姆的生日是什么时候?从表格可知吉姆的生日在二月二十三日Feb.23rd.故选:D.
(3)B.考查日期的询问.问句When is the school trip?译为学校旅行是什么时候?从表格可知学校旅行是在十月十六日Oct.16th.故选:B.
(4)C.考查日期的询问.问句When is the English test?译为英语测试是什么时候?从表格可知英语测试在四月二十日Apr.20th.故选:C.
(5)A.考查日期的询问.问句When is Ann's birthday?译为安的生日是什么时候?从表格可知安的生日在一月一日Jan.1st,即元旦那天.故选:A.
(1) E  A.Children's Day
(2) F  B.New Year's Day
(3) C  C.China's National Day
(4) A  D.May Day
(5) B  E.Tomb﹣sweeping Day
(6) D  F.Hanshi Festival
(1)E。图片是清明节。Tomb﹣sweeping Day清明节,与图片对应。故选:E。
(2)F。图片是寒食节。Hanshi Festival寒食节,与图片对应。故选:F。
(3)C。图片是中国国庆节。China's National Day中国国庆节,与图片对应。故选:C。
(4)A。图片是儿童节。Children's Day儿童节,与图片对应。故选:A。
(5)B。图片是元旦。New Year's Day元旦,与图片对应。故选:B。
(6)D。图片是五一劳动节。May Day五一劳动节,与图片对应。故选:D。
Pedro:What's your plan for the May holiday?
Wu Yifan:Well,on May 1st,I will visit my grandparents.On May 2nd,I will do homework and read books.On May 3rd,I will go swimming.What about you?
Pedro:On May 1st,I'll go to a nature park with my parents.On May 2nd,I'll play football.On May 3rd,I'll go to the library.
Wu Yifan:Sounds good.
May 1st May 2nd May 3rd
Pedro (1) go to a nature park  (2) play football  (3) go to the library 
Wu Yifan (4) visit his grandparents  (5) do homework and read books  (6) go swimming 
(1)go to a nature park。根据文中关键句"Pedro:On May 1st,I'll go to a nature park with my parents. "可知佩德罗在5月1日和父母将去一个自然公园。故答案为:go to a nature park。
(2)play football。根据文中关键句"Pedro:…On May 2nd,I'll play football."可知佩德罗在5月2日将踢足球。故答案为:play football。
(3)go to the library。根据文中关键句"Pedro:…On May 3rd,I'll go to the library."可知佩德罗在5月3日将去图书馆。故答案为:go to the library。
(4)visit his grandparents。根据文中关键句"Wu Yifan:Well,on May 1st,I will visit my grandparents."可知吴一凡在5月1号要去看望他的祖父母。故答案为:visit his grandparents。
(5)do homework and read books。根据文中关键句" Wu Yifan: …On May 2nd,I will do homework and read books. "可知吴一凡在5月2号要做家庭作业和读书。故答案为:do homework and read books。
(6)go swimming。根据文中关键句"Wu Yifan:…On May 3rd,I will go swimming. "可知吴一凡在5月3号要去游泳。故答案为:go swimming。
Today is May 10th.I put a seed(种子)into a flowerpot(花盆).But you can't see any flowers now.
Today is May 15th.It has two leaves.They're small and green.
Today is May 26th.It has many leaves now.But it is not very tall.
Today is June 10th.It's tall and strong.I can see some beautiful flowers.
(1) D  (2) C  (3) A  (4) B 
A. B. C. D.
(1)Mike writes a diary(日记)about his plant. T 
(2)Mike's plant is thirteen days old on May 15th. F 
(3)Mike's plant is tall on May 10th. F 
(4)You can see flowers on June 11th. T 
(1)D.由文中关键句Today is May 10th.I put a seed(种子)into a flowerpot(花盆).But you can't see any flowers now.可知,五月十日,种子只是种到花盆里,由图可知,D选项中的花盆中还没有长出叶子,符合句意.故选:D.
(2)C.由文中关键句Today is May 15th.It has two leaves.They're small and green.可知,五月十五日,长出了两片叶子.C选项符合句意.故选:C.
(3)A.由文中关键句Today is May 26th.It has many leaves now.But it is not very tall.可知,五月二十六号,有许多新叶子.A选项符合句意.故选:A.
(4)B.由文中关键句Today is June 10th.It's tall and strong.I can see some beautiful flowers.可知,六月十号,开出了花朵.B选项符合句意.故选:B.
(2)F.根据Today is May 10th.I put a seed(种子)into a flowerpot(花盆).可知,种子是五月十号种的,在五月十五号的时候五天大,而不是十三天大,说法错误.故答案为:F.
(3)F.由文中关键句Today is May 10th.I put a seed(种子)into a flowerpot(花盆).可知,五月十号,种子刚种到花盆中,所以不高,说法错误.故答案为:F.
(4)T.由文中关键句Today is June 10th.It's tall and strong.I can see some beautiful flowers.可知,六月十号,植物开花了,所以在六月十一号我们可以看到花朵.说法正确.故答案为:T.
Hi,I am Mike.There are five people in my family.My grandma,my father,my mother,me and my little puppy.There are three birthdays in February and two birthdays in September.My grandma's birthday is in February.My birthday is on September 10th.It is also Teachers' Day.My mother is a teacher.On September 10th,my mum usually buys me a big birthday cake.I often help her cook dinner.She usually cooks noodles for me.I feel happy.I love my mother very much.
(1)There are four people in Mike's family.  × 
(2)There are three birthdays in September.  × 
(3)Mike's birthday is on September 10th.  √ 
(4)Mike's mum is a cook.  × 
(5)Mike's grandma's birthday is in February.  √ 
(1)×.考查细节理解题.根据句子"There are five people in my family."可知他们家有5口人,与原文不符,故填×,
(2)×.考查细节理解题.根据句子"There are three birthdays in February and two birthdays in September."可知二月份3个生日,九月份2个生日,故填×.
(3)√.考查细节理解题.根据句子"My birthday is on September 10th"与原文一致,故填√.
(4)×.考查细节理解题.根据句子"My mother is a teacher."可知他妈妈是老师,故填×.
(5)√.考查细节理解题.根据句子"My grandma's birthday is in February."可知他奶奶生日在二月份,故填√.
13.Read and choose.
I'm Chen Jie.My birthday is on July 20th.I usually get up early on my birthday.My parents and friends give me many presents.I don't go to school on my birthday,because it's in the summer holiday.Usually I have a birthday party.We have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake and ice cream.We sing,dance,watch TV and play computer games at the party.In the evening,my family go to the beach and swim in the sea because it's usually very hot.I have a good time on my birthday.
(1)Chen Jie's birthday is in B .
(2)Chen Jie usually gets up early on B .
B.July 20th
C.July 12th
(3)Chen Jie usually C  on her birthday.
A.goes to school
B.has an English class
C.has a birthday party
(4)Chen Jie doesn't A  at the party.
A.play sports
B.watch TV
C.play computer games
(5)Chen Jie goes to the beach with her A .
【解答】(1)B.由文中My birthday is on July 20th.和because it's usually very hot.可知陈杰的生日是7月20日,是在夏天.故选:B.
(2)B.由文中I usually get up early on my birthday.可知陈杰在生日那天起床很早,即7月20日.故选:B.
(3)C.由文中Usually I have a birthday party.可知在陈杰的生日那天通常有一个派对.故选:C.
(4)A.由文中We sing,dance,watch TV and play computer games at the party.可知没有提到在派对上做运动.故选:A.
(5)A.由文中In the evening,my family go to the beach…可知陈杰是和家人一起去沙滩的.故选:A.(培优篇)2023-2024学年下学期小学英语新人教版(三年级起点)五年级同步分层作业unit 4
1.There are twelve   in a year.
2.Mother's Day is on the   (two)Sunday in May.
3.four    (序数词)
4.Chinese noodles    (be)delicious!
5.When is your birthday?(十月一日)
6.noodles,delicious,are,Chinese, (!)连词成句
7.will, do, What, for, you , mum, your, (?)(连词成句)
8.on,your,Is,birthday,February,2nd (?)
A. thin B. that
sheep shirt
thin this   
13. ma        s book
14.       in
(1)Children's Day A.January 1st
(2)Teachers' Day B.September 10th
(3)New Year's Day C.June 1st
(4)China's National Day D.May 1st
(5)May Day E.October 1st
Children's Day January 1st
April Fool's Day December 25th
China's National Day June 1st
New Year's Day October 1st
Christmas Day April 1st
(培优篇)2023-2024学年下学期小学英语新人教版(三年级起点)五年级同步分层作业unit 4
1.There are twelve months in a year.
【解答】考查完成句子.根据There are twelve﹣﹣in a year可知一年中有12个月,month,名词,月份,放在twelve后面跟名词复数形式.
2.Mother's Day is on the second (two)Sunday in May.
3.four  fourth (序数词)
4.Chinese noodles are  (be)delicious!
【解答】本题考查单词填空。句意为:中国面条很美味!delicious形容词,Chinese noodles复数名词作主语,故系动词需用are。
5.When is your birthday?(十月一日)
 It's on October 1st. 
【解答】考查特殊疑问句.由题,When询问:你的生日是什么时候?应该在具体的一天,用It's on+日期回答.十月一日October 1st.
故填:It's on October 1st.
6.noodles,delicious,are,Chinese, (!)连词成句
 Chinese noodles are delicious! 
【解答】考查连词成句,首先根据所给词汇及标点,可确定组合的句子为一般现在时的陈述句,组合的句意:中国面条是好吃的!Chinese noodles中国面条,做主语,放于句首;are是,系动词,放于主语后;delicious好吃的,做表语,放于系动词后,位于句末.结合整句及英语表达的习惯作答.
故答案为:Chinese noodles are delicious!
7.will, do, What, for, you , mum, your, (?)(连词成句)
 What will you do for your mum? 
【解答】考查句法结构.What什么;will将;you你;do做;for为;your mum你的妈妈.根据问号可知这是问句.
故答案为:What will you do for your mum?
8.on,your,Is,birthday,February,2nd (?)
 Is your birthday on February 2nd? 
【解答】本题主要考查句法结构连词成句。问号表示疑问句。is首字母大写,用来提问,说明句子是一般疑问句。意思为:是,其后接your birthday,意思为:你的生日。再接on February 2nd,意思为:在二月二号。结合要求完成句子。
故答案为:Is your birthday on February 2nd?
9.判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打"T",不相同的打"F". × 
A. thin B. that
【解答】考查字母组合"th"发音.字母组合"th"在单词"thin"中发[θ],字母组合"th"在单词"that"中发[ ],两个单词划线部分发音不同.
10.判断下列单词画线部分的读音是(T)否(F)相同.  √ 
sheep shirt
【解答】考查字母组合sh在单词中的发音.字母组合sh在单词sheep,shirt中均发[ ],发音相同.
thin this × 
【解答】考查字母组合th在单词中的读音.thin[θ n],this[ s],根据单词的音标可知,字母组合th在单词中发音不相同.
12.one(序数词) first 
13. ma  t  h  s book
【解答】该题考查看图识词.图示为数学课本,译为maths book.
14. t  h  in
(1)Children's Day A.January 1st
(2)Teachers' Day B.September 10th
(3)New Year's Day C.June 1st
(4)China's National Day D.May 1st
(5)May Day E.October 1st
(1)Children's Day儿童节,根据常识可知,儿童节在6月1日(June 1st)。
(2)Teachers' Day教师节,根据常识可知,教师节在9月10日(September 10th)。
(3)New Year's Day元旦,根据常识可知,元旦在1月1日(January 1st)。
(4)China's National Day中国国庆节,根据常识可知,中国的国庆节在10月1日(October 1st)。
(5)May Day五一劳动节,根据常识可知,五一劳动节在5月1日(May 1st)。

Children's Day January 1st
April Fool's Day December 25th
China's National Day June 1st
New Year's Day October 1st
Christmas Day April 1st
【解答】考查节假日与日期匹配。由题,Children's Day为"儿童节",在中国其是在6月1日,即June 1st;April Fool's Day为"愚人节",其日期为4月1日,即4月1日;China's National Day为"中国国庆节",其日期为10月1日,即October 1st;New Year's Day为"元旦",其日期为1月1日,即January 1st;Christmas Day为"圣诞节",其日期为12月25日,即December 25th。
。(基础篇)2023-2024学年下学期小学英语新人教版(三年级起点)五年级同步分层作业unit 4
1.When is ______ birthday?(  )
A.you B.your
2.选出与their画线部分发音一致的选项。(  )
A.fifth B.this C.Thursday
3.﹣What did Lisa do yesterday?
﹣She______ to music.(  )
A.listens B.listen C.listened
4.选出单词中不同类的一项。(  )
A.third B.three C.thirteen
5.Sunday is the_________ day of a week.(  )
A.one B.first C.second
6.There are_____ days in a week.(  )
A.the seven B.seventh C.seven
7.May is the__________ month of the year.(  )
A.five B.fifth C.six
8.找出不同类的单词(  )
A.one B.first C.two
9.______he______ football last weekend?(  )
A.Did,played B.Did,play
10.Lisa usually_______ her homework after supper.(  )
A.does B.do C.did
11.Sunday is the _____ day of a week.(  )
A.first B.second C.third
12.Mother's Day is the second Sunday May.(  )
A.at; in B.on; in C.in; on
13.Did John_____ a cold yesterday?(  )
A.has B.had C.have
14.﹣Did you clean your room?
﹣______.(  )
A.Yes,I did B.No,I don't
C.No,I did
15.January is the__________ month of the year.
A.one B.oneth C.first
(基础篇)2023-2024学年下学期小学英语新人教版(三年级起点)五年级同步分层作业unit 4
1.When is ______ birthday?(  )
A.you B.your
本题考查形容词性物主代词用法.A.you 你,你们 既是主格又是宾格.B.your 你的,你们的 形容词性物主代词.原题是你的生日是什么时候?放在"birthday"名词前面应该用形容词性物主代词,故选择B.
2.选出与their画线部分发音一致的选项。(  )
A.fifth B.this C.Thursday
【解答】考查字母"th"发音。字母"th"在单词"their"中发[ ],字母"th"在单词"fifth"中发[θ],字母"th"在单词"this"中发[ ],字母"th"在单词"Thursday"中发[θ],B选项与例子发音相同。
3.﹣What did Lisa do yesterday?
﹣She______ to music.(  )
A.listens B.listen C.listened
4.选出单词中不同类的一项。(  )
A.third B.three C.thirteen
5.Sunday is the_________ day of a week.(  )
A.one B.first C.second
6.There are_____ days in a week.(  )
A.the seven B.seventh C.seven
7.May is the__________ month of the year.(  )
A.five B.fifth C.six
8.找出不同类的单词(  )
A.one B.first C.two
9.______he______ football last weekend?(  )
A.Did,played B.Did,play
【解答】本题考查一般过去时,last weekend上周末,句子用一般过去时,疑问句用助动词Did开头,后面动词用原形,所以答案是Did,play.
10.Lisa usually_______ her homework after supper.(  )
A.does B.do C.did
11.Sunday is the _____ day of a week.(  )
A.first B.second C.third
该题考查序数词的应用.first第一,second第二,third第三.在西方国家中,星期天(Sunday )才是每星期的第一天,而星期六(Saturday )是每星期的最后一天.故选:A.
12.Mother's Day is the second Sunday May.(  )
A.at; in B.on; in C.in; on
13.Did John_____ a cold yesterday?(  )
A.has B.had C.have
【解答】该题考查动词的运用.has,have的第三人称单数形式,had,have的过去式形式,句中Did 的后面需要用动词原形.
14.﹣Did you clean your room?
﹣______.(  )
A.Yes,I did B.No,I don't
C.No,I did
【解答】本题考查疑问句的回答,Did you clean your room?肯定回答Yes,I did,否定回答No,I didn't.B时态使用错误,C搭配错误.
15.January is the__________ month of the year.
A.one B.oneth C.first
【解答】该题考查序数词的运用.根据"the…month of the year"可知,该空应填序数词first,第一个.



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