
七、综合填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
Mr. Daves is an 80-year-old man and he lives alone. He has a 40-year-old friend named John. They often go fishing together. They have already fished in the same lake for over 15 years, but they have n____56____ been tired of (厌烦) it.
However, just a few years ago, Mr. Daves had a stroke (中风) and he couldn’t walk or speak, s____57____ he was put into an old people’s home. Lying in bed and being u____58____ to communicate with others, he felt very sad.
When John got the news of Mr. Daves’ illness, his heart was almost broken. He wanted to do something to make the old man happy. He w____59____ to the old people’s home and got permission (允许) to take Mr. Daves out for a trip in his car. They were both excited. However, it was very difficult for Mr. Daves to be lifted into John’s car, so John felt w____60____ about this. Then one day he had an idea. He decided to s____61____ his lovely car and buy a truck so that he could put a wheelchair in it. Two days later, he had a truck. Since then, he has used his truck to take the old man out for a t____62____ every day.
Last year John bought a special fishing rod (竿) for Mr. Daves so that they can still go fishing together. Even though Mr. Daves can’t talk, he has let the n____63____ in the old people’s home believe John is his son.
Thanks to John, Mr. Daves is still enjoying life now. John is really great. He g____64____ up his lovely car to help a friend—a person who is in need. He is surely a good e____65____ for others.
七、综合填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
An Accidental Invention
Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world, was invented by accident(偶然的) Many people believe that tea was first drunk about 5, 000 years a___56___. It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover t___57___ as a drink. One day Shen Nong was boiling drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and r___58___ there for some time. It produced a nice s___59___, so he tasted the brown water. It was quite delicious, and so, one of the world’s favorite drinks was i___60___.
A few thousand years later, Lu Yu, “the saint(圣人)of the tea”, mentioned Shen Nong in his book Cha Jing. The book describes how tea plants w___61___ grown and used to make tea. It also discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used.
It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan d___62___ the 6th and 7th centuries. In England, tea didn’t appear until around 1660, but in l___63___ than 100 years, it had become the national drink. The tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century. This helped to s___64___ the popularity of tea and the tea plant to more places around the world. Even t____65____ many people now know about tea culture, the Chinese are without doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea.
七、综合填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
Can memory be i____56____ Most people hope to have a better memory that helps them succeed in study, work and life. Luckily, t____57____ of studies in the past 50 years have already given us a clear answer.
A healthy lifestyle keeps your brain young and memory sharp. First of all, it is necessary to have a healthy diet. Doing exercise is also one of the most helpful m____58____ which can keep your brain alive. That is because exercise provides much oxygen(氧气) for the brain. The h____59____ your lifestyle is, the better your memory will become. But do not expect a r____60____ change—it takes a long time to make a difference.
Memory skills help you remember things better. Chunking(分拆) is a way of remembering a piece of i____61____ by cutting it into smaller ones. For example, to memorize a telephone number 2127983630, you can d____62____ it into three groups: first 212, then 798, and lastly 3630.
What’s more, only a regular review can make the memory last long. That is why students are a____63____ to go over what they have learnt after one day and then after three days, and then use it as much as p____64____.
Human brains are like persons w_____65_____ need exercise to become stronger. If you make a few lifestyle changes and try some memory skills you can certainly improve your memory.
七、综合填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
Many teenagers don’t get along well with their parents and they don’t know what to do. If you face such a problem, what I’m saying now might be h____56____ to you.
Have you ever thought of t____57____ to your parents to find out why you don’t get along well with each other When I was a teenager, I didn’t get on well with my parents, e____58____. We sometimes argued(争吵) with each other. I am sorry that I had such an e____59____. Now I’m a mother of four girls. Of course we have different opinions, but I encourage them to communicate with me openly and honestly. In this way I make sure that they t____60____ me and come to me for anything. As a r____61____, we get along very well.
Arguing with your parents will make them angry and you won’t feel good. Also, remember that the most important thing is to solve problems. Try your best to be calm. If you cannot control your f____62____, you can go to a doctor or your teacher who could give you a____63____ on your problem.
Remember that your parents love you. Sometimes they do something that you find h____64____ to understand. For example, you may want to be a singer in the future, but your parents want you to do something else. If s____65____, try to think in their shoes.
Life is too short and family is important! Try your best to get along well with your parents.
七、综合填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
The radio and television are very important in the world today. People can see them e___66___. A lot of people w___67___ TV. They even sit in f___68___ of TV every day, especially at weekends. The TV is, of course, more u___69___ than the radio. On TV you can see and hear w___70___ is happening in the world. You may think that there are more people watching TV than l___71___ to the radio. H___72___, according to a recent survey(调查), about half of the people said their radio listening habits haven’t changed during the past y___73___, and 21% said they were even listening m___74___. More men than women are now listening to the Internet radio, although(尽管)that s___75___ to change.(天津专用)九年级英语(上)期末专项复习题集
七、综合填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
Mr. Daves is an 80-year-old man and he lives alone. He has a 40-year-old friend named John. They often go fishing together. They have already fished in the same lake for over 15 years, but they have n____56____ been tired of (厌烦) it.
However, just a few years ago, Mr. Daves had a stroke (中风) and he couldn’t walk or speak, s____57____ he was put into an old people’s home. Lying in bed and being u____58____ to communicate with others, he felt very sad.
When John got the news of Mr. Daves’ illness, his heart was almost broken. He wanted to do something to make the old man happy. He w____59____ to the old people’s home and got permission (允许) to take Mr. Daves out for a trip in his car. They were both excited. However, it was very difficult for Mr. Daves to be lifted into John’s car, so John felt w____60____ about this. Then one day he had an idea. He decided to s____61____ his lovely car and buy a truck so that he could put a wheelchair in it. Two days later, he had a truck. Since then, he has used his truck to take the old man out for a t____62____ every day.
Last year John bought a special fishing rod (竿) for Mr. Daves so that they can still go fishing together. Even though Mr. Daves can’t talk, he has let the n____63____ in the old people’s home believe John is his son.
Thanks to John, Mr. Daves is still enjoying life now. John is really great. He g____64____ up his lovely car to help a friend—a person who is in need. He is surely a good e____65____ for others.
【答案】56. (n)ever
57. (s)o 58. (u)nable
59. (w)ent 60. (w)orried
61. (s)ell 62. (t)rip
63. (n)urse
64. (g)ave 65. (e)xample
句意:他们已经在同一个湖里钓鱼超过15年了,但他们从未厌倦过。根据“They have already fished in the same lake for over 15 years”和“but”并结合首字母,可知,从未厌倦过,never“从不”符合题意。故填(n)ever。
句意:然而,就在几年前,戴维斯先生中风了,他不能走路,也不能说话,所以他被送进了老人之家。根据“However, just a few years ago, Mr. Daves had a stroke (中风) and he couldn’t walk or speak,…he was put into an old people’s home.”可知,此句是并列句,前后句意是因果关系,结合首字母,可知so“所以”符合题意。故填(s)o。
句意:躺在床上,无法与他人交流,他感到非常难过。根据“he felt very sad”并结合首字母,可知不能与他人交流,unable“不能”符合题意,be unable to do sth.“不能做某事”。故填(u)nable。
句意:他去了老人之家,得到了许可,可以开车带戴维斯先生出去旅行。根据“to the old people’s home”并结合首字母,可知去了养老院,此句是一般过去时,went “去”符合题意。故填(w)ent。
句意:然而,戴维斯先生很难被抬进约翰的车里,所以约翰对此感到担忧。根据“John felt…about”并结合首字母,可知他感到担忧,feel worried about“感到担忧”,固定短语。故填(w)orried。
句意:他决定卖掉他那辆可爱的汽车,买一辆卡车,这样他就可以把轮椅放在车里了。根据“buy a truck”并结合首字母,可知是卖掉他的汽车,sell“卖”符合题意,decide to do sth.“决定做某事”,空格处应用动词原形,故填(s)ell。
句意:从那以后,他每天都用他的卡车带这位老人出去旅行。根据“take the old man out for”并结合首字母,可知是出去旅行,trip“郊游,旅游”符合题意,take… out for a trip“带…… 出去旅行”。故填(t)rip。
句意:尽管戴维斯先生不会说话,但他还是让老人之家的护士相信约翰是他的儿子。根据“in the old people’s home”并结合首字母,可知是让老人之家的护士,nurse“护士”符合题意,根据the可知这里表示特指, nurse用单数形式。故填(n)urse。
句意:他放弃了自己的爱车,去帮助一位朋友——一位需要帮助的人。根据“John is really great. He…up his lovely car to help a friend — a person who is in need.”并结合首字母,可知他放弃了自己的爱车,give up“放弃”,动词短语,此句时态为一般过去时, give的过去式是gave。故填(g)ave。
句意:他无疑是其他人的好榜样。根据上文可知,约翰卖掉自己的车,换成一辆卡车,带老人戴维斯先生出去旅游和钓鱼,结合“He is surely a good …for others”和首字母,可知是他是其他人的好榜样,example“榜样”符合题意,a后接单数名词。故填(e)xample。
七、综合填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
An Accidental Invention
Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world, was invented by accident(偶然的) Many people believe that tea was first drunk about 5, 000 years a___56___. It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover t___57___ as a drink. One day Shen Nong was boiling drinking water over an open fire. Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and r___58___ there for some time. It produced a nice s___59___, so he tasted the brown water. It was quite delicious, and so, one of the world’s favorite drinks was i___60___.
A few thousand years later, Lu Yu, “the saint(圣人)of the tea”, mentioned Shen Nong in his book Cha Jing. The book describes how tea plants w___61___ grown and used to make tea. It also discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used.
It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan d___62___ the 6th and 7th centuries. In England, tea didn’t appear until around 1660, but in l___63___ than 100 years, it had become the national drink. The tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century. This helped to s___64___ the popularity of tea and the tea plant to more places around the world. Even t____65____ many people now know about tea culture, the Chinese are without doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea.
【答案】56. (a)go
57. (t)ea 58. (r)emained
59. (s)mell
60. (i)nvented
61. (w)ere 62. (d)uring
63. (l)ess 64. (s)pread
65. (t)hough
句意:许多人认为茶最早是在大约5000年前饮用的。根据5,000 years,结合首字母a可知,是ago“以前”。故填(a)go。
句意:茶树的一些叶子掉进了水中,在那里停留了一段时间。根据for some time,结合首字母r可知,是remain“保留”,根据fell可知,用一般过去时,remain的过去式为remained。故填(r)emained。
句意:它产生了一种很好的气味,所以他品尝了棕色的水。根据“produced a nice产生了一种很好的”并结合首字母s可知,是smell“气味”,为不可数名词。故填(s)mell。
句意:书中描述了茶树是如何种植和用来泡茶的。根据grown,结合首字母w可知,是were grown“被种植”,为一般过去时的被动语态的谓语动词形式。故填(w)ere。
句意:据信,茶是在6世纪和7世纪期间被带到韩国和日本的。根据the 6th and 7th centuries,结合首字母d可知,是during“在……期间”。故填(d)uring。
句意:在英国,茶直到1660年左右才出现,但在不到100年的时间里,它已经成为了国民饮料。根据than,结合首字母l可知,是less than“少于”。故填(l)ess。
句意:这有助于将茶和茶树的流行传播到世界各地。根据“the popularity of tea and the tea plant to more places around the world将茶和茶树的流行……到世界各地”并结合首字母s可知,是spread“传播”,help to do sth.“有助于做某事”,故用spread的原形。故填(s)pread。
句意:尽管现在很多人都了解茶文化,但中国人无疑是最了解茶的本质的人。根据Even,结合首字母t可知,是even though“尽管”。故填(t)hough。
七、综合填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
Can memory be i____56____ Most people hope to have a better memory that helps them succeed in study, work and life. Luckily, t____57____ of studies in the past 50 years have already given us a clear answer.
A healthy lifestyle keeps your brain young and memory sharp. First of all, it is necessary to have a healthy diet. Doing exercise is also one of the most helpful m____58____ which can keep your brain alive. That is because exercise provides much oxygen(氧气) for the brain. The h____59____ your lifestyle is, the better your memory will become. But do not expect a r____60____ change—it takes a long time to make a difference.
Memory skills help you remember things better. Chunking(分拆) is a way of remembering a piece of i____61____ by cutting it into smaller ones. For example, to memorize a telephone number 2127983630, you can d____62____ it into three groups: first 212, then 798, and lastly 3630.
What’s more, only a regular review can make the memory last long. That is why students are a____63____ to go over what they have learnt after one day and then after three days, and then use it as much as p____64____.
Human brains are like persons w_____65_____ need exercise to become stronger. If you make a few lifestyle changes and try some memory skills you can certainly improve your memory.
【答案】56. (i)mproved
57. (t)housands
58. (m)ethods
59. (h)ealthier
60. (r)apid
61. (i)nformation
62. (d)ivide
63. (a)dvised
64. (p)ossible
65. (w)ho
句意:记忆力可以提高吗?根据“Most people hope to have a better memory that helps them succeed in study, work and life.”以及首字母提示可知,是问记忆力可以提高吗?be动词后加动词的过去分词,表被动。故填(i)mproved。
句意:幸运的是,在过去的50年里,成千上万的研究已经给了我们一个明确的答案。根据“of studies”以及首字母提示可知,是成千上万的研究,thousands of“成千上万的”。故填(t)housands。
句意:锻炼也是保持大脑活力的最有效方法之一。根据“Doing exercise is also one of the most helpful...which can keep your brain alive.”以及首字母提示可知,是最有效方法之一,one of+the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数“最……之一”。故填(m)ethods。
句意:你的生活方式越健康,你的记忆力就会越好。根据“The...your lifestyle is, the better your memory will become.”以及首字母提示可知,你的生活方式越健康,你的记忆力就会越好。the+比较级,the+比较级“越……越……”,所以横线上应填healthy的比较级。故填(h)ealthier。
句意:但是不要期望迅速的改变——需要很长时间才能有所改变。根据“it takes a long time to make a difference.”以及首字母提示可知,不要期望迅速的改变。故填(r)apid。
句意:分拆是一种通过将信息切成小块来记忆信息的方法。根据“remembering a piece of...”和“For example, to memorize a telephone number 2127983630”以及首字母提示可知,是一条信息,information是不可数名词。故填(i)nformation。
句意:例如,要记住一个电话号码2127983630,您可以将其分为三组:首先是212,然后是798,最后是3630。根据“...into three groups”以及首字母提示可知,是将电话号码分为三组,can情态动词后加动词原形。故填(d)ivide。
句意:这就是为什么建议学生在一天之后,然后在三天之后复习他们所学的知识,然后尽可能多地使用它。根据“only a regular review can make the memory last long”以及首字母提示可知,学生们被建议及时复习,be动词are后加动词的过去分词,表被动。故填(a)dvised。
句意:这就是为什么建议学生在一天之后,然后在三天之后复习他们所学的知识,然后尽可能多地使用它。根据“use it as much as...”以及首字母提示可知,是尽可能多地。故填(p)ossible。
句意:人类的大脑就像需要锻炼才能变得更强壮的人一样。根据“Human brains are like persons...”以及首字母提示可知,这是一个定语从句,从句中缺少主语,指代persons。故填(w)ho。
七、综合填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
Many teenagers don’t get along well with their parents and they don’t know what to do. If you face such a problem, what I’m saying now might be h____56____ to you.
Have you ever thought of t____57____ to your parents to find out why you don’t get along well with each other When I was a teenager, I didn’t get on well with my parents, e____58____. We sometimes argued(争吵) with each other. I am sorry that I had such an e____59____. Now I’m a mother of four girls. Of course we have different opinions, but I encourage them to communicate with me openly and honestly. In this way I make sure that they t____60____ me and come to me for anything. As a r____61____, we get along very well.
Arguing with your parents will make them angry and you won’t feel good. Also, remember that the most important thing is to solve problems. Try your best to be calm. If you cannot control your f____62____, you can go to a doctor or your teacher who could give you a____63____ on your problem.
Remember that your parents love you. Sometimes they do something that you find h____64____ to understand. For example, you may want to be a singer in the future, but your parents want you to do something else. If s____65____, try to think in their shoes.
Life is too short and family is important! Try your best to get along well with your parents.
【答案】56. (h)elpful
57. (t)alking
58. (e)ither
59. (e)xperience
60. (t)rust
61. (r)esult
62. (f)eelings
63. (a)dvice
64. (h)ard 65. (s)o
句意:如果你面临这样的问题,我现在所说的可能对你有帮助。根据“If you face such a problem”和首字母提示可知,就问题提出建议,helpful“有帮助的”符合语境,在句中作表语,故填(h)elpful。
句意:你有没有想过和你的父母谈谈,找出你们相处不好的原因?根据后文“but I encourage them to communicate with me openly and honestly”可知,是建议与父母沟通,talk to sb“与某人交谈”,介词of后用动名词作宾语,故填(t)alking。
句意:当我十几岁的时候,我和我的父母也相处得不好。根据“We sometimes argued with each other.”可知,作者也会跟父母争吵,此处表示“也”,用在否定句中,用either,故填(e)ither。
句意:我很抱歉我有这样的经历。根据“We sometimes argued with each other. I am sorry that I had such an e…”可知,作者因为这种经历感到抱歉,experience“经历”符合语境,此前有an修饰,故填(e)xperience。
句意:这样我就能确保他们信任我,无论什么事都来找我。根据“In this way I make sure that they t…me and come to me for anything.”可知,无论什么事都来找我,所以是信任我,trust“信任”符合语境,故填(t)rust。
句意:结果,我们相处得很好。根据“As a r…, we get along very well.”可知,此处是as a result短语,意为“结果”,故填(r)esult。
句意:如果你不能控制你的情绪,你可以去看医生或你的老师,他们可以给你的问题的建议。根据“Try your best to be calm.”可知,要尽最大努力冷静,所以是控制自己的情绪,feeling“感觉,情绪”符合语境,此处表示复数含义,使用名词复数形式,故填(f)eelings。
句意:如果你不能控制你的情绪,你可以去看医生或你的老师,他们可以给你的问题的建议。根据“you can go to a doctor or your teacher who could give you a…on your problem”可知,是向医生或老师寻求建议,advice“建议”,不可数名词,作动词的宾语,故填(a)dvice。
句意:有时他们会做一些你很难理解的事情。根据“Sometimes they do something that you find h…to understand.”可知,有时父母会做我们难理解的事,hard“难的”,作不定代词的后置定语,故填(h)ard。
句意:如果是这样,试着换位思考。根据“If s…, try to think in their shoes.”可知,跟父母沟通,互相理解,if so“如果是这样”,故填(s)o。
七、综合填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
The radio and television are very important in the world today. People can see them e___66___. A lot of people w___67___ TV. They even sit in f___68___ of TV every day, especially at weekends. The TV is, of course, more u___69___ than the radio. On TV you can see and hear w___70___ is happening in the world. You may think that there are more people watching TV than l___71___ to the radio. H___72___, according to a recent survey(调查), about half of the people said their radio listening habits haven’t changed during the past y___73___, and 21% said they were even listening m___74___. More men than women are now listening to the Internet radio, although(尽管)that s___75___ to change.
【答案】66. (e)verywhere
67. (w)atch
68. (f)ront
69. (u)seful
70. (w)hat 71. (l)istening
72. (H)owever
73. (y)ears
74. (m)ore 75. (s)eems
句意:人们可以到处看到它们。根据“The radio and television are very important in the world today”可知,收音机和电视在现在很重要,人们到处都可以看见,everywhere“到处”,故填(e)verywhere。
句意:许多人看电视。watch TV“看电视”,此句是一般现在时,主语是复数形式,动词用原形,故填(w)atch。
句意:他们甚至每天都坐在电视机前,尤其是在周末。根据“sit in … of TV”及首字母可知,此处指坐在电视机前,in front of“在……前面”,故填(f)ront。
句意:电视当然比收音机更有用。根据“On TV you can see and hear … is happening in the world”可知,在电视上你可以看见和听见世界上正在发生的事情,所以电视更有用,useful“有用的”,故填(u)seful。
句意:你可能认为看电视的人比听收音机的人多。listen to“听”,listen to the radio“听收音机”,根据“watching TV”可知,listen也用ing形式,故填(l)istening。
句意:然而,根据最近的一项调查,大约一半的人说他们听收音机的习惯在过去的几年里没有改变。“about half of the people said their radio listening habits haven’t changed during the past ”与前文是转折关系,此空位于句首,且空格后有逗号隔开,应填however表示“然而”,故填(H)owever。
句意:然而,根据最近的一项调查,大约一半的人说他们听收音机的习惯在过去的几年里没有改变。根据“during the past”及首字母可知,此处指在过去的几年里,year“年”,此空应填复数形式,故填(y)ears。
句意:21%的人说他们听的更多了。根据“21% said they were even listening”及首字母可知,此处指收音机听得更多了,故填(m)ore。
句意:现在听网络广播的男性多于女性,尽管这种情况似乎正在改变。根据“although(尽管)that …to chang”及首字母可知,尽管这种现象似乎在改变,seem“似乎”,此句是一般现在时,that是单数形式,动词用三单,故填(s)eems。



