
Chinese Astronaut Bridges Gender(性别)Gap
Wang Yaping, a 41-year-old female(女性) astronaut became the first Chinese woman to enter China’s space station. China’s landmark six-month journey in space has increased a lot of curiosity about the differences between male and female astronauts.
“Astronauts need to meet high physical and emotional standards, so female astronauts will not be exception(特例)from this expectation,” said Pang Zhihao, a spaceflight researcher in Beijing.
“Different from many people’s opinion that it is inconvenient for women to take part in long-term spaceflights, female astronauts actually have many advantages over their male partners in space missions,” Pang said.
Researches on missions with female members in the past have found many physiological indices(生理指数)in women are better than those in males. They are more likely to stay away from iron poisoning, irregular heartbeat and other illnesses.
“Women are usually more careful and normally better at communicating. These advantages are useful in space flights. The presence of a female astronaut brings more possibilities for the mission,” Pang said, saying he looks forward to Wang’s success.
“This is not only an honor, but also a chance for us to research the various advantages female astronauts have when walking into the space,” Pang said. “Their generally smaller size is an advantage, as they’ll be able to control their weight better and, as a result, perform a wider variety of tasks.”
In addition, astronauts often do indoor experiments, and Wang Yaping is not different there. “She plans to study aerospace medicine and space life to prepare future female astronauts for long-term stays in space,” Pang said, “As part of her mission, she is glad to give her second space-based speech during her stay, encouraging young people to go for their space dreams.”
In order to provide a comfortable living environment for her journey, Tianzhou 3, a spacecraft carrying supplies to the China space station, has sent some necessary supplies that keep her clean and healthy. A special spacesuit was also prepared for Wang’s outdoor activities, lighter than the male’s.
27. What can we know about female astronauts from Para. 2-6
A. They are worse at communicating than males. B. They can do fewer dangerous tasks than males.
C. They have a more proper size than males generally. D. They are more likely to have an illness than males.
28. What does Wang Yaping need to do like male astronauts
A. She gives the second space-based speech. B. She studies Chinese medicine and space life.
C. She provides a comfortable living environment. D. She meets high physical and emotional standards.
29. What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage
A. To stress the importance of sending more female astronauts. B. To discuss the problems that female astronauts probably meet.
C. To show the advantages that female astronauts have over males. D. To remind us of the risk of finishing tasks for female astronauts.
Can family be your secret to language learning success
If you want to get into language learning but haven’t managed it on your own yet, learning with your family might be just the extra motivation (动力) you need and one of the most effective and easiest ways.
Why do we learn language as a family
Learning a language as a family can help add motivation. If your family is competitive, the desire to be the best might make you study even harder than you learn alone.
Learning as a family gives you built-in conversation partners. Practice is important when learning a language, but you can’t always have a native-level language exchange partner at the ready. However, if you have a family full of other language learners, you can work in a little conversation practice whenever you have a moment.
Learning a language as a family is also a fun group activity. Everyone loves a game night or movie night. It’s a fun way to break up the daily routine and reconnect with those you love. Maybe it would be much better to learn a language while spending an interesting night with your family.
How do we start learning a language as a family
Keep it real. If your family loves cooking together, you can start by learning words and phrases for foods and kitchen tasks, and you can make shopping lists in the target (目标) language.
Take notes. Language isn’t just speaking; it’s reading and writing, too. Encourage your family to text each other in your target language. You could also surprise each other with notes on pillows, bathroom mirrors, inside dresser drawers—any place your family will find them.
Game the language. Your family can try playing board or card games that are popular in foreign countries where people speak the target language.
Plan a movie night. Watching movies in the target language can help you get a feel for the language as it’s used by native speakers. You can set the subtitles (字幕) to the target language, so you can see the words you’re hearing as you watch.
Let’s make it a habit to learn a language in our family. Then we could spend our spare time productively and make a great difference.
27. According to the passage, learning a language as a family _________.
A. makes us have less interest in communicating with family members
B. keeps us from talking with native-level language exchange partners
C. helps us remain the family routine as usual through group activities
D. offers us extra opportunities to practice language whenever possible
28. According to the writer’s suggestions, we can _________.
A. have language learning involved into family’s kitchen tasks
B. hide the target language subtitles in a movie while watching
C. surprise the family by painting a picture on a bathroom mirror
D. play popular card games in other countries in our native language
29. What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage
A. To compare different ideas on how to learn a language as a family.
B. To introduce the achievements of learning a language in a family.
C To explain why learning a language has many benefits for a family.
D. To call on us to make language learning part of a family’s activity.
Cathy Hackl’s son wanted to celebrate his ninth birthday, but he didn’t ask for a party or gifts. He asked if he could hold the celebration on Roblox, a digital platform (数码平台) where users can play and create games. He and his friends wouldn’t meet in person—they would attend the party online.
“They hung out and played and they went to other different games together,” Hackl says. “It happens in a virtual (虚拟的) space but it’s very real to my son.”
Roblox is part of the metaverse (虚拟世界), a “place” similar to the real world. Today, millions of people spend hours a day in online communities. We enter the metaverse through virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), or simply on a screen. These experiences allow a stronger connection between our digital and physical lives. But these two worlds are already mixed together, no headset (头戴式视图器) required. Think about the Google Map. It uses location data to help people find the best way to a place.
The metaverse is part of the Internet. And there are plenty of Internet problems. For example, the personal information may be stolen. These suggest how challenging a future in the metaverse could be. However, many people believe the metaverse has real benefits. They say it can enlarge social networks.
Hackl is a metaverse expert. She’s also Latina (拉丁美洲裔女性). “We need to see people like me in these public-facing roles,” she says. “You can inspire a lot more people to join and say, ‘Hey, I am welcome and highly valued in this metaverse world. I’m sure I can build a different life.’” For those who are already spending part of their life in the metaverse, that building has begun.
Carrie Tatsu runs a business in the metaverse. But she wants her kids to spend as much time as possible in the real world. “It’s so important for humans to be with humans in real life,” she says. “I think that as kids grow up in this space, there must be some outlets for them to be connected with the real world, like tasting the delicious food, feeling the warm light on the face, having a face-to-face conversation with a real friend…any activity that can help them leave the virtual space and share their ideas in real life. Even though you can create a virtual world online, it is not the same as the real one.”
30. What can we learn from the passage
A. Teens can meet and hang out with friends in person on Roblox.
B. It’s difficult to have a metaverse experience without VR or AR.
C. The Google Map offers people a social experience with a headset.
D. The metaverse brings people real-life experiences on digital platforms.
31. Cathy Hackl probably agrees that _________.
A. customers will have better shopping experience in the metaverse
B. as part of the Internet, the metaverse could have a challenging future
C. the metaverse can help her become popular and improve self-confidence
D. it’s more important for people to interact with each other in the real world
32. The word “outlets” in Paragraph 6 probably means “_________”.
A. duties to care and live B. ways to express feelings or energy
C. rules to play and speak D. messages to receive or pass on
33. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage
A. What is the future of the metaverse B. Is the social network disappearing
C. What has the metaverse brought to us D. Is the social network important for teens
Do you ever feel like you are running from one activity to another, or studying a mad rush of one subject after another
When things happen at such a fast pace (节奏), it is easy to lose sight of what you are doing, or what you are learning. It is important to stop yourself every now and then to think about what you’ve been doing or learning.
Self reflection means stopping the mad rush of activity and calming yourself and your mind so your brain can weigh the information it has already received. Some people prefer to do their self reflections in their minds, while others keep written notes. Either method can work, depending on what your own personal style is. Whether thought or written, the process is the same.
School textbooks are often divided into units. This can make it easier for someone who wants to begin the process of self reflection to get started. Watch for the times when you complete a unit in any subject you are learning: math, history, science, or any other topic. Sometimes you are reminded that the unit is over because there is some kind of test.
Use these natural breaks as opportunities to stop and reflect. Find a quiet place. This can even be sitting at your desk at school when you finish something early and the other students are still working. If you are going to take notes, take out a piece of paper or your reflection notebook. Take down some quick notes on things that you learned in this unit that you did not know before you began. Let your mind think over the notes you have written and make some connections.
Sometimes just stopping to think deeply allows your brain to make connections so that new information can be quickly recalled (回想起) when you need it again. Next, think about things that you still wonder. For example, maybe you learned a new way to solve a math problem, but you’re not sure when to use it. Writing down your questions will help you remember to continue looking for answers the next time you come across the same topic.
Self reflection is an essential (必不可少的) skill for a successful student. If you have never taken time to reflect, try it now.
27. What do you have to do for self reflection
A. To divide your textbook into some small parts.
B. To take down some notes quickly and carefully.
C. To calm your mind and make some connections.
D. To get fully prepared for the test at the end of a unit.
28. What can we learn about self reflection from the passage
A. It needs a quiet and comfortable place.
B. It is a must for a successful student.
C. It can help solve all the problems.
D It depends on the same method.
29. What is the writer’s purpose in writing this passage
A. To prove the necessity of self reflection.
B. To introduce some effective ways to do self reflection.
C. To encourage students to try self reflection and become successful.
D. To argue the importance of self reflection to students’ development.
People can travel without much money by staying in other people’s house. Sometimes the travelers may sleep for a few nights on other people’s couch (沙发) for free. This way of travelling is called couch surfing.
Couch Surfing. org is an organization that connects travelers all around the world. Members of it can find a place to stay when they travel or share their homes and hometowns with travelers from other places. In this way strangers can help strangers in order to make the world a better place.
The organization has millions of members in 238 different countries and it has changed the way of travel forever. Jamie from Australia has traveled in this way all over the world. “When I traveled before, I used to find a cheap hotel to save money, now I stay in really nice houses and apartments. But the best thing isn’t the free living condition, it’s the people you meet. A couch surfing host will usually cook you a meal which helps break the ice. Then they’ll often introduce you to their friends and take you to the places they enjoy. Couch surfing allows you to experience a country and its culture.”
Why do people agree to let a stranger sleep on their couch Delphine, an experienced host from Paris, has an answer. “They say that money makes the world go round but I try to help people go round the world without much money!” She says with a smile. So far, she has received more than 100 travelers. “I enjoy meeting people from different cultures and I’ve made friends from all over the world,” says Delphine, who is also a professional cook. “And of course, I like sharing French food with them. Usually, my guests love trying it but I’ve had problems sometimes. Once I cooked roast lamb (烤羊肉) for a guest but unfortunately, when she got here, she told me she was only used to eating vegetables!”
The idea of travelling the world for free has even been made into a TV series. Alex and Zsolt from the US set out with no money at all. They relied on social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter to ask for help. They say, “wherever we went we were always provided with food. All over the world, food is a common bond (纽带).” They travelled sixteen different countries and the results were turned into the TV show Around the World for free.
27. What can you know about couch surfing
A. It’s an organization that provides cheap hotels.
B. It’s a way for people to make money with their couches.
C. Travelers may travel with less money with strangers’ help.
D. Travelers consider it the most important way to travel today.
28. Why does Delphine like being a couch surfing host
A. She is a professional French cook.
B. She enjoys traveling.
C. She expects to be famous.
D. She wants to help people go round the world.
29. Alex discovered that all over the world ________.
A. food brings people together
B. it’s not easy to travel without money
C. people enjoy their free-living condition
D. a host usually cooks a meal to break the ice(北京专用)英语九年级上学期期末历年真题分项汇编
Chinese Astronaut Bridges Gender(性别)Gap
Wang Yaping, a 41-year-old female(女性) astronaut became the first Chinese woman to enter China’s space station. China’s landmark six-month journey in space has increased a lot of curiosity about the differences between male and female astronauts.
“Astronauts need to meet high physical and emotional standards, so female astronauts will not be exception(特例)from this expectation,” said Pang Zhihao, a spaceflight researcher in Beijing.
“Different from many people’s opinion that it is inconvenient for women to take part in long-term spaceflights, female astronauts actually have many advantages over their male partners in space missions,” Pang said.
Researches on missions with female members in the past have found many physiological indices(生理指数)in women are better than those in males. They are more likely to stay away from iron poisoning, irregular heartbeat and other illnesses.
“Women are usually more careful and normally better at communicating. These advantages are useful in space flights. The presence of a female astronaut brings more possibilities for the mission,” Pang said, saying he looks forward to Wang’s success.
“This is not only an honor, but also a chance for us to research the various advantages female astronauts have when walking into the space,” Pang said. “Their generally smaller size is an advantage, as they’ll be able to control their weight better and, as a result, perform a wider variety of tasks.”
In addition, astronauts often do indoor experiments, and Wang Yaping is not different there. “She plans to study aerospace medicine and space life to prepare future female astronauts for long-term stays in space,” Pang said, “As part of her mission, she is glad to give her second space-based speech during her stay, encouraging young people to go for their space dreams.”
In order to provide a comfortable living environment for her journey, Tianzhou 3, a spacecraft carrying supplies to the China space station, has sent some necessary supplies that keep her clean and healthy. A special spacesuit was also prepared for Wang’s outdoor activities, lighter than the male’s.
27. What can we know about female astronauts from Para. 2-6
A. They are worse at communicating than males. B. They can do fewer dangerous tasks than males.
C. They have a more proper size than males generally. D. They are more likely to have an illness than males.
28. What does Wang Yaping need to do like male astronauts
A. She gives the second space-based speech. B. She studies Chinese medicine and space life.
C. She provides a comfortable living environment. D. She meets high physical and emotional standards.
29. What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage
A. To stress the importance of sending more female astronauts. B. To discuss the problems that female astronauts probably meet.
C. To show the advantages that female astronauts have over males. D. To remind us of the risk of finishing tasks for female astronauts.
【答案】27. C 28. D 29. C
细节理解题。根据短文第六段““Their generally smaller size is an advantage, as they’ll be able to control their weight better and, as a result, perform a wider variety of tasks.””可知,女性一般比男性体形更小,他们可以更好地控制自己的体重,因此,可以执行更广泛的任务。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第二段““Astronauts need to meet high physical and emotional standards, so female astronauts will not be exception(特例)from this expectation,” said Pang Zhihao, a spaceflight researcher in Beijing.”可知,像男宇航员一样,女宇航员也需要满足高身体和情绪上的标准。故选D。
主旨大意题。短文从中国第一位进入空间站的女宇航员王亚平引入关于女性宇航员的话题,短文第三段““Different from many people’s opinion that it is inconvenient for women to take part in long-term spaceflights, female astronauts actually have many advantages over their male partners in space missions,” Pang said.”点明了文章的主旨,文章主要是告诉我们女性宇航员比男性宇航员更有优势。故选C。
Can family be your secret to language learning success
If you want to get into language learning but haven’t managed it on your own yet, learning with your family might be just the extra motivation (动力) you need and one of the most effective and easiest ways.
Why do we learn language as a family
Learning a language as a family can help add motivation. If your family is competitive, the desire to be the best might make you study even harder than you learn alone.
Learning as a family gives you built-in conversation partners. Practice is important when learning a language, but you can’t always have a native-level language exchange partner at the ready. However, if you have a family full of other language learners, you can work in a little conversation practice whenever you have a moment.
Learning a language as a family is also a fun group activity. Everyone loves a game night or movie night. It’s a fun way to break up the daily routine and reconnect with those you love. Maybe it would be much better to learn a language while spending an interesting night with your family.
How do we start learning a language as a family
Keep it real. If your family loves cooking together, you can start by learning words and phrases for foods and kitchen tasks, and you can make shopping lists in the target (目标) language.
Take notes. Language isn’t just speaking; it’s reading and writing, too. Encourage your family to text each other in your target language. You could also surprise each other with notes on pillows, bathroom mirrors, inside dresser drawers—any place your family will find them.
Game the language. Your family can try playing board or card games that are popular in foreign countries where people speak the target language.
Plan a movie night. Watching movies in the target language can help you get a feel for the language as it’s used by native speakers. You can set the subtitles (字幕) to the target language, so you can see the words you’re hearing as you watch.
Let’s make it a habit to learn a language in our family. Then we could spend our spare time productively and make a great difference.
27. According to the passage, learning a language as a family _________.
A. makes us have less interest in communicating with family members
B. keeps us from talking with native-level language exchange partners
C. helps us remain the family routine as usual through group activities
D. offers us extra opportunities to practice language whenever possible
28. According to the writer’s suggestions, we can _________.
A. have language learning involved into family’s kitchen tasks
B. hide the target language subtitles in a movie while watching
C. surprise the family by painting a picture on a bathroom mirror
D. play popular card games in other countries in our native language
29. What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage
A. To compare different ideas on how to learn a language as a family.
B. To introduce the achievements of learning a language in a family.
C To explain why learning a language has many benefits for a family.
D. To call on us to make language learning part of a family’s activity.
【答案】27. D 28. A 29. D
细节理解题。根据“However, if you have a family full of other language learners, you can work in a little conversation practice whenever you have a moment.”可知,如果家里有很多其他的语言学习者,我们可以在有时间的时候进行一些对话练习,也就是说作为一个家庭学习一门语言为我们提供了尽可能练习语言的额外机会。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“If your family loves cooking together, you can start by learning words and phrases for foods and kitchen tasks, and you can make shopping lists in the target (目标) language.”可知,如果家人喜欢一起做饭,我们可以从学习有关食物和厨房任务的单词和短语开始,也可以用目标语言制作购物清单,也就是说我们可以让语言学习融入家庭的厨房任务。故选A。
推理判断题。根据“Let’s make it a habit to learn a language in our family.”和通读全文可知,本文讲述了全家一起学习语言的好处和方法,由此可知作者写这篇文章是为了呼吁我们把语言学习作为家庭活动的一部分。故选D。
Cathy Hackl’s son wanted to celebrate his ninth birthday, but he didn’t ask for a party or gifts. He asked if he could hold the celebration on Roblox, a digital platform (数码平台) where users can play and create games. He and his friends wouldn’t meet in person—they would attend the party online.
“They hung out and played and they went to other different games together,” Hackl says. “It happens in a virtual (虚拟的) space but it’s very real to my son.”
Roblox is part of the metaverse (虚拟世界), a “place” similar to the real world. Today, millions of people spend hours a day in online communities. We enter the metaverse through virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), or simply on a screen. These experiences allow a stronger connection between our digital and physical lives. But these two worlds are already mixed together, no headset (头戴式视图器) required. Think about the Google Map. It uses location data to help people find the best way to a place.
The metaverse is part of the Internet. And there are plenty of Internet problems. For example, the personal information may be stolen. These suggest how challenging a future in the metaverse could be. However, many people believe the metaverse has real benefits. They say it can enlarge social networks.
Hackl is a metaverse expert. She’s also Latina (拉丁美洲裔女性). “We need to see people like me in these public-facing roles,” she says. “You can inspire a lot more people to join and say, ‘Hey, I am welcome and highly valued in this metaverse world. I’m sure I can build a different life.’” For those who are already spending part of their life in the metaverse, that building has begun.
Carrie Tatsu runs a business in the metaverse. But she wants her kids to spend as much time as possible in the real world. “It’s so important for humans to be with humans in real life,” she says. “I think that as kids grow up in this space, there must be some outlets for them to be connected with the real world, like tasting the delicious food, feeling the warm light on the face, having a face-to-face conversation with a real friend…any activity that can help them leave the virtual space and share their ideas in real life. Even though you can create a virtual world online, it is not the same as the real one.”
30. What can we learn from the passage
A. Teens can meet and hang out with friends in person on Roblox.
B. It’s difficult to have a metaverse experience without VR or AR.
C. The Google Map offers people a social experience with a headset.
D. The metaverse brings people real-life experiences on digital platforms.
31. Cathy Hackl probably agrees that _________.
A. customers will have better shopping experience in the metaverse
B. as part of the Internet, the metaverse could have a challenging future
C. the metaverse can help her become popular and improve self-confidence
D. it’s more important for people to interact with each other in the real world
32. The word “outlets” in Paragraph 6 probably means “_________”.
A. duties to care and live B. ways to express feelings or energy
C. rules to play and speak D. messages to receive or pass on
33. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage
A. What is the future of the metaverse B. Is the social network disappearing
C. What has the metaverse brought to us D. Is the social network important for teens
【答案】30. D 31. C 32. B 33. C
推理判断题。根据“He asked if he could hold the celebration on Roblox, a digital platform (数码平台) where users can play and create games.”和“Roblox is part of the metaverse”可知,Cathy Hackl的儿子想要在数码平台Roblox举办生日聚会,而Roblox是虚拟世界的一部分,由此可知虚拟世界在数码平台上带给人们真实的体验。故选D。
推理判断题。根据“You can inspire a lot more people to join and say, ‘Hey, I am welcome and highly valued in this metaverse world. I’m sure I can build a different life.’”可知,在虚拟世界中你可以鼓励更多人说自己是受欢迎的,被高度重视的,且相信自己能创造一个不一样的人生,由此可知Cathy Hackl可能同意虚拟世界可以帮助她变得受欢迎,提高自信。故选C。
词义猜测题。根据“there must be some outlets for them to be connected with the real world, like tasting the delicious food, feeling the warm light on the face, having a face-to-face conversation with a real friend”可知,他们必须有一些与现实世界联系的渠道,比如品尝美味的食物,感受脸上的温暖,与真正的朋友面对面交谈,“outlets”应是“表达感情或能量的方式”。故选B。
Do you ever feel like you are running from one activity to another, or studying a mad rush of one subject after another
When things happen at such a fast pace (节奏), it is easy to lose sight of what you are doing, or what you are learning. It is important to stop yourself every now and then to think about what you’ve been doing or learning.
Self reflection means stopping the mad rush of activity and calming yourself and your mind so your brain can weigh the information it has already received. Some people prefer to do their self reflections in their minds, while others keep written notes. Either method can work, depending on what your own personal style is. Whether thought or written, the process is the same.
School textbooks are often divided into units. This can make it easier for someone who wants to begin the process of self reflection to get started. Watch for the times when you complete a unit in any subject you are learning: math, history, science, or any other topic. Sometimes you are reminded that the unit is over because there is some kind of test.
Use these natural breaks as opportunities to stop and reflect. Find a quiet place. This can even be sitting at your desk at school when you finish something early and the other students are still working. If you are going to take notes, take out a piece of paper or your reflection notebook. Take down some quick notes on things that you learned in this unit that you did not know before you began. Let your mind think over the notes you have written and make some connections.
Sometimes just stopping to think deeply allows your brain to make connections so that new information can be quickly recalled (回想起) when you need it again. Next, think about things that you still wonder. For example, maybe you learned a new way to solve a math problem, but you’re not sure when to use it. Writing down your questions will help you remember to continue looking for answers the next time you come across the same topic.
Self reflection is an essential (必不可少的) skill for a successful student. If you have never taken time to reflect, try it now.
27. What do you have to do for self reflection
A. To divide your textbook into some small parts.
B. To take down some notes quickly and carefully.
C. To calm your mind and make some connections.
D. To get fully prepared for the test at the end of a unit.
28. What can we learn about self reflection from the passage
A. It needs a quiet and comfortable place.
B. It is a must for a successful student.
C. It can help solve all the problems.
D It depends on the same method.
29. What is the writer’s purpose in writing this passage
A. To prove the necessity of self reflection.
B. To introduce some effective ways to do self reflection.
C. To encourage students to try self reflection and become successful.
D. To argue the importance of self reflection to students’ development.
【答案】27. C 28. B 29. C
细节理解题。根据原文“Self reflection means stopping the mad rush of activity and calming yourself and your mind … Let your mind think over the notes you have written and make some connections”可知,要自省就必须让头脑平静下来并且将自己的反思联系起来。故选C。
细节理解题。根据原文“Self reflection is an essential (必不可少的) skill for a successful student”可知,自省是成功学生必不可少的技能。故选B。
推理判断题。根据原文“If you have never taken time to reflect, try it now”可知,作者的写作目的是鼓励学生尝试自省并取得成功。故选C。
People can travel without much money by staying in other people’s house. Sometimes the travelers may sleep for a few nights on other people’s couch (沙发) for free. This way of travelling is called couch surfing.
Couch Surfing. org is an organization that connects travelers all around the world. Members of it can find a place to stay when they travel or share their homes and hometowns with travelers from other places. In this way strangers can help strangers in order to make the world a better place.
The organization has millions of members in 238 different countries and it has changed the way of travel forever. Jamie from Australia has traveled in this way all over the world. “When I traveled before, I used to find a cheap hotel to save money, now I stay in really nice houses and apartments. But the best thing isn’t the free living condition, it’s the people you meet. A couch surfing host will usually cook you a meal which helps break the ice. Then they’ll often introduce you to their friends and take you to the places they enjoy. Couch surfing allows you to experience a country and its culture.”
Why do people agree to let a stranger sleep on their couch Delphine, an experienced host from Paris, has an answer. “They say that money makes the world go round but I try to help people go round the world without much money!” She says with a smile. So far, she has received more than 100 travelers. “I enjoy meeting people from different cultures and I’ve made friends from all over the world,” says Delphine, who is also a professional cook. “And of course, I like sharing French food with them. Usually, my guests love trying it but I’ve had problems sometimes. Once I cooked roast lamb (烤羊肉) for a guest but unfortunately, when she got here, she told me she was only used to eating vegetables!”
The idea of travelling the world for free has even been made into a TV series. Alex and Zsolt from the US set out with no money at all. They relied on social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter to ask for help. They say, “wherever we went we were always provided with food. All over the world, food is a common bond (纽带).” They travelled sixteen different countries and the results were turned into the TV show Around the World for free.
27. What can you know about couch surfing
A. It’s an organization that provides cheap hotels.
B. It’s a way for people to make money with their couches.
C. Travelers may travel with less money with strangers’ help.
D. Travelers consider it the most important way to travel today.
28. Why does Delphine like being a couch surfing host
A. She is a professional French cook.
B. She enjoys traveling.
C. She expects to be famous.
D. She wants to help people go round the world.
29. Alex discovered that all over the world ________.
A. food brings people together
B. it’s not easy to travel without money
C. people enjoy their free-living condition
D. a host usually cooks a meal to break the ice
【答案】27. C 28. D 29. A
细节理解题。根据“People can travel without much money by staying in other people’s house. Sometimes the travelers may sleep for a few nights on other people’s couch (沙发) for free.”和“In this way strangers can help strangers in order to make the world a better place.”可知,沙发旅行可以让旅行者在陌生人的帮助下,花更少的钱旅行。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“They say that money makes the world go round but I try to help people go round the world without much money!”可知,Delphine成为一个沙发旅行的主人,是因为她想帮助那些没有多少钱的人环游世界。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“wherever we went we were always provided with food. All over the world, food is a common bond (纽带).”可知,Alex发现食物是一个纽带,把全世界的人连接在一起。故选A。




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