Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?期末复习学案(无答案)

期末复习之 unit 8
1. *sandwich ['s nw t ] n. 三明治
2. *butter ['b t r] n. 黄油,奶油
3. *turkey ['t rki] n. 火鸡
4. *lettuce ['let s] n. 莴苣,生菜
5. piece [pi s] n. 件;篇;片;块
6. Thanksgiving [,θ ks'ɡ v ] n. 感恩节
7. traditional [tr 'd nl] adj. 传统的
8. *autumn [' t m] n. 秋天;成熟期;渐衰期,凋落期adj. 秋天的,秋季的
9. traveler ['tr vl ] n. 旅行者
10. *England [' ɡl nd] n. 英格兰;英国
11. celebrate ['sel bre t] v. 庆祝;庆贺
12. mix [m ks] vt. 配制;混淆;使混和;使结交
13. *pepper ['pep r] n. 胡椒粉;辣椒
14. fill [f l] vt. 装满,使充满
15. *oven [' vn] n. 烤箱;烤炉
16. *plate [plet] n. 碟;金属板
17. cover ['k v r] n. 遮盖物;盖子 v. 遮盖;覆盖
18. *gravy ['ɡre vi] n. 肉汁;肉汤
19. *serve [s rv] v. 接待,服务
20. temperature ['tempr t r] n. 温度,气候
21. shake [ ek] vt. 动摇;摇动;震动
22. *blender['blend r] n. 搅拌器;果汁机
23. *peel [pi l] vt. 剥落;削皮
24. *pour [p r] v. 倒;倾倒
25. *yogurt ['j ɡ rt] n. 酸奶
26. *honey ['h ni] n. 蜂蜜
27. *watermelon ['w t rmel n] n. 西瓜
28. *spoon [spu n] n. 勺,调羹
29. *pot [pt] n. 壶;盆;罐
30. add [ d] v. 增加
31. finally ['fa n li] adv. 最后,最终
32. *salt [s lt] n. 盐
33. *sugar[' ɡ r] n. 糖
34. *cheese [t i z] n. 干酪,奶酪
35. *popcorn ['pɑ pk rn] n. 爆米花
36. *corn [k rn] n.玉米,谷物
37. machine [m ' i n] n.机器
38. dig [d ɡ] vt. 挖,掘;vi. 挖掘
39. hole n. 洞,孔
1.打开turn on
2.切碎 cut up
3.倒进 pour… into…
4.放进 put…into…
5.添加 add…to…
6.制作水果沙拉make fruit salad
7.做罗宋汤make Russian soup
8.做牛肉面make beef noodles
9.在那之后 after that
10.还有一件事one more thing
11.半杯half a cup
12.一片面包a piece of bread
13.这时at this time
14.吃一顿大餐have a big meal
15.在秋天in autumn/fall
16.为某事感谢give thanks for (doing) sth.
17.为某人端上菜serve sth. to sb.
18.该做某事的时间 It’s a time to do sth.
19.从图书馆拿书 take out books from the library
20.再10分钟 another 10 minutes=10 more minutes
1. It’s ________ in North China to eat dumplings on Chinese New Year.
A. impossible B. traditional C. personal D. serious
2. I need some _________ and ________ for the party.
A. milks; bananas B. milk; bananas C. milk; banana D. milks; banana
3. 一How can I avoid (避免) the illness, Sir
— _______ a mask when going out and wash hands with soap.
A. Wears B. To wear C. Wearing D. Wear
4. —Just put the egg into the water and cook for about ten minutes.
— __________ Very easy.
Here is it. B. That’s great. C. Here you are. D. That’s it.
5. —It’s time _______ to bed, Jack.
—No hurry, Dad. It's Saturday tomorrow and I needn't go to school.
A. go B. going C. to go D. to going
6.—What gift did you give your mum on her birthday
—A card. I didn't buy it. ______ I made it by myself.
A.Suddenly B.Exactly C.Instead D.Finally
7.Please _________ the turkey _________ the gravy on the plate and then cut it into pieces first, and then eat it.
A.pour; into B.put; on C.fill; to D.cover; with
8.—Well, ________
—Yes. There's nothing more we can do. We can go home now.
A.how do you like it so far B.what about you
C.that's it D.are you joking
9.—I'd like to know if Ted ________ back in a week.
—I'll call you when he ________ back.
A.will come; will come B.will come; comes
C.comes; will come D.comes; comes
10.It’s ________ in China to eat zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival.
A.traditional B.impossible C.peaceful D.serious
1.Shake the bottle well so that the oil ______(混合)with the vinegar.
2.She doesn’t like pure (纯的) milk. Please give her some ________(酸奶).
3.He spent some time ____ (填写) out the form.
4.Please add more ______________ (糖) to the soup. It's not sweet enough.
5.It’s best to visit our city in ______________(秋季).
6.Please___________ (倾倒)some water into the glass.
7.We need three pieces of___________ (干酪).
8.___________ (最后)we found the girl in the classroom.
9.We need two___________ (勺)of honey.
10.Don't eat too much___________ (食糖).It's bad for your health.
1.I had a glass of milk and two _________ (piece) of bread for breakfast.
2.Next you need ________ (cut) up three bananas.
3._______ (keep) the door closed and it will be warm here.
4.Do you like lettuce in ________ (sandwich)
5.He wants to be a ________ (science) when he grows up.
6.Their eyes were ________ (fill) with tears.
7.________(not run) in the street. It's dangerous.
8.As soon as he got there,he couldn't wait _______ (turn)on the computer.
9.My birthday is on the _________(four)Saturday in September.
10.__________ (one), peel some pears, and then cut them up.
The ground is _________ _________ thick snow.
_________ _________ the schoolbag _________ the floor.
We should _________ _________ for everything that our parents give us.
The box is _________ _________ all kinds of books.
You should _________ the roast duck _________ thin pieces before we eat.
Please________ ________the TV,Tom wants to watch the football game.
You must________ ________apples before you make apple juice.
Don't forget to ________ some ________.
We should________ ________for everything.
Do you want to________your name________the list
1. They need yogurt.(改为否定句)
They ___________ __________ yogurt.
2. Play the piano like this. (改为否定句)
_________ ________ the piano like this.
3. Shall we make fruit salad (改为同义句)
________ ________ fruit salad.
4. He drinks 3 cups of milk every day.(对画线部分提问)
_________ _________ milk ________ he drink every day
5. Please use the knife to cut up the apple.(改为同义句)
Please ________ _________ the apple _________ the knife.




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