Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 期末复习(无答案)

期末复习之 unit 1
1. anyone ['eniw n] pron.任何人
2. anywhere ['eniwe (r)] adv.任何地方 n.任何(一个)地方
3. wonderful ['w nd fl] adj.精彩的;极好的
4. few [fju ] adj.很少的; n.少量
5. most m st] adj.最多的;大多数的;
6. something ['s mθ ]   pron.某事物;
7. nothing ['n θ ] pron.没有什么 n.没有
8. everyone ['evriw n] pron.每人;人人
9. myself [ma 'self] pron.我自己
10. yourself [j 'self] pron.你自己;你亲自
11. hen [hen] n.母鸡;雌禽
12. pig n.猪
13. seem [si m] vi.似乎;好像
14. bored [b d] adj.无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的
15. someone ['s mw n] pron.某人;有人
16. diary ['da ri] n.日记;日记簿
17. bicycle ['ba s kl] n. 自行车 
18. building ['b ld ] n. 建筑物
19. trader ['tre d (r)] n. 商人;商船 
20. wonder ['w nd (r)] v. 惊奇;想知道;怀疑
21. difference ['d fr ns] n. 差异;不同
22. top [t p] n. 顶部;顶
23. wait [we t] v. 等;等待
24. umbrella [ m'brel ] n. 伞;雨伞
25. wet [wet] adj. 湿的;雨天的
26. below [b 'l ] prep. 低于;在 ... 下面 adv.在下面;
27. enough [ 'n f] adj. 足够的 adv.足够地;充分地
28. hungry ['h ɡri] adj. 饥饿的;渴望的
29. as [ z] conj. 如同,像 ... 一样
30. hill [hl] n. 小山;山丘
31. duck [d k] n.鸭肉;鸭 
32. dislike [d s'la k] v.不喜欢;厌恶 n.不喜爱;厌恶;反感
1.去夏令营go to summer camp(went)
2.照相take photos(took)
3.玩得开心have a good time(had)
4.记日记keep a diary(kept)
5.喂母鸡feed hens(fed)
6.看猪宝宝see baby pigs(saw)
7.骑自行车ride bicycles(rode)
8.到达顶部get to the top(got)
9.忘记要做某事forget to do sth.(forgot)
10.尝试做try doing(tried)
11.去海滩go to the beach
12.去购物go shopping
13.去爬山go to the mountains
14.去度假go on vacation
15.参观博物馆visit the museums
16.待在家里stay at home
17.为考试学习study for tests
18.相当多;不少quite a few
19.大多数时间most of the time
20.当然of course
21.在乡下in the countryside
22.独立;单独by oneself
23.到达城市arrive in the city
24.到达车站arrive at the station
25.决定做某事decide to do sth.
26.许多lots of=a lot of
27.四处走走walk around
28.等待wait for
29.太多人too many people
30.足够的钱enough money
31.一碗米饭one bowl of rice
32.北京烤鸭Beijing Duck
33.一小时之后one hour later
34.又两小时another two hours
1. We all felt ________ with the ________ vacation.
A.bored;boring B.boring;bored
C.bored;bored D.boring;boring
2. When summer comes, a lot of people feel like _____ to have fun.
A.to swim B.swim C.swam D.swimming
3. My mother often cooks _______ for us.
A.something delicious B.delicious something
C.anything delicious D.delicious anything
4. He didn't read the book______, although he had ______.
A.careful enough; enough time B.carefully enough;enough time
C.enough careful; enough time D.enough carefully; time enough
5. The fantastic music made the students______relaxed.
A.to feel B.feels C.felt D.feel
6.—I ________ up at 5 am this morning, so I am very sleepy now.
—Take good care of ________.
A.wake; you B.woke; yourself C.wake; your D.woke; you
7.—Life is the most important.
—I think so. ________ is more important than life.
A.Something B.Anything C.Nothing D.Everything
8.—Remember the first time we met, Grace
—Yes, of couse. You __________ for a bus at that time.
A.are waiting B.were waiting C.have waited D.will wait
9. I borrowed an art book ________ the library last week.
A.to B.from C.for D.of
10.— Maybe I can’t pass the English test this time, Mum.
— Don’t worry. Believe in ___________.
it B.us C.yourself D.Yours
1.You are old enough to look after ________(你自己).
2.Young children ___(似乎)very energetic(有活力的)and never feel tired.
3.There are three ________(差别)between the two pictures.
4.I couldn’t _______ (决定)where to go for vacation.
5.They rode __________ (自行车) to the countryside yesterday.
6.I bought a toy car for my brother, but nothing for ________(我自己).
7.Mr. Wang asked us to keep a ________ (日记) to practice our written English.
8.We ________(调查)100 students and most of them had no time to relax.
9.My sister ________ (收到) a present from a stranger on that day.
10.He ________(似乎)a nice man.
1.I think this is an ______ (enjoy) trip.
2._______ he ______ (visit) New York yesterday
3.—Did Tom enjoy ______ (visit) the Great Wall
—Yes, he did.
4.I fell ill and didn’t feel like ______ (eat) anything.
5.Linda decides ______ (tell) the story to her teacher.
6.My sister __________ (walk) to school every day last year.
7.Kitty______(make)some friends since she_______(come)to China last year.
8.In the past, most people here ________ (ride) bikes to work.
9.He got up late this morning, but finally he still ________ (catch) the bus.
10.Tom ________ (sweep) the floor last night.
1.I bought something in the shopping center (改为一般疑问句)
________you________________in the shopping center
2.She met someone interesting at the party. (改为否定句)
She ______ ______ ______ interesting at the party.
3.Everyone wants to talk to him.(改为否定句)
________ ________ ________ to talk to him.
4.Walt Disney created Disneyland in the USA.(改为一般疑问句)
________ Walt Disney ________ Disneyland in the USA
5.The clerk led the boy to the reception desk(改为否定句)
The clerk ________ ________ the boy to the reception desk.
6.Mary visited her aunt last weekend. (改为否定句)
Mary ________ ________ her aunt last weekend.
7.—Did you clean your room (作肯定回答)
—Yes, ________ ________.
8.I saw an interesting movie yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)
______ you ______ an interesting movie yesterday
9.There was something special in the newspaper. (改为一般疑问句)
________ ________ ________ special in the newspaper
10.Mike went to Beihai Park with his family yesterday. (对画线部分提问)
_______ _______ Mike ________ with his family yesterday
1. 好久不见!我上个月在度假。你去哪里度假了?
Long time no see . I was _______ _______ last month. Where _______ you _______ on vacation
2. 你去了什么有趣的地方吗
一Did you go ____________ _____________
--- I went to Hong Kong _______ ________ _________. We took _______ ________ ________ photos.
3. 你买了什么特别的东西吗
一Did you buy ________ _________
一I ___________ something ________ my friends, but I bought nothing ________ __________.
4. 我大部分时间只是在家读书和休息。
I just ________ ________ ________ most of the time _______ _________ and _________.
5. 唯一的问题是在晚上没事可做只有读书。然而, 似乎没人感到无聊。
The only problem was that there was _________ _________ to do in the evening but read . Still no one _______ _________ __________ bored.




下一篇:Module 4 Unit 8 Surprise endings练习 (无答案)