
Hi, boys and girls! I’m a ping-pong bat. This is a picture 1 me. I’m blue and black. You can see the 2 “STEVE”on me. 3 is Steve Well, he is my owner (主人). Steve is a middle school student. He loves 4 very much. He says it is 5 . He likes to play ping-pong with his father. His father 6 play ping-pong very well and he teaches Steve how to play it. After class, Steve always plays ping-pong with his cousin Jacob. 7 in the same class.
Steve has five ping-pong bats now, 8 he likes to draw (画画) on us. So we have nice colors. Steve 9 Ma Long is a great ping-pong player. He wants to 10 Ma Long’s autograph (亲笔签名) on his bat one day.
1.A.on B.at C.in D.of
2.A.name B.number C.card D.sport
3.A.What B.Where C.How D.Who
4.A.baseball B.tennis C.ping-pong D.soccer
5.A.tidy B.fun C.difficult D.boring
6.A.mustn’t B.must C.can’t D.can
7.A.He’s B.We’re C.You’re D.They’re
8.A.and B.but C.after D.so
9.A.loves B.think C.thanks D.meets
10.A.play B.help C.have D.know
My name is Candy. I’m in Xinhua Middle School. I’m in Class Five. There are 45 students in my class. They are kind to me. I’m happy to be 11 classmate.
I like sports. I can play ping pong 12 . It’s an easy and relaxing sport for me. I always play ping pong with my classmates 13 school. And I like to watch ping pong games on TV. My favorite ping pong 14 is Ma Long. He is a great ping pong player (运动员) in China. I can play tennis and basketball, too. I 15 doing sports is a good habit.
I 16 fruit and vegetables. They are healthy food. For breakfast, I like to have some bread and milk. I 17 lunch at school. In the afternoon, I usually (通常) have fruit salad. My favorite fruit is the 18 . I eat an apple every day. 19 my dinner I like to have vegetable salad. I don’t like ice cream. I don’t want to be a 20 girl. After dinner, I like to watch TV with my parents.
11.A.their B.her C.his D.our
12.A.good B.sure C.well D.always
13.A.under B.on C.of D.after
14.A.star B.classmate C.friend D.girl
15.A.want B.think C.get D.let
16.A.find B.ask C.watch D.love
17.A.eat B.know C.come D.call
18.A.banana B.strawberry C.apple D.pear
19.A.How about B.What color C.Where is D.Who is
20.A.healthy B.fat C.late D.right
Next to our school there is a store. It’s 21 , but there are lots of school things 22 it. Do you and your friends 23 notebooks, erasers, pens, rulers or 24 Please come to the store. They 25 those things at very good 26 . Big erasers are just one yuan each, 27 small erasers are only 0.5 yuan. The pens are just on sale 28 two yuan. Oh, I like that cartoon pencil sharpener. 29 at the price! It’s only two yuan. I’ll take 30 . Do you want school things Just come here and see for yourself.
21.A.short B.small C.long D.big
22.A.in B.of C.on D.at
23.A.have B.take C.need D.has
24.A.pencils B.watches C.clothes D.sweaters
25.A.like B.buy C.give D.sell
26.A.stores B.prices C.tables D.shops
27.A.and B.but C.so D.or
28.A.in B.at C.to D.for
29.A.Look B.Watch C.See D.Read
30.A.them B.it C.me D.you
When I am a little girl, I like my school very much. It is a sports school, 31 it also has English, music and other subjects(科目). I like sports and I 32 with my classmates every day.
At that time, I have a 33 . And I think playing soccer is 34 for me. But our school doesn’t have a girls’ soccer team(队), so I always play soccer with 35 . It is not easy to play soccer with boys every day. Luckily, Mr. Kearsley, a nice teacher, 36 me a lot. He makes me know I can be a 37 soccer player.
Kids from my old school can watch me play soccer on TV 38 . I am very happy I can make a difference(产生影响). I want 39 to love doing sports. I want them to think that soccer is not difficult for them. Soccer is easy and relaxing for me. I’m happy to 40 what I like.
31.A.but B.and C.or D.so
32.A.watch TV B.have fun C.go to school D.play computer games
33.A.tennis ball B.baseball bat C.soccer ball D.ping-pong ball
34.A.easy B.boring C.difficult D.interesting
35.A.teachers B.boys C.friends D.classmates
36.A.helps B.thanks C.excuses D.calls
37.A.tidy B.next C.great D.late
38.A.too B.here C.only D.now
39.A.them B.her C.it D.him
40.A.see B.do C.have D.find
What is your favorite subject and why do you love it For Li, he says his 41 one is advanced math (高等数学).
Li has helped his teacher teach advanced math for four 42 . He wants to make it easy to learn advanced math in his 43 . So, he likes to pick up (拿起) things like an umbrella, a bag or bread to help students learn the 44 . And students think his classes are interesting and 45 . He makes students 46 love learning advanced math. Now some of his students work as math teachers after college.
In fact (实际上), when he first starts to learn this subject, he thinks it is 47 . He doesn’t like it at all. But after learning for some time, he 48 he becomes interested in it. And he takes it as his favorite subject in the second term 49 he becomes a college student.
“Whether (无论) I’m learning or teaching advanced math, I always 50 . It is an interesting thing for me,” Li says.
41.A.next B.last C.favorite D.first
42.A.hours B.days C.weeks D.years
43.A.classes B.books C.tests D.rooms
44.A.trip B.test C.thing D.subject
45.A.cool B.long C.free D.difficult
46.A.only B.then C.really D.too
47.A.useful B.boring C.easy D.relaxing
48.A.finds B.sees C.knows D.watches
49.A.so B.and C.after D.because
50.A.ask questions B.play games C.watch TV D.have fun
Hello, boys and girls! My name is Tony Brown. 51 is my first name. Brown is my last name. I’m 52 English. White is my favorite 53 . My jacket is white and my bike is white, too. Now my parents and I are 54 Shanghai, China.
We are in a middle school in Shanghai. 55 parents are teachers in the school. I’m a student in it. I like this nice school. My family all like China very much.
In the school, a Chinese boy is my good friend. 56 is Wang Tao. Is Wang his first name No, it is his 57 name. His favorite color is 58 , too.
My telephone number is 678-9568. Do you want to be my 59 Call my 60 , please. Thanks!
51.A.Tony B.Brown C.Tony Brown D.Brown Tony
52.A.a B.the C./ D.an
53.A.key B.orange C.color D.friend
54.A.at B.on C.to D.in
55.A.My B.Your C.His D.Her
56.A.She B.He C.You D.We
57.A.last B.middle C.first D.second
58.A.black B.white C.yellow D.blue
59.A.sister B.friend C.classmate D.brother
60.A.name B.pen C.parents D.phone
I have two elder brothers, Matt and Martin. They love me very much. Perhaps it is because I am the youngest child and the 61 sister they have.
Both Matt and Martin have thick and dark hair. They look alike with their short hairstyles(发型)and big eyes. They are also very tan(晒黑的)because they enjoy outdoor sports. For example, Matt likes football and Martin is a tennis player. They are much taller than me and I always have to look up when I talk to them. They both love to 62 , so Mum often says that they could eat a horse.
Their personalities(性格)are very 63 . Matt is very active and lively. He often takes part in club activities. He also likes to play jokes on others, especially Martin! Sometimes Mum is not very 64 with Matt because he plays so much and does not listen to his teachers carefully when he is in class.
Martin, on the other hand, is the quiet one. He is less active than Matt, but he has a really close group of friends. He also does well in his 65 because he works very hard on his studies. Mum never has to worry about Martin.
61.A.first B.second C.third D.only
62.A.ride B.eat C.laugh D.cycle
63.A.important B.difficult C.dangerous D.different
64.A.worried B.honest C.happy D.angry
65.A.exams B.hobbies C.interviews D.diets
Eric: Welcome to my room(房间), Tom.
Tom: Oh, your 66 is nice.
Eric: 67 .
Tom: Is the boy 68 in the photo
Eric: Yes, it is me.
Tom: You have a big family. 69 are they in the photo
Eric: These are 70 grandparents. Those are my parents. 71 are teachers.
Tom: Wow, you have teachers at home, too. Are these 72 boys your brothers
Eric: No, they 73 . They are my cousins, Mike and Jim.
Tom: They are nice. Who’s the 74 next to(紧挨着)you
Eric: My sister, Lisa. She is 75 No. 5 Middle School. She is a good girl.
66.A.room B.school C.bike D.computer
67.A.Nice B.Thank you C.OK D.Hello
68.A.you B.your C.he D.her
69.A.What B.How C.Who D./
70.A.my B.his C.her D.your
71.A.You B.We C.She and I D.They
72.A.one B.two C.three D.four
73.A.is B.isn’t C.are D.aren’t
74.A.boy B.girl C.teacher D.friend
75.A.to B.of C.in D.for
Here’s an interesting flower (花). It has 76 colors. Every petal (花瓣) has a different color. I ask two students which of the seven colors they want. Let’s see their answers.
“I want the purple one because I love grapes (葡萄) very much. I think this petal can bring (带来) 77 lots of grapes. Maybe it can make a grape house for me,” Sun Yu 78 .
The next student Wu Chen says, “I think red is my lucky (幸运的) color. I live in my 79 home. I love her very much 80 I hope this red petal can bring good luck to her, too.”
“I love the 81 one.” answers Paul, “because it can help my sister Lily. She doesn’t like talking to others. I am her only friend. I will put this yellow petal on her table to make her happy.”
You see, different colors can really make people feel different. Which color do you want from the pedal
76.A.three B.five C.seven
77.A.me B.you C.it
78.A.asks B.says C.spells
79.A.grandma’s B.brother’s C.uncle’s
80.A.and B.but C.or
81.A.purple B.yellow C.red
Hello! I’m Jane from Canada. I like my school a lot. It’s not big 82 it’s very nice. All my teachers and classmates are 83 to me. I like 84 very much. We study English, math, art and some other 85 . Some subjects are 86 , but some of them are boring. Of all of them, I like 87 best, because I like drawing pictures. Oh, my favorite 88 are Tuesday and Friday. On these 89 days, we have art lessons. I don’t like politics 90 it’s boring and difficult.
My friend Susan 91 at my school. I often go to school with her. She likes politics. She thinks it’s easy.
82.A.but B.and C.also D.or
83.A.happy B.sorry C.kind D.glad
84.A.her B.them C.him D.us
85.A.teachers B.books C.subjects D.students
86.A.boring B.difficult C.interesting D.easy
87.A.art B.English C.math D.P.E.
88.A.weeks B.days C.years D.times
89.A.one B.two C.three D.four
90.A.so B.because C.and D.if
91.A.too is B.is too C.is also D.also is

1.D 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C
11.A 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.B
21.B 22.A 23.C 24.A 25.D 26.B 27.A 28.D 29.A 30.B
31.A 32.B 33.C 34.D 35.B 36.A 37.C 38.D 39.A 40.B
41.C 42.D 43.A 44.D 45.A 46.C 47.B 48.A 49.C 50.D
51.A 52.C 53.C 54.D 55.A 56.B 57.A 58.B 59.B 60.D
61.D 62.B 63.D 64.C 65.A
66.A 67.B 68.A 69.C 70.A 71.D 72.B 73.D 74.B 75.C
76.C 77.A 78.B 79.A 80.A 81.B
82.A 83.C 84.B 85.C 86.C 87.A 88.B 89.B 90.B 91.C



