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1.—Daniel, what is the article you are reading about
—It’s about Jonathan, ________ 190-year-old tortoise. How amazing!
A.a B./ C.the D.an
2.The Shenzhou-16 manned spaceship returned to Earth safely ________ the morning of October 31.
A.on B.at C.in D.by
3.—Whose footballs are these Are they yours
—No, they are not ours. They belong to________, the boys over there.
A.they B.their C.them D.theirs
4.— Lily, why does our teacher always ask us to practise handwriting
—Because it’s important in exams. We ________ pay too much attention to it.
A.needn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.mustn’t
5.—Mother’s Day is coming, but I don’t have enough money to buy her a gift.
—The gift needn’t be expensive. If it is full of true love, it will ________ be valuable.
A.certainly B.probably C.smoothly D.widely
6.The ________ of the island in the 20th century has made a great difference to us.
A.invention B.instruction C.method D.discovery
7.China’s Beidou System can now be directly ________ to mobile phones, so we can find where the phones are even when there’s no signal (信号).
A.connected B.pointed C.devoted D.reported
8.— Is Mr Li getting better
— Not really. ________ he is in poor health, he is still carrying out his duties.
A.Whether B.Since C.Although D.Unless
9.Now there are too many apps on the phone. For users who don’t want them, space on the phone is ________.
A.made up B.taken away C.put up D.taken up
10.There are more than 900 national wetland parks in China, and now ninety percent _____ to the public for free.
A.was open B.are opened C.has opened D.have been open
11.—Hurry up, Jason! We’re going to the cinema, but the clothes still need ________.
—Don’t worry. I think thirty minutes is enough.
A.washing B.to wash C.washed D.wash
12.The Lake of Peach Blossom is a thousand feet deep, but not ________ the friendship Wang Lun and I keep.
A.so deep as B.so deeper as C.as deeper as D.as deeply as
13.Jack’s mother always reminds him ________ his report of the project on time.
A.finish B.finished C.to finish D.finishing
14.—Only those who have a lot in common can get along well.
—________. Opposites sometimes attract.
A.I hope so B.I don’t care C.I can’t agree more D.I don’t think so
15.In the third lesson of the “Tiangong Class”, the Chinese astronauts showed the students ________.
A.whether they have grown some plants in the laboratory
B.when a water ball became “lazy” under the low gravity
C.why two T-handles(T型手柄)can “dance happily” in space
D.how did they drink water from a 2-metre-long straw(吸管)
Education is not an end, but a way to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for the 16 of educating them; our purpose is to fit them for life. As soon as we realize this fact, we will understand that it is very important to choose a good way of education which will really 17 children for life.
In many modern countries it has been fashionable for some time to think that by free education for all—whether they are rich or poor, clever or stupid, one can solve all the problems of society and 18 a perfect nation. But we can already see that 19 education for all is not enough. The number of jobs is smaller than that of people with university degrees. Some people with high degrees refused to do what they think “low” work. Working with hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries, 20 they give up choosing these jobs. They even have no work to do.
But we have to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is more important than that of a professor in some ways. We can live without 21 , but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we should get terrible diseases in our towns. In some countries there are no waiters because 22 is willing to do such work. So the professors have to waste their time 23 housework as well.
Actually, when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life, it means that we 24 be educated in such a way that—firstly, each of us can do whatever job is suitable for his brain and ability. And secondly, that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and that it is very bad to, be unwilling to do one’s work, or to laugh at someone else’s. Only such a type of education can be called 25 to society. We need to accept the needs of society as soon as possible.
16.A.purpose B.experience C.progress D.result
17.A.ask B.thank C.praise D.prepare
18.A.protect B.build C.prevent D.describe
19.A.cheap B.expensive C.free D.proper
20.A.because B.so C.unless D.if
21.A.languages B.qualities C.education D.knowledge
22.A.anybody B.nobody C.somebody D.everybody
23.A.sharing B.joining C.working D.doing
24.A.could B.can C.must D.might
25.A.valuable B.friendly C.similar D.well-known
阅读下面的三篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、 D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
Here are some introductions about part-time jobs that can make good money.
SPECIAL GROUP MEMBER Special group members take part in offline surveys. Being a part of such groups will pay you 40 to 100 an hour and you will be required to give your opinions on products ideas or services. CRAB FISHERMAN Fishing for crabs could make you richer by more than 60,000 within a few months. These are often taken up by college students to pay back the money they borrowed for their education.
LITTER COLLECTOR A litter collectors job may be looked down upon, but not any more if you know that it can pay you at least 60,000 per year. HUMAN STATUE This is an old job which requires dressing up as a cartoon character and appearing in events or theme parks. Human statues make 25 to 200 per hour.
1 If you are a child at heart and crazy about toys, then here is a job where you can experience your childhood again. Starting with 53,000, you can make lots of money by designing creative toys.
26.Which job is often taken up by college students
A.Litter collector. B.Human statue.
C.Special group member. D.Crab fisherman
27.Which of the following can be put in Blank 1
A.TV designer. B.TV watcher. C.Toy creator. D.Toy salesman.
28.Where can you most possibly read the text
A.A travel guide. B.A teen magazine. C.A comic book. D.A toy advertisement.
Bicycles have long been a kind of transport in China. In the past, only a small group of people thought cycling a sport. Now more and more people discover the joy of it.
________ Riders share their favourite routes and health tips about cycling on some apps like Xiaohongshu or Sina Weibo. On Xiaohongshu, there are more than 2.5 million posts (帖子) about cycling, and on Weibo, the topic about cycling has been viewed more than 700 million times. A bicycle company says the sales in one of its stores rose 20% to 30%, compared to the same period a year earlier. Cycling activities are also welcomed. According to the Chinese Cycling Association, at least 20 million people have joined in the sport.
People turn to cycling as more people care about their health and their demand for outdoor exercise becomes stronger. For people who have begun cycling, the sport seems to provide a good way to run away from the busy city life. It also gives them a stronger sense of being part of the natural environment. Though the sport cycling sometimes costs a lot, many cyclists think spending money on their own bodies is more valuable than on other items. More people take part in cycling as cities in China are also planning to build more cycle-only lanes (车道). Several years ago, Beijing started building the city’s first cycle-only lane. Since its opening, the lane has seen a larger daily traffic flow. Such lanes are also being built in some other cities.
29.Which of the following sentences is the most suitable for the blank (空格) in Paragraph 2
A.Cycling has a long history. B.Cycling becomes a hot topic.
C.Cycling costs a lot of money. D.Cycling brings several advantages.
30.The underlined word “demand” in Paragraph 3 means ________.
A.need B.plan C.design D.talent
31.What’s the purpose of this passage
A.It advises cities to build cycling lanes.
B.It shows the sales of cycling are going up.
C.It introduces cycling is becoming popular.
D.It recommends good cycling routes to people.
Katie was waiting for Gulliver’s calls. Instead, she just heard sparrows making noise in the bushes. “Maybe Gulliver missed the harbour.” Dad said. After breakfast, Katie took her camera to the harbour. All the colourful boats made pretty pictures, but not the one she wanted most.
Katie waved to Ernest, her uncle’s neighbour, on the boathouse. The gull’s name, Gulliver, was given by him. The gull’s size and his single leg made the bird itself different. But Ernest told Katie what Gulliver did that first summer Katie and her dad came caught everyone’s attention. Young Katie lay in her stroller (婴儿车) on the floating dock (码头) when Uncle Ralph and Dad were repairing boats nearby. The waves from the passing boat made Katie’s stroller shake strongly. “Kee-aah! Kee-aah!” Gulliver made the loudest cry. Dad and uncle rushed to Katie and stopped the stroller from falling into the water. They kept a close eye at Katie after that. Another summer Katie was three years old, she liked to touch everything. But Dad didn’t watch her every minute when she tried to catch small ducks around or fish from water. “Kee-aah! Kee-aah!” The gull’s cry brought Dad back in time. He stopped Katie as she tried to follow the small ducks running towards water. Several summers passed, and Gulliver continued to call out as Katie tried new things.
This summer Katie did the usual by-the-sea things she’d learned to do. One day, she rowed a boat out but was trapped on a rock by a storm. As she looked up and tried to catch the last warmth of the sunshine through dark clouds, she saw a single white feather. A gull feather She searched the sky for an answer. Putting her arms around knees, she closed eyes to hold in the tears (眼泪). “Kee-aah! Kee-aah!” Katie sat up. “Katie! Katie!” Soon, Dad and Uncle Ralph appeared. “How lucky! We heard Gulliver as we came around the rocks,” Uncle Ralph said, “At least… it sounded like him. Strange, he was nowhere in sight.” Katie remembered the feather. “I thought I heard him, too.”
—Adapted from the story by Gillian Richardson
32.Katie took a camera to the harbour in order to take a picture of ________.
A.Gulliver B.Ernest C.sparrows D.boats
33.What’s the right order of the following events about Katie
①She was trapped on a rock by a storm.
②She lay in her stroller on the floating dock.
③She followed the small ducks running towards water.
A.①②③ B.①③② C.②③① D.②①③
34.Which of the following can show the change of Katie’s feelings in Paragraph 3
A.sad—peaceful—excited B.sad—excited—nervous
C.helpless—hopeful—thankful D.helpless—thankful—nervous
35.What’s the best title for the story
A.Katie and Gulliver B.Katie’s Holidays
C.Katie and Dad D.Katie’s Tears
36.The Cyclingworld Europe trade show was held in ( German)from March 10 to 12.
37.The modern technology provides many new ways for people to study by (they).
38.The trees along the street were almost (blow) down by the rainstorm last night.
39.Everything keeps changing, so it is ( possible) to step into the same river twice.
40.With the help of (/ilek tr n k/) brains, people may remember anything in the future.
41.The new dictionary is not mine. It’s someone (另外,其他).
42.These hard-working scientists tried hundreds of times and finally (成功).
43.After studying several (原因) of bullying, teachers think more care should be given to teenagers.
44.Usually, people choose an (最新的) style rather than an old one at the same price.
45.These methods were used (成功地) in the design of a training program.
Reading Lu Xun’s articles has been common memories of Chinese students. Some of his articles, such as From Baicao Garden to Sanwei Study and My Old Home, are i 46 in Chinese textbooks. From his articles, we get to know classical characters like Runtu and Kong Yiji.
Lu Xun was born on Sept 25, 1881 and his r 47 name was Zhou Shuren. When he was young, Lu Xun went to Japan to study m 48 as his father died of illness. But later he decided to write articles to show the dark side of the s 49 , trying to enlighten(启蒙)common people. A 50 many years has passed, people still remember and talk about this great writer.
The year 2021 was the 140th anniversary(周年)of LuXun’s b 51 . A young singer named Chen Yan wrote a song—Daxiansheng to show respect for this great writer. Chen i 52 his grandson Zhou Lingfei to join the singing. Moreover, Chen a 53 creativity and imagination to the MV. For example, Chen imagined Lu Xun had traveled to m 54 times, and he even had a smart phone. In the MV, Chen has a face-to-face chat with him on the phone.
“People often say that Lu Xun’s works are hard to be u 55 . So I want to bring him alive with a song,” said Chen. “I believe that it is a good way to help more young people learn about Lu Xun and his works and spirit.”
Although many people read online, books have not gone out of fashion. In Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai, lucky passengers may find books somewhere on the underground.
The Fair, an online publishing company, has put 10,000 books on the underground, planes and taxis to make people more interested in reading. This project is called “Mobook”.
“Mobook” gets its idea from “Books on the Underground”, a community project in London. The purpose of “Books on the Underground” is to encourage people to read more. Zhang Wei, the CEO of the Fair also wanted to do something in China. He sent an e-mail to Ms Cordelia Oxley, the leader of “Books on the Underground”, describing his plan and explaining the rules of “Mobook”. The leader replied to him in just two hours, saying that she thought the idea was great and she would offer help if needed.
But “Mobook” project is a little different from that in London. It has its own online system. People who want to donate books must give their information online. QR code stickers(二维码标签) are then sent to their addresses. The book owners should stick them on the books before donating books and reader can know where the books are from with the help of QR codes.
“Mobook” is a hot topic. Now thousands of bookworms have already taken part in the project. Zhang Wei said, “I am happy to see more and more people share their views(观点) about the books online and enjoy the happiness that reading brings to them.”
Although reading online is increasingly popular, books are also important for humans. In many cities,the passengers can read books by underground. Following “Books on the Underground”, a community project in London, an online company,the Fair, has put ten 56 books on the underground, planes and taxis.This project is called “Mobook” which aims to 57 people read more. Having received an email which describes the plan and the rules of “Mobook”, Cordelia Oxley, the leader of “Books on the Underground”, 58 Zhang Wei, the CEO of the Fair. While”Mobook” project makes a difference, it has an online system on its own. All the donated books will be sent QR code stickers(二维码标签). The book owners should 59 the QR code stickers on the books. The project is so warm-welcomed that many 60 join in it and share their views about the books by using the internet.
Do you know how many bones are there in your body When you were a baby you had about 330 bones, and now you have just over 200 bones. The number reduces because some bones join together as you grow. Your wonderful bones work together to protect you and support your body.
Many uses
Many bones protect your body. For example, the bone that makes up your head is called the skull. The skull surrounds your brain and protects it. The ribs that cover your chest protect your heart and lungs.
Other bones are used to support the body. The many bones in your feet allow you to walk, and stand on your tiptoes. Your hands and feet have more than half of the bones in your body!
Biggest Bone
The longest and strongest bone in your body is in your leg. It is called the femur and it goes from your hip to your knee. It is a very important bone because it carries all of your weight and helps you move from place to place.
Smallest Bone
Would you believe the smallest bone in your body is in your ear It is about the size of a grain of rice and is called the stirrup. When sound waves come into your ear, the stirrup shakes back and forth, allowing the sound waves to reach your brain. When the waves reach your brain, you hear the sound.
“Funny” Bone
Hah! The funny bone isn’t really a bone at all. It is actually a nerve (神经). When you hit the nerve that is near your elbow, it really hurts or tingles. What’s so funny about that The funny bone probably got its name from the bone that is above your elbow. That bone is called the humerus, which sounds like the word “humorous”, meaning “funny”.
The bones that make up our bodies help us grow, and allow us to move. When you think, about it our bones really are wonderful.
Title Wonderful Bones
Main body You have more than 200 bones when you 61 up. Your bones work together to protect you and support your body.
Many uses To protect your body The skull protects your brain 62 harm. The ribs protect your heart and lungs.
To 63 your body. Bones in your feet help you to walk and stand.
Different 64 of bones Biggest Bone The femur is the biggest bone
Smallest Bone The stirrup is 65 than any other bone.
The funny bone is a nerve in fact.
Conclusion Our bones are really wonderful.
Drawing Garden Music World
Thursday 17:00-18:30 Friday 17:30-18:15
School hall School sports centre
A report about different types of paintings An introduction to Xu Beihong A drawing competition between boys and girls The result of the most popular school singer An introduction to Jiangsu folk songs Games about music knowledge
1. 文章内容包括:
2. 词数90词左右,文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
3. 语义通顺,意思连贯,条理清晰,字迹工整。
4. 文中不得出现真实的姓名,校名及地名。
Hi, Sam!
Thank you for your letter. I really have a colorful school life. In the coming week, there will be an art festival in our school. I will take part in the activity called __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I look forward to your opinion!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
考查冠词的用法。根据“Jonathan, ...190-year-old tortoise”可知,泛指一只190岁的乌龟,且one发音是辅音音素开头,不定冠词a符合题意。故选A。
考查时间介词。on在具体某天;at在具体时刻;in在较长的一段时期;by截止到。根据“the morning of October 31”可知,此处指在具体某天的早上,用介词on,故选A。
考查代词辨析。they他们,人称代词主格;their他们的,形容词性物主代词;them他们,人称代词宾格;theirs他们的,名词性物主代词。belong to sb.“属于某人”,第二空应填人称代词的宾格形式作介词to的宾语。故选C。
考查情态动词用法。needn’t没必要;shouldn’t不应该;can’t不能;mustn’t禁止。根据“Because it’s important in exams.”可知书法在考试中很重要,我们在考试时,要多注意书写。can’t...too... 表示“再……也不为过/不过分”,固定用法。故选C。
考查副词辨析。certainly肯定;probably可能;smoothly平稳地;widely普遍地。根据“If it is full of true love”和常识可知,充满真爱的礼物肯定是有价值的。故选A。
考查名词辨析。invention发明;instruction指示;method方法;discovery发现。根据“The…of the island in the 20th century”可知,此处指20世纪该岛的发现。故选D。
考查动词辨析。connected与……相连;pointed指;devoted致力;reported报道。根据“China’s Beidou System can now be directly ... to mobile phones”可知是北斗系统与手机直接相连。故选A。
考查连词。Whether是否;Since自从;Although虽然;Unless除非。根据“he is in poor health, he is still carrying out his duties.”可知,两句之间是让步关系,此处应用although引导让步状语从句,故选C。
考查动词短语。made up编造;taken away拿走;put up张贴;taken up占用。根据“Now there are too many apps on the phone”可知,此处指手机上的app占用手机空间。故选D。
考查现在完成时。be open“开放的”,be opened“被打开”,根据“...to the public for free.”可知,“开放的”符合题意,所以B选项错误;根据“now”可知,时态是与现在有关的时态,所以A选项错误;主语“ninety percent”指的是“90%的公园”,是复数,所以C选项错误。该句中“now”指目前,所以用现在完成时,即have/has+过去分词,主语是复数,“开放”be open,填have been open。故选D。
考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,此处指衣服需要被洗,need doing sth.“某事需要被做”,故空格处应为washing。故选A。
考查形容词同级比较。根据“The Lake of Peach Blossom is a thousand feet deep, but not …the friendship Wang Lun and I keep.”可知,此处为否定结构的同级比较,not so/as+形容词原级+as,表示“不如……那样……”。故选A。
考查非谓语动词。remind sb to do sth“提醒某人做某事”,故选C。
考查情景交际。I hope so我希望如此;I don’t care我不在乎;I can’t agree more我再同意不过了;I don’t think so我不这样认为。上文表示有共同点才能相处得很好;下文表示个性相反会互相吸引;所以空处不同意上文的观点。故选D。
16.A 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.B 21.C 22.B 23.D 24.C 25.A
purpose目的,意图;experience经历;progress进步;result结果。根据“our purpose is to fit them for life.”可知,此处指教育的目的,故选A。
ask询问;thank感谢;praise赞扬;prepare准备。根据“which will really...children for life.”可知,此处指为生活做好准备,故选D。
protect保护;build修建;prevent阻止;describe描述。根据“one can solve all the problems of society and...a perfect nation.”可知,此处指免费教育的好处,所以是解决社会的所有问题,建设一个完美的国家。故选B。
cheap便宜的;expensive昂贵的;free免费的;proper恰当的。根据“In many modern countries it has been fashionable for some time to think that by free education for all...”可知,此处指免费教育,故选C。
because因为;so所以;unless除非;if如果。根据“Working with hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries,...they give up choosing these jobs.”可知,前后两句话为因果关系,前因后果,用so引导结果状语从句,故选B。
languages语言;qualities品质;education教育;knowledge知识。根据上文“But we have to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is more important than that of a professor in some ways.”可知,一个完全没有受过教育的农民的工作比教授的工作更重要。所以我们可以在没有教育的情况下生活,故选C。
anybody任何人;nobody没有人;somebody某人;everybody所有人。根据“In some countries there are no waiters because...”可知,因为没有人愿意做这样的工作,所以一些国家没有服务员,故选B。
sharing分享;joining加入;working工作;doing做。do housework“做家务”,动词短语,故选D。
could能够,过去式;can能够;must必须;might可能。根据“when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life,”可知,所有人都必须接受这样的教育以适应生活,故选C。
valuable有价值的;friendly友好的;similar相似的;well-known著名的。根据“firstly, each of us can do whatever job is suitable for his brain and ability. And secondly, that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and that it is very bad to, be unwilling to do one’s work, or to laugh at someone else’s.”可知,这种类型的教育是对社会有价值的,故选A。
26.D 27.C 28.B
26.细节理解题。根据第二个表格“CRAB FISHERMAN”中提到“These are often taken up by college students”可知大学生经常从事的工作是Crab fisherman。故选D。
27.推理判断题。根据“If you are a child at heart and crazy about toys”和“you can make lots of money by designing creative toys.”可知如果你喜欢玩具,那么这份工作就可以通过设计一些有创意的玩具来赚钱。跟玩具和创作有关的,故选C。
29.B 30.A 31.C
29.推理判断题。根据“On Xiaohongshu, there are more than 2.5 million posts (帖子) about cycling...”可知本段主要介绍了骑自行车非常受欢迎,选项B“骑自行车成热门话题”符合语境。故选B。
30.词义猜测题。根据“People turn to cycling as more people care about their health and their demand for outdoor exercise becomes stronger”可知随着越来越多的人关心自己的健康,他们对户外运动的需求也越来越强烈,人们开始骑自行车,故此处划线部分意为“需求”,和need意义相近。故选A。
32.A 33.C 34.C 35.A
【分析】本文根据Gillian Richardson所写的故事改编,主要讲述了女孩Katie和海鸥Gulliver的故事。
32.细节理解题。根据“Katie was waiting for Gulliver’s calls.”可知,Katie想拍Gulliver。故选A。
33.细节理解题。根据“Young Katie lay in her stroller (婴儿车) on the floating dock (码头) when Uncle Ralph and Dad were repairing boats nearby.”可知,她躺在浮动船坞上的婴儿车里,因此②排在第一位;根据“He stopped Katie as she tried to follow the small ducks running towards water.”可知,她跟着小鸭子朝水边跑去,因此③排在第二位;根据“One day, she rowed a boat out but was trapped on a rock by a storm.”可知,她被暴风雨困在岩石上,因此①排在第一位。故选C。
34.推理判断题。根据“One day, she rowed a boat out but was trapped on a rock by a storm.”可推知,她被暴风雨困在岩石上应该是无助的;根据“she saw a single white feather. A gull feather She searched the sky for an answer.”可推知,当看到白色羽毛时,她应该是满怀希望的;根据“Soon, Dad and Uncle Ralph appeared.”可知,爸爸和叔叔找到了她应该是感激的。故选C。
【详解】句意:现代科技为人们提供了许多新的自学方式。分析句子可知,此处使用反身代词构成固定短语by oneself,表示“独自地”;study by oneself“自学”;they“他们”,人称代词主格,对应的反身代词是themselves,意为“他们自己”。 故填themselves。
【详解】句意:昨晚的暴风雨几乎把沿街的树给刮倒了。根据“were”可知,时态是一般过去时。主语the trees和blow down之间为动宾关系,故此处是一般过去时的被动语态was/were done,blow的过去分词为blown,故填blown。
【详解】句意:万物都在变化,所以不可能两次踏入同一条河流。possible“可能的”,是形容词。根据“Everything keeps changing”可知是指不可能两次进入同一条河里,impossible“不可能的”,形容词作表语。故填impossible。
【详解】句意:在电子大脑的帮助下,人们将来可能会记住任何事情。根据音标提示/ilek tr n k/可知,英文表达是electronic,意为“电子的”,形容词,在句中作定语修饰后面的名词。 故填electronic。
46.(i)ncluded 47.(r)eal 48.(m)edicine 49.(s)ociety 50.(A)lthough 51.(b)irth 52.(i)nvited 53.(a)dded 54.(m)odern 55.(u)nderstood
46.句意:他的一些文章,如《从百草园到三味书屋》、《故乡》等,被收入语文教材。根据“such as From Baicao Garden to Sanwei Study and My Old Home, are...in Chinese textbooks.”可知,此处说的是一些文章被收录入课本,be included in“被纳入”,故填(i)ncluded。
47.句意:鲁迅出生于1881年9月25日,本名周树人。根据首字母提示及“name was Zhou Shuren”可知,周树人是鲁迅的真名,real“真实的”,形容词作定语,修饰其后的名词,故填(r)eal。
48.句意:小时候,鲁迅的父亲因病去世,他去日本学医。根据首字母提示及“as his father died of illness”可知,他去日本学医,medicine“医学”,故填(m)edicine。
49.句意:但后来他决定写文章来展示社会的黑暗面,试图启发普通人。根据“he decided to write articles to show the dark side of the...trying to enlighten(启蒙)common people”及首字母提示可知,他写文章揭露社会的黑暗面,society“社会”,故填(s)ociety。
50.句意:尽管许多年过去了,人们仍然记得并谈论这位伟大的作家。根据“many years has passed, people still remember and talk about this great writer”及首字母提示可知,此处缺少连词,应用although引导让步状语从句,故填(A)lthough。
51.句意:2021年是鲁迅诞辰140周年。根据首字母提示及“The year 2021 was the 140th anniversary(周年)of LuXun’s”可知,此处指的是birth“诞生”,故填(b)irth。
52.句意:陈邀请他的孙子周令飞一起唱歌。根据“his grandson Zhou Lingfei to join the singing.”及首字母提示可知,他邀请他的外孙一起唱歌,invite sb to do sth“邀请某人做某事”,是固定结构,陈述过去的事情,动词用过去式,故填(i)nvited。
53.句意:此外,陈在MV中加入了创意和想象力。根据首字母提示及“creativity and imagination to the MV.”可知,他在MV中加入了创意和想象力,add“添加”,是动词,陈述过去的事情,动词用过去式,故填(a)dded。
54.句意:例如,陈想象鲁迅去过现代,他甚至有一部智能手机。根据首字母提示及“and he even had a smart phone.”可知,他想象鲁迅在现代,modern“现代的”,是形容词,修饰其后的名词,故填(m)odern。
55.句意:人们常说鲁迅的作品很难理解。根据“So I want to bring him alive with a song...I believe that it is a good way to help more young people learn about Lu Xun and his works and spirit.”及首字母提示可知,人们认为鲁迅的作品很难理解,understand“理解”,此处是不定式的被动结构,动词应用过去分词,故填(u)nderstood。
56.thousand 57.let/make/help 58.supported 59.stick 60.book-lovers/bookworms
【分析】一家名叫The Fair的公司效仿伦敦Books on the Underground的做法,启动了一个叫Mobook的项目,鼓励人们多读书,享受读书的乐趣。
56.根据“The Fair, an online publishing company, has put 10,000 books on the underground, planes and taxis to make people more interested in reading.”可知网上出版公司The Fair,已经在地下、飞机和出租车上投放了10000本书,以提高人们对阅读的兴趣。此处可用ten thousand books来指“10000本书”。故填thousand。
57.根据“The purpose of ‘Books on the Underground’ is to encourage people to read more.”可知“Mobook”的目的是鼓励人们多读书。此处可填let“让”、make“让”、“帮助”,放在介词“to”后用动词原形,构成不定式,表目的。故填let/make/help。
58.根据“The leader replied to him in just two hours, saying that she thought the idea was great and she would offer help if needed.”可知这位领导在两个小时内回复了他,说她认为这个想法很棒,如果需要,她会提供帮助,所以她是支持这个项目的,时态是一般过去时,故填supported。
59.根据“The book owners should stick them on the books before donating books and reader can know where the books are from with the help of QR codes.”可知图书所有者在捐赠书籍之前应该把它们贴在书上,读者可以通过二维码知道书籍来自哪里,此处应填stick“粘贴”,放在情态动词“should”后用动词原形。故填stick。
60.根据“Now thousands of bookworms have already taken part in the project.”可知现在成千上万的书虫已经参与了这个项目。此处可填可数名词book-lover“图书爱好者”或bookworm“书虫、书迷”,空前有“many”,此处应填可数名词的复数形式。故填book-lovers/bookworms。
61.grow 62.from 63.support 64.kinds/types 65.smaller
61.根据“When you were a baby you had about 330 bones, and now you have just over 200 bones.”可知,当你长大后,你的身上就只有200多块骨头了,grow up“长大”,此句是一般现在时,主语you是第二人称,动词用原形。故填grow。
62.根据“the bone that makes up your head is called the skull. The skull surrounds your brain and protects it. ”可知,头骨使你的大脑免受伤害。protect...from“使……免受……”,动词短语。故填from。
63.根据“Other bones are used to support the body.”可知,其他的骨头用来支撑身体,support“支撑”,动词不定式符号to后接动词原形。故填support。
64.根据“Biggest Bone”“Smallest BoneSmallest Bone”及““Funny” Bone”可知,讲了最大的骨头,最小的骨头和“幽默的”骨头,也就是说这里是讲骨头的类型“type”/种类“kind”,different后接复数名词。故填kinds/types。
65.根据“It is about the size of a grain of rice and is called the stirrup.”可知,镫骨是最小的骨头,根据than可知,此空应填small“小的”比较级smaller。故填smaller。
Hi, Sam!
Thank you for your letter. I really have a colorful school life. In the coming week, there will be an art festival in our school. I will take part in the activity called Drawing Garden because I am really interested in drawing and I hope I can learn more through this activity Drawing Garden will be held from 17:00 to 18:30 next Thursday at School hall. There will be a report about different types of paintings. Besides the report, my teacher will make an introduction to Xu Beihong. Xu Beihong is always my hero. I guess the most important part will be the drawing competition between girls and boys.
To be honest, after learning arts for two and a half years in the middle school, now I can not only draw beautiful pictures but also know a lot of knowledge about arts. Arts really bring my life a lot of fun.
I look forward to your opinion!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Hi, Sam!
Thank you for your letter. I really have a colorful school life. In the coming week, there will be an art festival in our school. I will take part in the activity called Music World because I am really a big fan of music.
Music world will be held from 17:30 to 18:15 next Friday in the School sports centre. During the activity, the result of the best school singer will be announced. Moreover, there will be an introduction to Jiangsu folk music. There are also games about music knowledge. It must be very exciting.
I really love art course in my school, which will bring me not only rich knowledge but a lot of pleasure. I will never forget the happy time I had in my art lessons.
I look forward to your opinion!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
①take part in参加
②be interested in对……感兴趣
③make an introduction to介绍
④not only...but also...不但……而且……
①I will take part in the activity called Drawing Garden because I am really interested in drawing and I hope I can learn more through this activity Drawing Garden will be held from 17:00 to 18:30 next Thursday at School hall.(because引导的原因状语从句和and连接的并列句)
②To be honest, after learning arts for two and half years in the middle school, now I can not only draw beautiful pictures but also know a lot of knowledge about arts.(插入语和not only...but also...连接的并列结构)



