
A. 完形填空(共10小题,计10分)
Some people like 1___________ online.They buy clothes,books or computers on it.Like many other clever Chinese,Wu Songzhi is shopping online,too.“My family and I like to eat 2___________,broccoli,lettuce and potatoes,so I want to buy organic (有机的) ones,” said Wu.“They are clean and I don't have to wash them so many 3_________.”Every month,Wu spends about 600 yuan 4____________organic vegetables and meat on online organic shops.
There are many people in Beijing shopping like Wu.They are eating and buying organic food.People buy organic food because they want to be more 5___________.They also want to know more about their food.
Do you like eating instant noodles The food is easy 6_________ and cheap to buy. A Japanese businessman, Momofuku Ando, invented it sixty- one years ago.
China is the biggest market for instant noodles. They 7________ more than 46.2 billion(十亿) instant noodle(方便面) bags on the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong in 2013. But in 2016, the number dropped to 38.5 billion bags. One of the reasons for the drop could be the rise(提升) of online food delivery services (外卖服务). You can 8__________ more food online. A 2016 survey showed that about 70% of young people 9_________meals online at least once a week.
This shows that Chinese people now want to have higher quality(质量) of their food. Facing this challenge (挑战), instant food companies(公司) are trying to improve their products(产品). They 10_________ instant noodles with less fat and salt. They are also making new products, such as self-heating hotpot(火锅) and instant rice. Those can adapt to the tastes of young people.
B. 语法填空(共10小题,计10分)
Dear Mr. Know-All
I love singing. Everyone says I sing as ____11____ (beautiful) as a famous singer, and I really want to be a star. Are there any good ways ____12____ (become) a star I’m only 14.
Dear future star,
In fact, you have lots of time to be a star. It’s best to spend more time ____13____ (practice) singing, and you will become much ____14____ (good) at singing. ____15____ (use) the Internet to show your talent is a good idea. For example, you can prepare for (准备) a video of your singing, and then put it online. It can help to bring ____16____ the best in you. If you are really ____17____ (talent), someone will find out that. Because lots of people became stars that way in the past. You can try out for talent shows like Chinese Idol. And you can also join in some singing ____18____ (compete). Remember to always show the best of yourself to others.
You can also try to play roles in TV shows. Some kid programs ____19____ (look) for the next child stars at the moment. These stars can become singers, performers or hosts.
At last, I want to tell you that if you have any difficulties on the way to your dream. Don’t worry! Don’t give up! Not everyone knows ____20____ they want to be. Just make sure you try your best. Then you can be anything you want!
Hope the answers can help you. Good luck!
Hi, everyone! I’m Tony. I’m 13 years old. What do you do with a computer during your free time Playing computer games or searching for information For me, I have a computer at school, and at home I have a computer, too. I spend most of my free time in front of my computers, but I don’t play computer games, visit websites or watch films. I learn the computer coding(编程) on the computer. I have a computer coding lesson on Saturday morning. I think it’s difficult but fun.
I have good news to tell you. Our country plans to have a computer coding lesson for primary and middle school students to help them learn about information technology(信息技术). Our IT course will include coding in the future(将来). The IT teacher can teach us the computer coding at school. I hope the day will come soon.
21.How many computers does Tony have
A.One. B.Two.
C.Three. D.We don't know.
22.Tony uses the computer to ________.
A.watch films B.play computer games
C.learn the computer coding D.visit websites
23.When does Tony have a computer coding lesson
A.On weekdays. B.On the weekend.
C.On Saturday morning. D.On Sunday morning.
24.The underlined word “them” refers to “________”.
A.computer coding lessons B.primary and middle school students
C.IT teachers D.IT courses
25.In which subject can we learn the computer coding at school in the future
A.Science. B.IT. C.Art. D.P.E.
Now over the years, real Chinese snacks have become more popular in foreign countries.
In the United States, people are eating roujiamo. Many people call roujiamo from Shaanxi Province of China the “Chinese hamburger”. It has two pieces of bread with delicious meat between them. The US news blog(博客)even regards roujiamo as “the world’s first hamburger”. It is very similar to an American hamburger. In fact, it has a long history in China.
In Russia, hundreds of tanghulu were sold in just a few hours. Tanghulu is a traditional Chinese snack that is made of fruit, usually Chinese hawthorns (山楂). It is a bit like candy apples in the US. They are the hawthorns with sugar candy. A stick is pushed into the fruit so you can hold it like a lollipop (棒棒糖). Some Chinese people think tanghulu has the same shape as a bottle gourd (葫芦). That’s why it has this name. Of course, the new kind made of other fresh fruit such as strawberries and oranges has also appeared in China now.
Youtiao is like a popular snack in Spain. Some people outside China eat youtiao as well. For example, people in Malaysia eat it. They often eat it with milk tea or noodles. In Indonesia, they eat it with porridge (粥) instead of doujiang in China.
The US news blog regards roujiamo as _____.
A. the Chinese hamburger B. the world’s first hamburger
C. the American hamburger D. the bread with some meat
27. Tanghulu was named in the shape of _______.
A. gourds B. lollipops C. hawthorns D. candy apples
28. In Indonesia, people like youtiao with _______ better than doujiang in China.
A. milk tea B. noodles C. coffee D. porridge
29. According to the passage, which of the following is Right
A.Tanghulu always sells well in America.
B.Roujiamo is one famous snack from Shaanxi.
C.Tanghulu is only made of hawthorns in China.
D.There isn’t a kind of snack like youtiao in Spain.
30. The passage mainly tells us the ______ of Chinese snacks in foreign countries.
A. production B. inventions C. popularity D. histories
Do you often make a resolution on New Year's Day What will you do next for it If you have a great resolution, it will be good for your life and study.Here is some advice on how to make a good resolution.
Plan for the resolution.
Holding goal(目标) isn't enough.You need to think out some clear steps for the resolution.So make your plan.A good plan will tell you what to do next and how to accomplish the goal at last.Making a plan is very important.
Make your plan right now.
If you make your plan later, you may forget your resolution gradually (逐渐地).It's important that you begin making your plan right now.
You should write down your resolution and plan in some places, such as a notebook or your diary.
Think a year-round resolution, not just New Year's.
Nothing big can be finished in one day.You make a resolution in one day.It doesn't mean you must finish it in one day.It may need a hundred small steps.The New Year's resolution should be a starting point.You must keep a habit for accomplishing your resolution gradually.
31.How many pieces of advice are mentioned in the passage
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.
32.What does the underlined word “accomplish” in the passage mean
A.Reach. B.Make. C.Keep. D.Put.
33.If you make a resolution now, what should you do next according to the passage
A.Keep it in mind and do nothing.
B.Tell it to everyone.
C.Ask others to help you to finish it.
D.Think out some clear steps for it.
34.Which title can be put in the blank space
A.Keep a diary every day.
B.Make an important plan.
C.Write down your resolution and plan.
D.Finish your resolution right now.
35.What's the main idea of this passage
A.What a good resolution is.
B.How to make a good resolution.
C.When to make a resolution.
D.Why we need a resolution.
We often get invitations from our friends. It's easy to accept an invitation.36___________. So it's important to let the host know in a way that he won't be sad or worried. Now let me tell you how to reply the invitation.37.___________ You can say like “Thanks for inviting me to your party.” or “Thank you so much for the invitation."But if you want to refuse the invitation,you should add some words like “But I'm afraid I can't come.”
38.___________You can say, "I've got too much work at that time.”If you are in another city at that time,you could say,“I'm not in town on that day.”Finally, give another time to meet. For for a drink example, your friend asks you out on Friday. You could say,"I'm afraid I can't make it on Friday.39.___________
The event may not be important to you, but the invitation shows the host would like to share it with you.
40. ______Make sure everything goes well when you need to refuse an invitation.
On November 11, there is a holiday created by Chinese people for singles (单身人士). It is known as Singles’ Day. It has become the biggest online shopping day in the world. Tmall (天猫), Taobao and many other online shopping sites offer huge discounts (折扣) on this day to attract shoppers. This year’s sales reached 253.97 billion yuan.
There are similar shopping days in the United States. The most well-known of these is Black Friday. It always falls on the day after the Thanksgiving holiday. On this day, stores offer special deals, just like on Singles’ Day.
On Black Friday, shoppers will wake up very early to wait in line at stores before they open. They might start waiting in line as early as 2 or 3 am. Sometimes the crowds will be so big that it is impossible to get inside the stores.
Another similar holiday is Cyber (网络的) Monday in the United States. This day always falls on the Monday after Thanksgiving. It is like Singles’ Day, since it is only for online shopping.
Personally, I don’t like any of these holidays. They place too much importance on buying things. I prefer to celebrate Buy Nothing Day. It is a “holiday” that falls on the same day as Black Friday. It is an international day of protest(抗议) to draw attention to the problem of over-consumption (消费过度). What do you think about these holidays
41. How do the online shopping sites attract shoppers On November 11
42. In the United States, which days are similar to our Singles’ Day
43. What do people usually do on Black Friday
44. When is Buy Nothing Day
What does the writer think of these shopping holidays
四、补全对话 (共5小题,计10分)
A:Hi,Alice. What are you reading
B:I'm reading an article about the dreams.
A:(61) ________________________________________________________
B:I'm going to be a doctor when I grow up.
A:(62) ____________________________________________________
B:I'm going to finish high school first and then study medicine at a university.
A:(63) ___________________________________________________________
B:Yes,there will be robot doctors in the hospital. They will be smart. People will probably be healthier because of these robot doctors.
A:I hope so. There will be a concert in the school hall at 7 o’clock this evening.
(64) _______________________________________
B:Sure,I'd love to. I look forward to it for a long time.
A:That's great!Catch you tonight.
B:65. ________________________________________.
五、书面表达 (计20分)
(1)What do you usually do on the weekends?
(2)What did you do last winter vacation?And how was your vacation?
(3)What's your plan for the coming winter vacation?
(4)What are your New Year's resolutions?And how do you make them come true?



