
第一部分 阅读选择
一 完形填空 (共10小题,计10分)
My friend Alan wants to be a basketball player(运动员)1._________ Because he likes playing basketball. His 2 _________subject is P.E. He has three P.E. 3.______________ a week. In the P.E. lessons, he always play basketball. And in his 4.____________time, he likes watching basketball games on TV.
At the beginning(开始),he can't play it 5.__________.But he practices(练习) playing it one hour in the afternoons. After that, his 6.____________teacher says, “You can be a good basketball player.”
He plays basketball 7.____________his classmates after class on the playground. They always have games. On weekends, he always plays 8___________with his brother. His brother 9.____________basketball, too. He likes shootin(投篮),10__________Alan doesn't like that. He likes passing(传) the basketball.
1. A.Why B. Where C.What D.When
2. A. next B. first C.nice D. favorite
3. A.tests B. terms C lessons D.parties
4. A.last B.free C.late D.right
5. A.good B. well C.fine D. really
6. A. science B. art C. music D.P.E.
7.A.on B. by C. with D. of
8. A. soccer B.volleyball C.basketball D. baseball
9. A. loves B. finds C. watches D. sells
10.A.and B.but C.so D. or
I visited some pandas this year during the winter holiday.
It was more than just an interesting trip--it was an unforgettable experience (难忘的经历). I worked as a panda keeper. I learned how to take care of these cute animals.
At first, I was really excited. Pandas are so cute. Almost everyone likes them. But a few days later, I learned that it is hard work to be a panda keeper. I had to make food for them. I also had to clean their pen(圈)every day. Sometimes, I had to climb the mountains to make sure that they are safe. In the evening, it was cold , but I had to keep a close eye on them.
That was a great chance for me to learn more about pandas. Would you try it too
11.The writer likes pandas because they're_______________.
cute B. beautiful C.friendly
12.The writer now thinks that looking after pandas is ________.
A interesting B relaxing C hard
13. How often did the writer clean the pandas
Twice a day B. Every day C Once a week
14.The writer climbed the mountains to ________________.
A get pandas back B Play with pandas C make sure pandas are safe
15.What is the best title for the passage
A The cute pandas B My winter holiday
C An experience as a panda keeper
You like cats, but you don't have one Then you may go to a cat café. There you can enjoy nice coffee and cakes, and of course, the company(陪伴) of lots of cats !
Cat cafés first became popular in Japan. And now you can also find them in different places across China. It is said that pets can help people feel relaxed. If you have pressure(压力) from work or study, and have no time to keep a pet, a cat café will be a good place for you. And for those cats , they have customers to play with and won't feel too lonely.
There are also dog cafés and rabbit cafés. Enjoy yourself in one of these cafés with lovely animal friends on a sunny afternoon.
16.What can't you do in a cat cafe
A.Play with cats B .Enjoy nice coffee C. Buy a cat home
17 Where did cat cafés first become popular
A. In China B. In Japan C. In Thailand
18. How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage
A. One B. Two C. Three
19.What can we know from the passage
A. Any animal can be in a café.
B. Pets are helpful for people to relax.
C.Cats never feel lonely in cat cafés.
20. 猜测customer 的意思__________________________
A 顾客 B 游人 C 老板
How to tell a good joke?(开玩笑)
Everyone loves to hear a good joke. At parties, people who can tell good jokes will be very popular.21__________________
Practice, practice, and practice!
Tell your joke to as many people as you can , or even to the cat. 22______________
Be confident(自信的)!
Don't begin by saying you can't tell jokes very well. And don't tell your audience(听众) how funny the joke is. This sometimes makes the joke less funny.23_________________
Know your joke!
Nothing is more terrible than forgetting your joke, or leaving out an important part, or forgetting the punchline(笑点). _24________________
Time it right!
Speak clearly and confidently and try not to laugh. Don't hurry right into the next joke. Pay attention to your audience!
Do they look interested, or bored, or puzzled 25______________ Are they ready for the punchline now Then you know how to go on your joke.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
第二部分 阅读写作
三 阅读,语法填空。(共8题,计16分)
Dear Helen,
I'm happy to get your letter. You ask me about some interesting and fun things in my school. Let me tell you about it.
The School Open Week in our school is in the next two weeks. It's a 26___________( [ r l ] ) busy week. There is a photo show (展览)on the morning of December 13th. On the show, students and 27__________ parents can take many photos of their families, ball games and school trips to the show. Parents can have lunch at school 28______________ their kids for free. In the afternoon, there are many books on 29_____________([se l]) in the school library. Many books are at great prices.
The Student Art Festival is on Tuesday, December 14th, and we have other 30__________things, the talent show (才艺展示),Chinese paintings (绘画) show and the DIY show. I like the talent show best. It is on 31____________, December15th. My classmates and I want to play the piano in the show. I hope we can do well. Do you have time You can watch our show online (在线上).
On December 16th, we have two ball games , soccer and basketball. My good friend Zhang Mingming likes sports very much. He plays basketball very 32___________. After school, he always plays it with his classmates.He also likes watching soccer games on TV. Messi is his favorite soccer star. These days, he always 33____________( [w t iz] ) football games at home. How about you Can you tell me
四 阅读回答问题。( 共5题,计10分)
It's the first day of the summer vacation for Aisha and Mike. They are just too excited, for they love summer!
They like to go to the beach, build sand castles(沙堡)and put their feet in the cool water of the sea. They also love to eat ice creams and ice lollies(冰棍) to keep cool. Orange-flavored (橙子味的) ice lollies are Aisha's favorite.
Summer has longer daytime and the sun sets later than in winter. So summer is the best time for them. They can play with their friends or ride bicycles without having to worry about it being dark. Also, they can enjoy the cool and comfortable wind at night.
Aisha and Mike always begin their swimming classes in summer. They love to swim and do many things together.Swimming is fun exercise for them and so are riding bicycles and playing cricket(板球).
Summer always brings so much fun to Aisha and Mike.
34 How do Aisha and Mike feel on the first day of their summer vacation
35. What do Aisha and Mike like to eat to keep cool
36.Why is summer the best time for Aisha and Mike
37.What classes do Aisha and Mike usually take in summer
38.Do you like summer Why
五 补全对话 ,使上下文通顺流畅。(共5题,计10分)
A: Hi, Alice. Happy birthday.
B: 39.__________________________________________________.
A: You look nice in this blue dress. 40_____________________________
B: It’s 30 dollars.
A: OK. Great. I want to buy one. 41_______________________________
B: I am 13 years old.
A: I am 13 ,too.
B: Oh.42____________________________________________________
A: Well, my birthday is on January 14th.
B: Sure. When is it
A: At five this afternoon. See you at my birthday party.
B: See you.
六 书面表达(共14分)
学校广播站正在评选“十佳学生”,请以“A Good Student”为题,用英语介绍你的好友Linda.
1.Linda 今年十三岁,她的生日是二月十二号,她在七年级2班;她的外貌,她的兴趣爱好。
参考词汇:grade n.年级
A Good Student



上一篇:2023-2024河南省鹤壁市部分学校联考七年级(上)期中英语试卷(含答案无听力音频 及原文)
