福建省福州延安中学2023-2024九年级上学期1月质量检测 英语试题(含答案含听力音频无原文)

2023-2024 第二节 听对话 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案福州延安中学 学年第一学期初三一月质量检测
英 语 听第 1段对话,回答第 6小题。
6. What's the woman wearing
(满分 150 分,完卷时间 120 分钟 ) A. A skirt. B. A shirt. C. A coat.
班级______________ 姓名______________ 成绩______________
听第 2段对话,回答第 7小题。
Ⅰ.听力(共三节 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 7. What's the talking pen used for
第一节 听句子 听下面五个句子,从题中所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选出与句子内容相 A. Chatting. B. Listening to music. C. Helping with one's English study.
听第 3段对话,回答第 8小题。
8. What's Mary's online search about
A. Pollution. B. Population. C. Food production.
听第 4段对话,回答第 9小题。
1. A B C 9. What is Jack's favorite animal
A. The cat. B. The dog. C. The bird.
听第 5段对话,回答第 10、11小题。
10. What does Linda do
A. A cook. B. A teacher. C. A student.
2. A B C 11. What foreign languages does Linda speak
A. English and Chinese.
B. Chinese and Japanese.
C. French and Japanese.
听第 6段对话,回答第 12、13 小题。
3. A B C 12. What is the boy interested in
A. The earth. B. The moon. C. Water forms.
13. Where are the two speakers
A. At home. B. In the school. C. In the museum.
听第 7段对话,回答第 14、15小题。
4. A B C 14. How many space flights did Neil Armstrong take part in
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
15. What does the girl want to be in the future
A. A scientist. B. An astronaut. C. A pilot.
第三节 听短文 根据你所听到的短文内容完成下面表格,每空填一词。(短文读三遍)
5. A B C
第 1页(共 7 页)
The Summer Camp A. None B. Nobody C. Neither
29. —Give me a hand, Jim. I have to climb up the tree to get my kite.
How long For 16 days Where In a small 17 .
—Better not. You have to take your safety________.
A. completely B. seriously C. comfortably
Have 18 classes to learn how to make works of art.
30. —Let's________ these two leaves! Can you tell the differences
▲Afternoon: —Their shapes look the same, but their sizes are a little different.
Activities Ride bikes around the lake or go 19 . A. compare B. compete C. cancel
▲Evening: 31. —What do you think of John
Sit under the trees and listen to different sounds of 20 . —He is a(n) ________ boy who always tells the truth.
Have a party. A. honest B. smart C. brave
32. ________ we work hard, we will make it successful.
A. As soon as B. As long as C. As well as
II.单项选择。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 33. Mr. Smith is our English teacher________ has taught us for three years.
从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 A. / B. who C. which
21. This is ________spaceship which will be sent to explore________ Mars. 34. Nobody knows for sure whether humans________ by robots in the future.
A. the; the B. the; / C. a; the A. replaced B. are replaced C. will be replaced
22. —Have you decided________ tomorrow? 35. —What did Jenny say to you just now
—Yes. At the school gate. —She wanted to know________.
A. what to do B. when to start C. where to meet A. when will we have the art festival
23. The wool sweater is new, so it ________soft and comfortable. B. how our high school will be like
A. is felt B. was felt C. feels C. if I could help her with her math
24. The number of the students in this primary school ________ about four thousand and
________ of them are boys. III.完型填空。(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
A. is; third fifth B. are; three fifth C. is; three fifths 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
25. —It's reported that a driver helped________ the fire in a car on the Highway. Studying in a foreign country can be exciting. It can also be difficult, especially when the
—Yes, the man left silently, and nobody knows who he is. country is very different 36 your own.
A. put down B. put up C. put out For 18-year-old Kusedyo, a Chinese language learner, to learn the language, hard work is
26. —Are you________ of our school not just enough, a certain level of "craziness" is also 37 . "To learn and understand
—Of course. I take________ in the beautiful environment and the study atmosphere(氛围). Chinese, you have to be a bit crazy. You have to understand the tones (音调) and the
A. pride; pride B. proud; pride C. pride; proud 38 , and change your thinking," he said.
27. When I had good results, I felt a sense of________. For many students, the learning process is not easy. Prosper Marindiko, 39 Chinese
A. development B. improvement C. achievement language learner, believes that motivation (动机) is very important to learn a second language
28. —How many people are there in the classroom now as an adult. " 40 it gets so frustrating(令人沮丧的) trying to learn the language because
________. They all went to the lab just now. you think you have understood this word, then when you meet a Chinese out there and try to
第 2页(共 7 页)
say the word, they don't understand you at all," he said. Make it mushy(糊状的) with the spoon.
"The reason why I am learning Chinese is because at work we communicate a lot with the Step 2 Use the spoon to put the mushy banana into
Chinese, and usually we have some wrong understandings 41 language barrier(障碍)," the bottle.
said Marindiko. Step 3 Blow up the balloon and let the air out.
Nowadays, for some foreigners, China has become a more popular study place than some This will help stretch out(撑大) the balloon.
42 English-speaking countries. At the same time, knowing Chinese 43 doors to Step 4 Place the balloon over the mouth of the bottle.
many job chances. Step 5 Put the bottle in a warm sunny place.
Although learning Chinese is a difficult task, technology and the Internet are making it Step 6 Watch the banana carefully. It will get rotten(腐烂的) soon. The balloon will
44 difficult, even for those with no chances to meet native speakers of the language. In be blown up over the next several days.
the future, the Chinese-speaking 45 will become larger and larger. ▲
36. A. against B. from C. with When the banana rots, it gives off gas. The gas inside the bottle blows up the balloon.
37. A. needed B. served C. created Make This a Science Project
38. A. ability B. course C. culture Try different fruits like apples, oranges and grapes. In this way, you will find out which
39. A. other B. the other C. another fruit rots the fastest.
40. A. Sometimes B. Finally C. Unless
41. A. as if B. such as C. because of Join Our Get Updates and Discounts! Join
42. A. strange B. traditional C. humorous Email List
43. A. locks B. closes C. opens
44. A. fewer B. less C. more 46. What is used in both Step 1 and Step 2
45. A. population B. website C. company A. The apple. B. The bottle.
C. The spoon. D. The balloon.
IV.阅读理解。(共两节,25小题,满分45分) 47. What should you do first after stretching out the balloon
第一节阅读下列短文,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。(共20小题, A. Use the spoon to put the mushy banana into the bottle.
每小题2分,共40分) B. Blow up the balloon and let the air out.
C. Place the balloon over the mouth of the bottle.
A D. Put the bottle in a warm sunny place.
SCIENCE FUN Site Search 48. Which of the following can be put in ▲
FOR EVERYONE! A. How It Works B. What to Do Next
Home School Camps Kids Zone! SHOP About Contact C. When It Finishes D. Whether Gas Matters
Kitchen Science Experiment(实验) 49. What is the purpose of the science project
Materials A. To see when fruits start to get rotten.
★a bottle ★a banana ★a bowl ★a spoon ★a balloon B. To find out which fruit rots the fastest.
Instructions C. To show many fruits can give off gas.
Step 1 Peel the banana and put it into the bowl. D. To explain why gas can blow up the balloon.
第 3页(共 7 页)
50. Where is the text most probably from B. apps that open-app ads lead to
A. A science website. B. A fashion magazine. C. apps that were discussed heatedly recently
C.A local newspaper. D. An English notebook. D. apps that many people go shopping online with
53. According to the regulations, _________.
B A. ads in the apps should be totally stopped
When you open a certain mobile app, there's usually an open-app advertisement(广告) that B. people don't need to shake hard to open ads
gets in your way. Some of these ads can send you to another app if you shake your phone a bit. C. people should easily find where to close the ads
And this has been causing heated discussion online recently. D. apps with open-app ads will be closed
These open-app ads act like “doors”- no matter which app you open, you may always end 54. It is difficult to put these regulations into action because_________.
up in those apps that have more ads. During online shopping festivals, for example, users are A. it's difficult to manage the app developers
usually led to shopping apps like Taobao and JD. B. users really need these open-app ads
There are already a number of regulations (法规) on this problem. A regulation that came C. apps have more new ways to present ads
out in December 2022 gave specific rules for how these “shake-to-open” ads should operate. It D. it's hard to regulate a large number of apps
said that the rotation angle (旋转角度) of the phone should be larger than 35 degrees, and the 55. What is probably the writer's opinion
time spent shaking the phone should be longer than 3 seconds. Starting from May, the ads must A. More ads will give apps good reputations.
have a clear button (按钮) to let users to close them. B. Users mind products more than ads in apps.
However, putting these regulations into action can be difficult. The total number of apps is C. Apps should let users decide whether to open the ads.
large, making it hard for authorities to look into every app. There were at least 2.59 million D. Apps have earned too much money from open-app ads.
apps released (发布) in January and February alone, reported Nanfang Daily.
However, this shouldn't be the reason for the mobile apps to step out of these “lines” and C
take advantage. That way, what all the platforms(平台) really get is people's complaints(投诉). As Xiong Chuanfa, 34, blew a lifelike puppy out of molten maltose(溶化的麦芽糖) in just
Over 90 percent of users strongly dislike such open-app ads, according to the Jiangsu minutes, kids looked carefully at him with great surprise, thinking he was a magician.
Consumer Council. Xiong Chuanfa has been working on blowing sugar figurines( 小 雕 像 ), a Chinese
Such ads hurt an app's reputation(声誉) because fewer users may want to use them after traditional folk art with a history of over 600 years, for more than twenty years.
being taken to other apps too many times. To get real recognition (认可) from users, the apps In this special art form, the artist heats the syrup(糖浆) to a certain temperature, pulls off a
should respect their choices and provide them with ads that they can choose to click (点击) on small amount, makes it into a ball with an open center, presses the open area together and
only if they want to. stretches it to form a tube. Then he blows air into the tube and makes it into different shapes.
51. What does the phrase “gets in your way" mean in Paragraph 1 The traditional folk art has been listed as a state-level intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化
A. prevents you from entering the app 遗产).
B. leads you to another app Every morning, Xiong prepares the molten syrup and drives to start his “magic show”
C. forces you to buy something useless around his city. “Many people, particularly kids, are attracted by this sugar art. After all, the
D. steals your personal information ancient art is gradually disappearing,” Xiong said. Simon, from Australia, was attracted by a
52. In Paragraph 2, Taobao and JD are used as examples of_________. sugar Bing Dwen Dwen, the mascot of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, in Xiong’s stall.
A. apps that have open-app ads Simon couldn’t resist trying to make one himself. However, he couldn’t get the wanted shape
第 4页(共 7 页)
though he tried several times. “It looks simple, but actually it’s very difficult to master the 60. What’s the best title of the passage
skill,” he said. Thanks to Xiong’s helping hand, Simon finally saw a horse gradually taking A. A Chinese artist on tasty folk art B. A new modern trend
shape. “Can’t believe I’ve done this,” he said, expressing his excitement at how a pot of sugar C. A balance between beauty and taste D. Tasty sugar figurines
syrup has been turned into something “truly amazing”.
Xiong said that blowing sugar figurines can date back to the Ming Dynasty and that his D
family has passed down this art for four generations. “My 6-year-old son often blows up a Ned wanted to escape(逃跑 ) from the Nautilus(鹦鹉螺号 ) while we were in the
balloon-like sugar figure, just like I used to do as a child,” he said. Xiong’s wife Wang Li is an Mediterranean(地中海 ). However, he had no chance. The submarine(潜艇 ) raced into the
artist of the sugar painting, which is a form of traditional Chinese folk art that uses hot, liquid Atlantic in two days mostly staying deep under the water. I saw many shipwrecks(沉船) along
sugar to make 2-D objects. the way. Some were very old. Others were recent. As it surfaced, the submarine turned north.
“None of the cultural heritage left by our ancestors should be lost. They are name cards of Ned came to my room. “Tonight!” he said. “Tonight I wasn’t ready for this.” “Tonight,”
the splendid(极佳的) Chinese culture and should be spread around the world,” Xiong said. The he repeated, “we are a few miles off the Spanish coast. It will be dark, and the wind is blowing
couple often show their skills beside colleges to draw youngsters closer to the traditional art in the right direction. You agreed, Dr. Aronnax, to escape with me. Remember your promise!” I
and allow them to experience its charm. “Sugar paintings and sugar figurines are childhood said nothing. “At nine, I will go to the stair with Conseil. You will wait in the library for our
memories of several generations of Chinese people. We try to combine paper-cutting skills and signal. Everything is ready.”
modern elements(元素) with sugar figurines, making them similar to modern trend(趋势) while “The sea is quite rough,” I said.
keeping a balance between beauty and taste. We will spend the rest of our lives helping pass on “Yes, but if we don’t go tonight, we will soon be too far from land!”
this intangible heritage,” Xiong said. I knew he was right. I was also frightened. What would Captain Nemo do if he discovered
Many people were deeply moved after learning about the family’s story. our plan or if we failed I had not seen him for several days. Now I didn’t want to see him. He
56. What is the correct order of making sugar figurines might notice that I was nervous, so I stayed in my room.
a. Making it into a sugar ball. At seven o’clock, I had dinner in my room. Only two hours to go! I was so nervous that I
b. Stretching it to make a tube. felt sick. I had a headache. I walked up and down in my room. As I looked around, I saw that
c. Pulling off some heated syrup. Captain Nemo’s bedroom door was open. The room was empty.
d. Blowing air to make wanted shapes. It was eight o’clock, and I went to the dark library. As I waited, I felt a bump(碰撞) as the
A. c-a-b-d B. c-b-a-d C. b-a-c-d D. b-c-a-d submarine came to rest on the ocean floor.
57. How did Simon feel after making a sugar figurine himself The library door opened and Captain Nemo entered. He told me that we were in Vigo
A. believable B. moved C. hopeful D. excited Bay(维哥湾 ). He took me to the window. I found the crew(船员 ) of the Nautilus were
58. The underlined word “resist” in Paragraph 4 probably means “________”. gathering some gold from the sand and bringing it to the submarine. Now I knew how the
A. be praised by B. stop oneself from Captain became so rich. “But of what use is all this gold to you ” I asked. “It’s of no use to
C. be attracted by D. remind oneself of me!” he replied, “but it can help people who are suffering.”
59. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article Ned came to my room the next morning. “We were unlucky. The Nautilus stopped just as
A. Xiong’s son blows up a horse with his father’s help. we were about to escape.”
B. Xiong’s wife is also good at making sugar figurines. I told him what I had learned about Nemo and the gold. I hoped that Ned would change
C. Xiong tries to add modern elements to sugar figurines. his mind, but he didn’t. The Nautilus was going away from the land. Escape was impossible
D. The Xiongs visit colleges to teach students their skills. now. Ned was disappointed, but I was not.
第 5页(共 7 页)
At eleven that night, I was surprised that Captain Nemo invited me to go for a night walk lakes, rivers and ponds. Ducks swim easily in all kinds of weather. Feathers(羽毛) protect them
under the sea. and other birds against the cold. Ducks often live near water. 66. ________ You could say that
—Taken from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea ducks know water. In nature, they are water experts.
61. How many characters are mentioned in this passage This brings us to our first expression. If you take to something like a duck to water, you
A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six learn how to do something very easily. For example, when my friend told me that she wanted to
62. What reasons did Ned give for wanting to escape that night start rock climbing, I worried about her. 67. ________ But she has taken to rock climbing like a
a. They were close to the Spanish coast. duck to water! Now, she's even competing in rock climbing competitions.
b. There had been a lot of shipwrecks. 68. ________ When something is like water off a duck's back, it is no big deal. This
c. It would be dark. expression comes from the fact that duck feathers are waterproof(防水的). They let water run
d. The wind was blowing in the right direction. off a duck's body. In English, we use this saying when talking about something that has
e. The sea was quite peaceful. happened to someone, but the person doesn't seem to care. 69. ________ Take my friend Chuck
A. abc B. abd C. acd D. ace for example. You can say anything to him and he will not get upset. 70. ________ Everything
63. Why did Dr. Aronnax remain in his room just rolls off his back.
A. He wanted to prepare well for the escape. Another expression is to ruffle(弄乱 ) somebody's feathers. This means the person is
B. He wanted to have dinner in his room. unhappy about something, just as what ducks would be if you ruffled or messed their feathers.
C. He was very excited about this escape.
D. He was too nervous to see Captain Nemo. A. They are not worried or upset at all.
64. Which of the following shows the correct order B. This is where they lay their eggs.
① The submarine passed many shipwrecks. C. Nothing seems to ruffle his feathers.
② Captain Nemo invited Dr. Aronnax for a walk. D. Rock climbing can be a difficult and even dangerous sport.
③ The Nautilus moved away from land. E. The next one also describes something with “duck” and “water”.
④ The crew brought gold to the submarine.
⑤ Ned asked Dr. Aronnax to escape. 66._______ 67._______ 68.________ 69._________ 70.________
A.①-②-③-④-⑤ B.②-①-③-④-⑤ V.情景交际(共5小题,每题2分,共10分)
C.①-④-⑤-③-② D.①-⑤-④-③-② 71.你的朋友要外出旅行,你可以这样祝福他:
65. What will be written about if there is another paragraph in the end ___________________________________________________________________.
A. Ned and Dr. Aronnax would have a fight about whether they should escape or not. 72.你想搭顺风车到火车站,可以这样问:
B. Dr. Aronnax would tell Captain Nemo the reasons why they want to escape. Excuse me, _________________________________________________________
C. What would happen during their night walk under the sea. 73.你想知道谁发明了键盘,你可以这样问:
D. Where Captain Nemo would carry the gold. ___________________________________________________________________
第二节阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选 74.感慨人群拥挤,你会这样说:
项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) What_______________________________________________________________!
E 75.你想知道新加坡的官方语言是不是英语,你可以这样问:
Ducks love the water. You can often see them floating(漂浮 ) happily on the surface of _________________________________________________________ in Singapore
第 6页(共 7 页)
VI.看图写话(共5小题,每题2分,共10分) 89 all kinds of celebrations.
根据每小题所提供的的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。 Lanterns have become the 90 (nation) pride in China.
81.________ 82. ________ 83. ________ 84. ________ 85. ________
86.________ 87. ________ 88. ________ 89. ________ 90. ________
91.假设你是英语校报编辑李华,校报收到初一新生 Ben的来信,他提出了所面临的两个
76. there be, sky 77. make, silk 78. he, business, tomorrow 问题。请你根据以下提示写一封回信,说明 Ben的问题,提出你的建议并陈述理由。
Ben's problems Your advice and reasons
朋友少,感觉孤单 1. 参加社团——结识更多朋友;
2. ……
英语难学 1.多阅读英语文章及单词——熟能生巧;
2. ……
79. take, yesterday 80. be, since 2007 1.回信须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;
VII.短文填词。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 3.词数 80左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标、首字母或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一 Dear Ben,
个适当的单词。要求填入的单词意义准确,形式正确,使短文意思完整,行文连贯。 I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting used to life in middle school.
Hanging a red lantern in front of the door is believed to drive off bad luck. The Chinese ____________________________________________________________________________
paper lanterns were 81 (develop) during the Eastern Han Dynasty. In ancient China, ____________________________________________________________________________
people raised lanterns to get light and wish for a better life. Also, lanterns were 82 ____________________________________________________________________________
(wide) used on festivals. Nowadays, it has become a tradition that both big cities 83 ____________________________________________________________________________
small towns are filled with red lanterns during the festival. ____________________________________________________________________________
The materials for making lanterns are simple. People can make bamboo, wood and metal ____________________________________________________________________________
into frames(框架)of lanterns. Paper and silk are the main materials for covers. People like to ____________________________________________________________________________
84 /pe nt/ beautiful Chinese pictures on them. The traditional lantern is covered by ____________________________________________________________________________
rice paper with a candle burning inside. Lights shine through the rice paper at night. That is ____________________________________________________________________________
really Chinese style. The most 85 / kɑ m n/ Chinese lanterns are red, round and with ____________________________________________________________________________
red or golden tassels(流苏). They are seen 86 bright symbols of happiness and good ____________________________________________________________________________
wishes. In Chinese culture, lanterns in different colors express different 87 (mean). Good luck with everything!
People usually light several lanterns for the Chinese New Year, and enjoy lantern shows Yours,
with family during the Lantern Festival. Lanterns light the night of festivals. Happiness and joy Li Hua
88 /spred/ into different families by these different lanterns. Lanterns are also used
第 7页(共 7 页)
1-5 AABBC 6-10 ACACC 11-15 CBBAB
16. 20/twenty 17. village 18. fun 19. fishing 20. nature
21-25 BCCCC 26-30 BCABA 31-35ABBCC
36-40 BACCA 41-45 CBCBA
46-50 CCABA 51-55 ABCDC 56-60 ADBCA
61-65 BCDDC 66-70 BDEAC
71.Have a good time.
72.Excuse me, could you please give me a ride to the train station?
73.Who invented the keyboard
74.What a large crowd!
75.Is English spoken as the official language in Singapore
76. There are some birds flying in the sky.
77. The scarf is made of silk.
78. He is flying to Shanghai on business tomorrow.
79. It took him two hours to read the English book yesterday.
80. She has been an English teacher since 2007.
81.developed 82 widely 83 and 84 paint 85 common
86. as 87 meanings 88 spread 89 in 90 national
Dear Ben,
I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting used to life in middle school. In your letter you said that you always felt lonely because of having few friends. I think it is a good choice to join some clubs in our school.In this way,you can make more friends. Besides,smile at others and you are sure to get a smile in return.
On the other hand, you found it difficult to remember English words. First,read more English texts and words, because practice makes perfect. Second, it's helpful for you to develop a habit of keeping an English diary.
Good luck with everything!
Li Hua



