
2023-2024 学年度第一学期 12 月份学情监测
(考试时间:120分钟 总分:100分)
1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,第Ⅰ卷为选择题,45分;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,55分;共
100分。考试时间为 120分钟(含听力 20分钟)。
2. 请同学们认真审题,谨慎答题,并将答案写在答题卡上。祝同学们取得好成绩!
第I卷 (选择题 共 45分)
1. What fruit do they need
A. B. C.
2. What is Mike going to do for the weekend
A. B. C.
3. What does the boy want to be when he grows up
A. B. C.
4.What is the girl’s New Year’s resolution
A. Eating healthier food. B. Getting thinner. C. Learning cooking.
5. What are they talking about
A. Food. B. Robots. C. Homes.
6. What does Andy want to be when he grows up
A. A writer. B. A doctor. C. An artist.
7.Where does David plan to work in the future
A.In Australia. B.In America. C.In China.
8. What will Jack have for breakfast
A. Sandwiches and milk. B. Bread and eggs. C. Hamburgers and juice.
八年级英语 第 1 页 共 8 页
(二)请听录音中两段较长的对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个
请听下面一段较长的对话,回答第 9至 11三个小题。
9. How does Lisa feel
A. Thirsty. B. Hungry. C. Tired.
10. How many tomatoes do the speakers need
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
11. Who will go shopping
A. Lisa. B. Bill. C. Both Lisa and Bill.
听下面一段较长的对话,回答第 12--15四个小题。
12. Where did the woman live now
A. In a small apartment. B. In a large house. C. In a big school.
13. What about the woman’s house in the country
A. It’s near her school. B. It’s large. C. It’s small.
14. What’s the life like in their city
A. The environment is much better than before.
B. The pollution is worse than that in the country.
C. People can usually see blue skies and bright stars.
15. Where does the man think most people will probably live in the future
A. In the city. B. In the country. C. On the moon.
(请同学们翻到第 II卷第三大题,继续做听力填词题。)
二、阅读理解(共 15小题,计 30分)
阅读下列短文,从每小题 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。
Which job do you think would be the most exciting Which would be the most boring The
United Kingdom’s University of Essex did a survey to find out. More than 500 people took part
worldwide. Here are the results. Do you agree
Top 5 most boring jobs
Data analysis Accounting Tax/insurance work Cleaning Banking
八年级英语 第 2 页 共 8 页
Top 5 most exciting jobs
Performing arts Science Journalism Health professional Teaching
16. Which job is the most exciting
A. Data analysis. B. Accounting. C. Cleaning. D. Teaching.
17. Health professional is a kind of job to help people ________.
A. keep health B. clean the house C. learn arts D. do sports
18. How many people took part in the survey worldwide
A. 5. B. 50. C. 500. D. More than 500.
Lunches around the world
Simon is from England. He takes a lunch box to school every day. In his lunch box, there
are usually two sandwiches, some fruit and a piece of chocolate. Today, Simon ate his lunch
with his friend Bruce on the playground. Simon had some cheese sandwiches, an orange and
some apple juice. But he was not happy because he didn’t have any chocolate.
Juliette is from France. She likes to have a hot lunch in the school dining hall with her
friends. They usually have soup, some meat or fish with vegetables and a salad. For dessert
(甜点), they have some ice-cream or fruit cakes. Juliette had lunch with her friend Aimee
today. They had tomato soup, chicken with carrots, an apple salad and some ice-cream.
Kazuyo is from Japan. She often takes a lunch box to school. In it, there is usually some
rice, vegetables and fish or meat. She thinks it’s healthy and fun. Japanese parents make the
rice into different shapes: popular cartoon characters, animals, flowers and buildings! The
children have fun eating them. As usual, Kazuyo had lunch in the classroom today. She had
some rice and fish. Her rice was in the shape of a panda. It was really cute!
19.Simon had the following things for lunch today EXCEPT ________.
A.an orange B.chocolate C.apple juice D.cheese sandwiches
20.Where does Juliette like to have lunch with her friends
A.At home B.On the playground
C.In the classroom D.In the school dining hall
八年级英语 第 3 页 共 8 页
21.What does Kazuyo think of her lunch
A.Popular and traditional B.Hot and sweet
C.Healthy and fun D.Delicious and cute
22.What can we know from the passage
A.Simon made his lunch himself today B.Juliette never eats tomato soup
C.Kazuyo’s parents make lunch for her D.both Juliette and Kazuyo like ice-cream
What to eat
What food should you eat in our daily life It is very important. Keeping good eating habits
can help you reduce disease. A healthy diet (饮食) means choosing right foods to eat and cook
them in a healthy way. So, how to choose the right food is also very important. Also, you should
have good breakfast and healthy lunch. Eat less for supper.
Change toothbrush (牙刷)
Toothbrush is good for your health. I believe you use toothbrushes every day. Do you often
change your toothbrush You may think it is not necessary. A study shows old toothbrushes bring
illness. You should often change your toothbrush. You’d better change your toothbrush once a
Swimming, running, skating, skiing, dancing, walking and some other activities can help you
keep healthy. There are many ways to exercise. You can choose them. You should exercise at least
three times a week and for twenty minutes or more each time. Do it from now on.
23. What is the meaning of the underlined word “reduce”
A. 减少 B. 治疗 C. 增加 D. 研究
24. What’s a healthy diet
A. Eating as much food as you can.
B. Eating as many good foods as you can.
C. Choosing right foods and cook them in a healthy way.
D. Cooking food as long as you can.
25. How long should you do exercise each time
A. At least ten minutes. B. At least twenty minutes.
C. At least half an hour. D. At least an hour.
26. What’s the passage mainly about
A. Healthy life habits. B. Trying to do more exercise.
C. Having a healthy eating habit. D. Eating three meals a day.
八年级英语 第 4 页 共 8 页
Like many other young boys,I didn't know what I wanted to be when
I was a middle school student. My mother advised(建议) me to be a
teacher like her,but it seemed that I was not interested in it. My father
wanted me to be a pianist. However,I couldn't stand spending all of my
time in front of a piano.
I got my goal(目标) after I went to high school. I got a part-time job at the school radio
station and I found it was interesting. I loved to discuss school life and my favorite music with
my schoolmates on the radio. I kept doing this job during the next six years. When I left the
university,I got a full-time job at our local(当地的) radio station. My career(事业) began. My
program is successful and I have a lot of fans. I enjoy my job and my life now.
27. What did the writer's mother do
A. A teacher. B. A pianist. C. A doctor. D. A scientist.
28. When did the writer start working at a radio station
A. When he was ten years old.
B. When he was a high school student.
C. When he studied at university.
D. After he left the university.
29. What did the writer talk about on the radio at the beginning
A. School news. B. Famous films. C. School life. D. Famous people.
30. Which of the following is TRUE
A. The writer was interested in teaching.
B. The writer couldn't play the piano.
C. The writer often interviews(采访) stars.
D. The writer's program is very popular now.
第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共 55分)
三、听力填词(共 5小题,计 5分)
请听下面一段独白。根据所听到的内容,写出可以填入下表 1—5空格处的适当单词,
Last Science Day
A real 2. robot came to the school.
It is 3. years old.
A special 1.
He danced for us and got us our4. and food.
He couldn’t 5. at all.
八年级英语 第 5 页 共 8 页
四.单词拼写与运用(共 8小题,计 8分)
1. Project Hope (希望工程) started in 1989. It helped many poor children to get e______
2. Mr. Green has his o______ telephone in his room, so he doesn’t need to use the telephone in the
living room.
3. The question is too difficult. I think it is i________ for a six-year-old child to answer it.
4. The t_______ of the water is just right for taking a shower.
5. No one helped them, so they had to do it ______(自己).
6. The word “film” has the same m__________ (意思)as the word “movie”.
7. To have a good living environment, we should do everything possible to fight _______(污染)
8. _______ (混合) blue and yellow and then it turns green.
五.完成句子(共 10空,计 5分)
1. I think there will be more cars in the cities. (改为否定句)
I ________ think there ________ be more cars in the cities.
2. We need one cup of yogurt. (对划线部分提问)
________ ________ yogurt do we need
3. The resolution is so hard that he can’t keep it. (改为同义句)
The resolution is ____________ hard for him ____________ keep.
4. 这地方太美了,我想再呆两天。
How beautiful the place is! I really want to stay here for _______ _______days.
5. Jane从不爬树,因为她小时候曾经看到一个男孩从树上摔下。
Jane never climbs trees because she once saw a boy _______ _______from a tree when she
was a little girl.
六.语法填空(共 10小题,计 5分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(必要时可加
Hello, everyone! I am Sandy. Today we have a ___1___ (discuss) about how to give thanks to
our parents in class. Our teacher says we can make some food for ___2___ (they). We all think it is
a good idea.
Tom plans ____3____ (make) popcorn. His grandmother knows how to make popcorn. She
can tell him the way ____4____ (make) it. Gina cooks noodles _____5_____ (good), and we all
like her noodles. Mike wants to make Russian soup. And he tells us how to make it. ___6___ ,
八年级英语 第 6 页 共 8 页
(one) buy some beef and vegetables. Then, cut them up. After that, ___7___ (put) them into a pot
and add some water. For one more thing, cook them for half an hour and add some
____8____(salt). I want to make fruit salad. I learn to make it from a book. It is so easy that I can
do it ____9____ (quick).
Our teacher says if we want to give ____10____ (thank) to someone, we must put our hearts
into it. I will remember that in my mind.
七.完形填空(共 7空,计 7分)
love excited good best although ideas have many more
Today we had a discussion about “If you have only one day left”. All the students were very
1 to take part in it. It seemed that different people had different 2 .
Most students said they would stay at home and help their parents with the housework. They
wanted to show their 3 to their parents. If their parents hear what they have said, how happy
they will be! Some students wanted to do something different such as helping others. They said
they should do something meaningful to the world. They thought if they helped 4 people,
they would make their lives more meaningful. Only a few students said they would do nothing but
just 5 a rest at home. They had too much to do every day. They needed a rest.
6 the class had different ideas, we all knew it important to cherish(珍惜)our life. At last,
the teacher said, “I’m glad you all want to use your limited(有限的) life to do something
meaningful. But please remember:try to make the 7 of your time!”
八.阅读表达(共 5小题,计 10分)
New Year’s Day is a traditional festival in the world. On this day, people in different countries
eat different food.
In the USA, people eat herrings (鲱鱼). Americans like herrings because herrings always
swim fast together in the water. They are the symbol of happiness and richness for a family.
In Spain, families like to get together, listen to music and play games. And when it is twelve
o’clock at night and the New Year begins, people will eat twelve grapes. They think the grapes can
bring good luck in the next twelve months.
As we all know, dumplings are the best food for Chinese. They mean tuanyuan in China. And
many families make one or two dumplings with coins (硬币) inside. People who eat dumplings
with coins will get happiness.
Different people eat different food on New Year’s Day, but they all want health and happiness.
八年级英语 第 7 页 共 8 页
1. What do people think of herring in the USA (no more than 12 words)
2. Who likes to eat grapes on New Year’s Day (no more than 4 words)
3. Why do Chinese like to eat dumplings on New Year’s Day (no more than 7 words)
4. 将划线部分句子译成汉语
5. 给短文拟一个适当的英文标题
Dear Mary,
Why not have a try I believe you can do a good job.
Li Hua
八年级英语 第 8 页 共 8 页
(考试时间:120分钟 总分:100分)
1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,第Ⅰ卷为选择题,45分;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,55分;共100分。考试时间为120分钟(含听力20分钟)。
2. 请同学们认真审题,谨慎答题,并将答案写在答题卡上。祝同学们取得好成绩!
第I卷 (选择题 共45分)
1. What fruit do they need
A. B. C.
2. What is Mike going to do for the weekend
A. B. C.
3. What does the boy want to be when he grows up
A. B. C.
4.What is the girl’s New Year’s resolution
A. Eating healthier food. B. Getting thinner. C. Learning cooking.
5. What are they talking about
A. Food. B. Robots. C. Homes.
6. What does Andy want to be when he grows up
A. A writer. B. A doctor. C. An artist.
7.Where does David plan to work in the future
A.In Australia. B.In America. C.In China.
8. What will Jack have for breakfast
A. Sandwiches and milk. B. Bread and eggs. C. Hamburgers and juice.
9. How does Lisa feel
A. Thirsty. B. Hungry. C. Tired.
10. How many tomatoes do the speakers need
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
11. Who will go shopping
A. Lisa. B. Bill. C. Both Lisa and Bill.
12. Where did the woman live now
A. In a small apartment. B. In a large house. C. In a big school.
13. What about the woman’s house in the country
A. It’s near her school. B. It’s large. C. It’s small.
14. What’s the life like in their city
A. The environment is much better than before.
B. The pollution is worse than that in the country.
C. People can usually see blue skies and bright stars.
15. Where does the man think most people will probably live in the future
A. In the city. B. In the country. C. On the moon.
Which job do you think would be the most exciting Which would be the most boring The United Kingdom’s University of Essex did a survey to find out. More than 500 people took part worldwide. Here are the results. Do you agree
Top 5 most boring jobs
Data analysis Accounting Tax/insurance work Cleaning Banking
Top 5 most exciting jobs
Performing arts Science Journalism Health professional Teaching
16. Which job is the most exciting
A. Data analysis. B. Accounting. C. Cleaning. D. Teaching.
17. Health professional is a kind of job to help people ________.
A. keep health B. clean the house C. learn arts D. do sports
18. How many people took part in the survey worldwide
A. 5. B. 50. C. 500. D. More than 500.
Lunches around the world
Simon is from England. He takes a lunch box to school every day. In his lunch box, there are usually two sandwiches, some fruit and a piece of chocolate. Today, Simon ate his lunch with his friend Bruce on the playground. Simon had some cheese sandwiches, an orange and some apple juice. But he was not happy because he didn’t have any chocolate.
Juliette is from France. She likes to have a hot lunch in the school dining hall with her friends. They usually have soup, some meat or fish with vegetables and a salad. For dessert(甜点), they have some ice-cream or fruit cakes. Juliette had lunch with her friend Aimee today. They had tomato soup, chicken with carrots, an apple salad and some ice-cream.
Kazuyo is from Japan. She often takes a lunch box to school. In it, there is usually some rice, vegetables and fish or meat. She thinks it’s healthy and fun. Japanese parents make the rice into different shapes: popular cartoon characters, animals, flowers and buildings! The children have fun eating them. As usual, Kazuyo had lunch in the classroom today. She had some rice and fish. Her rice was in the shape of a panda. It was really cute!
19.Simon had the following things for lunch today EXCEPT ________.
A.an orange B.chocolate C.apple juice D.cheese sandwiches
20.Where does Juliette like to have lunch with her friends
A.At home B.On the playground
C.In the classroom D.In the school dining hall
21.What does Kazuyo think of her lunch
A.Popular and traditional B.Hot and sweet
C.Healthy and fun D.Delicious and cute
22.What can we know from the passage
A.Simon made his lunch himself today B.Juliette never eats tomato soup
C.Kazuyo’s parents make lunch for her D.both Juliette and Kazuyo like ice-cream
What to eat
What food should you eat in our daily life It is very important. Keeping good eating habits can help you reduce disease. A healthy diet (饮食) means choosing right foods to eat and cook them in a healthy way. So, how to choose the right food is also very important. Also, you should have good breakfast and healthy lunch. Eat less for supper.
Change toothbrush (牙刷)
Toothbrush is good for your health. I believe you use toothbrushes every day. Do you often change your toothbrush You may think it is not necessary. A study shows old toothbrushes bring illness. You should often change your toothbrush. You’d better change your toothbrush once a month.
Swimming, running, skating, skiing, dancing, walking and some other activities can help you keep healthy. There are many ways to exercise. You can choose them. You should exercise at least three times a week and for twenty minutes or more each time. Do it from now on.
23. What is the meaning of the underlined word “reduce”
A. 减少 B. 治疗 C. 增加 D. 研究
24. What’s a healthy diet
A. Eating as much food as you can.
B. Eating as many good foods as you can.
C. Choosing right foods and cook them in a healthy way.
D. Cooking food as long as you can.
25. How long should you do exercise each time
A. At least ten minutes. B. At least twenty minutes.
C. At least half an hour. D. At least an hour.
26. What’s the passage mainly about
A. Healthy life habits. B. Trying to do more exercise.
C. Having a healthy eating habit. D. Eating three meals a day.
Like many other young boys,I didn't know what I wanted to be when I was a middle school student. My mother advised(建议) me to be a teacher like her,but it seemed that I was not interested in it. My father wanted me to be a pianist. However,I couldn't stand spending all of my time in front of a piano.
I got my goal(目标) after I went to high school. I got a part-time job at the school radio station and I found it was interesting. I loved to discuss school life and my favorite music with my schoolmates on the radio. I kept doing this job during the next six years. When I left the university,I got a full-time job at our local(当地的) radio station. My career(事业) began. My program is successful and I have a lot of fans. I enjoy my job and my life now.
27. What did the writer's mother do
A. A teacher. B. A pianist. C. A doctor. D. A scientist.
28. When did the writer start working at a radio station
A. When he was ten years old.
B. When he was a high school student.
C. When he studied at university.
D. After he left the university.
29. What did the writer talk about on the radio at the beginning
A. School news. B. Famous films. C. School life. D. Famous people.
30. Which of the following is TRUE
A. The writer was interested in teaching.
B. The writer couldn't play the piano.
C. The writer often interviews(采访) stars.
D. The writer's program is very popular now.
第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共55分)
Last Science Day
A special 1. A real 2. robot came to the school.
It is 3. years old.
He danced for us and got us our4. and food.
He couldn’t 5. at all.
1. Project Hope (希望工程) started in 1989. It helped many poor children to get e______
2. Mr. Green has his o______ telephone in his room, so he doesn’t need to use the telephone in the living room.
3. The question is too difficult. I think it is i________ for a six-year-old child to answer it.
4. The t_______ of the water is just right for taking a shower.
5. No one helped them, so they had to do it ______(自己).
6. The word “film” has the same m__________ (意思)as the word “movie”.
7. To have a good living environment, we should do everything possible to fight _______(污染)
8. _______ (混合) blue and yellow and then it turns green.
1. I think there will be more cars in the cities. (改为否定句)
I ________ think there ________ be more cars in the cities.
2. We need one cup of yogurt. (对划线部分提问)
________ ________ yogurt do we need
3. The resolution is so hard that he can’t keep it. (改为同义句)
The resolution is ____________ hard for him ____________ keep.
How beautiful the place is! I really want to stay here for _______ _______days.
5. Jane从不爬树,因为她小时候曾经看到一个男孩从树上摔下。
Jane never climbs trees because she once saw a boy _______ _______from a tree when she was a little girl.
Hello, everyone! I am Sandy. Today we have a ___1___ (discuss) about how to give thanks to our parents in class. Our teacher says we can make some food for ___2___ (they). We all think it is a good idea.
Tom plans ____3____ (make) popcorn. His grandmother knows how to make popcorn. She can tell him the way ____4____ (make) it. Gina cooks noodles _____5_____ (good), and we all like her noodles. Mike wants to make Russian soup. And he tells us how to make it. ___6___ , (one) buy some beef and vegetables. Then, cut them up. After that, ___7___ (put) them into a pot and add some water. For one more thing, cook them for half an hour and add some ____8____(salt). I want to make fruit salad. I learn to make it from a book. It is so easy that I can do it ____9____ (quick).
Our teacher says if we want to give ____10____ (thank) to someone, we must put our hearts into it. I will remember that in my mind.
love excited good best although ideas have many more
Today we had a discussion about “If you have only one day left”. All the students were very
1 to take part in it. It seemed that different people had different 2 .
Most students said they would stay at home and help their parents with the housework. They wanted to show their 3 to their parents. If their parents hear what they have said, how happy they will be! Some students wanted to do something different such as helping others. They said they should do something meaningful to the world. They thought if they helped 4 people, they would make their lives more meaningful. Only a few students said they would do nothing but just 5 a rest at home. They had too much to do every day. They needed a rest.
6 the class had different ideas, we all knew it important to cherish(珍惜)our life. At last, the teacher said, “I’m glad you all want to use your limited(有限的)life to do something meaningful. But please remember:try to make the 7 of your time!”
New Year’s Day is a traditional festival in the world. On this day, people in different countries eat different food.
In the USA, people eat herrings (鲱鱼). Americans like herrings because herrings always swim fast together in the water. They are the symbol of happiness and richness for a family.
In Spain, families like to get together, listen to music and play games. And when it is twelve o’clock at night and the New Year begins, people will eat twelve grapes. They think the grapes can bring good luck in the next twelve months.
As we all know, dumplings are the best food for Chinese. They mean tuanyuan in China. And many families make one or two dumplings with coins (硬币) inside. People who eat dumplings with coins will get happiness.
Different people eat different food on New Year’s Day, but they all want health and happiness.
1. What do people think of herring in the USA (no more than 12 words)
2. Who likes to eat grapes on New Year’s Day (no more than 4 words)
3. Why do Chinese like to eat dumplings on New Year’s Day (no more than 7 words)
4. 将划线部分句子译成汉语
5. 给短文拟一个适当的英文标题
Dear Mary,
Why not have a try I believe you can do a good job.
Li Hua
一.听力填词(共 15小题,计 15分)
1--3AAA 4--8ABBCA 9--11BBA 12--15ACBC
二.阅读理解(共 15小题,计 30分)
16--18. D AD 19-22B D C C 23~26 ACBA 27--30 AB C D
三.听力填词(共 5小题,计 5分)
1.visitor 2.working 3.two/2 4.drinks 5.talk
四.单词拼写与运用(共 8小题,计 8分)
1.education 2.own 3.impossible 4.temperature 5.themselves
6.meaning 7.pollution 8.Mix
五.完成句子(共 10空,计 5分)
1.don’t will 2.How much 3.too to 4.another two 5.fall down
六.语法填空(共 10小题,计 5分)
1.discussion 2.them 3.to make 4.of making/to
make 5.well 6.First 7.put 8.salt 9.quickly 10.thanks
七.完形填空(共 7小题,计 7分)
1.excited 2.ideas 3.love 4.more 5.have 6.Although 7.best
八.阅读表达(共 5小题,计 10分)
1.They are the symbol of happiness and richness for a family.
2.People in Spain.
3.Because they mean tuanyuan in China.
5.Different food on New Year’s Day.
Dear Mary,
I have something great to share with you! I successfully made a fruit
salad for my parents last weekend. Here I want to tell you how I made it.
First, cut up three apples, three bananas and a watermelon. Next, put
them in a bowl. Then, put two spoons of honey and a cup of yogurt in it.
You can put more in if you like. Finally, I mixed them all up. My parents
really enjoyed the delicious fruit salad.
Why not have a try I believe you can do a good job.
Li Hua



