福建省宁德二中2023-2024九年级上册期末考试英语第一次模拟练习(含答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)

第一节 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三幅图中选出与句子内容相关的选项。(每个句子读两遍)
(   ) 1.A. B. C.
(   ) 2.A. B. C.
(   ) 3.A. B. C.
(   ) 4.A. B. C.
(   ) 5.A. B. C.
第二节 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。(每段对话读两遍)
(   ) 6.Who is Lily
A. Tom’s mother. B. Tom’s sister. C. Tom’s cousin’.
(   ) 7.How will they go to school
A. By car. B. On foot. C. By bike.
(   ) 8.Who invented the first battery
A. Thomas Edison. B. John Baird. C. Alessandro Volta.
(   ) 9.What is the river like now
A. It’s clean. B. It’s polluted. C. It smells terrible.
(   ) 10.What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Husband and wife. B. Waiter and customer. C. Host and guest.
(   ) 11.What’s the man most likely to have for dinner
A. French fries. B. Ham sandwiches. C. Fish and vegetables.
(   ) 12.Who came up with the electricity-saving plan
A. Jim. B. Jim’s mother. C. Jim’s sister.
(   ) 13.How much money does Jim’s family spend on electricity each month now
A. About 60 yuan. B. About 100 yuan. C. About 120 yuan.
(   ) 14.How did the man learn Chinese
A. By taking Chinese lessons.   
B. By talking to native speakers.
C. By listening to Chinese songs.
(   ) 15.What did “Wan Ku” mean in the beginning
A. A kind of dear trousers.   
B. Boys from rich families.
C. A kind of material made of silk.
第三节 听下面短文,根据你所听到的内容,完成以下表格,每空填一词。(短文读三遍)
What I Have Learned in Junior High School
How did I learn English? I found good learning methods such as practicing 16 English by listening to tapes.
What are my good habits? I am often active in class and 17 after class. I have learned how to get along well with 18 . I am kind and 19 to my classmates. I take an active part in 20 and outdoor activities.
从每小题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。
(   ) 21.—What did you do last week
—I went to Germany, ________ European country.
A. a B. an C. the
(   ) 22.Thanks to the video Visiting the World Online, we can enjoy the sights(风景) ________ leaving home.
A. with B. by C. without
(   ) 23.There are several pens in Jim’s pencil-box, but ________ of them works.
A. both B. none C. each
(   ) 24.—What is fun in young people’s eyes nowadays
—It is fun for them to ________ themselves by short videos.
A. doubt B. express C. punish
(   ) 25.—Though they had a discussion for long, they came to an________ at last.
—So they are pleased with the result.
A. agreement B. organization C. expression
(   ) 26.—Mom, where is my iPad Pro
—OH, it ________ to Jenny yesterday.
A. is lent B. lends C. was lent
(   ) 27.—Look! How dry and clean the road is!
—Yes. Someone ________ up the snow.
A. will clean B. cleans C. has cleaned
(   ) 28.(2023 漳州一检)We ________ let the water run to waste.
A. daren’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t
(   ) 29.—Why are you packing your bags
—I ________ to London tonight.
A. am flying B. am meeting C. am leaving
(   ) 30.—China is facing the problem of aging(变老的) population.
—Exactly, our government is looking for some ways to _____ it, including the 3-child policy.
A. agree with B. deal with C. compare with
(   ) 31.Don’t give up ________ you will never succeed.
A. and B. or C. while
(   ) 32.Though they are twins, they do things quite________.
A. different B. difference C. differently
(   ) 33.Which of the following apps will you choose if you want to enjoy delicious take-out food
A. B. C.
(   ) 34.—The environment is becoming ________ these days.
—I think soothed government has done something.
A. smaller and smaller B. worse and worse C. better and better
(   ) 35.—The light in Ben’s room is still on. Could you tell me ________?
—OH, he will finish it soon.
A. when he will finish his homework
B. how he does his homework
C. where he is doing his homework
Every time we check out at the supermarket, we’re facing a question: paper or plastic Then if you think about it for a minute or two, people that wait in the supermarket queue(长队) will be 36 . But it’s an important 37. For years, people have thought that paper bags are greener than plastic bags. 38 according to some experts, it doesn’t really matter which type of bag you 39 .
Paper bags may be 40 to recycle than plastic bags, but they weigh 10 times as much as plastic bags. And heavy paper bags use much more energy and produce 41 waste than plastic bags when they are made. Though people think plastic bags are more difficult to recycle than paper bags, the 42 is that they are almost the same when it comes to how green they are.
Both plastic and paper bags can be 43 . If you’d like to protect the environment, just go to the nearest recycling center to recycle your bags.
But the greenest way to 44 is to bring your own shopping bags from home. Just take a canvas(帆布) bag along on your next shopping trip, so when the salesgirl asks 45 type of bag you need, you can answer, “Canvas!”
(   ) 36. A. lucky B. angry C. nervous
(   ) 37. A. decision B. advice C. way
(   ) 38. A. Because B. But C. So
(   ) 39. A. choose B. see C. make
(   ) 40. A. cheaper B. greater C. easier
(   ) 41. A. more B. less C. much
(   ) 42. A. purpose B. fact C. reason
(   ) 43. A. recycled B. bought C. studied
(   ) 44. A. eat B. travel C. shop
(   ) 45. A. where B. whose C. which
第一节 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
(2022 三明大田期中)
Join us for an English Summer Camp in English! Students between 13 and 18 are welcome to the English Summer Camp. It’s a good chance to learn about British customs(习俗) and improve your English. Eleven experienced English teachers will give you English classes 4 hours a day on weekdays. There are also weekend visits to London Eye, the Big Ben and London Bridge. Time: August 9th to 26th Fee(费用): 23,000 yuan If you are interested, please come to the Children’s Palace to register(登记报名). You can also register by calling Jane Parks at 855-2786. Please register before August 3rd.
(   ) 46.Who can take part in the English Summer Camp
A. Students under 13. B. Students aged 16.
C. Students over 18. D. Students over 20.
(   ) 47.The English Summer Camp lasts ________.
A. 9 days B. 16 days C. 18 days D. 20 days
(   ) 48.How many ways are there for you to register for the English Summer Camp
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
(   ) 49.You can go to register on ________.
A. August 26th B. August 16th C. August 9th D. August 1st
(   ) 50.The reading can most probably be a ________.
A. story B. news report C. poster D. letter
Since the introduction of the new “double reduction (双减)”education policy, the school has been reducing students’ homework and after-school tutoring (培训) pressure (压力).Now, Wang Maida journalist, is interviewing some students about the policy.
The “double reduction” policy really helps me. Our homework is clearly less than before. I can finish it at school so that I don’t have to take it home. I can now review or preview school work when I’m home. We don’t need to buy workbooks anymore and the exercises are mainly from the textbook. I’m also happy to find that there are fewer exams. ——Shen Yuzhe,13,Beijing
The best thing about the “double reduction” is that we have more time to do after-school activities such as dancing, volleyball and so on. I have joined a group called “leadership development”. I can learn all kinds of useful skills there. Teachers are also giving us more chances to learn from real life. For example, during a biology (生物) class we learned about earthworms, common long worms that live in soil. ——Zhang Hangming,13,Tianjin
I have got more time to read books and play sports after school. The art subjects are becoming more important. For example, I have been learning music for a long time. Now I feel more encouraged to do so. However, we can no longer see the rankings (排名) after each exam. There is no doubt that I feel less pressure without knowing them. But at the same time, I don’t know what level I am at. ——Cui Ruqi,12,Liaoning
(   ) 51.According to the text, the new “double reduction” education policy ________.
A. helps students to do more exercises
B. reduces students’ pressure in and out of class
C. encourages students to have more music classes
D. advises teachers to give more chances to students
(   ) 52.What does the underlined word “earthworms” mean
A. 蚯蚓 B. 蟋蟀 C. 田鼠 D. 蜻蜓
(   ) 53.Who can spend more time on after-school activities after the policy
A. Shen Yuzhe and Cui Ruqi.
B. Shen Yuzhe and Zhang Hangming.
C. Zhang Hangming and Cui Ruqi.
D. Wang Mei and Zhang Hangming.
(  ) 54.How many students mentioned the exams under the “double reduction” policy
A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.
(  ) 55.From the last sentence, we can infer(推断) Cui Ruqi feels ________.
A. pleased B. surprised C. worried D. excited
Expressions about water are almost as common as water itself. But many of the expressions using water have bad meanings.
The expression “to be in hot water” is one of them. When we are in “hot water”,we are in trouble.
“To be in deep water” is almost the same as “to be in hot water”. A young boy can be in hot water with his mother if he walks in the house with dirty shoes.
“To keep your head above water” is an expression that means staying out of debt (债务).A company tries to keep its head above water during hard economic (经济的) times. A man who loses his job tries to keep his head above water until he finds a new job.
“Water over the dam (坝)”is an expression about a past event. It is something that is finished. It cannot be changed.
Another common expression, “to hold water”,is about the strength (长处) or weakness of an idea or opinion that you may be arguing (争论) about. If your ideas can hold water, it is strong and does not have any holes. If it does not hold water, then it is weak and not worth arguing.
“Throwing cold water” is also an expression that deals with ideas. It means not liking an idea. For example, you want to buy a new car. But your wife “throws cold water” on the idea because she says a new car costs too much.
(   ) 56.Which of the following expressions has the same meaning as “to be in hot water”?
A. “To be in deep water”.
B. “To keep your head above water”.
C. “Water over the dam”.
D. “To hold water”.
(   ) 57.A schoolboy may be in deep water with his teacher if he ________.
A. forgets to do his homework
B. helps his classmates
C. goes swimming
D. drinks too much water
(   ) 58.When someone tries to keep his head above water, ________.
A. he can’t get along well with others
B. he has a problem with money
C. he finds it hard to understand others’ ideas
D. he is afraid of being punished for his mistake
(   ) 59.If your friend has just made a mistake, you can cheer him up by saying “________.”
A. It is water over the dam; let it go
B. You are in hot water now; let it go
C. Your excuse does not hold water; let it go
D. You should learn to throw cold water; let it go
(   ) 60.The writer explains the expressions mainly by ________.
A. telling differences
B. showing his opinions
C. using examples
D. asking questions
Spring has arrived in the UK but some parts of the world still seem like winter woodlands. Snow forests make up about 30% of the world’s total forest areas. These wonderful woodlands are not very famous, but they are still important. Snow forests are found in the far north of the world in areas that are quite cold and usually have a lot of snowfall (降雪).They lie across parts of Canada, China, Finland, Japan, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the US. Snow forests stretch for thousands of miles and cover about 17% of the earth’s total land area.
②Snow forests have very cold winters that can last up to six months, but even so, they are the habitat for all sorts of animals. Animals that live in the snow forests include (包括) foxes, hares (野兔),mice and wolves (狼).In the US and Canada, as many as five billion birds of more than 300 kinds live in the forests in the breeding (繁殖) season. These huge woodlands also perform a very important job: helping to take in carbon-based gases, which can cause climate change.
③However, snow forests are facing several threats (威胁).Trees are being cut down faster and faster for their wood which can be used for building. Some forests are being cleared to make space for new roads and houses. This threatens the homes of wildlife. As the world gets warmer and the weather changes, the risk of fires in snow forests threatens huge areas. In recent years, Canada and Russia have seen very serious fires spread through the forests.
④Luckily, environmental and wildlife groups around the world are working hard to make snow forests protected areas. This means that cutting down trees is controlled in some areas and the forests are seen as areas of special scientific value.
(   ) 61.What percent of the world’s forest areas are covered by snow forests
A. About 30 percent. B. About 17 percent.
C. About 70 percent. D. About 83 percent.
(   ) 62.What does the underlined word “habitat” in Paragraph 2 probably mean in Chinese
A. 生产地 B. 储物室 C. 栖息地 D. 保护区
(   ) 63.What kind of the following animal may live in the snow forests
A. B. C. D.
(   ) 64.The main purpose of the text is to ________.
A. teach us how to protect the snow forests
B. introduce what the snow forests are
C. tell us the snow forests help control the climate
D. call on people to protect the snow forests
(   ) 65.Which of the following best shows the structure(结构) of the text
A. B. C. D.
第二节 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
With the development in science and industry, the world has changed a lot. The world is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and modern communication means. Life today is much easier than hundreds of years ago, but it also has many problems. 66 We can see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it. 67 With the increase in population, man is now polluting the world. The more people, the more pollution.
68 Air pollution is the most serious. It’s harmful to all living things in the world. Pollution from SO2 is now the most dangerous air pollution. 69 We’re sure that the fewer cars on the road, the less air pollution in the air. Water pollution kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us angry more easily and even causes hearing loss. 70
The earth is our home. We must take good care of it. That means we ought to keep the land, water and air clean and save natural resources. Then our world will become better and better.
A. SO2 is mainly from heavy traffic.
B. There are many kinds of pollution.
C. One of the main problems is pollution.
D. Light pollution is bad for our eyes and it also wastes energy.
E. Years ago, the problem was not serious because there were not so many people.
71. 看到朋友的房间一团糟,你会这样感叹:______________!
72. 你想了解这个盒子的用途,可以这样询问:
Excuse me, ____________________________________________________?
73. 服装店店员想向你介绍这件衬衫是由丝绸制成的,她可以这样说:
74. 你想告诉你的朋友你不知道这是不是个好主意,可以这样说:I don’t know __________________________.
75. 你想感谢对方的帮助,可以这样说:
76. 77. 78.  79. 80.
76. make, bamboo ____________________________________________
77. he, twice _________________________________________________
78. when, leave ___________________________________________________
79. shouldn’t ____________________________________________________
80. necessary, help ________________________________________________
How many backpacks (背包) have you owned since you went to school Backpacks have
81 (become) common and popular among students in the past 30 years. If your backpacks become old, will you just treat them as rubbish and throw them away Five years ago, research showed 82 85% of the old backpacks ended up in dustbins. But as we know, most backpacks are produced from different 83 (material). If we throw them away, they will be 84 /’hɑ (r)mfl/ to our environment.
85 / l’ / some of the old backpacks are no longer of their right color or size, there are still many things you can do with them. Here are some 86 (use) ways for you. For example, do you feel it difficult to find your tools(工具) in the house You can solve this problem by
87 (make) use of your old backpacks to store(储存) all kinds of tools. Also, it is 88
wonderful idea that you can put your old backpacks online for sale. Besides, offering your backpacks to poor kids is another good choice, as those old backpacks may make their life more convenient(便利的) 89 before.
All in all, old backpacks are still of great 90 /’v lju / as long as we put them into use wisely. Remember: rubbish can be turned into treasures (财富)!
91. 为践行国家保护环境、节约资源的号召,助力创建全国森林城市,请你根据下图提示,以“How to Live a Low-Carbon Life”为题写一篇倡议书,在英语课上交流。词数80左右。
1. 开头已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 必须包括上述图示,可适当发挥,意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范;
3. 请勿在文中使用真实的姓名和校名。
How to Live a Low-Carbon Life
Dear classmates,
As we all know, our country calls for us to live a low-carbon life. ________
71.What a mess
72.what is the function of the box/what is the box used for
73. The shirt is made of silk
74.if it is a good idea
75.Thanks for your help/Thank you for your help
76.The chopsticks are made of bamboo.
77.He has been to Shanghai twice.
78.She turned off the light when she left the room.
79.The man shouldn’t cut down the tree.
80.It’s necessary for us to help do housework.
How to Live a Low-Carbon Life
Dear classmates,
As we all know, our country calls for us to live a low-carbon life.
It can both help us save energy and improve our environment. As students, we are able to
start with many small things around us to make it in our daily life. For example, we can turn off the computers and the lights when leaving a room. We can walk there or ride our bikes instead of
taking a bus or taxi if we travel a short distance. We should use both sides of paper at home or in
the office, which helps us save a lot of trees.
In a word, life in the future will be brighter and more beautiful if everyone can do a little. Let’s take action to work for it and enjoy the life with peace.



