
15.(1分)I have a pen friend.She is____ Australian girl.(  )
A.a B.an C.the D./
16.(1分)– Linda,why did Tom feel in class?
– Because he stayed up late to watch the soccer game last night.(  )
A.lovely B.friendly C.sleepy D.happy
17.(1分)– What is your favorite ?
– I like winter best because I can make a snowman with friends.(  )
A.environment B.activity
C.temperature D.season
18.(1分)We should the friendship between us.It's a treasure in lifetime.(  )
A.win B.change C.complete D.value
19.(1分)______English well,I practice speaking English every day.(  )
A.Studies B.Study C.Studying D.To study
20.(1分)I don't think the novel is worth______.(  )
A.read B.reading C.reads D.to read
21.(1分)﹣ Do you know______ in ancient China?
﹣ I have no idea. But I know people once used tree leaves to make paper.(  )
A.how paper was made
B.how was paper made
C.what paper was made
D.what was paper made
22.(1分)Even if you're right,you should not ________ to your teachers.(  )
A.talk to B.talk with
C.talk about D.talk back
23.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Look!The goldfish is dying.
﹣﹣﹣What a pity!This kind of goldfish a lot of care.(  )
A.receives B.offers C.requires D.gives
24.(1分)Mr.Green has gone abroad.You see him here.(  )
A.must B.can C.can't D.mustn't
25.(1分)﹣Peter,how long have you been in the ice skating club?
﹣Not long.I didn't join the club I enjoyed the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.(  )
A.when B.until C.unless D.after
26.(1分)The thief stole a man's purse on a bus by a policeman just now.(  )
A.who,was caught
B.that,has been caught
D.that,is caught
27.(1分)If you stick here,you must pay money for it.(  )
A.to stay B.to staying
C.stayed D.staying
28.(1分)— Must I study medicine and be a doctor like you,Dad?
— No,you ______________,son.You're free to make your own decision.
A.can't B.mustn't C.shouldn't D.needn't
29.(1分)When I was a little boy,I used to ________ French fries a lot.(  )
A.eating B.ate C.eats D.eat
30.(5分)(Two women are waiting for the bus to get to work.)
A:Look at the snow!
B:Oh,yes,it's too heavy.I am afraid we can't get to work on time.
A:I am afraid so.(1)   
B:In fact,no matter what the weather is like,the traffic is always busy in rush hour.
A:That's true.It is a serious problem in Changchun.
B:But Changchun Underground Line 6 is being built. (2)   
A:Yes,the underground system is better and better.But I have never tried it.(3)   
B:Not at all.The price is between 2 and 4 yuan.
A:Really?It is much cheaper than taking a taxi.Besides,if people take the underground,it will make less air and noise pollution.
B: (4)   And there is a Public Bicycle Serve in our city,too.It also helps make less pollution.
A:That suits the people who love sports.(5)   
B:I am sure it will be.Look the bus is coming.
A.You are right.
B.Is it expensive to take the underground?
C.It will help people go around easily.
D.Traffic is always so busy in such bad weather.
E.But what should people do?
F.Our city will get more and more beautiful.
Ⅷ.完形填空 根据上下文的意思,选择适当的词语填空,使文章内容完整。
31.(15分)I'm only twelve years old,but I know sadness of death very well.My grandfather has been smoking (1)    he was a young teenager,and now he has a terrible disease because of (2)   .The doctors thought that his days were numbered.
While my grandfather was in the hospital,my mother and I want to be (3)    him.When we saw him,I was shocked by his condition.He looked so (4)   .He was hardly able to talk.But he managed to say, "I ...you." "You what,Grandpa?" I (5)    in a low voice.He didn't have the strength (体力) to answer me.
The next morning my mother and I had to (6)   .I kept wondering just what it was he had tried so hard to tell me.
A week (7)    we returned home,my family received a phone call from a nurse in the hospital.She told us that my grandfather had said, "Call my (8)    and tell her 'love.'" At first I don't know why he would just say "love".Why not "I love you?" Then it hit me.The day we were in the (9)    he had been trying to say, "I love you." I felt as if I was going to (10)   ,and I did.
After many painful weeks,my grandfather was (11)    able to talk.I called him every night.Every time we hung up (挂断电话) he would say, "I love you" and "I'd do (12)    for you." These,along with his moving (13)   , "You're the only reason I live," are the best compliments (赞美) I have ever received.
I feel honored that he has (14)    his feelings with me.And the most important thing I've learned is that a simple "I love you" is really not (15)   .It's a reason for living.
(1) A.until B.since C.because D.whether
(2) A.running B.eating C.drinking D.smoking
(3) A.without B.about C.with D.against
(4) A.weak B.lively C.angry D.usual
(5) A.told B.talked C.taught D.asked
(6) A.travel B.leave C.move D.come
(7) A.whenever B.while C.after D.before
(8) A.son B.wife C.grandson D.granddaughter
(9) A.hospital B.hotel C.office D.bank
(10) A.sing B.shout C.cry D.call
(11) A.finally B.mostly C.mainly D.usually
(12) A.nothing B.anything C.nobody D.anybody
(13) A.actions B.lessons C.speeches D.words
(14) A.dealt B.begun C.shared D.compared
(15) A.simple B.different C.mystery D.kind
32.(5分)The chart below shows the amount of time that 10 to 15﹣year﹣olds spend chatting on the Internet and playing computer games on a school day in the UK.
As is shown in the chart,25% of the boys spend less than an hour chatting on the Internet.26% of the boys spend 1 to 3 hours on chatting on line.The amount of the boys chatting on line for more than 4 hours is 4%.However,the results of the girls are different
Results on both chatting and playing games show that more and more students depend on the Internet.This worries parents a lot.Parents hope that students can go back to the real world to enjoy nature,instead of killing time in front of the computers.
(1)Which of the following groups are surveyed in the passage?    
A.Students at the age of 14.
B.Students at the age of 16.
C.Students at the age of 17.
D.Students at the age of 8.
(2)How many hours do the least boys spend playing computer games each day?    
A.less than an hour
B.1 to 3 hours
C.more than 4 hours
D.an hour
(3)How many hours do most girls spend chatting on line?    
A.less than an hour
B.1 to 3 hours
C.more than 4 hours
D.an hour
(4)According to the passage,what may the parents advise the students to do?    
A.Eating more fruit.
B.Reading on line.
C.Going to the park.
D.Working hard on schoolwork.
(5)Which of the following statements is true?    
A.The survey only shows the time spent chatting online.
B.For all the students,chatting on the Internet is more popular than playing computer games.
C.Compared with chatting online,girls prefer playing computer games.
D.Most of the girls play computer games for less than an hour.
33.(5分)Henry was going through a very hard time.His wife passed away one month ago!He thought his life became pointless.Henry sat in his house sadly and did nothing.
One day,Henry's neighbor,Lisa
Lisa said to Henry, "Hello,Henry!Just look at this fence between our houses.It is falling apart.You are a strong man.Can you help me fix this fence?"
After hearing Lisa's words,Henry was a little angry.He didn't want to help her.He thought he was the one who needed help.He thought Lisa was kind of rude.However,he agreed to help Lisa because Lisa was too old to fix the fence herself.
Henry spent a few days fixing the fence.When he finished,Lisa thanked him.Henry gave her a smile.It was his first time to smile after his wife passed away. "What a wonderful job!Could you please paint it for me?" Lisa said to him.
Henry thought for a while and agreed.Then he began to paint the fence in the hot sun.As their neighbors passed by,they all praised Henry for what he did.Henry felt happy and proud.He felt like his life was not pointless any more.
Henry finally understood Lisa's purpose.She wanted Henry to know that staving busy could help him forget his sorrows.Henry thanked Lisa a lot.
(1)When Henry was asked to fix the fence,he    .
A.felt a bit angry
B.refused her quickly
C.agreed to do it happily
D.said nothing and went away
(2)How did Lisa help Henry to forget his sadness?    
A.She encouraged him to make friends with other neighbors.
B.She forced him to get to know more neighbors.
C.She advised him to find a new part﹣time job in his free time.
D.She kept asking him to do some things to make him busy.
(3)What does the underlined word "pointless" in Paragraph 1 mean?    
(4)What can we learn from the story?    
A.Asking others for help isn't rude.
B.We should help others at any time.
C.Staving busy can help us forget our sadness.
D.It is hard to make friends with neighbors.
(5)Which of the following words best describes Lisa?    
A.Clever and helpful.
B.Silly and lazy.
C.Patient and hard﹣working.
D.Rude and lazy.
34.(5分)China is the hometown of kites.Making and flying kites is one of the Chinese ancient folk skills.Kites are also an important part of the Chinese culture.
Kites were invented by the Chinese during the Spring and Autumn Period,having a history of over 2,000 years.It is said that Modi,made a wood bird after the work of three years.This might be the earliest kite in human history.Then Lu Ban made changes to the kite of Modi by using bamboos.Some folk custom experts told that ancestors invented kites mainly to memorize their family members and friends who have died.So on the Qingming Festival people would make and fly kites,hoping that their sadness could be passed to the dead through the kites.In the Northern and Southern Dynasties,paper has been used to make kites because of the papermaking.In Song Dynasty,flying kites became a favorite outdoor sport of the people.According to researchers,and they were not spread to Europe until the thirteenth or fourteenth century.
Flying kites needs skills.The controlling string (绳) and the pulling force are decided by the size and the shape of the kites,the environment and the wind.Right wind often blows in spring,flying kites should avoid cloudy days and rainy days.Safety is also an important consideration.Flying kites should be done on an open ground and it is not wise to fly kites in dangerous places such as water side and tops of buildings.
(1)Kites come from China and are an important part of the Chinese culture.    
(2)Kites have a history of over 2,000 years and Lu Ban made the first kite.    
(3)Ancestors invented kites mainly to memorize the dead.    
(4)Kites were first passed to Europe,then to Korea and Japan.    
(5)We'd better fly kites in safe places,such as playgrounds and squares.    
35.(5分)Toby Hall was born in Turnhill,the smallest of the Five Towns.Last New Year's Eve he was travelling by train from Crewe to Derby,which was now his hometown.He got out of the train at Knype,for a quick drink. (1)    When he returned to the train,it was already moving.Toby was not a young man,he couldn't jump on the train. (2)   He went to speak to the man in the station office. "Young man," he asked. "When is the next train to Derby?" "(3)   " Toby went and had another drink. "I'll go to Turnhill," he said to himself slowly,and he paid for his drink.
This was his first visit to the Five Towns for twenty﹣three years,but Knype station was still the same,and so were the times of the trains to Turnhill. (4)   In twenty minutes he was leaving Turnhill station and walking into the town. (5)    In the town centre almost everything was different.
A.So he missed it.
B.The train was the same,too.
C.The station was busy and he had to wait for his drink.
D.He walked past a number of fine new buildings.
E.There isn't one before tomorrow.
36.(10分)When Sammie Vance was just 8,she thought about a question:What breaks your heart? "For me,it's seeing people who need a friend,US,told people magazine,I don't want others to feel that way."
Soon after a summer camp,Vance learned about buddy benches ("伙伴长椅").These benches are seats at a school playground.A lonely child can sit on it
She loved this idea. "This would be really cool to have at my school," Vance said.Then she got into action immediately.She collected 725 kilograms of bottle caps and found a company to turn the caps into benches for her school.According to Vance,these recycled benches cost much less than regular park benches and are good for the environment.
Vance collected more for benches at other schools too.She also made a Facebook page for others to follow her journey and make bottle cap donations.She was surprised that her small project has had an influence on people around the world.She even received bottle caps from Germany,Australia and Israel.
Today,Vance has helped make more than 200 recycled benches in schools and neighborhoods.But she has no plans of stopping.She said in an interview that even adults can use a buddy bench because people at any age can feel lonely. "I just look forward to making a difference," she said
(1)Where was Sammie from?
(2)Why did Sammie decide to make buddy benches in her school?
(3)How did Sammie get buddy benches?
(4)How many benches has Sammie helped make in schools and neighborhoods?
(5)According to the passage,what will Sammie do in the future?
X.短文填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
37.(10分)There is a story in the book History as a Mirror(《资治通鉴》)by the Chinese(1)   (history)Sima Guang.Zhi Xuanzi was the head of a big clan(宗族)in the State of Jin during the Spring and Autumn Period.He wanted a clan member,Zhi Yao,another man in the clan,Zhi Guo(2)   (agree)about it.Zhi Guo first(3)   (list)five advantages of Zhi Yao.For example,he was good at riding and shooting.He was(4)   with the ability to make decisions.But then Zhi Guo said that he almost had no disadvantages(5)    one serious problem:his morals(道德).He never talked to others(6)   (polite)and had an unkind heart.Still,Zhi Xuanzi didn't accept Zhi Guo's suggestions.Zhi Yao became the head of the clan.He quickly made it the strongest in Jin with his abilities of leadership.However,(7)   of his disadvantages,three other clans pulled together to fight against the Zhi clan.The Zhi clan ended(8)    being beaten.
From the story above,Sima Guang thought one's morals are the most important.Talent is not enough.He said that excellent people must have(9)   talent and virtue(德行).Those who have virtue but no talent couldn't work well.Those who have talent but no virtue might not use their talent properly.Those who have both(10)   (call)xiancai(贤才)in ancient times.
Dear Kate,
You must be excited about coming to China soon. .
Best wishes!
Li Ming
15.(1分)I have a pen friend.She is____ Australian girl.(  )
A.a B.an C.the D./
【解答】a一个,修饰以辅音音素开头的单词,修饰以元音音素开头的单词;/零冠词,Australian是以元音音素/ /开头。
16.(1分)– Linda,why did Tom feel in class?
– Because he stayed up late to watch the soccer game last night.(  )
A.lovely B.friendly C.sleepy D.happy
17.(1分)– What is your favorite ?
– I like winter best because I can make a snowman with friends.(  )
A.environment B.activity
C.temperature D.season
【解答】environment环境;activity活动;season季节 like best I can a snowman friends"我最喜欢冬天。可知。
18.(1分)We should the friendship between us.It's a treasure in lifetime.(  )
A.win B.change C.complete D.value
【解答】win赢得;change改变;value珍惜 a treasure lifetime"这是一生的财富"可知。
19.(1分)______English well,I practice speaking English every day.(  )
A.Studies B.Study C.Studying D.To study
20.(1分)I don't think the novel is worth______.(  )
A.read B.reading C.reads D.to read
【解答】read读,动词原形;reads第三人称单数形式。be worth doing sth"值得做某事"固定搭配。
【点评】掌握固定搭配be worth doing sth"值得做某事",选择正确答案。
21.(1分)﹣ Do you know______ in ancient China?
﹣ I have no idea. But I know people once used tree leaves to make paper.(  )
A.how paper was made
B.how was paper made
C.what paper was made
D.what was paper made
【解答】根据Do you ?再结合选项 you ,宾语从句中应该用陈述语序,所以排除BD But I people used leaves make paper,这里用how引导.
22.(1分)Even if you're right,you should not ________ to your teachers.(  )
A.talk to B.talk with
C.talk about D.talk back
【解答】talk to与某人交谈 with与某人说话 about谈论 back顶嘴 should your ,talk to 。
23.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Look!The goldfish is dying.
﹣﹣﹣What a pity!This kind of goldfish a lot of care.(  )
A.receives B.offers C.requires D.gives
24.(1分)Mr.Green has gone abroad.You see him here.(  )
A.must B.can C.can't D.mustn't
25.(1分)﹣Peter,how long have you been in the ice skating club?
﹣Not long.I didn't join the club I enjoyed the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.(  )
A.when B.until C.unless D.after
26.(1分)The thief stole a man's purse on a bus by a policeman just now.(  )
A.who,was caught
B.that,has been caught
D.that,is caught
【解答】根据句意:在公共汽车上偷一个人钱包的小偷刚才被警察抓住了。句子是定语从句,指人,关系代词用who a policeman可知第二空是被动语态。主语thief是单数。
27.(1分)If you stick here,you must pay money for it.(  )
A.to stay B.to staying
C.stayed D.staying
【解答】stick to doing sth固定搭配,表示坚持做某事,你必须付钱。
28.(1分)— Must I study medicine and be a doctor like you,Dad?
— No,you ______________,son.You're free to make your own decision.
A.can't B.mustn't C.shouldn't D.needn't
29.(1分)When I was a little boy,I used to ________ French fries a lot.(  )
A.eating B.ate C.eats D.eat
30.(5分)(Two women are waiting for the bus to get to work.)
A:Look at the snow!
B:Oh,yes,it's too heavy.I am afraid we can't get to work on time.
A:I am afraid so.(1) D 
B:In fact,no matter what the weather is like,the traffic is always busy in rush hour.
A:That's true.It is a serious problem in Changchun.
B:But Changchun Underground Line 6 is being built. (2) C 
A:Yes,the underground system is better and better.But I have never tried it.(3) B 
B:Not at all.The price is between 2 and 4 yuan.
A:Really?It is much cheaper than taking a taxi.Besides,if people take the underground,it will make less air and noise pollution.
B: (4) A And there is a Public Bicycle Serve in our city,too.It also helps make less pollution.
A:That suits the people who love sports.(5) F 
B:I am sure it will be.Look the bus is coming.
A.You are right.
B.Is it expensive to take the underground?
C.It will help people go around easily.
D.Traffic is always so busy in such bad weather.
E.But what should people do?
F.Our city will get more and more beautiful.
Ⅷ.完形填空 根据上下文的意思,选择适当的词语填空,使文章内容完整。
31.(15分)I'm only twelve years old,but I know sadness of death very well.My grandfather has been smoking (1) B  he was a young teenager,and now he has a terrible disease because of (2) D .The doctors thought that his days were numbered.
While my grandfather was in the hospital,my mother and I want to be (3) C  him.When we saw him,I was shocked by his condition.He looked so (4) A .He was hardly able to talk.But he managed to say, "I ...you." "You what,Grandpa?" I (5) D  in a low voice.He didn't have the strength (体力) to answer me.
The next morning my mother and I had to (6) B .I kept wondering just what it was he had tried so hard to tell me.
A week (7) C  we returned home,my family received a phone call from a nurse in the hospital.She told us that my grandfather had said, "Call my (8) D  and tell her 'love.'" At first I don't know why he would just say "love".Why not "I love you?" Then it hit me.The day we were in the (9) A  he had been trying to say, "I love you." I felt as if I was going to (10) C ,and I did.
After many painful weeks,my grandfather was (11) A  able to talk.I called him every night.Every time we hung up (挂断电话) he would say, "I love you" and "I'd do (12) B  for you." These,along with his moving (13) D , "You're the only reason I live," are the best compliments (赞美) I have ever received.
I feel honored that he has (14) C  his feelings with me.And the most important thing I've learned is that a simple "I love you" is really not (15) A .It's a reason for living.
(1) A.until B.since C.because D.whether
(2) A.running B.eating C.drinking D.smoking
(3) A.without B.about C.with D.against
(4) A.weak B.lively C.angry D.usual
(5) A.told B.talked C.taught D.asked
(6) A.travel B.leave C.move D.come
(7) A.whenever B.while C.after D.before
(8) A.son B.wife C.grandson D.granddaughter
(9) A.hospital B.hotel C.office D.bank
(10) A.sing B.shout C.cry D.call
(11) A.finally B.mostly C.mainly D.usually
(12) A.nothing B.anything C.nobody D.anybody
(13) A.actions B.lessons C.speeches D.words
(14) A.dealt B.begun C.shared D.compared
(15) A.simple B.different C.mystery D.kind
【解答】(1)考查连词。句意:我祖父从青少年时期起就一直抽烟。until直到……为止;because因为。根据空处前后两句"My has smoking"(我祖父一直抽烟)和"he a young ,要表达的是祖父自青少年时期起就一直抽烟。
(2)考查动词。句意:我祖父从青少年时期起就一直抽烟。running跑步;drinking喝酒。根据上文"My has smoking he a young ,)可知。故选D。
(3)考查介词。句意:当我的祖父还在医院的时候。without无;about关于;against反对 my was the we him"(当我们看见他)可知,作者和妈妈一起去看望他。故选C。
(4)考查形容词。句意:他看起来如此虚弱;lively富有活力的;usual惯常的 was able talk. ,几乎不能说话了。
(5)考查动词。句意:我低声问道;talked谈论;asked问 didn't the (体力) answer 。)可知,但是他没有力气回答她。
(6)考查动词。句意:第二天早上。travel旅行;move移动;come来 week returned ,作者和妈妈离开祖父回家了。
(7)考查连词。句意:我们回家一周后。whenever无论何时;after在……之后。根据前文"my and I to with next my and I to ,我和妈妈不得不离开)可知,作者和妈妈回家了,他们接到了来自医院护士的电话。
(8)考查名词。句意:她告诉我们,告诉她 。son儿子;grandson孙子。根据"tell 'love'"(告诉她"爱")中的"her"可知是孙女。
(9)考查名词。句意:我们在医院那天。hospital医院;office办公室。根据"While grandfather in hospital"(我们在医院那天)可知。故选A。
(10)考查动词。句意:我觉得我要哭了。sing唱歌;cry哭;呼吁 kept just it he tried hard tell 。)和" first I know he...trying say, love ,起初,现在作者突然想到,作者很感动,而且真的哭了。
(11)考查副词。句意:在几个痛苦的星期之后。finally最后;mostly大多;usually经常。根据上文"He have strength to me."(他没有力气回答我 called every "(我每晚都给他打电话,祖父经过医院治疗,到后来终于能说话。故选A。
(12)考查代词。句意:每次我挂电话的时候。nothing没有任何事情;nobody没人。根据前文"I him night.Every we up he say, love 。每次我们挂断电话,作者和祖父关系很好,可推知,愿意为作者做任何事。
(13)考查名词。句意:这些。actions行为,教训;words话 the reason I ,这是一句话。
(14)考查动词。句意:我感到很荣幸他能和我分享他的感受,应对;shared分享。根据上文"Every we up...best (赞美) I ever ,每次作者和祖父通话,故固定搭配share sb."与某人分享某事"符合题意。
(15)考查形容词。句意:我学到的最重要的一点是。simple简单的;mystery神秘的。根据前文"a "I you" "(一句简单的"我爱你")和下文"It's a for 。)可知,因为这是活着的理由。
32.(5分)The chart below shows the amount of time that 10 to 15﹣year﹣olds spend chatting on the Internet and playing computer games on a school day in the UK.
As is shown in the chart,25% of the boys spend less than an hour chatting on the Internet.26% of the boys spend 1 to 3 hours on chatting on line.The amount of the boys chatting on line for more than 4 hours is 4%.However,the results of the girls are different
Results on both chatting and playing games show that more and more students depend on the Internet.This worries parents a lot.Parents hope that students can go back to the real world to enjoy nature,instead of killing time in front of the computers.
(1)Which of the following groups are surveyed in the passage?  A 
A.Students at the age of 14.
B.Students at the age of 16.
C.Students at the age of 17.
D.Students at the age of 8.
(2)How many hours do the least boys spend playing computer games each day?  C 
A.less than an hour
B.1 to 3 hours
C.more than 4 hours
D.an hour
(3)How many hours do most girls spend chatting on line?  B 
A.less than an hour
B.1 to 3 hours
C.more than 4 hours
D.an hour
(4)According to the passage,what may the parents advise the students to do?  D 
A.Eating more fruit.
B.Reading on line.
C.Going to the park.
D.Working hard on schoolwork.
(5)Which of the following statements is true?  D 
A.The survey only shows the time spent chatting online.
B.For all the students,chatting on the Internet is more popular than playing computer games.
C.Compared with chatting online,girls prefer playing computer games.
D.Most of the girls play computer games for less than an hour.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据The below the of that to spend on Internet playing games a school in UK.(下表显示了英国10至15岁的学生在学校一天在网上聊天和玩电脑游戏的时间,文章中对14岁的学生组进行了调查。
(2)细节理解题。根据The of boys on for than 4 is 。)可知。故选C。
(4)细节理解题。根据Parents that can back the world enjoy ,instead killing in of computers.(家长们希望学生能回到现实世界享受自然。)可知,家长建议学生努力学习功课。
33.(5分)Henry was going through a very hard time.His wife passed away one month ago!He thought his life became pointless.Henry sat in his house sadly and did nothing.
One day,Henry's neighbor,Lisa
Lisa said to Henry, "Hello,Henry!Just look at this fence between our houses.It is falling apart.You are a strong man.Can you help me fix this fence?"
After hearing Lisa's words,Henry was a little angry.He didn't want to help her.He thought he was the one who needed help.He thought Lisa was kind of rude.However,he agreed to help Lisa because Lisa was too old to fix the fence herself.
Henry spent a few days fixing the fence.When he finished,Lisa thanked him.Henry gave her a smile.It was his first time to smile after his wife passed away. "What a wonderful job!Could you please paint it for me?" Lisa said to him.
Henry thought for a while and agreed.Then he began to paint the fence in the hot sun.As their neighbors passed by,they all praised Henry for what he did.Henry felt happy and proud.He felt like his life was not pointless any more.
Henry finally understood Lisa's purpose.She wanted Henry to know that staving busy could help him forget his sorrows.Henry thanked Lisa a lot.
(1)When Henry was asked to fix the fence,he  A .
A.felt a bit angry
B.refused her quickly
C.agreed to do it happily
D.said nothing and went away
(2)How did Lisa help Henry to forget his sadness?  D 
A.She encouraged him to make friends with other neighbors.
B.She forced him to get to know more neighbors.
C.She advised him to find a new part﹣time job in his free time.
D.She kept asking him to do some things to make him busy.
(3)What does the underlined word "pointless" in Paragraph 1 mean?  B 
(4)What can we learn from the story?  C 
A.Asking others for help isn't rude.
B.We should help others at any time.
C.Staving busy can help us forget our sadness.
D.It is hard to make friends with neighbors.
(5)Which of the following words best describes Lisa?  A 
A.Clever and helpful.
B.Silly and lazy.
C.Patient and hard﹣working.
D.Rude and lazy.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据文中"After Lisa's ,Henry a little ,Henry有点生气,Henry在听到Lisa的请求后有点生气。
(2)细节理解题。根据文中"Can help fix fence?)和"Could please it me?)可知,由此可知,忘记悲伤。
(3)词句猜测题。根据文中"As neighbors by all Henry what did.Henry happy proud.He like life not any ,他们都称赞Henry的所作所为。他觉得自己的生活不再毫无意义,路过的人都在夸奖Henry做的事,觉得自己是可以帮助别人的,与meaningless同义。
(4)推理判断题。根据文中"She Henry know staving could him his ,忙碌可以帮助他忘掉悲伤,忙碌可以让我们忘记悲伤。
(5)推理判断题。根据文中"She to Henry.Then had idea."(她想帮助Henry。)可知,并想到了帮助他的方法。故选A。
34.(5分)China is the hometown of kites.Making and flying kites is one of the Chinese ancient folk skills.Kites are also an important part of the Chinese culture.
Kites were invented by the Chinese during the Spring and Autumn Period,having a history of over 2,000 years.It is said that Modi,made a wood bird after the work of three years.This might be the earliest kite in human history.Then Lu Ban made changes to the kite of Modi by using bamboos.Some folk custom experts told that ancestors invented kites mainly to memorize their family members and friends who have died.So on the Qingming Festival people would make and fly kites,hoping that their sadness could be passed to the dead through the kites.In the Northern and Southern Dynasties,paper has been used to make kites because of the papermaking.In Song Dynasty,flying kites became a favorite outdoor sport of the people.According to researchers,and they were not spread to Europe until the thirteenth or fourteenth century.
Flying kites needs skills.The controlling string (绳) and the pulling force are decided by the size and the shape of the kites,the environment and the wind.Right wind often blows in spring,flying kites should avoid cloudy days and rainy days.Safety is also an important consideration.Flying kites should be done on an open ground and it is not wise to fly kites in dangerous places such as water side and tops of buildings.
(1)Kites come from China and are an important part of the Chinese culture.  T 
(2)Kites have a history of over 2,000 years and Lu Ban made the first kite.  F 
(3)Ancestors invented kites mainly to memorize the dead.  T 
(4)Kites were first passed to Europe,then to Korea and Japan.  F 
(5)We'd better fly kites in safe places,such as playgrounds and squares.  T 
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据"China the of and kites one the ancient skills.Kites also important of Chinese 。制作和放风筝是中国古代民间技艺之一。)可知,是中国文化的重要组成部分。
(2)细节理解题。根据"Kites invented the during Spring Autumn ,having a of 2,000 is that ,an Chinese ,made a bird the of years.This be earliest in history."(风筝是中国人在春秋时期发明的。据说,制作了一只木鸟。)可知。故填F。
(3)细节理解题。根据"Some custom told ancestors kites to their members friends have ,祖先发明风筝主要是为了纪念他们的家人和去世的朋友,祖先发明风筝主要是为了纪念死者。
(4)细节理解题。根据"According researchers were to in tenth and to ,and were spread Europe the or century."(根据研究人员的说法,然后传到日本。)可知,然后传到韩国和日本"表述错误。
(5)细节理解题。根据"Flying should done an ground it not to kites dangerous such water and of ,在危险的地方放风筝是不明智的。)可知,比如操场和广场。
35.(5分)Toby Hall was born in Turnhill,the smallest of the Five Towns.Last New Year's Eve he was travelling by train from Crewe to Derby,which was now his hometown.He got out of the train at Knype,for a quick drink. (1) C  When he returned to the train,it was already moving.Toby was not a young man,he couldn't jump on the train. (2) A He went to speak to the man in the station office. "Young man," he asked. "When is the next train to Derby?" "(3) E " Toby went and had another drink. "I'll go to Turnhill," he said to himself slowly,and he paid for his drink.
This was his first visit to the Five Towns for twenty﹣three years,but Knype station was still the same,and so were the times of the trains to Turnhill. (4) B In twenty minutes he was leaving Turnhill station and walking into the town. (5) D  In the town centre almost everything was different.
A.So he missed it.
B.The train was the same,too.
C.The station was busy and he had to wait for his drink.
D.He walked past a number of fine new buildings.
E.There isn't one before tomorrow.
【解答】(1)细节推理题。根据下一句When returned the ,it already ,火车已经开动了,当他回到火车那里时,说明他等酒喝的时间太长了,他不得不等酒喝。故选C。
(2)细节推理题。根据上一句Toby not a man couldn't on train(Tony不是年轻小伙子,Tony不是年轻小伙子。说明他只能错过火车。"符合语境。
(3)细节推理题。根据下一句Toby and another ,说明下一班火车没那么快来。"符合语境。
(4)细节推理题。根据上一句This his visit the Towns twenty﹣three ,but station still same so the of trains Turnhill.(这是他23年来第一次访问五大城镇,去Turnhill的火车时间也是一样的,这是他23年来第一次访问五大城镇,去Turnhill的火车时间也是一样的。选项B"车站也一样。故选B。
(5)细节推理题。根据上一句In minutes was Turnhill and into town.(二十分钟后,走进小镇,二十分钟后,走进小镇。选项D"他经过了许多漂亮的新建筑。故选D。
36.(10分)When Sammie Vance was just 8,she thought about a question:What breaks your heart? "For me,it's seeing people who need a friend,US,told people magazine,I don't want others to feel that way."
Soon after a summer camp,Vance learned about buddy benches ("伙伴长椅").These benches are seats at a school playground.A lonely child can sit on it
She loved this idea. "This would be really cool to have at my school," Vance said.Then she got into action immediately.She collected 725 kilograms of bottle caps and found a company to turn the caps into benches for her school.According to Vance,these recycled benches cost much less than regular park benches and are good for the environment.
Vance collected more for benches at other schools too.She also made a Facebook page for others to follow her journey and make bottle cap donations.She was surprised that her small project has had an influence on people around the world.She even received bottle caps from Germany,Australia and Israel.
Today,Vance has helped make more than 200 recycled benches in schools and neighborhoods.But she has no plans of stopping.She said in an interview that even adults can use a buddy bench because people at any age can feel lonely. "I just look forward to making a difference," she said
(1)Where was Sammie from?
(2)Why did Sammie decide to make buddy benches in her school?
 Because a lonely child can sit on it,which shows that he or she is in need of a friend. 
(3)How did Sammie get buddy benches?
 She collected 725 kilograms of bottle caps and found a company to turn the caps into benches for her school. 
(4)How many benches has Sammie helped make in schools and neighborhoods?
 More than 200 recycled benches in schools and neighborhoods. 
(5)According to the passage,what will Sammie do in the future?
 She will make a difference and encourage other people to make a difference. 
【分析】本文主要讲述了Sammie Vance帮助孤独的孩子设立"伙伴长椅"的故事。
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段the seventh grader from Indiana,(这位来自美国印第安纳州的七年级学生)可知。故填Indiana
(2)细节理解题。根据第二段A lonely child can sit on it,这表明他或她需要一个朋友,Sammie决定在她的学校设立长椅是因为孤独的孩子可以坐在上面,她认为这个主意很好,which shows that he or she is in need of a friend.
(3)细节理解题。根据第三段She collected 725 kilograms of bottle caps and found a company to turn the caps into benches for her school.(她收集了725公斤的瓶盖,将这些瓶盖变成了学校的长椅,她收集了725公斤的瓶盖,将这些瓶盖变成了学校的长椅
(4)细节理解题。根据第五段Vance has helped make more than 200 recycled benches in schools and neighborhoods(Vance已经帮助学校和社区制作了200多张回收长椅,Vance帮助学校和社区制作了200多张可回收的长椅
(5)细节理解题。根据最后一段But has plans stopping.She in interview even can a buddy because at age feel "I look to a difference," said, encouraging people make a 。她在接受采访时说,因为任何年龄的人都会感到孤独,"她说。")可知,她期待着有所作为并鼓励其他人有所作为
X.短文填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
37.(10分)There is a story in the book History as a Mirror(《资治通鉴》)by the Chinese(1) historian (history)Sima Guang.Zhi Xuanzi was the head of a big clan(宗族)in the State of Jin during the Spring and Autumn Period.He wanted a clan member,Zhi Yao,another man in the clan,Zhi Guo(2) agreement (agree)about it.Zhi Guo first(3) listed (list)five advantages of Zhi Yao.For example,he was good at riding and shooting.He was(4) born with the ability to make decisions.But then Zhi Guo said that he almost had no disadvantages(5) except  one serious problem:his morals(道德).He never talked to others(6) politely (polite)and had an unkind heart.Still,Zhi Xuanzi didn't accept Zhi Guo's suggestions.Zhi Yao became the head of the clan.He quickly made it the strongest in Jin with his abilities of leadership.However,(7) because of his disadvantages,three other clans pulled together to fight against the Zhi clan.The Zhi clan ended(8) up  being beaten.
From the story above,Sima Guang thought one's morals are the most important.Talent is not enough.He said that excellent people must have(9) both talent and virtue(德行).Those who have virtue but no talent couldn't work well.Those who have talent but no virtue might not use their talent properly.Those who have both(10) were called (call)xiancai(贤才)in ancient times.
【解答】(1)historian.考查名词。句意:中国历史学家司马光的《资治通鉴》一书中有一个故事 Guang"可知为中国历史学家司马光,这里特指司马光。故填:historian。
(5)born.考查形容词。句意:他有做决定的天赋,可知为"be 。故填:born。
(5)except.考查介词。句意:但后来智国说,只有一个严重的问题:他的道德 then Guo that almost no serious ,他几乎没有缺点。故填:except。
(7)because.考查连词。句意:然而,其他三个氏族团结起来对抗智氏 other pulled to against Zhi ,其他三个氏族团结起来对抗智氏,后跟名词短语。
(8)up.考查介词。句意:智氏家族最终被打败了,可知为"end up doing sth"。故填:up。
(9)both.考查代词。句意:他说优秀的人必须天赋和美德两者都要具备 and ,意思为"两者都"。
(10)were called.考查被动语态。句意:这两种人在古代都被称为贤人,可知这里为被动语态,根据in times可知时态为一般过去时,可知be动词用were。故填:were called。
You should listen to the teacher carefully in class and review your notes after class.你应该在课堂上认真听老师讲课,课后复习笔记。listen to 听。
You should obey the traffic rules on your way to school.你上学的路上应该遵守交通规则。the traffic rules 交通规则。
【解答】1)You should listen to the teacher carefully in class and review your notes after class.【高分句型一】
2)You should listen to English news and read English newspapers every day.
3)You should keep diaries in English.
4)You should go to school on time,not be late or leave early.
5)You should obey the traffic rules on your way to school.【高分句型二】
Dear Kate,
You must be excited about coming to China soon. .
Best wishes!
Li Ming
Now let me tell you something about the table manners in China.现在让我来告诉你一些中国的餐桌礼仪.let sb do sth表示让某人做某事。
Second,you are supposed to eat with chopsticks.第二,你应该用筷子吃饭。be supposed to do sth表示应该做某事。
【解答】Dear Kate,
You be about to soon.(引出话题)Now let me tell you something about the table manners in China.【高分句型一】First,you are supposed to eat with chopsticks.【高分句型二】Don't eat with a knife or a fork.Third to stick your chopsticks into the food.Fourth impolite to point at anyone with your chopsticks.You can't hit an empty bowl with ,you table.It's important to remember all of these.(中国餐桌礼仪)
Best !(祝愿)
Li Ming




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