
英 语
本试卷共 10 页,100分。考试时长90分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题纸一并交回。
第一节 完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
For a long time Gabriel didn’t want to be involved in music at all. In his first years of high school, Gabriel would look sympathetically at the music students, __1__ across the campus with their heavy instrument cases, turning up at school for practice hours before anyone else had to be there. He promised to himself to __2__ music, as he hated getting to school extra early.
However, one day, in the music class that was part of his school’s standard curriculum, he was playing lazily on the piano and found it easy to pick out tunes. With a sinking feeling, he realized that he actually __3__ doing it. He tried to hide his __4__ pleasure from the music teacher, who had __5__ over to listen. He might not have done this particularly well, but the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good ear and suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there __6__ him. There he decided to give the cello(大提琴) a __7__.When he began practicing, he took it very casually. But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument, and was __8__ to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.
This meant, of course, that he arrived at school early in the morning, __9__ his heavy instrument case across the campus to the __10__ looks of the non-musicians he had left behind.
1. A. removing B. marching C. pacing D. struggling
2. A. confirm B. conquer C. avoid D. appreciate
3. A. missed B. disliked C. enjoyed D. defended
4. A. eager B. obvious C. false D. individual
5. A. watched B. jogged C. jumped D. wandered
6. A. occurred to B. reacted to C. appealed to D. belonged to
7. A. fortune B.change C. mission D. charge
8. A. committed B. used C. suited D. admitted
9. A. pushing B. dragging C. escaping D. rushing
10. A. admiring B. pitying C. annoying D. relieving
第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
There is so much more to learn about the interesting history and culture of the United Kingdom. Studying the history of the country will make your visit much more enjoyable. The capital city London is a great place to start, __11__it is an ancient port city that has a history dating all the way back to Roman times. There are countless __12__(history) sites to explore, and lots of museums ___13___ancient relics from all over the UK. The UK is a fascinating mix of history and modern culture. If you keep your eyes open, you will be surprised to find that you can see both its past and its present.
In 2009, Whitacre received a video of a girl who was singing one of his works. __14__(inspire), he asked his fans to make videos, which he then joined together into one performance. His first virtual choir, “ Lux Aurumque”, had 185 singers from 12 different countries. Since then, the virtual choir ___15___(become) a worldwide phenomenon. Whitacre’ s next effort was the Virtual Youth Choir for UNICEF, ___16___ was seen for the first time on stage on 23 July 2014 in the UK. Altogether, 2,292 young people from 80 countries joined in to sing Whitacre’s song “What If”.
ChatGPT’s was launched in November last year, and it has caused an immediate hit that is both entertaining and alarming __17__(it) users. Given a command or question, the chatbot is able to return convincing essays, simple recipes and even life advice in a matter of __18__ (second). This __19__(impress) achievement is obtained by a large language model. Many are wondering what could be next for this technology and __20__ the technology could end up.
International travel is popular, but visitors can run into trouble if they don’t know some basic “rules”. So, it’s important to learn about the cultures they’re visiting.
In general, Brazilian culture is informal. Most Brazilians are very friendly, so it’s important to greet the people you meet. Normally women kiss on the cheek, but men usually just shake hands. Brazilians usually stand very close to each other while speaking. Even if this is unusual in your culture, try not to move away if it happens. If you go to a business meeting, you are not expected to take a gift.
On the other hand, if you are invited to someone’s house, you should take a gift — like flowers or chocolate. However, avoid anything purple or black, as these colors have to do with death.
If you are invited to dinner, arrive at least 30 minutes late, but always dress well, because a person’s appearance can be very important to Brazilians.
Saudi Arabia is a very traditional country. It is important to greet the oldest or the most senior person first. People shake hands in business situations, but men and women do not touch in public.
In a business meeting, do not start with business matters at once. Instead, lead in the conversation by asking about people’s family or health. Arrive on time for business meetings, but don't be surprised if others are late. Being on time is less important in Saudi Arabia than it is in most western countries. Business dress is formal.
Gifts are not expected at business meetings. If you are invited to a Saudi home, acceptable gifts are chocolate or coffee. Be careful not to admire the things the host owns, because he or she will feel necessary to give an item to you as a gift.
The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 refers to ______.
kissing on the cheek when greeting
dressing formally when invited
preparing gifts at business meetings
standing very close when talking
22. Which of the following are mentioned in both countries in the passage
①lead-in topics ②greetings ③arriving time ④giving gifts ⑤dresses
A. ①②③④ B. ①②④⑤ C. ①③④⑤ D. ②③④⑤
23. Why does the writer write this passage
A. To ask more people to travel to different countries.
B. To introduce some basic rules in different cultures.
C. To teach tourists how to understand English culture.
D. To show different opinions about different cultures.
One day, when I was going to check in at an airport, I noticed there was a big problem. The counter person was telling everyone that all the planes were having problems and they would not be able to fly! And it was suggested that a bus would be provided to take us to Seattle. Everyone was worried, as we only had an hour and a half to make the connecting flight, and the bus was not even at the airport yet.
Finally, the bus pulled up, and the driver said, “They just pulled me out of bed after an all-night shift, and they expect me to get you to Seattle in time to catch your fight. Good luck!”
Needless to say, everyone was in a really bad mood. I was loading my baggage into the bus and had hung my banjo (班卓琴) over my back when the bus driver said,“What Are you going to play that on my bus ”“Well, I really did not plan on it,”I replied.“I was only kidding,”said the driver. But I started thinking about it, and I pulled out the banjo. A worried, angry woman said,“Well, what if I don’t like it ” “Then tell me and I’ll stop,” I replied.
We drove off, and the tension made the atmosphere inside the bus horrendous! Then I started performing the old standard Blue Skies. In a few minutes, I noticed everyone was singing along. I started to sing, too, and before long, the whole bus burst into song.
One song led to another. Everyone laughed and sang, with food passed around the bus, and before long, the airport was in sight.
The bus driver called, “We made it! We never would have done it without the help of our banjo player.” Shouts of approval rang through the bus. People exchanged addresses and invitations to visit, and a few even exchanged hugs.
A few weeks later, my mailbox was filled with letters from my new friends. Their letters reminded me of how, by reaching out with just a song or a bit of friendship, you can turn a very tense situation into a peaceful experience.
24. What can we learn from paragraph 2
A. The driver was glad to take them to Seattle.
B. The driver was too tired to send them to Seattle.
C. The driver was late because he just came off the night shift.
D. The driver thought they would have difficulty making it to Seattle.
25. What does the underlined word “horrendous” in paragraph 4 mean
A. Boring. B. Strange. C. Terrible. D. Cheerful.
26. What is the text mainly about
A. A great banjo play.
B. A wonderful musical bus ride.
C. The amazing friendship on a bus.
D. An unforgettable experience at the airport.
Chinese experts will head to Memphis Zoo in the United States to assist in the care of giant panda Ya Ya and ensure her health and well-being. The move comes after the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens received reports of Yaya’s poor health condition and was instructed by the country’s regulatory authorities to take action.
With it being decided that Yaya will come back home, this event raises the question of why giant pandas are so difficult to feed and breed. Although giant pandas only feed on bamboo, a low-nutrient food, they are known for their appetite.The Calgary Zoo in Canada sent two pandas back to China in 2020 due to a shortage of bamboo, reported CNN. According to the zoo,the animals together eat about 40 kilograms of fresh bamboo each day.
They also have trouble absorbing nutrients. Pandas digest food with the help of certain bacteria, instead of ensymes(酶)that most creatures have for digestion, according to a study in 2011. Even with the help of the bacteria, pandas can only digest 17 percent of the food they eat, so they live an energy-conserving lifestyle.
Their low reproductive rate is a crucial reason as well. Generally, giant pandas can breed when they reach 4 to 8 years old, according to the Pandas International website. Females breed once a year in the spring which lasts only about two or three days. In the wild, female pandas leave their scent on bamboo so that males can locate them. Even if a pair meets, successful breeding is not certain.
Females normally give birth to one or two cubs. If twins are born, the mother may only raise the stronger of the cubs. A newborn panda baby only weighs about 0.1 percent of the weight of a fully grown panda, making its survival extremely difficult.
Despite these issues, progress has been made in breeding and protecting the widely loved animals. Until 2022, there were about 673 giant pandas in captivity(圈养), and the wild population of giant pandas reaches more than 1,800, according to China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda. Duan Zhaogang at the center told Xinhua that they had sent 10 pandas back to the wild with nine of them surviving.
Why did the Calgary Zoo send two pandas back to China in 2020
They suffered from a skin disease.
They cost the zoo too much money.
There wasn’t enough food for them.
They failed to adjust to the local environment.
Why do giant pandas have trouble absorbing nutrients
They have a low appetite.
They only eat low-nutrient foods.
They have a delicate digestive system.
They don’t have enough enzymes for digestion.
What do we know about female pandas
A. They can’t breed until they reach 8 years old.
B. They breed once a year within a short time period.
C. They are likely to give birth to two or more cubs.
D. They have difficulty locating mates in the wild.
30. What is the article mainly about
A. The living habits of giant pandas.
B. The success of protecting giant pandas.
C. The controversy over captive giant pandas.
D. The difficulties giant pandas face to survive.
Antiquities are ancient objects and artworks. Museums acquire works to display from many different sources. Sometimes they purchase them. Other times they receive donations. Today there are strict rules forbidding art that has been stolen from other countries. However, antiquities that have been at museums for decades or even centuries may have arrived there by questionable means. Now, some countries claim that museums have a responsibility to return these antiquities to their original locations.
There are many examples of this debate. Perhaps the most famous is the argument between Greece and the UK over the Elgin marbles. In the early 19th century, the Earl(伯爵) of Elgin had numerous sculptures taken from Greece to the UK. When Elgin did this, Greece was still a part of the Ottoman Empire. He claimed that he had received a permit to export the sculptures. Today the marbles are on display in the British Museum. However, Greece wants them to be returned to their original location.
Should museums return these antiquities Experts disagree. Malcolm Bell III says yes. Bell is a retired professor of art at the University of Virginia. He says, “Many antiquities and artworks have special cultural value for a particular community or nation. When these works are removed from their original cultural setting they lose their context and the culture loses a part of its history.”
According to Bell, a country’s request for the return of an antiquity “usually has a strong legal basis.” It “was exported illegally, and is now stolen property.” He called the return of antiquities “an expression of justice.”
James Cuno says not always. Cuno is president of an art museum in Los Angeles. He is also the author of the book Who Owns Antiquity Cuno agrees that museums have “a social and legal responsibility” to return illegally exported antiquities. However, he doesn’t support the return of legally acquired works.
“An area of land held today by a given nation-state likely belonged to a different political empire or kingdom in the past. Even if one wanted to reunite scattered works of art, where would one do so Which among the many countries, cities, and museums in possession of parts of a work of art should be the chosen ‘home’ of the reunited work ” Cuno believes that museums should collect art from the world’s diverse cultures. This should be done “through purchase or long-term loan and working in cooperation with museums and nations around the world.”
This debate is far from over. As a complex question with no easy answer, the issue requires more study.
31. The passage mainly discusses ________.
A. the return of antiquities
B. the sources of ancient objects
C. the cultural value of artworks
D. the responsibility of museums
32. For the case of the marbles, Greece and the UK mainly argue over ________.
A. the time of keeping them
B. the real country of origin
C. the identity of the exporter
D. the means of acquiring them
33. According to the passage, Cuno thinks ________.
A. artworks become valueless away from their culture
B. there is no clear answer to giving back antiquities
C. museums are responsible for reuniting works of art
D. the request for recovering artworks aims to promote justice
34. As to the debate, we can learn that ________.
A. the legality of antiquities seems a key factor
B. the opinions of experts are completely different
C. museums should look into the sources of antiquities they own
D. the return of antiquities is unlikely due to practical difficulties
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)
At a Loss for Words
Imagine a friend is heading out to face a difficult task. As a last word before they disappear, you want to encourage them. What might you say If you are speaking English, the likeliest choice is “good luck”.
If you stop to think about it, that is a little odd. Though you might indeed hope luck smiles on your friend, neither they nor you can do much about the probability. __35__ That is why the French, in this situation, say “bon courage”, not “good luck”.
English does not allow you to pair any old adjective with any old noun in a fixed expression. You may wish someone “good morning”, “good afternoon” or “good night”, but not “good weekend”. __36__ However, in other languages it is perfectly usual.
__37__ English-speakers wish each other a happy birthday, but speakers of many other languages say “congratulations” as if the birthday girl had done something impressive merely by surviving another year. The Dutch also say “gefeliciteerd” to members of the family, including the one who really deserves congratulating: the mother. This is close to obligatory,while it would come as a strange surprise in English.
It is natural to be critical of languages that lack expressions you consider essential. For instance, the Scandinavian languages lack a word for “please”, one of the first taught in other tongues because it softens what otherwise might be a rude-sounding request from a novice speaker. __38__They express this from “May I ask for ” in public to tacking on “so you are sweet” in a request to a friend or family member.
It is attractive to draw deep cultural conclusions from the presence of this or the absence of that in a language. __39__ For example, the English do say the typical French words bon voyage and bon appétit, and there’s no reason to stop there. Congratulate your mother-in-law on your wife’s birthday, and you can prepare for a delighted smile back. It may seem awkward or tricky at first but you can make it stick if you try. Bon courage!
A. Special occasions are another way in which languages differ.
B. It is natural to be critical of languages that lack expressions you think necessary.
C. What you really want to wish them is courage not fortune.
D. Having no English equivalent is annoying for those who are used to it.
E. You can say that phrase if you like, but your neighbour would look at you strangely.
F. But not having a word for something doesn’t mean you can’t coin one—or borrow it.
G. But they are not rude: they achieve the same end through other, longer formulations.
第一节(共4小题;第40、41题各2分,第42题3分,第43题5分, 共12分)
For millions of Facebook users, choosing which photo to use for an online profile is an important decision. According to a study by researchers at the UT Dallas Center, the photos we select may reflect individual preferences, but they also appear to reflect more deeply rooted, unconscious cultural differences. Previous research has shown that culture can affect not only language and custom, but also how we experience the world and process information. Western cultures, for example, condition people to think of themselves as highly independent entities (实体), whereas East Asian cultures stress collectivism and interdependence.
Dr. Denise Park, co-director of the Center at UT Dallas, and former graduate student Dr. Chih-Mao Huang of the University of Illinois, were curious about whether these patterns of cultural influence extend to cyberspace. In a paper published in the International Journal of Psychology, they examined the profile photographs of more than 500 active Facebook users from the United States and East Asia. Overall, they found that profile photos of Americans are more likely to focus on the individual’s face, while the profiles of East Asians tend to less emphasize the face and include more background features. Americans also show greater smile intensity compared to East Asian Facebook users.
The findings show marked cultural differences in the focus of attention among East Asian and American Facebook users. Moreover, they echo previous research on cultural influences on visual sense, attention, and reasoning in the offline world.
“We believe these findings relate to a cultural difference to be more individualistic and independent in the US and more communal and interdependent in Asia,” said Park.
The research also found that cultural influences over our self-presentation online can shift over time and from place to place. In one of the study samples, Americans studying in Japan and Japanese studying in the United States both showed a tendency to adjust their profile photos to the general preferences of their host country.
“Facebook constitutes an extended social context in which personal profiles mirror various individual characteristics, private thoughts, and social behaviors,” noted Huang. “As such, the study presents a new approach to investigate cognition and behaviors across cultures by using Facebook as a data collection platform.”
What may an online profile photo reflect
According to the research, how are American and East Asian Facebook users different in choosing their profile photos
Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
In one of the study samples, Americans studying in Japan showed a tendency to adjust their profile photos to the general preferences of America.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________43. Apart from cultural differences, what other factors might influence one’s choice of profile photo on social media And give some examples. (In about 40 words)
第二节 句子分析(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
44. Their letters reminded me of how, by reaching out with just a song or a bit of friendship, you can turn a very tense situation into a peaceful experience.
With it being decided that Yaya will come back home, this event raises the question of why giant pandas are so difficult to feed and breed.
Now, some countries claim that museums have a responsibility to return these antiquities to their original locations.
An area of land held today by a given nation-state in the past likely belonged to a different political empire or kingdom.
It is natural to be critical of languages that lack expressions you consider essential.
1. 你心中的中国特色文化简介;
2. 该特色文化的意义与影响。
注意:1. 词数不少于100;
2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Good morning, everyone!
Thanks for your listening!
1-5 DCCBD 6-10 CAABB
第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
A: 11-13 as/ because/ since / for historic with
B: 14-16 Inspired has become which
C: 17-20 its seconds impressive where
A: 21-23 DDB B: 24-26 CCB
C: 27-30 CCBD D: 31-34 ADBA
35-39 CEAGF
It may reflect individual preferences and more deeply rooted, unconscious cultural differences.
Facebook users in America are more likely to use profile photos that focus on their faces, while the photos of East Asians tend to less emphasize the face and include more background features. Americans also show greater smile intensity compared to East Asian Facebook users.
In one of the study samples, Americans studying in Japan showed a tendency to adjust their profile photos to the general preferences of America.
Americans studying in Japan showed a tendency to adjust their profile photos to the general preferences of their host country because the culture of their host country has an influence on their self-presentation online, which means they may show the preferences of Japan.
I think apart from cultural differences, ages, hobbies and jobs may affect choices of profile photos on social media. For example, if a person is retired and likes travelling, he may likes to choose the beautiful scenery as his profile photo to reflect his state of life.
第二节 句子分析(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
Their letters reminded me [of [how], [by reaching out with just a song or a bit of friendship,] you can turn a very tense situation [into a peaceful experience.]]
[With it being decided that Yaya will come back home], this event raises the question (of [why] giant pandas are to feed and breed.)
[Now], some countries claim that museums have a responsibility (to return these antiquities to their original locations).
An area of land (held today) [by a given nation-state][likely] belonged to a different political empire or kingdom [in the past].
It is to be critical of languages (that lack expressions (you consider essential.))



上一篇:智慧上进 2023一2024学年第一学期高二盟校期未考试试题语文答案
